Based, let's help get this fat unfunny dudebro cancelled before he even starts. Anyone got the archive link to all his podcasts?

He's the worst type, pretends to be le edgy anti PC guy but is constantly virtue signaling, hates Trump, has the face of a cop and is a mindless bro. Fuck him, fuck people who like him. Reminds me of the Barstool sports culture type of frat faggot

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Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

we like cops.


Bad bait. The dawg of dawgs will come out on top.

Most cops are 6'2+ former jocks who peaked in high school and now take roids and harass people going 60 in a 45 on an empty road or someone who had two drinks coming back from a bar

The only based cops are the ones who work in the inner cities and actually deal with crime/put their life on the line on a daily basis. Small town cops are scum of the earth


> If youre anti PC, you have to be a Zion Don Trumplestein supporter
Millenial culture warriors really are mentally ill.

>the dawg
>the bull

why are the fanbases of these dudebros so homoerotic

probably also why they love sports



He's a certain type of anti-PC

Basically the type that worships BBC, constantly virtures signals how cool black people are and is deeply misogynistic, but only towards white women

>I hate le sportsball
Stay obsessed, faggot. Also, it's the young bull.

>let's help
caring this much
yeah, that's a major yikes

Watching sports is as fucking bluepilled as playing video games

Playing sports is fine, watching as a cheerleading fan is fucking pathetic

Vox is fucking cancer.

Sure thing, buddy. If you change your mind you can still come hang out on Sunday. I'm making buffalo dip.

People on Vox's Facebook page responding to that article:

>He definitely needs to be studying Dave Chappel and learning from his shows.

>Yep. Let's ruin this poor guy on what should be the happiest day of his life..

>This is the problem with the intolerant left, it’s a joke that’s all. How is it OK to ruin this guy’s life because a few jokes?

Two people in a reply thread:
>So they lose Leslie Jones for this???
>and I already see a climb in the ratings.

>It's not pushing a boundary to use jokes that were popular in the 1950s.

>Nothing risky about reinforcing old bigotry

>Oh, I get it. Act a racist troll, get publicity, get paid for being famous and repeat. No actual talent needed

>So what. You see other race making jokes about white folks or white people.

>It's 2019!!!! You aren't allowed to make jokes about anything that might even remotely sound racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!................................................................................................................if you're white.

Found the dude still butthurt about his DUI.

Why are gays and blacks so fragile?

It all depends on the locality really; mostly they're not out to get you but if you get a bad culture there can be some real stupid faggots

>lets watch other men play sports and cheer for them

Found the bootlicker.

when you get arrested don't forget to use words you don't really understand to make yourself seem intelligent

problem is a lot of people that want to become cops have a boner for "fighting bad guys" and will twist anything to fit that so they can get their rush

he might be a faggot for trying to help vox, but he's right about watching sports.

I think it’s odd to simultaneously say it isn’t risky and then also try to get this dude fired or cancelled. If it weren’t risky, he wouldn’t be risking a cancelling.

Its middle class white people, mostly women but men also, who are offended on behalf of those people. It always is.

Chinks BTFO

>*sllluurrrrrp* mmm, sure love the taste of my thug police bull's semen. Cops will never bother me cuz I'm a good boi :O
A riveting point. Surely this is the finest reddit has to offer

this is pretty accurate. i lived in some shit town north of seattle called lynnwood for years. it was pretty chill until some dude from the lapd landed there and started hiring people that had been fired from the lapd for misconduct. 10 years or so ago one of my friends had his jaw broken on a take down for skateboarding at the alderwood mall. It got to the point where anyone I knew under 30 would avoid driving there at any cost.

you can find hours of him praising trump

Your misuse of virtue signaling is actually virtue signaling bro.

Damn the first time SNL
hires someone actually funny in years and who isn’t a complete SJW faggot and and the woke fun police are doing everything in their power to get him fired before he even debuts on the show.

can they bring the fucking podcast back? i just found it and all the episodes are gone.

>he virtue signals and that's bad. I'm good and I only really mean what I say despite only saying it online anonymously like a pussy

Rightists were a mistake

white women are the worst people on earth

Check out how the snl reddit is reacting to this guy I’ve never seen such a sea of oversensitive faggots in my life. To think this was once a show watched by Norm fans, of Norm was still alive he’d be spinning in his grave with what the shows become

Norm fans are all autistic losers who parrot his shit like retards

What the H????

that is fans of literally every comedian

bring back the fucking podcast holy shit this is so gay

>Still watching/giving a shit about SNL

>giving a fuck about SNL in the year of our Lord 2011+8


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He's made fun of barstool faggots on multiple occasions. He's more like a libertarian that likes football and God

>Ladies and germs, please welcome the latest addition to the SNL crew

Attached: nick-mullen__78427.jpg (1201x1201, 1.28M)

They already tried this with /ourgirl/ melissa and she's doing better than ever.

Attached: melissa-v-snl.jpg (1825x1217, 1.82M)

As soon as I heard he was funny I knew SNL would make him apologize.

Twitter would have a fuckin meltdown. Though I gotta admit, nick is a lot funnier than shane and pulls off the racist thing better because of that. But he'd never do it, guy makes at least 24k per month from patreon alone

No one cares Shane


She is the best, so funny in Crashing


He wouldn't want to do it. He's all about least amount of work possible.

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based Supa

His asian jokes were pretty funny and spot on. Do asians really think they DONT sound like that? I dont understand?

nobody remembers the lonely island

not going snl reddit without aids-proof goggles

Dilate and then kill yourself, faggot.

nick is funny on his own podcast

he has never once been funny on anybody else's

Why won’t they accept Shranes aporogy???

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You sound insecure pal. And yes, virtue signalling is bad because it gives weak, retarded people like you power over normal people. Fuck you.

Of course they do, every second generation Asian person I've talked to is deeply insecure about how their family sounds. They literally project this insecurity onto whites constantly and make it our fault somehow.

Being online means that all pretensions about maintaining the "right views" to be awarded social capital go away. It is unironically a good thing that online discourse has completely upended the fake bourgeois left.

They deleted their Patreon eps too. Kinda sucks because I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who subscribed yesterday

this guy is a real jerk

Apologizing is pointless there’s no reasoning with insane SJW mobs

he was funny on grubstakers

what? they did? I literally subbed yesterday

But I'm not virtue signaling and you are.

Awful lot of dindus in this thread.

Yeah now it says they have 0 creations. I think it automatically stops payments if that happens

No norms are worse because they pretend like you need to be smart to "get it"

today's pig is tomorrow's bacon. everybody loves bacon.

No it's not. That's just a narrative. Look at the people outraged on social media and the people writing articles and you'll find that they're almost always Jewish or POC or (to a lesser degree) white women.

>dude I was only speeding why driving under the influence
>fuck that butthurt cop for pulling me over

Not your personal army, fuck off.

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>N-n-no you
Fuck off from wherever you cam from and chat with your gentlesirs on reddit. Pissant

I love cops. I call them to pick up drunk niggers

he's right tho.

the eps are still on my podcast app, for now


It actually depends on the cop what they see. Some dude that is a screw up is gonna be stuck on traffic duty his entire career. Also stay butthurt.

"My family continues to be the most diverse family. All the fucking shittiest races combined, Irish, Italian, Arab, Black. We just need some hispanics and we are rollin dude. Every race the planet hates all in one house."

I can't wait until they discover the episode of RAP he was on where they took turns "raping" some podcasters girlfriend.

Would make their brains melt. I fucking cant stand normals. I seriously dont understand how they cant grasp the fact that Shaner was joking

>tfw I have arab cousins and 2/5 of their children are black
wild shit
Shane issues new apology to the Asian community

If Shane actually apologizes, imagine what that will do for his career. He may as well just steer into the free speech/funny is funny argument because one backtrack and his actual fans will write him off.

That VOX article is hilarious in that it posted a clip of Matt making fun of complainers who drive home that whole bullshit "racism = power + whatever" argument and here's an article doing just that. Spot on, fellas.

Go to reddit, fag

>If Shane actually apologizes
I got bad news man^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
When’s Will Ferrell gonna apologize for this snl skit???

Lol he seemed like he enjoyed saying niggaaaa a little too much like he really put the OOMMPF! On cuz he knew he’d prolly never get another opportunity to say it again on national tv, what white man would pass up a chance like that??? God I wish I hate an unlimited n word pass like Chevy chase got from Richard Pryor in the 70s (true story)


The read I'm getting is most of these people missed the fact that Shane was doing a satirical bit in character as a guy from the past when he said the word "chink" The way that snippet is clipped on twitter makes it easy to miss and everyone seems to think that was Shane casually offering his opinion.

(Discussing how Chinatown was initially formed in the city)
I wonder how that got started, they just built 1 fucked up looking building and people were like
>switch to in character satire
"Alright nobody said anything"
-"Let the Chinks live there
>end of bit

You can whine about the chinese accent impression and "nooders" bit being lazy and old hat but cmon libtards "chink" doesn't carry the taboo that 'nigger' does especially in context the word is satirizing the people who used it.

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That wasnt a no u. I was correctly pointing out you're retarded.



In the first paytch ep Shane says Crazy Rich Asians should have been called Just Chinks. They could have found a ton more worse shit if the old eps hadn't been deleted. But I agree chink is barely a slur.

hehe well shit, I don't really mind moving the goal post on this argument anyways - I've just only seen the Seth Simons viral tweet. Do you know what the homophobic allegations are?

Love that sweater

It's the same thing to them. They say using any racial slur is normalizing hatred and racism even if it's done in comedy. They're all faggots.

Shane rules

Shane and Matt say faggot all the time, I couldn't name a specific example

to all our enemies, SUCK OUR DICKS!!

Fire that gay little Chink and hire Matt instead. I watched some of his stand up and it was awful. Is that really what these people think is funny?

Why is it I never see this "backlash" whenever something like this happen?

>I can't wait until they discover the episode of RAP he was on where they took turns "raping" some podcasters girlfriend.

Hi there! I'm from Buzzfeed and am very interested in seeing this, do you have a link? Thanks!

Matt's prank call on one of the first few where he's asking the grocery store if they have "gruten free" products is so funny.

Is everyone at Vox a gay Mexican?

I don't like Shane's standup either. Rogan trailblazed for comedians whos standup sucks but who can have hilarious conversations, or even tweets.

I hope Matt still does a podcast. I like listening to him talk a lot.

Him + Billy and Spud and I'd listen all day long

They're the greatest. But all the guests that Matt's real close too are always great.

List of comedians who are real ass dudes:
Luis J Gomez
Nick Mullen
Joe DeRosa
Anthony Jeselnik
Tim Dillon
Big Jay Oakerson
Dan Soder
Ari Shaffir
Corrine Fisher

List of comedians who are fucking gayer than ISIS:
Chris Gethard
Patton Oswalt
Paul F. Tompkins

Feel free to add to the list.

lmao fucking nerd, get a life you loser and stop being jealous of people better than you

Shanes standup on the net sucks and is rather sanitized, but he fucking kills a room when youre in the audience live

now THIS is baitposting

>and is deeply misogynistic, but only towards white women
Can't blame him t b h

>Do you know what the homophobic allegations are?
He said Chris Gethard was "gayer than ISIS"

Im not a drumpfie, but jesus the left really can’t meme.

Why are all the news articles acting like these guys weren't funny when they made the racist jokes. Just because a joke is racist doesn't mean that its not funny. Podcast was pretty good.

because asians are the most oppressed people in america retard

>watching as a cheerleading fan is fucking pathetic
this but 100% unironically
>muh favorite based black man catch a ball good!!
>now he run good too!!
>let’s go take showers together!!!

haha you have to bribe people with food to get them to hang out with you

lmao watching sports is something people have done for entertainment forever

I agree. Grown men following sports like they do is pathetic. Those same guys will roll their eyes at women who are obsessed with clothes or celebrities. It's the same shit with a different coat of paint. Granted, all of this shit around us is just time-killing in between sleep, work, eating, shitting, and blowing loads, but come on guys, get a fucking hobby that matters or maybe go outside and play a sport yourself you beerbellied goofball.

this user knows what’s up

So he's a cuck like the rest of yous? No wonder you incels like him so much.

>about least amount of work possible
expert level analysis my friend



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This post looks like such an obvious leftist falseflag that I'm wondering if it's actually /pol/ pretending to be a lefty pretending to be a regular Yea Forums poster

"Can we end his career" lol good luck. Those gooklets have never ended anything, they desperately piggy back onto black cry baby groups and if anything is accomplished they pretend they had anything to do with it. Imagine being that pathetic.


I'm literally listening to his podcast right now and they are making fun of barstool people you fucking kike rat

Who doesnt like a dude thats a bro?

Here's a bunch of Real Ass Podcast episodes he was the main guest on.

He was unable to scrub these off the internet since it's not his show.

>3rd Annual Assie Awards

>Aunt Tom

>Boat Weapon

>Captain's Captain

>Christmas Spectacular

>Goat for It

>King Tut-Tut

>Random's World

>Ransom for Guys

>Self Loafing

>The Shane Gillis Power Hour

>Time Is... Money

>Waterhead Cumbutt

Someone needs to rip all of these and distribute to VOX, Buzzfeed etc and expose what even more vile shit this unfunny dudebro has spewed.

Which one includes him doing the aforementioned rape roleplay?

Link? Sounds based

you must not spend much time on twitter. that is where it happens, and that is the ONLY place where it happens. no one else cares

but they also hate other women even more too

Ngl I'm loving people find out that Shane Gillis is racist on a national scale. I deliberately avoid going to shows he's on around Philly. I'll put money down that he's out before the season is even over and then pivots to a Steven Crowder esque career.

I have twitter, but I haven't seen shit about this. I see Eddie Money died, though.

Out before the season's over? He won't take the stage once. Lorne will cave.

It's all so tiresome.

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You sound like you suffer from an extreme case of being a gay faggot

Can someone make the "BOO THIS MAN" quote from Half Baked except the text says "CANCEL THIS MAN"? Asking for a friend.

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It's so odd that these type of people browse Yea Forums now
I mean it's obvious considering how shit Yea Forums has become in the past few years, but still

Not your personal army, kike

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You're a lowlife.

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Never thought I'd see the day where a sampling of Twitter responses would be used in a Yea Forums post

He literally says "I hate chinks" in this and now I'm listening to it where the hosts are saying they both want to fuck the female guest really bad...creepy as hell really. These guys are more depraved than negros

>The only based cops are the ones who work in the inner cities and actually deal with crime/put their life on the line on a daily basis. Small town cops are scum of the earth

this is the truth.

it was a pretty weird hire in the first place. Just give Soder a shot you morons.

Hey it’s not all bad... at least SNL will still have the hilarious comedy of Pete “9/11 Boy” Davidson

you're wrong about him being funny, he isn't. he doesnt have jokes, his stand up is telling stories and he is insanely bad at telling a story. i appreciate him not being scared to be not-pc, i guess, but dont confuse that with him actually being an entertaining funny person. i havnt watched snl in 15 years and dont give a fuck really, but i agree he shouldnt be hired, because he sucks at comedy, and i hate seeing talentless hacks hit the big time and start making lots of money they dont deserve

They're still going to have him on. Media Jews can see how the market for 'woke' comedy is drying up and the masses crave for more Chappelle. Outrage is good for business.

>hates Trump
Are there people who like Trump?


Is this guy actually funny? Being offensive doesn’t automatically mean you’re funny

What's an insufferable fucking podcast, really unlikable, vile unfunny guys.

This coming from someone who likes plenty of mean-spirited shock jock shit (Howard Stern, MDE), this is just unfunny.

Yes, I know Jews like Trump, but I specifically said "people."

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>Most cops are 6'2+ former jocks
have you ever left your house? like, ever?

Bitter Philly open-mic frequenters

> Live from NewYork, it's Saturday Night!

City full of leftwing unters with a chance to get tickets and protest against your show on live tv. This could be fun.

If he was black they’d try to let it blow over in a few days but because we live in the age of WHITE MAN BAD! This guy is fucked his career is over now the sjw’s always win

he sucks. he takes so long to tell his "stories" that you literally want to smack him in the face. he constantly interrupts himself to say something less funny than the story he is telling and it's fucking annoying. im all for comedians not being censored and being able to say anything, but this guy needs to be censored from saying anything ever, honestly he should just die

Nah he makes about 3-4k a month from his podcast and clears 10k a week or two after doing club shows. Hel be fine either way

Gooks seething and I love it

>How do you do fellow conservatives. I really like “shock jock humor” like that hilarious (((Howard Stern))), and MDE (I think ive seen some right wingers say they were funny on here before). But let me tell you. I just don’t think this guy is very funny. Why punch down? That is not what comedy should be about. Amirite fellow conservatives?

alright this has me convinced, im going to do it. you canbe the most boring person ever but just say racial slurs sometimes and you'll nab a large enough audience to make a living. just gotta be persistent. inspiring stuff

did you quote me by mistake?

Unironically this, they protect me from niggers

>tfw im a LEO for the state of washington sitting on the side of the road shitposting
i wont even pull you over unless you are crazy speeding, just try to keep it 15 mph or less over the limit, unless you are keeping up with other traffic

How would you know this, Sean- ehem, user

Obey the law you stupid faggot, try not speeding, inb4 someone calls me a bootlicker for attempting to follow laws, you know, laws and order the things that keep us from being somalia or any ither number of nonwhite shitholes

yea we blacks sure are fragile meanwhile whities are shooting up schools and stores because they cant get laid.


Attached: 1518815895729.png (800x900, 173K)

>going 46MPH in a 45
>get pulled over


It’s not hard to deduce you fucking loser. Patreon has 2k and some change subscribers. I am actually a fan and listen to the podcast I’ve heard them talk about making money from comedy gigs. Go back to your Twitter sewer and try to ruin some more people’s lives

lol. white people are big time the most sensitive. cmon, if someone said something racist to you while you were at a party you'd be pulling up wikipedia pages and stuttering in anger

What do you like about him? What makes him funny to you?

you are a faggot and not a real ass dude

SNL skewed too far to the left and viewership started dropping.
So they hired a comedian on the right, and staged this "scandal"
They should try to be less obvious next time.

LEO here again, we arent allowed to pull anyone over unless you are going 4 mph over the limit, and even at that, you probably wont get pulled over unless you are being an aggressive asshole driver

Eat shit loser


So we've gone from bitching about get pulled over doing 60 in a 45 zone, to bitching about going 46mph when the speed limit is 45.

I wonder which one of these actually happens.
>inb4 totally real anecdotal story about how this one time...


>he isn't funny
so that's a fact now because you said it is or...?

This barely happens

>i'm all for comedians not being censored unless i personally don't like them
utter retard

>hey, this sean guy sucks, he isnt funny, that makes him a terrible comedian

why are these teenage "right-wing" non-pc loving people so damn cringey. literally as annoying as the radical sjws


fuck off you anti-social shut in retard bootlicking FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!

Literally a bootlicker.


have you ever driven home after a long day of work? have you ever had to drive while with a cold? have you ever driven while with a passenger that talked to you? have you listened to music while driving? if so, fuck you

ooga booga

if you blow a .08 or greater, yes you should be arrested for driving. its scientifically proven your reaction time is greatly reduced. but i forget, you dont believe in science, the earth is flat, its not heating up at all, and vaccines are bad

>mfw all these people who use the term bootlickers are the ones who start crying the moment you pull them over, and bawling about how bad their day/week has been
so easy to spot, just drive the speed limit, its not that hard

He's an idiot for having accepted the job. Of course this would happen. They just kicked a popular black man off from hosting the Oscars because of things he had said years ago, so what acceptance was a white nobody going to get?
This is what we have to do to the Stasis. When Lorne Michaels says you're hired, you have to say "no, I'm not." When he starts to talk about SNL you have to say "there is no such thing." If they want to burn pop culture down, then good, let it all burn, and let people see the ashes and understand what happened. Stop pretending that any of this is normal. This is like the distributed prostitute in the bible: you need to stop acting like this is normal.

He actually lucked out. SNL is career death unless you're a writer.

i was being facetious you autist. yeah im pissed i wasted 3 hours of my life giving this guy a chance, i wish he was interesting or funny, but he is not, the world would be better if he fucking died and made no more content lel

It is not "scientifically proven." People who don't know what phronesis is or how statistics work don't get to be the high priesthood of unquestionable sy-enz.

Im not right wing at all lmao im actually pretty fucking socialist and I love Matt and Shanes Secret Podcast. Sucks that you have zero sense of humor.

> Fired from New York! It's Saturday night!

ah yes, the argument "no its not". good luck arguing that in front of the judge

We should put a breathalyzer in all cars in America I say, if you have 2 beers in a hour (which is highly irresponsible) and plan on driving a motor vehicle you should be going to jail that night, full stop.

How are you going to be in front of a judge if nothing happened?

the LoS episode with the prison rape poem is hilarious

>imagine not being able to protect yourself

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listen friend, people that walk to their car and pull out dont get pulled over. but you, and i mean YOU since this obviously happened, stagger out, take 4 trys to get your key in the door, and drive off the curb into the street, that is why you get pulled over. not because some cop is on a power trip. you were in the wrong, but instead of owning up to it, you rather cry on the internet like a fucking baby about it and how you were so wronged. no one believes you, no one cares, you fucked up, deal with it

Why 4mph and not 5?

>No it's not. That's just a narrative.
lol ok buddy

Dear kid who knows no history, has never driven a car, and has never had a drink:
In France they don't have US style wheel locks, such as you might see in an American city preventing the escape of an improperly parked car. They tried to implement them but the French people would pour superglue into the lock nechanism, forcing the destruction of the unit.
If your answer to anything is totalitarianism, then you belong at the bottom of a lake.

Kill yourself cum sucker

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Have sex

no idea, thats just what whoever makes the rules decided. for the last few years it was 3, but in 2019 it was changed to 4

>people that walk to their car and pull out dont get pulled over.


There are "DUI Hotspots" (aka right across from bar parking lots) that cops will hang out near and they will look for any minor infraction (headlight out, 5 miles over speedlimit, "crossed over the line") as an excuse to pull you over. If a cop follows you for 5 min, they will find a reason to pull you over.

Not to mention, even if you got in your car, decided not to drive and took a nap, you would be arrested for DUI since just sitting in your car while over the limit is a DUI and happens many times.

Think you're sober? Do this test: have a drink. Now fire up your video game console of choice, and play a round of your favorite driving game. Grand Theft Auto, Burnout, hell, even Mario Kart. How'd you do? Horribly, right? Having seen that, still think it's a good idea to get behind the wheel with even one drink in you?

He didn't say anything wrong tho

or you're me, a black man driving a porsche

firstly, you are admitting to doing things that are against the law, but think you should be free to do. second, if you go to the bar, then you should make sure you drive the speed limit, and dont cross the lines, as you already know the cops are watching you. and i dont know what state you are in, but if you sit in the passenger seat and do not have the key in the ignition, you cant be arrested for dui

That guy was a real dick. It's human nature to increase speed in increments of 5, especially since all speed limits are divisible by 5. People are either driving 50 in a 45 or 55.

>be cop in portland
>pull black person over in the villa (really poor neighborhood with lots of crime) for driving suspiciously in a mercedes at 3am
>guy gives me shit about how i racially profiled him, and how hes going to get me fired
>turns out car was stolen, he had a warrent for assault, and had meth on his person
if you are innocent and black, my only advice is to not chimp out when you get pulled over. i know it sucks, but you are going to get pulled over, a lot, theres no changing it. but chimping out does not help you at all

The one where he got the dude to seriously consider coming over to kill his dog for an 03 Corolla was an all-timer

well have you accused anyone who doesnt think this shane guy is funny is an sjw tranny faggot who needs to go back to twitter to ruin the lives of people who said something risque once, and that they need to go back to their blacked porn and suck hilary clintons clit? if not, im not talking about you

lots of officers agree, i know most of my fellow state patrol guys wont pull you over for 5 over unless you are aggressively driving. and the end of the month pull over quota thing is a myth. we get bitched at no matter how many tickets we give, its never enough money coming in

most cops are manlets these days, or women

black people are always crying on twitter

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cringe and bluepilled

>but if you sit in the passenger seat and do not have the key in the ignition, you cant be arrested for dui


As long as the keys are anywhere near you and you're in the car, main or passenger seat, you can be arrested for DUI and there are many such cases (see: Google)

Learn the law

>there are chinks and pajeets constantly spamming blacked because there aren't any pornos featuring big dicked asians(lol) fucking white women
If they had any sense of self awareness that would be incredibly demoralizing to them.

and white people are always crying on twitter and Yea Forums

>don't you guys hate sjws?
>we should act exactly like them!
Fuck off, OP.

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>doesn't know what MSG is
Why are americans so dumb when it comes to food?

I don't really count Americans as white

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all of these people should be arrested. if you drive for more than 6 hours straight you have to stop and take a nap for atleast 2 hours and drink coffee and do stretches and brainpuzzles before you start driving again. if two beers is over the limit, all of these should put you over the "limit" too

this post is prime sjw logic, the same reason shane gillis will get fired from snl

>shock jock



Do you know how this website works or nah? That wasn’t me you stupid chink

you quoted my post, so i responded to it with a yes or no question so you could clear the air. i didnt accuse YOU of anything you white trash retard

I just checked out all three added cast members and the white guy is the closest one to being funny. Of course he's the one getting cancelled.

i try to keep track of comedians, i love comedy, why has no one even remotely as good as mitch hedberg come out in the past 15 years?
luis gomez is fantastic btw, shane gillis FUCKING SUCKS. it is obvious shane has been on Yea Forums for the past 3 days defending himself lel

What does "driving suspiciously" entail?

Ive met shane and seen him perform live at shows and at open mics. If you actually think hes terrible and luis j gomez is better you are straight up dumb

>eating a chemical that is known to put holes in your brain

I had msg once and felt like worms were eating my brains. I will never fuck with that shit ever again. Fuck off chinaman shill and your poison pedaling.

>b-b-but msg is fine white boy, don't be a bigot eat my poison

Fuck off faggo

okay so youre biased (and want to suck your bulls dick, right?)

shane gillis, long winded rambling, incoherent stories that over stay their welcome, college party/bar tier conversations where he interrupts himself constantly. has to live vicariously through his dad to be funny

luis gomez, concise, to the point and with actual jokes, likes to throw in a twist sometimes. good comedic timing. is an actually interesting conversationalist, and can provide a better angle on things as he isnt a rich kid with yes men around him all day.

Donate to the Cumtown Patreon. Donate to the Matt & Shane Patreon.

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Lmao “clear the air” you twitter faggot

just need to pay the man, the myth, the legend. LUIS J GOMEZ

Yes I am biased because Ive seen Shane do well and kill in a crowd - I've seen him perform. He rambles on podcasts - as does every single other comedy podcaster
Gomez hinges a majority of his act and popularity on race and is allowed to do it because he's a murky brown color. Good for him but it doesn't mean he has actual good jokes. I'm talking about standup here, whatever people do for two hours a week to grift a couple thousand out of their audiences on Patreon is not interesting to me

Larry the Cable Guy also can "kill a crowd", no one cares about the retard hicks in Philly bars he's making laugh

alright so you are exactly what i was talking about, seeing how you quoted my post that wasnt directed at you and acted personally offended and now this this. youre the type of person who has ruined comedy, quite being such a soft bitch

> a clip from Gillis’s "Matt and Shane’s Secret Podcast" was uncovered by freelance comedy reporter Seth Simons.

> freelance comedy reporter...

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go to bed shane, if your buddy luis knew you were saying this on Yea Forums he'd probably be sad for awhile y'know?

Fuck cops, worthless pigs

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>lmao police totally dont function as a detterent to crime lol just live in a mad max world and shoot everyone who fucks with you

You sound like a nigger. If i had to choose between a bootheel world and complete total anarchy, i know which id choose. The united states looks a lot better than somalia to me, but you're free to move there if you hate boots so much :)

>inner cities and actually deal with crime/put their life on the line on a daily basis. Small town cops are scum of the earth
>t.has never dealt with methheads and hillbillies

They're really hot though. Only behind half black half white girls.

Yeah people should only pay attention to those kings of comedy in the enlightened places, like LA. There is no counter to the Larry The Cable Guy Argument that is used by every middlebrow douche like you - he's not allowed to do well anywhere because the audience is stupid. He can only do well in front of those enlightened new york crowds? idiot

Why cant hapas take bantz?

Fuck yu

you have bad taste


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it's in most of your food i hate to break it to you

"you think child porn has plots and stuff?"

"what like little sausage pizza?"

just stop breaking the law lol

Science, ladies and gentlemen. Forget every single time you drove safely on alcohol, medicine, exhaustion or bad weather. Mario Kart is science.

I remember there was an LoS episode with both Luis and Jay out, so it was Dave Smith, Anthony Cumia, Nick Mullen, and some redheaded guy with a beard. It was way better than a normal LoS episode.

havng more than one comedian on something can make shit unbearable

Bad post. Mitch hedberg is godtier, you you need a good beating for saying otherwise

I only follow sports when someone from my country is doing really well. There's only two million of us so someone being one of or even the best in the world at something peaks my interest. I don't bother after their season ends though.

>you're wrong about him being funny
Comedy is subjective you retarded faggot.

I mean, there are people who legitimately can't (women, children, the disabled, the elderly, etc.) Are you insinuating that if you can't protect yourself, you don't deserve protection? What would be the incentive to live in a society where a stronger guy could just roll you over in no time?

he's fine, the world has moved on old man

Are you Slovenian or Latvian by chance?

I don't disagree, but terrible example. This guy writes like an autistic fag.

But sitting around cheering for a bunch of low IQ blacks (that likely hate your white guts) who probably moved from somewhere else, eating wings & drinking estrogen laced hop beer is about the biggest douche move on the planet. I always laugh at dudes that try to engage me in sports & know right away they're pansy fags.

The pro stadiums they build are a tax payer burden, and the college ones divert funds away from actual learning (the purpose of college). Its all a sham.

Not him but what does that have to do with anything? Comedy being subjective is an opinion held by most people. They'll hypocritically break that opinion if something offends them, but if you were to simply ask someone if they think comedy is subjective they'd almost certainly say yes.

I remember having to walk back home once from a train station because no taxis were available. It was late and the roads weren't very well lit.
A cop stopped me to ask where I was going and gave me a ride back.
Small town cops can be nice.

I'm murican

Reminder that Asians generally make the most money in America and can be openly racist towards whites (like asking for the death of them) like picrelated and still be protected by their employer, the New York Times.

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i love driving drunk too, user

Why do white people cope out and target east asian for their racist jokes? I want to see someone with the balls say "whenever I go near black people, heh 'people', well I don't go near blacks because they're not people." Instead we get cop out racism like "lol asians cant drive" or "asians ching chong." Copouts are the worse than racists. Literally have no stem in their bone.

The best part of it all is she is dating a white man.

Maybe he really had a problem with them.

lol you didnt listen to the pod, all were fair game

Timestamp for "niggers" and "kikes"

im chinese and girlfriend is japanese both of us found this clip on the article funny, not sure what the fuck is wrong with people

bet even the FOB asians dont give two fucks

>You gotta check your black comedy boxes.
Chappelle recently earned admission to the real ass dudes club. Also Hannibal should be on there. WhiteWife Kamau Bell is soft as baby shit.

speak for yourself I got arrested by the police (read: authorities, kakhi suited) once a long time ago aroud 2013 literally just because I was exclusively walking by myself whilst whistling furthermore talking (yes?) nothing more than that is enough to be INCARCERATED FOR FOUR YEARS can you imagine the amount of protopryons, viruses, overall radioactive substances I got subjected to just for staying there? Yes? Repeat it if you have to, oxygen is free even if you're in a cage but at what price? Bye.

>lol asians cant drive
They really can't though. There is 500,000 hours of proof on liveleak.

this is why dota is the superior sport
it's the 21st century chess

>bet even the FOB asians dont give two fucks
Of course they don't
It's always hilarious when American-Asians group themselves together, all Asians uniting together, when in Asia they all hate each other more than anyone else
Just go to /int/ and look at the Japan vs Korea threads

I can understand why some chinks are pissed, I have the same reaction when I see people doing impressions of southern whites. It's really hacky shit.

>Cops will never bother me cuz I'm a good boi
its funny because that's how it works for normal people
back to the slum, nigger, those drugs wont sell themselves.

post more crazy shit pls

mitch hedberg is great but you must be braindead retarded to think luis j gomez has said anything funny on mic

>The only based cops are the ones who work in the inner cities
Others are just working for a quota.

meant to quote this guy

Not your personal army you fucking faggot

Yes, I'm slovenian. I'm guessing there are only two countries with about 2 million inhabitants?

Slovenia is based, I go there at least once a year


are you sure those are his preferred pronouns

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Did you take your meds?

This is the gayest post in Yea Forums right now.

Leftypol shill thread, eh?

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okay based. and yeah, there arent that many around 2mil, i post on /int/ and Yea Forums alot and dont see you guys too often. i like some slovenian metal bands. a lot. so i keep you guys close to my heart. just wanted to say that real quick

The fact that he is a wh**e """"man"""" should have already been disqualifying enough

Reminder that no matter how much you hate double standards, two wrongs will never make a right.

>liberate Yea Forums
ahahah leftists truly are pathetic subhumans lmao

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>or someone who had two drinks coming back from a bar

And shows he is vastly over the legal limit by driving and acting like a retard

Lmao you fucking sheep.

but so are the impressionable brainwashed right. radicalized by the internet lel

>oxygen is free even if you're in a cage but at what price

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>a satirical bit in character as a guy from the past
Good lord this is the worst cope yet.

How exactly are we brainwashed by fighting FOR our own interests?

Leftypol literally supports MAO for fuck sakes.

MSG occurs naturally in almost every food you eat. You ate it today. You are a fucking retard.

you're thinking of regular glutamate, not the monosodium variety

I'm not leftypol because I'm not a faggot but Mao was based

>MSG occurs naturally in almost every food you eat.
in extremely small amounts, not massive amounts humans were never designed to process

>mao was based
lmao yeah dude
>killing millions of your own people by starving them to death is based
>causing massive ecological disasters because you're literally a fucking retard is based
Why don't you just kill yourself?

t. doesn't even own a driver's license

Isn't it funny how minorities & women (by Jew enablers) can say anything at all about whites with zero repercussions but not the other way around?

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>that is known to put holes in your brain
Are you my grandma? Get off the face book.

the sparrow thing was very stupid and he's destroyed countless great works of art which we'll never be able to see and appreciate but he effectively saved China

Damn that's disgusting.

>p-please stop, no more jokes on lefties, please stop, I SAID STOP PLEASE IM NOT A LEFTY BUT THIS IS TOO MUCH STOP SOPT STPOOOOOP

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>but he effectively saved China
No he didn't, he destroyed China.
If the nationalists took over, China would have ended up like how Taiwan is today.
Economic production would have increased and living standards would be as high as Taiwan is today.

and they wouldn't have had to torture and kill all of those people

idk what leftypol is, but progressives are generally fighting for everyones interests.

Indians make the most money by far, but East Asians are better placed to culturally and instititionally dominate society.

>guy makes at least 24k per month from patreon alone
According to Celebrity Net Worth, during their first year, cast members make $7,000 per episode. Since there are 21 episodes a season that comes out to a salary of $147,000. In their second year, a cast member's pay is increased to $8,000 per episode or $168,000 per season.

Kevin Hart's a fag just for apologizing to fags

Ha ha ha ha, die in a fire.

>but progressives are generally fighting for everyones interests.

How is stealing the purchasing power of my wages and savings fighting for my interests?
How is importing third worlders that increase crime and increase social disharmony fighting for my interests?

If SNL wants to avoid this controversy they just need to also add Matt. His black wife shields him from all accusations of racism

they get endless hate and shit for it. but white people talking shit about white isnt that big of a deal irl, and non white people talking shit about whites IS frowned upon, but what is the damage? white people control the earth, we live life on easy mode for the most part so no one cares, if it had any impact in real life we would. youre just a soft little bitch who gets offended too easily. you probably read/hear the word nigger 800 times a day and dont even realize it. twitter doesnt matter btw, the same way Yea Forums doesnt.

>monkey noises

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Maybe this is a problem with white people's idea of "bantz", and not the other way around?
Maybe white people should stop insulting everyone like it's one big joke, and then getting surprised when those people get upset at them.
Maybe white people should defend their own race from slurs more often, so they get taken seriously.