Kino or overrated garbage? Where does it rank in PTA's filmography?
Phantom Thread
The master>Boogie Nights>Phantom Thread>Inherent Vice>Magnolia>There will be blood>punch drunk love>hard eight
They are all great movies.
its good because it shows how awful women can be
I wish I had someone who cared enough to poison me, just so that she could stay by my side until I get better.
If anyone was bad it was Reynolds
>Phantom Thread
haha like Yea Forums talking about sex with people of age—it was never really there
everything was nice but neither the characters nor the story really stood out
it felt really bland, the movie was nice to watch but I'll probably never watch it again
But she was good to him desu. She did exactly what he wanted.
8. Phantom Thread
7. Inherent Vice
6. The Master
5. Boogie Nights
4. Magnolia
3. There Will Be Blood
2. Hard Eight
1. Punch-Drunk Love
beautifully shot
well acted
but it didnt have that x factor, that punch...
>2. Hard Eight
What this user said
Boring movie imo
She was a wonderful wife.
Was it femdom kino?
I think it didn’t have the visceral quality of his other films. This one seemed less personal for some reasons. And I don’t understand why this film made DDL depressed.
>Phantom Thread is a bad episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents
>Joe Dante
>6. The Master
>2. Hard Eight
Look at this contrarian incel
I kind of agree, it had all the ingredients but there wasn't a scene like in The Master where Phoenix meets Hoffman for the last time. I think the mother scene, party scene and the last dinner scene were supposed to be some emotional highlights but none of them hit as hard as some stuff in The Master, There Will Be Blood or Inherent Vice. The last scene where he eats mushrooms was more like hm that's interesting, rather than any emotional response. The film just had hollow emotional centre and despite being nicely melancholic like his last films it never attained deeper emotions.
anyone with a cinegrid?
Comedy kino.
1. There Will Be Blood
2. The Master
3. Boogie Nights
4. Inherent Vice
5. Magnolia
6. Phantom Thread
7. Hard Eight
8. Punch-Drunk Love
You can argue the order of the top five but the bottom 3 go in that specific order.
There will be blood comes first, I really liked phantom thread too
But PDL is better than Hard Eight. Sandler is kino.
I've tried watching this two times. Last time I checked out at the 1hr mark. I've ffwed to the end, so I know how it ends, and I'm not really feeling any desire to properly watch it and finish it.
PDL baits plebs into thinking it's kino because Sandler plays le serious dramatic role. It's forgettable shit.
Do you have ADHD or what?
Sandler played dramatic roles after and Meyerowitz Stories wasn't that good. Uncut Gems looks great tho. PDL was quite good and Sandler killed it, it's really nice romance film and Hoffman was fantastic too.
People are so desperate to like Sandler that they praise completely average performances like PDL or The Meyerowitz Stories. And I completely forgot PSH was even in that movie desu.
He was really good in both of those. Reign Over Me too. Sandler is based.
The very first scene in it is retarded.
Her responses to the questions could come from some horrible fanfiction. Almost made me just shut it off.
What was wrong with it?