It was pretty good
It was pretty good
I didn't expect them to kill at least two young kids on-screen.
Also Chastain's jiggly tits were great
Yeah, I enjoyed all the scenes with the grown ups but hated all of IT's scenes, just like the last movie apart from this and the granny scene
Just got past the Bev vs Tom fight in the beginning of the book. Movie made me want to go through it again on audio.
Yeah, after the first one, I sort of thought the second one might get away
I thought the skateboard kid would survive, so yeah, that was really surprising. The little girl was obviously a goner.
I thought the way Pennywise preyed on that girl's insecurities about her birthmark was pretty clever, but outside of that, yeah, I agree. Even that scene wasn't particularly good, I just liked the mind games. Pretty Death Note for a second there.
>I thought the skateboard kid would survive, so yeah, that was really surprising
He survives in the book iirc so yeah that caught me off guard. I honestly though it might have all been an illusion to Bill to taunt him but since they never mentioned the kid after they killed IT I guess it was real
they vastly underused Skarsgard as pennywise IMO. The scenes where he eats adrion mellon, the little girl and the skateboard kid where actually pretty scary and the right amount of CGI
but fucking Andy Muschetti and WB thinks giant CGI and jump scares is the only way to do a horror movie. Im dissapointed, they had the chance to start a new trend in horror with how popular the first one was and it felt like I was watching a fucking transformers movie
The only horror scene I really REALLY liked was the one under the pharmacy where there's something unknown (at the time) under the tarp and its wriggling and getting closer
>Eddie strangling the leper, beating IT and overcoming his fears
>only to be undercut by being barfed on in slow mo with happy go lucky music for a cheap laugh
another thing that pissed me off, they coudlnt balance comedy and horror in this movie for shit
yeah, it felt like marvel-lite, although some of the comedy was spot on but it seemed like they were trying to imitate the first movie instead of actually improving on it
IT chapter 2 is good. Everyone should see and support Clown Kino
Yeah, that puking part felt straight outta Guardians or Deadpool. Everything right before and after was great though
The eyes don't lie. Checked.
It reminded me of that scene in Drag Me to Hell where the dead woman falls on top of the MC and stuff falls out of her mouth.
Wasn't the MC of that female as well?
Yeah, I'd say that when the comedy in this film worked it was Raimi-esque but it occasionally fell short.
Hader gets a lot of well deserved praise for his performance (as do McAvoy and Chastain) but I felt like Eddie was really watchable. Very strange.
The movie is a C+.
It was unsatisfying and didn't live up to the kino of CHP 01. I didn't hate it but I didn't like it either.
>I felt like Eddie was really watchable
Eddie was a got damn rockstar, at least the adult actor. The only two parts I thought were weird with him was right before he was going to get speared as the shot lingered just too long imo and when he was dying and told Richie he fucked his mom. But that's just me nitpicking
I found Chastain boring. I liked adult Mike though, there was something in the way he was so desperately trying to convince them to fight together that I found kind of endearing.
Yeah, given how kid-Mike had nothing to do in Chapter One, I was worried but adult Mike was given a bit more to do. He even injected some passion into all the exposition he had to do, which is impressive.
Yeah the mom joke fell flat, but I feel like Hader managed to make the death feel like it meant something despite that
they dicked over mike in chapter 1 because they gave away his role as history buff of derry to ben giving him fuck all to do
Felt like the flipside of that was that Ben didn't have much to do this film other than stand around as characters remark how he's not fat anymore. A shame, as the kid actor was quite good.
Cut out 40-50 minutes and it's still just OK. Barely anything happened it dragged on way too fucking long. Also every jumpscare, every surprise scene was too predictable. The only time I actually jumped was when the fat kid hides in the locker and there is a poster with a dudes face on it lmao.
I kept expecting that dude on the poster to change expressions or something, that smile was seriously disturbing.
I agree. Favorite part was probably either Hockstetter, Eddie’s basement scene, or Eddie versus Bowers.
Before the scene with the black dude getting attacked in the library there is a shot of the building and a tree next to it. There was something (the clown?) hanging on the tree but I looked at it right when they cut to the next scene so I'm not sure what it was. Does anyone has that scene/frame?