ITT: Times Yea Forums was certified retarded/autistic

ITT: Times Yea Forums was certified retarded/autistic

Attached: The Pebble.png (827x354, 682K)

Is vin diesel really that much bigger than dwayne johnson? hard to believe

Attached: big_guy_pizza_cia_batman_dark_night.png (1920x1080, 2.23M)

They are not infront of each other, it's so clear you must be 100% blind not to see it

Yeah he is. It isn't edited as you can clearly see in this webm as the Rock steps in front of Vin Diesel and tries to stare him down.

Attached: big diesel.webm (1280x544, 2.15M)

Tfw you can't even tell if the zoomers are just perma-baiting

Attached: Vin G-Star.png (1600x599, 1.92M)

remember when sneed was revealed to be a single autistic faggot constantly spamming and responding to his own posts?

nah m8 there's a whole d*scord server filled with those abhumans

Attached: 21A2CD96-F65D-47F8-8C78-7ED151DA78CB.jpg (249x243, 58K)

Vin Diesel confirmed next Superman?

Attached: SIZEOFTHISLASS.jpg (1192x670, 70K)

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It was just shit CGI dude, Rock and Vin weren't on speaking terms that day so they shot the scene seperately and then superimposed them into the scene.

I am in awe

Based and robust


that time

Attached: time this board was finally done for.jpg (2545x1142, 369K)

desu, I think a lot of Dwayne Rock Johnson is photoshoped. Height and muscles.

She's a big bitch.

I used to see him at the gym, he's about 5'11 and 180lbs

I've always hated this fucking image. When I show it to my friends they think nothing is wrong with it. Dwayne Johnson looks like he was cropped in because not only is he shorter than VD but doesn't look like a grown size man. Looks like a child or something.

have the same type of normie friends, theyll praise movies like these because "Car go fast!", but will miss obvious awful editing like this scene. Its just amazing how they missed it and kept it in the movie.

This didn't really air did it? She looks like fucking Gwynevere.

Jesus, just film everyone together. Green screen was a mistake.

Why is it so important for Diesels character to outsize Johnson's? Why are Americans so stupid every movie they make has to have the largest most gorilla shaped male as the hero and no one can match him physically? Can Diesels character not be a competent leader if hes smaller than a single other human being? Are Americans really so obsessed with seeming big they literally cant fathom a person an inch shorter than themselves and not a musclebound freak telling them what to do? Is this why every tall person in your country is a self righteous retard, because you all worship them?

>dude when MacReady offers Childs a drink of whiskey and laughs, it's because he knew Childs was the Thing. That bottle was filled with gasoline. Also, Childs doesn't have any visible breath in the sub-zero artic weather.

Attached: childs.jpg (600x338, 29K)

It’s a one eyed depth perception autism thread

Dieselposters hates this

Attached: Dieselfags btfo.png (1582x628, 1.89M)


The Rock is much taller and bigger than Vin tho, pic kinda related, the Hoff is fucking huge.
Vin is, or was, the star of the franchise, he was always the Alpha male, the silent but deadly, can't have him dwarfed by some other nigger.

Attached: thehoff.jpg (602x602, 72K)

shopped. i've seen the movie and this isn't in it

I'm glad you confirmed my suspicions as correct and americans really are too stupid to understand anything. I guess over there you really cant be seen as capable unless you're a muscle bound mutant freak at 6'5. No wonder your people kill themselves all the time.

Hoff's listed height was 6'4 which means 6'2 because everyone in Hollywood adds two inches. In his old age he's lost at least an inch. The Rock is 2 inches shorter. The Rock is 5'11 max

It's all relative user.

Attached: 1 1X4pfF4C6P-8Ryd12sc2Bg.jpg (1920x1080, 326K)

>because everyone in Hollywood adds two inches
Makes me 6'6 then. Wew lad.

You’re not Hollywood, though. So you subtract 2 inches and then subtract the other 2” which every American male adds to their actual height. Additionally you subtract another 2” which are added when describing yourself on the internet and subtract another 2” which you add when posting on Yea Forums.

Your actual height is 5’10”, King of Manlets.

people on the internet usually adds 7 inches, I'm sorry user, but youre a manlet

I am in awe


Attached: d9n9zbo-a541a9df-4cb4-425c-a7cf-a2988232c332.jpg (1646x1102, 1.59M)

>This didn't really air did it?
It did

Its important because Vin Diesel was the original bad dude in the first movie. Johnson was an add on to make more money later in the series.

Attached: furious7.png (554x853, 664K)

One of you fags find a version of this pic with both of them fully in frame, I wanna see if Vinny is wearing clown shoes or not.

Attached: rock-vin-gty-er-180404_hpMain_4x3_992.jpg (992x744, 72K)