Trailer starts:

Trailer starts:
>seems like lately... everyone’s tryna build walls

Attached: 1502744902666.jpg (251x242, 11K)

name 7

>spiderman homecooming
>cuck (2019)
>captain marvel
the list goes on

>villain says, "make ____ great again!"

Attached: [email protected] (621x414, 19K)

What is "america"

The country everywhere in the world aspires to be.

>In a world divided
>one man has to step up

What can they even do to make him look like a bad guy? He hasn't started any wars, is pulling troops out of the middle east, bringing back employment in the states, achieved diplomatic detente and eased relationships with the east, from Russia to North Korea, is fighting the fed etc and did all this with media constantly demonizing him for eating 2 scoops of ice cream and putting spic toddlers in torture cages. He unironically deserves a Nobel prize

That's bait

>putting spic toddlers in torture cages
That honour goes to Obama.


literally every blockbuster trailer since 2016

>Trailer starts
>single piano note/ear shattering fart noise/female version of 80s song

Attached: 1553513392012.jpg (320x257, 16K)

name 0.5 movies


>Trailer starts
>Sneed version of 80s song

just name a few then.

Trailer starts:
>cracker down!

Mexico asprires to be itself? You know that's America too, right?

the joke is there but your delivery was terrible

Seems that's where every spic is heading these days.

A continent isn't a country.