Oh no no no no no

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>Caring about what an author/director says about a particular political situation

>DescriptionFrancis Ford Coppola is an American film director
How about this stupid fucking yank create an "Americas Union", take all his laws from Panama City and see how he fucking likes it.
Until then he can fuck right off.

>It's a celebrity gets involved with politics episode
Why would I take this guys opinion any more seriously than the next pleb who opens their mouth?

I can't wait to see the UK fall to ruin as it disintegrates into merely England

it will be interesting.

Why is leaving the EU a bad thing? No one has ever made a convincing argument. The "elites" just immediately start seething and insulting you like you've fucked up some secret plan of theirs.

>tfw you want us to leave because you know it'll be the beginning of the end and you just want it all to burn already.

This who gives a fuck about people who just make entertainment.

That's why you distinguish the piece of work from its creator. But nooooo how are you going to shitpost on teevee if you don't.

All I ever hear is "it's such a bad idea and the economy will be in shambles"

And you know what? When is the economy ever NOT in shambles? It was before Brexit, and it will be after. I don't fucking buy it and I'm done trying to reason with the LEFTISTS. that are against it.

How would Wales survive on it's own?

>I can't wait to see the UK fall to ruin as it disintegrates into merely England

>it will be interesting.

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Both the USA and the EU were the elite baby projects, the USA had to absorv canada and mexico into the NAU and together with the EU keep expanding until controling the whole continents, one super state for america, one superstate for Middle East Europe and Africa and two superstates in Asia, China and India
By UK leaving the whole NWO project gets in danger

>caring about what politicians say

We reopen the mines

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Well the US president literally is a reality TV game show host...

a conversation not worth having

Boris is more kino than Francis

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>caring what tripfags say

That’s a based from me dawg

The Godfather is boring and too long


Go back

>if we dont leave the EU by october the 31st, would you die?
>it would be extremely painful
>You're a big guy
>for me

Why doesn't anyone ever talk about the fact that Francis Ford Coppola helped a CONVICTED pedophile get back into Hollywood.

We are currently synthesizing an AI hologram of Tom Jones that will keep touring and releasing albums until the world falls into an inevitable Mad Max type dystopia

Most people just want to leave.

Ignore the elitists, the media and shills who are desperately trying hard to stop brexit at all costs.

Kek you're a typical useful idiot who isn't as smart as he thinks he is they have been talking about making superstates for North America, Europe and Africa since the end of WII.