The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.
Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.
The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic...
How did it get so bad in the US. is it simply that the cream always rises to the top or nepotism, or something more sinister?
Lol kikes
Why do SJW kikes like Marvel so much and hate DC with such seethe?
Imagine getting this worked up over capeshit
Lmao no wonder the RT score is free falling
It’s called being an American and you better be proud of it! Comic books are their Vivaldi and being forever a child is their dharma. Can I get a yeehaw from my brothers?
>the movie is good but FUCK DRUMPF AND FUCK WHITE M*N
Wow very insightful, thanks based reviewer
You're actually going to copy this one now? Lol I didn't think it was possible faggot
>NOOOO you can’t rate muh capeshit badly! This is a clown world
>t. seething kike
>lose argument to a Jew
>write up a whole essay explaining why it doesn’t count
>movie comes out
>gets rave reviews and wins some kinda movie award at a fancy pants film fest
>suddenly every review for the movie is negative and it’s RT score drops
Has this ever happened before ?
The Soviets launched an ideological weapon at us in the 50s. The weapon combined with the leftoids pouring into the academics to avoid being drafted to go fight in Europe’s former colonies and was embraced by the arts that were always parasitic and useless outside their narrow entertainment space. Those under the influence of the weapon have no real concrete goal they can accomplish, they only mock belittle and tear things down.
Had the Soviets ever invaded and conquered the US they would have recognized the fallout of their weapon and purged them, but they did not, so the virus breeds and spreads through each successive generation.
But thanks to the USs power and influence, the infection swells and grows and the puss seeps out to all corners of the world: example, calling Latinos “Latinx.”
You post the same image in every thread, mostly defending jews, and think people wont figure out youre being paid to do so.
The director, both producers, both writers, lead actor, and editor of this movie are all Jews. Also based on a character invented by Jews.
This muh Jewish conspiracy to downvote muh capeshit stuff doesn’t make much sense
le clownin around!
The tranny cries out as it is exposed
Die early, tranny
>it’s the Jews fault nobody likes this special capeshit!!! It speaks to us, fellow incels!
DCucks have really low IQ, no surprise there
There’s as many or more Jewish names who voted the movie positively. Also the vast majority of the reviews, negative or positive, are by non-Jews. Everything about this incel thread is irrational.
>male power fantasy
Jesus christ would you PLEASE talk about the fucking movie you fucking KIKES?
Is this why Hitler killed himself?
What phenotype is this?
Will you please have sex you fucking incels
It's shill damage control. The fact that /pol/ has turned on it and Yea Forums is now too is making them upset
Delete this right now JIDF
why didn’t u screenshot the Jews who liked the movie? there’s at least as many. racists are low IQ as fuck
the left cant meme
No it’s the Jews fault that this movie by Jews is getting bad reveiws!
This is literally white genocide
>i-if i call them trannies they'll think im one of them!
It’s not a meme it’s literally whet you creatures say
>b-but incels
These kikes aren't talking about the movie and one of them is a fucking tranny, how low would you stoop to shit on this movie you disneykike?
No, he killed himself because he was an utter failure. Less of a failure than a tranny with weak troll game, but a failure nonetheless.
Not my fault most nazis were trannys man
Because it's all about pushing a narrative with these marketing shills.
Picture related was one of their favourites to spam
But the reality is she actually liked it
>Here, the Joker represents an ideology, becoming more vigilante than villain. He ends up creating a movement that helps the citizens of Gotham rise up against the 1 per cent who’ve neglected the city’s most vulnerable. But how exactly that ideology goes beyond a wan “society is bad and has been unfair to me” is hard to pin down. Whether intentional – and regardless of whether slices of the public will see Phoenix’s Joker as more hero than anti-hero – the film does offer a queasy sense of entitlement, which seems to ring true to how lonely, violent men view themselves.
>>Some critics have been dancing around whether or not Joker is “potentially toxic,” but most believe, thanks to Phillips’s visual skills and Phoenix’s committed performance, that it might also be one of the best films of the year. I don’t disagree with any of that
It’s not the Jews fault nobody likes incels
Well it is considering it got nothing but praise in Europe where uncle Adolf got rid of your kind
>Art is supposed to hold a mirror to ourselves and our zeitgeist
>DCucks: this movie is fine art
>also DCucks: WTF stop talking about what's reflecting in the mirror
really makes you think
Why are they talking about white males instead of Joker?
>Art is supposed to hold a mirror to ourselves and our zeitgeist
No it isn't, who are you quoting? Some disney kike like yourself?
israel will be a muslim nation in 50 years
This is (unironically) an all time low for Disney
I always love it when white men ask why white women are flocking by the droves to black men, as if it's somehow a mystery. Take a look at that picture, take a look at how ugly all these white "men" are, look at that dude with a wig at the top right, there you have your answer.
>white women are flocking by the droves to black men
casually according to your fetish
>joker is a tranny
>hitler was a tranny
Why do discord trannies think everybody else has their same mental illness?
>american education
Art is about human expression
Society and culture are manifestations of human expression
>ching chong wing wong herro ferro canadians
It's greedy jews vs paranoid jews
>Art is about human expression
>so Dostoiesky totally killed a couple of old ladies with an axe
You need to be +18 to post here kid
who are you trying to antagonise? are you trannies saying you're nazis now?
how could he both be gay (as opposed to lesbian) and taking female hormones (implying he was MtF)?
Not posting the real image typical kike tricks.
>literally quotes history
Can't imagine why people associate this movie with incels.