For me, it's Daisy

For me, it's Daisy

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fo sho

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she has no breasts

Her armpits make up for it

Dead Careers general


How's her foot game?

She’s got tats on her feet but I’m a pit man myself so I wouldn’t mind

You sure she doesn’t have a Y chromosome with that jaw and shapeless body?

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Daisy a cute

How is this any bad?

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>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people

disgusting creature thank god she's dead in hollywood after sòywars

kys reylo fag don't make say the s word


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Flat chest is justice you ignorant mongol.

I like her as a person, but she is a terrible actress.

This image is autism concentrated kek. And I say that as a reylonigger.

you wish faggot, she's not going anywhere

I don't know what to believe anymore 2bh.

>daisy died her hair like adam's wife

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Watch Chaos Walking

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Is this shit even getting released?

Last I heard is was "unreleasable" kek

>disgusting creature thank god she's dead in hollywood after sòywars

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Your waifu is crap