Films for this feel?
Films for this feel?
Following the production of prometheus for one year vs watching it when it finally releases
dog I fucking hate dogs. shitbulls or not
like what happened to my wife.
Smart doggo :D
chill mohamad
Where did this meme come from? I have a dog and I’m a Muzzie.
my dog loves vegetables
Why does it make him angry?
Luv me staffie
lol the only thing muslims do right and you get it wrong. your religion is based as fuck on the dog question
Same with my old dog, the one food that he was scared of was popped popcorn. He was a weird fucker sometimes but I miss him alot
He remembers
Disgusting, neck yourself. Dogs are patrician and the only people that hate them are niggers, chinks, dune Coons, and people attacked by shitbulls
goodbye, human.
Islam doesn’t forbid dogs. Islam just wants you to chill with them. Don’t fucking kiss or lick or do any white people shit with them. It’s a healthy medium.
Don’t beat or mistreat your dogs like blacks.
Don’t coddle and treat them like your children like whites.
she loves popcorn too, hates spinach though
le goodest boi doggo thread :3 le doggo pupper
hehe he le post le doggo le woffer xd
ur rite i mus like kittt le cade
heheh le kitter ee mod babysat invisibro/swaglord abib beam redwood sange ledoggo woffer lenpupper doggo thread!!
lle dogggo thrad xd yayya le cute doggo le woofer doggo pupper nthread xd dddd pupper woofer el doggo :333 babysat my mod hehehhe pupper woofer le reddit woofer pupper :)) then el litt le kitter n le snek come :))) le woofer n kitty le qt n comfy le woofer n kitty n cato go snuggl with le snek ;))
xd pupper n doggggis
kittyern snek they fo comy
le kitter n snek go boop xd le kitty n cato le friskers xd
kitty go meow n woofer go woof
E :)
EL DOGGO WOOFER THREAD? :3 ? YOUUUUU> gONN babYSIT LE goodedt woofer puppo dogger
Its worth it, doggo.
The Dog and chocolate thing is a myth. My dog has chocolate all the time and is fine, he loves the stuff.
>it isnt a newborn child
Poor doggo
>dogs are dirty shitbeasts which belong outside
eh good enough for me
enjoy piss stained elevators, shit stained parks and packs of feral shitbeasts to maul your children
Alternatively, first time reactions to the Phantom Menance
Cocoa kills dogs, which is why milk chocolate makes them sick, dark chocolate kills them and white chocolate does exactly fuck all
omg i would never do that to my little fur baby
These people are confirmed for not actually owning a dog.
It is NOT haraam to own a dog, though it is not hygienic to keep a dog in the house.
2. It is NOT haraam to touch a dog or any other animal. If the saliva of a dog touches you or any part of your clothing, then it is required of you to wash the body part touched and the item of clothing touched by the dog’s mouth or snout.
3. It is incumbent upon all Muslims who own animals, whether for farming or work purposes or as pets, to provide adequate shelter, food, water, and, when needed, veterinary care for their animals. Arrangements must be made, if one is going to be away from home, to have one’s animals taken care of as well.
4. It is haraam to keep a dog or any other animal on a short lead for long periods without food, water, and shelter. Dogs need exercise and are social creatures who form organized “family” structures in nature. Dog owners therefore need to spend time daily with their dogs.
5. It is cruel, and therefore haraam, to keep any animal in a cage so small that it cannot behave in a natural way.
Dogs are scared of lamb meat for some reason
I dont think a single dog died by eating chocolate
Yea Forums is anti-shitbull but pro-doggo
My dog loves lamb. His fuckin kibble is based on lamb for fucks sake. Why are you anons talking out of your ass?
Cast them
fuck dogs
buy poisoned dog treats online and carry them with you when you're out. throw them over owners fences
He’s smiling :)
Speak for yourself, dogfucker.
That wouldn't do a thing
My Jack Russell ate an entire box of gift chocolates at Christmas and had nothing more than the shits
This is correct.
t. the only other muslim on Yea Forums.
I was at Walmart and in the freezer section, bottom shelf, they have "doggie ice cream" "it's safe for dogs!" and it's more expensive than some name brand ice cream, and there's such a small amount.
dog owners are stupid, I need to get in on this racket.
damn I thought you guys were based
but I guess you're still doing better than dogfuckers in us and europe
The Force Awakens
It’s the whole DONT HARM ANIMALS thing. Dogs aren’t an exception unfortunately.
Films for this feel?
it takes a fairly large amount of baking (100% cacao) chocolate to kill a medium-sized dog. milk chocolate will only make very small dogs sick.
i hope this is satire
imagine lying like this
Why do white girls do this?
I work at a vet clinic user, you'd be much better off going to any rural part of the US and killing the vermin that are barn cats, the farmers would no doubt thank you.
i fucking love dogs
what happens next?
you and every other mom on reddit
The irony is I've had to shoot dogs attacking my horses on our farm once. Try and guess the breed.
do what?
cute wolf
Can white bois even compete?
Based George.
I've from Wisconsin, I drive transport for the clinic which mainly does spays and neuters, I have never even seen a feral dog. Was it a neighbor's?
what a dumb shit piss dog. disgusting little fuck. he doesnt deserve pizza anyway, coz hes a dumb little worthless buttmilkshake.
seriously, look at that piece of shit. how dare he not eat the food his MASTER brings him. he was literally made by humans, for humans. now he thinks hes entitled to pizza just because hes a dog. disgusting. id flay that little fuck alive and make childrens mittens out of his useless dogskin.
I'm not sure but it's dead now, last time a dog attack happened no one shot it and we lost a donkey.
We have so many strays here the house was trying to pass regulation on pitbulls specifically, not sure if it passed though.
shitskin detected
Thank god WI doesn't have India tier stays, I thought the US stray population was really small.
>two savage dogs
They should've said it like it was.
Two Pitbulls.
I know. That's how i got to fuck yours.
Furry Babies.
Not when niggers are the majority in your state. Shitbull idiots never fix their dogs and don't treat them right its a recipe for disaster.
awkwardly worded
try again
enjoy seeing your kids get mauled by a pack of feral shitbeasts, dogfucker
Even in Milwaukee, where I lived for most of my life, which is a US nigger capital I never saw stays
Is that not part of a pizza box? assume it frustrates doggo because it smells like pizza but can't be eaten
same bro
Probably because you're a shutin neet. Or a nigger.
I lost her number or else i would.
pit bulls were bred to attack bulls literally you faggot
are you surprised?
Threadly reminder: *hits pipe* Cats do not love you. They see you as a source of food and scratches, you're basically their slave. Cat owners are the ultimate form of cuckoldry.
Apparently you're supposed to do this with wolves because it's a display of submission.
If you don't they can get aggressive fast, they're not just giant anime doggos like normies think.
yeah but they're a reliable mobile source of perpetual heat
Sad to say I live in Madison now, and am neither neet or nigger, having a job that requires I talk to rural people all day, you really think they'd hire a nig to do that? That sucks about your farm tho, do what you gotta do, don't forget to blast a few cats while you're at is.
>agrees with me
Based retard
At least that anons not a nigger
Fucking spot-on.
they're like having a little buddy who wanders in whenever to chill
better that than owning a pet that's borderline retarded and reliant on you for almost everything
beetuful hoofer
Dude come on she even drew her hair back over her ear.
plot twist - the dog's a she
By all metrics that can be studied cats have far less intelligence then dogs
depends on the breed really
very mlem post
Sure, averagely however, and when comparing the top to the top, it’s no contest
Oh, I have, I only kill when I have to and call spca before each time, they're just really shit their jobs where I live, but they'll still happily take your tax money.
But stray cats are nothing like house cats, I'd actaully feel bad about killing those since they aren't even mildly dangerous to humans.
I'd rather be a nigger than live in a dog infested area. Imagine the shit stained roads and grass, piss smelling elevators and disgusting furmommies
My dog ate chocolate all the time but never got scared of it like that
Kinda wish he did because he'd puke his fucking guts out everywhere after eating it
I am honestly astounded at the amount of mental illness and retardation on display in this thread. Every day is a new joy with you Yea Forums.