/hmmMMMmm/ No thread up, must be Gelfling scheme yes
/hmmMMMmm/ No thread up, must be Gelfling scheme yes
Other urls found in this thread:
>Shut it down! Shut it down!
The composer of Age Of Resistance is beyond awful. The lack of creativity in the writing and designs can be forgiven because there's just enough gold to salvage the series as a while, but the soundtrack is irredeemable stock music.
I can easily recall the music in the original despite only having seen it a few times years ago. What is there to remember after these 10 hours besides Zimmer aping and Korean grindfest MMO music?
Is fixed now, though. Yesss.
Hush friend Scientist.
Skekmal and Skekgra maybe
Quick rundown on the Skeksis:
>Ha'rar bows to the Skeksis
>in contact with Mystics
>rumored to possess psychic abilities
>control Thra with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient urSkek blood line
>will bankroll the first cities beyond Thra (Skekingrad will be be the first city)
>own basically every essence research facility on Thra
>first designer soldiers will be Garthim Soldiers
>said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Aughra scriptures tell of eighteen angels who will descend upon the world and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Arathim R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Ascendencybots inside you right now
>The Skeksis are in regular communication with the Crystal of Truth, forwarding the word of Thra to the All-Maudra
>They learned fluent Gelfling in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the lords. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Skeksis
>The lords are 67 trines old, from the space-time reference point of the base gelfling.
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space to the third great conjunction
>The Skeksis will guide gelflings into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
>>own basically every essence research facility on Thra
All one of them?!
Is there any lore on how or if the mystic prolong their life?
you see the counterparts getting hurt at the same time - they're probably getting crystal/essence power as the skeksis do
But not all the skeksis use the crystal. For an example why has the heretic not died of old age?
Skekmal and Heretic live healthy and active lives while the castle Skeksis are feasting and being exposed to the darkening all day long
Or maybe Heretic is healthy because he lives in harmony with his other half
This is just the Taboo meme stolen. Dark crystal fags are pathetic. Make your own meme.
Hell no.
Leeching from Skeksis
What was his problem?
This comic was pretty good. I love to see creature penis design from a purely aesthetic standpoint.
Share your Deets!
I can't believe we're slowing down so soon bros
I thought we still had some time
most kino clip is finally on youtube
This gave me such feels. SkekSo is best Skek. He didn't deserve to go out like that, man.
Actually gave me feels.
>still not news about season 2
Hup singing
The music was alright but kind of short on ideas. Seems like the same 3 or 4 motifs were continually recycled throughout the season
There are 3 threads up
Tell me about Mal! Why does he wear the mask?
Doncha just loooooove the hunt
this show looks pure reddit can other anons confirm?
Because (much like the Hunter) they are more spiritually connected to Thraa. The Skesis in the castle have lost this connection due to their vanity. Case in point the Emperor ages and dies faster due to his corruption. Its irony.
yeah it's gay furry shit too
It's too good for the likes of you.
It's actually pretty kino. I can't imagine redditors liking it, cause they prefer "mature" stuff like capeshit.
Actually, speaking of mature, how the fuck is the show rated TV-PG when there's so much killing and stuff? Will people look past anything as long as the ones doing it are cute little puppets?
It's a pleb-filter.
It's Jim Henson's kids shitting on their dad's legacy. It's as bad as Brian Herbert raping Dune
Wait, so the General died in episode 10, right? But wasn't he the emperor in the film? Just watched the film for the first time, but not until after finishing the show (which was pointless since the last episode didn't end at the beginning of the film).
Different character. The General we see in the film is skekUng.
Oh fuck off, the show was almost flawless, with minor annoyances, like Deet's faggot dads and the stupid talking spiders.
Oh, so he'll come around in a later season then? God, I feel like I really shoulda watched the film first.
At least they didn't do an animation or some shit for it. Could you imagine the rage if there was a Teen Titans Go style cartoon for Dark Crystal?
>puritan homophobe likes anachronistic rehashes
what a surprise
No, that's a different dude.
Heh, I don't even know what that means.
I'm starting to think that naming every character Skek-something was a mistake.
Not homophobic to hate something as gay as faggot gelfling dads
They were just two best friends splitting rent and looking after Deet because she's top tier waifu material
>make a thread hours ago, figure it's dead
>come back and 50 replies
Well skek'd my friends
>make capeshit thread
>the artless troglodytes of Yea Forums respond in droves
Shut the fuck up and go to reddit. Do you consider every reply an upboat?
EDIT: Which one of you madlads gave me reddit gold for this!
EDIT 2: Fixed a typo
Gelfling with puny brain cannot comprehend puppet kino, hmmmMMMmm?
Holy shit, do you not know how to read?
yes me likey non dualistic kermits with the game of thrones filler drama me very big brainy
Thanks for bumping my thread. What episode was your favorite hmmmMMMmm?
So this is when the contrarian reddit faggots come to shit up our threads?
Probably fans of the OA kek
when that cute girl walks by
Alright, bros, I'm gonna say it:
I enjoyed the show more than the movie. I know it's almost unfair to compare them cause of runtimes, and maybe even unnecessary since the show is a prequel to the film, but the show as a whole was much more enjoyable.
I wish deet would take care of me
>deet will never hold you in her arms and fly
Honestly this seems like the general consensus so far as I've seen.
Movie was good, but the series expands on the lore and characters more than the film ever could have hoped. It had 10 hours after all, so it should be better than a 90 minute film from 40 years ago. Series is biggest kino of the decade.
Just finished episode 5.
What was her fucking problem?
>Going into generals when you haven't finished the show yet
Why would you do this?
>do all the work
>autist sister constantly fucks shit up and does no work
>mommy still plays favorite with autist sister
Pretty much.
The new show is shit
Your image is shit
And a thread is already up
She wasn't fun like her sister
Wrong on every level
just to have people to talk about the show. I know what the setup for the movie is, so I know the ultimate endgame at least.
she would have inherited her mom's title eventually, that should have been enough
This. Shit single moms are a huge problem.
hi, what is this? a movie?
if so, is it good?
>sorry about the genocide and darkening
>see ya faggots
It's a film from 40 years ago that just got a 10 episode series on Netflix which is absolute kino.
>give your villains some depth so they're more than just story obstacles
How novel
Yeah, what the fuck happens after the movie? Do two gelphlings just have tons and tons of sex to reproduce?
Best boy
So that's what happened.
Twitter queers love this pozzed faggot propaganda
>he knows what happens on twitter
What do you expect from faggot gelfling?
Twitter queers loved IT cause they thought Pennywise was gay (for preying on kids).
Hell, at this point, if I ever made a movie, I'd through in a random fag for the free viewership.
Yes. Gelflings breed like rabbits.
I have a serious question. Is Deet mature and short or a loli gelfling?
she seems average height for gelfling female, yes?
yes, your assessment is correct. She is indeed legal hmmmmmm
Deet is a adult female, and biologically ready for breeding.
Saw the show but not the movie, are there literally only 2 gelflings left at the start of the movie?
So some people will say 'oh they find other hidden Gelfling after the end of the movie' but that's a cop-out imo. The entire Gelfling race after Jen and Kira is incest babies.
if you have no intention to watch the movie soon, I wouldn't spoil myself for the potential season 2
I guess I was too late.
Everyone is gushing over Skekso, Skekmal,and Skeksil, but I thought this series was surprisingly good to Skekok.
>Gets Brea moist but he puts down Gelfling thots
>Sassy and puts down Skeklach
>Women like Aughra salivate over his belly
>Despite looking like George Soros' uncle, he's surprisingly dangerous and mortally wounds Maudra Fara
>Rian sees the skeksis pull essence from his girlfriend
>"Ah chill, no wonder will believe him lol, it's cool"
>the gelfling literally have an ability to share memories with each other
>Rian could just show all his guard friends what happened
Yeah no, this series is retarded, Imma head out.
Literally addressed in the second episode, lying Gelfing.
Yikes, watch it more if you have any interest, and see how much of a fag you are.
Should've bottled his bathwater and sold it to Aughra, she loves it.
Age of Resistance is the ultimate pleb filter.
I'll give the second episode a try but there's nothing preventing him from sneaking up to a guard, and rape-dreamfasting with him. He even has a guard friend in that dreads guy.
There's no reason the truth shouldn't spread exponentially, if you can dreamfast a memory of a dreamfast you had with someone else earlier.
I don't think I'm a fag.
He's definitely fun, hopefully in season 2 he gets more time to shine. But then how do you improve on
Dreamfasting requires consent.
I just read literal Skesis porn and it is less faggy than your previous post.
So does sex but turns out rape exists. So rape-dreamcasting.
Sex does not require consent, it just requires a dick in a vagina, it's a physical action. Dreamfasting is not sex.
I know the Skeksis are evil, but they're fun to watch, and I kind of feel sorry for them.
>Know that you need to live for 1000 trine to become immortal
>After a few hundred trine you can literally watch your body start to rot, your fingers turn bony, your arms atrophying, and feathers thinning out.
>Can no longer really participate in all the fun dances and games you used to partake in.
>Existence is an existential nightmare where at any given time you can die because your other half walks into a ravine, or you could stop being "you" if the crystal is healed and you're turned back into an UrSkek.
Tragic thing is, if their plan succeeded and they turned immortal, all of Thra would've turned to dust, and they would've been the rulers of nothing.
I'll probably watch it soon, but thanks.
A season 2 isn't confirmed yet, but it'll likely be the last one right?
It doesn't require consent, tards. Watch the fucking movie.
Reminder that podlings are the masterrace.
>often bilingual in podling and gelfling
>excellent gastronomic skills
>short stature makes them great fighters
>monolingual, stare in disbelief when podling speak their wonderful tongue
>eat raw turnips
You forgot
>weren't genocided and continued to thrive in blissful ignorance
I love that image.
Skeksis are easy to empathise with, despite the genociding.
After Kira gets her essence partially drained, she has a slightly sunken face, a paler complexion, and bags for the rest of the movie. It's amazing how much detail Henson put into the movie.
>triple dick skek
Apex kek
*strangles you're pet*
Kira is cuter than any gelphlings from Age of Resistance.
I want to fuck these puppets. Do you think Henson ever did?
Threesome with Frank Oz and their puppet of choice.
I hope netflix confirms a season 2 soon, even if the viewer numbers are not there yet it got amazing reviews, netflix would be really stupid to not extend it. I would be satisfied if it ends with a season 2 or 3.
>coming to /hmmmmm/ general just to bitch about AoR.
2/10 made me reply
These generals are what made me watch the show, since I was afraid netflix would ruin one of my favorite universes.
>Like what you see podling?
She looks cuter like that
>Hup singing in the prison
>Shut the fuck up podling!
>Hup singing louder
Why is he so perfect
Alright I give in, I'll watch the film and series.
>only one hupposter in thread
Podling justista fren
Where's that Hup "pppffftttt" face?
>Skeksis want to make the gelflings as easy to control as possible
>Makes their society matriarchal
I'm..... gonna..... say....... it.......
>urSkeks leave
>Gelflings doomed to only have inbred retard offspring
>Gelflings die off in a generation or two
>Podlings inherit the earth
i'd rather breed with the woman providing her voice, but i'm not as far gone as you.
why he so lewd?
Because he's in a porno.
Is Chamberlain the only one who doesn't have any sympathetic sides, just full on sociopath? The others, especially the Scientist and Emperor were surprisingly likeable
How is this show on netflix? this is like Blight 2.0
It's funny that despite Chamberlain being by far the most evil character on the show (and by extension the movie even though he doesn't seem nearly as bad there) he retains some level of sympathy or desire to see him succeed.
Skeksil is only sympathetic when he's exiled from the castle, and is desperate to return for the great conjunction. He's not even than sympathetic in the movie, since he tries to grab the emperor's scepter while he's still alive, and Skekung was the only one with enough honor left to force all the others to bow. The most sympathetic thing about him in the series is that he doesn't want to genocide the gelfling race, and only wants to cull the bare minimum gelflings to keep his race alive.
they're all psychopaths, but some are more pragmatic than others. the chamberlain is the arch-pragmatist.
His whole hated everything and was named Dark Heart. He was a dick
He was also the one that actually fucked up the crystal.
>Skekso died essentially as a living mummy, losing his sexy voice, terrified, in pain, Skeksil trying to steal his scepter before he was even dead, and the last word he hears were "hhmmMMMmm"
Why does the Chamberlain laugh happily when he's unified with his Mystic Counterpart? Is it because he won't get in trouble now? Or is it because he hated the other Skeksis and wanted to screw them over?
Good morning, son.
Both. All that shit he pulled and he still gets to live for eternity and dip off to space.
Hold me breh
I think that the book mentioned that if the Emperor had made it to the lesser conjunction at the start of the movie, he would've been rejuvenated enough to survive it to the great conjunction. But because he was in a coma/bedridden, he couldn't make it.
wait wut
Goddammit. They did my man SkekSo dirty. It's not fair.
Of all the outcomes that could have happened to him after his long life of backstabbing, manipulating, murdering, lying and discord, that one was...perfectly acceptable. Beats being exiled or dying or perhaps even having to serve under SkekUng.
Those sheets look really dusty and dirty.
it was her time of the month, obviously. that's why women should never be allowed to run for political office or have any power whatsoever.
he tried so hard and got so far
but in the end it didn't even matter
> the dark-hearted urSkek's fear and anger prevented the other urSkeks from being purified or from entering the Crystal. In the ensuing confusion, each urSkek was split into two different creatures: the Skeksis and the urRu with the two pairs that were originally YiYa and HakHom killed off by a rogue Skesis and the Crystal cracked soon after
the only thing i remember about the movie is that it horrified me as a child, especially the ending with the creepy, weird-looking ghost things.
>Literally just a couple of days off from being young and strong again
This just makes his dialogue at the start of episode 10 a lot more meaningful and impactful.
The guy really tried to hold on.
>The Chamberlain out lived him without even trying whilst fucking everything up in Thra
There is no justice
Also it's really just an assumption. Considering his mystic counterpart is the chanter and Dark Heart was the one trying to contact his fellow kind across the universe through song.
The problem here is Chamberlain was retarded and this lie about Rian's diseased mind didn't take very long to get blown out
Scalie/birdfuckers are automatically drawn to this show.
I stole this one from Yea Forums
>thought it was a see through dress in the thumbnail
what a shame
What was his problem?
He wanted to continue the hunt
Urskeks were schismed by the breaking of the crystal when they're not of Thra and have nothing to do with the crystal
Probably because its an artifact of immense power?
I thought the crystal was just shattered in the ensuing chaos, and not during the event?
Brea's theme is very good though. youtube.com
The rest is forgettable.
SkekTek is the best skek. He showed true empathy (something skeksis lack) and wasn't all that interested in the essence drinking and draining as he was in science and technological progress.