>dude he's evil just because lol
Dude he's evil just because lol
That’s central asiatic barbarians for ya
Umm, can we make this another black girl thread?
I like those, especially when you guys all talk about how you want black gfs.
Why does he hate his sister so much? What the fuck is his problem?
he is most likely demonic, not that he's a demon but there's definitely some demonic force that pushes him through pain and injury and gives him superhuman strength... i blame the parents, the kid probably found some ritual shit and went through with it
If only black girls acted like gay white guys on Yea Forums in real life eh fellas?
Yeah he is, that's a great character for a slasher film, just an unrepentant homicidal maniac. He doesnt care and doesnt even talk, hes just an animal.
I don't just want a black gf. I want a black slave. I command, you obey - that'll be our relationship. Now give me your number.
Yes, and? It works. Michael Meyers is scary because he's an unreasoning force of death.
in the real world, people do bad things not always for contrived, movie-like reasons. there's no reason he can't do what he does just because he wants to.
Why yes, this appears to be a mutually beneficial transaction.
Well as you can see my number is at the top right, please feel free to (You) at me at your leisure, master.
Most real life serial killers had a fucked up childhood or some undiagnosed mental disorder. Normal people don't kill others for pleasure
>dude he kills people because he's retarded lol
On your knees.
what's your deal with that? this occurs all the time in history and even today, it's nature's genetic lottery, some people are literally just born mindless psychopaths or are just plain evil
the only dumb part is that he's also a herculean killing machine that can return from the dead multiple times
Wrong holiday douchebag.