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>Yes sweetie, 'Men' in Black. You see, just like every other organisation and occupation in the world, we were founded by male pioneers who had the drive and ambition to work through the blood, sweat and tears necessary to make it happen. Women only joined later when it became established, comfortable and socially prestigious. So yeah, it's kinda disrespectful to demand that it be changed now.

God this shit is so overused, they do it to every reboot of something and people still eat it up

ugly cunt face

I’d give her a shag

Deal with it.

I hate niggers


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I mean im all for social progression but I still dont like black people they dont progress and neither do muslims so why do they think bringing them together is going to progress anything

it's not real bro

It will progress the destruction of western civilization.

You know the thing that annoys me the most isn't even the forced and unimaginative propaganda but how wrong and cheap it looks visually too. Zero effort to try to make it good, same as ghost busters. Fuck Sony.


They're on the screen, women are the joke

They didn't this time

Get woke, go broke

Imagine how pathetic you need to be to give a shit about this? I'd just kill myself.

Imagine praising the Men in Black
That's like praising the CIA

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>Yeah I came into the thread, typed up a reply, solved the captcha and made a post, but I don't care, in fact I I did this to prove that I don't care, I'm so much better than all of you
The absolute STATE of estronauts

How can a secret organization be socially prestigious?

i don't get it? There's a "men" in wo-men. It's already inclusive


It's not good enough. It's never good enough.


Why does this shit trigger Yea Forums so much and why do we keep pretending she's ugly?





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They have to be making fun of themselves, right? No one could complain about something so minute and think they don't look ridiculous

>They have to be making fun of themselves, right? No one could complain about something so minute and think they don't look ridiculous

I don't get this line because she knows who the Men in Black are by trying to find out more about them her whole life.

Just a shitty got ya insert like the colonizer joke in black panther.

I thought the movie as a whole was OK desu, Pawny was the worst part

get some fucking standards!

They could have used this to make the female agents the ultra sneaky elite of the MiB, nobody would even expect them, but no, instead of power they actually chose to be victims instead. Consider why.

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Honestly from the trailer I thought this looked like it could be good. Fun but not pay twenty dollars to see it in theaters good. Did anyone here actually watch it?

What's up with all the jews in your picture?

mad coincidence that every white person who does something embarrassing or monstrous can be explained away by them being jewish, isnt it?

>women in black
>above MiB
>matriarchy is real now

>>organization, she's dying to get into.
>>Once there, starts bitching about things.

So is it more inclusive to call it classic jargon and just keep work the top priority, you know, to take it like a professional, or to create an attitude of offense, convincing women the very name of an institution is proof they are unwelcome?

>why do we keep pretending she's ugly

Attached: Tessa-Thompson1.jpg (2912x2912, 384K)

I slogged through an hour of it with my bf last night.
More than anything I was amazed at just how boring they managed to make things. And the producer's-nephew-tier cgi was distracting.
Made MIB2 look like a masterpiece in modern cinema.

Did you expect anything else? That's what women do


Folks in Black
Peeps in Black
Glowniggers in Black

No, it's a very real problem that you aren't on the PC program. Submit or die, those are you options in their eyes.


Man as the short form of human isn't a common figure of speech or anything.

People of Color
formerly Men In Black

Don't you just love all these extremely successful all female reboots? What a bunch of hits!

Attached: all female channel awesome reboot.jpg (1024x681, 120K)

Jews aren't white though?

It's funny that they can't change movie title otherwise it would be impossible to scam people into watching this but they can complain about it in it.

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Haven't they made this joke in several franchises they've decided to take over?

I want this 21st century meme to die

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what secret organisation it's a movie bro

I would fire the person that wrote this exchange, and do everything in my power to keep them from getting work again.

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The people in black just doesn't have a nice ring to it


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I mean, they'd get twice as much flak for calling it "Women in Black"

nice of them to make themselves into a voodoo head before dying

let's go twos on a bastard

>here come the black peo-ple

big milkers

Attached: Rebecca Ferguson Men in Black International 2019 [1.15.08-1.15.12].webm (1500x960, 2.99M)

Attached: Rebecca Ferguson Men in Black International 2019 [01.19.45-01.20.24].webm (1920x960, 2.84M)

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Did you get your little pussy FUCKED?

>they didn't seem to be able to let it go
Irony isn't their strong point is it?

I don't know.
I'd let her have sex with me.
But only if she handcuffed me.


It flopped so hard, so low... its peotry

A bit aggressive user

Based incelposter

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wtf, bitch got the poop sock on her head

They are
Yea Forums is autistic

It annoys me that the literal name of their organization is 'Men in Black' when that was just a colloquial nickname given to CIA and FBI G-Men who wore black suits and glasses, but I suppose that's a problematic term too now.

What does she propose they call it? The “humans” in black?

>black panther actually tried making something like “colonizer” sound like a BAD thing
I really kind of wish that had taken off IRL

Do you know why companies hire women knowing full well they don't actually do shit? Because when you assign work to women, the work gets done magically anyway. So why does the boss care. If egg production goes up when you put a rooster among hens, do you care whose anuses the eggs come out.

Attached: Men-at-Work-Sign.png (270x302, 141K)

is this gigerian?

>do you care whose anuses the eggs come out.
Well I do now

This bitch looks like a waxy turd

Is that from the World Of Warcraft sequel?

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t. based "I let women walk all over me" poster

>I mean im all for social progression but I still dont like black people they dont progress and neither do muslims so why do they think bringing them together is going to progress anything

Exactly. Both groups do nothing but drag us back into the dark ages!!!FACT!!!

This is why we can't have nice things

Yeah... I'd do it too.
I mean have sex with her while being handcuffed, not having with you handcuffed

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This. Funny. The original comic it was based on was far more sinister and not as much a comedy. It also wasn't just about aliens. The original foklore around the Men In Black has always had undertones of distrust toward shadowy government agencies.

These movies are nothing but propaganda by the government to get us to support their black ops programs without question.

Attached: MIBseries1.jpg (244x378, 30K)

Both nu MiB and nu Xmen bombed at box office. And it look like nu Terminator and nu Bond will bomb as well. I think people are getting tired of WOKE shit

It's time for a female Elephant Man remake and Tessa Thompson is perfect for the role.

Most people don't care and just want to see good movies, if its liberal but good people will watch and if it's conservative but good people will still watch. The problem is companies prioritising the advertisement you get from retards getting excited/annoyed at your casting over making an enjoyable movie

>Man perpetually seeking reasons to be offended too stupid to understand that it's possible to not care about some nothing scene while caring about people using it to fulfill their perpetual need to be offended
More on that at 11.

Woke all-female Deliverance remake when

it's timed to hilldawgs first term that never happened. They don't care how cringe it is.

Listen sweety, Women could have totally conquered new territory, sailed the ocean into unknown lands, revolted against tyranny or formed new governments, but they had plans that weekend and didn't feel like doing those things.

It could have totally happened tho, because women are strong and smart!

Literally has a monkey face you faceblind autist lmao


Watched it on the plane the other day. Was watchable. But thats about it. Not a good movie.


>that gum smile

sensible kek


>You see sweetie, we wanted to keep the iconic name for branding and marketing purposes, but also cash in on the current trend of political correctness and girlpower. We don't really care, it's just about the money

I mean, MIB2 is "disrespectful" and outdated, International is boring and predictable.

I recently watched Ghostbusters with french subtitles and I was surprised by the liberties they took with the translation. The part when they are fired from their labs and told to suck it becomes a "you're firing us because we are women" in the french version. It was a weird experience. Anything similar in Men in Black International?

This is so contrived it makes me want to kill myself

Surprised this and Ghostbusters hasn't bankrupted them yet

dios mio...