ITT: post aesthetic kino
Aesthetic kino
Define aesthetic
exceptional looking
Pure and wholesome. This is a joy only the white man can bring to the lesser peoples of the world.
>the white man
is the one who ruined it
I find their black complexion quite nice.
Shut up, racist, this is a racial healing thread.
you're the faggot making it about race: >only the white man can bring to the lesser peoples
How did these guys end up in India?
>end up
they didn't move, that's the point. 55 thousand years is a long time user.
>all look healthy
>all look happy, content with what they have
>Jarawas are believed to be direct descendants of the first people who migrated from Africa
yeah retard, that's where everyone migrated from.
same, black is beautiful
i didn't
Truly, we live in a society.
Wtf they look like a fictional fantasy species
No offense but i dont respect violent isolated tribes who kill people on sight, their right to live. They don't follow society's social contracts , so I dont view them as even human. I hate how people protect them or be on their side, I say just genocide the whole tribe. If they value the lives of outsiders so little, we don't need to respect their right to live.
White nationalists need to establish their state there, only not gonna be so white after one generation but they will be protected minorities right?
>who kill people
they killed poachers who repeatedly invaded their land to steal their food source even after getting told to leave them alone, also they were illegal poachers
You guys are like neopagans but worse.
>In the African country of Ethiopia there are a people called the Omo who have not lost the sense of artful living, or of the creative impulse to live artfully rather than allotting it solely to "artists" as some kind of "task." One could make the argument that if a society does not express and honor the love of beauty and of form, then "strange" and abrasive art-forms will almost as a kind of necessity spring up to remind humanity of its intensely creative roots and its birth-right to freedom and freedom of expression. In Western society especially one looks around and sees a world built on extremely rigid structures, of many, many squares, boxes, cubicles and slots that are only geared toward the end of material conventionality and functionalism. In this world art is a "sideshow" and has taken a back seat to materialism. Many have become more and more angry at what they see, and one does not have to necessarily be an "artist" as we understand the term to see the problem.
How do I get Andamanese gf
He's specifically saying they're from the first people who did, not saying that it's some obscure info that people came from there
It's not their land though, it belongs to India.
They need to be forced into democracy within India, for their own good.
whats with the gold chain?
>It's not their land though, it belongs to India.
india is the one who says it's their land and no outsiders are allowed to go there
>tribeswomen being bitches and refusing to eat deer
lol women are women no matter where you go.
What if Varg was right
given to him by some poacher.
What's wrong with someone actually defending their borders?
about what and how does it relate to this?
>armed poachers invade your land
>which is against the law
>repeatedly tell them to go
>they keep coming
>defend yourself and kill them
fucking anglos I'll tell you
imagine living out in the middle of nowhere, drinking water that lions piss into and eating bugs, but your teeth are still straighter and whiter than most europeans still.
Say this thread on /g/ then /pol/ and I must say it was kino
Same retards.
Varg core philosophy is all about that tribal life and nuking civilization
they also look dumb as shit, like all savage people
a sperg who lives off the internet, very ironic
they don't eat bugs, and you clearly have no idea about what you're talking about
>what is running water
The government literally told people to stop bothering them. It shot down a pirate ship that tried to use their islands as a base. Some pirates escaped onto the island and they all turned out dead.
Based India
Wish we gave the abbos Tasmania and kicked them off the mainland
Be white.
>homo erectus
my sides
>tfw Tasmanian
>In the Andaman
Nigga what?
No processed sugar and soda/coffee to fuck up their teeth.
If you use the word "abbo" instead of the correct "abo" you may as well be one yourself.
Mainlander here it's so shit mate oh God the fires are half an hour from my house
Fuck up cunt abboniggeral
they have not devolved their lower jaws and teeth by thousands of years of eating soft and processed foods. unlike us.
wisdom teeth getting pulled is a perfect example. modern humans have such weak and small jaws that there is no room left for them, even though we all used to have them and keep and use them, nowadays most people have no room on their jaw for those teeth so we pull them out.
Get a South Indian gf they are their closest relatives
webm related is a bengali girl
fuck off coombrain
Wasn't she some /int/ anons cousin? He didn't recognize her till they posted her insta. He threatened to tell her parents and she told him fuck off and die. Does anyone have the screenshots of that?
Where is this amazing human from? He looks so pure and innocent.
Not necessarily.
Closest relative might be abos or some islanders around there, but you don't want abos.
Wouldn't mind a sri lankan gf for unrelated reasons though.
did you open the link in OP?
The only black people that should exist are the ones who are actually black and live where they're from.
Nobody that's African-American or African-European is black, they're just garbage
kek that thread was made by me, but I don't remember him telling her anything.
t. Amerimutt.
These people have some amazing teeth
>OOOOOOOooo0 Massa u make me uguuuuu
What do?
If a group of people try to kill me because i entered their imaginery line of land, i have every right to genocide their whole group of people.
and electric guitars
>t. yuromohammed
Based Ahmed showing these Euros who's the boss around here
Lmao open borders to every western country then
if a group of pirates armed to the teeth enters my land which is against the law in India, and starts shooting animals and scaring my people, I shoot them dead.
She's from the Maldives bro
>wholesome thread
>altcucks ruin the thread
Dumb, happy, and healthy is better than the neoliberal malaise we're living in, that's for sure
I will never understand """men""" who have a racial preference when it comes to dating. This girl is fine
Being a European mixed individual is a hell of a lot different than being a mixed black goblin.
You deserve a rope. Fix your own damn country, don't ruin other people's.
ah my bad
>Being a European mixed individual is a hell of a lot different than
Gee sounds a bit racist to me.
this, sugar only rots your teeth but has nothing to do with the stuff you need braces for
Imagine such an opinion like this cooking up in someones mind. What a world...
>the stuff you need braces for
55000 years of tribal eugenics where they bashed in the skulls of those with poor teeth genes.
They're both off the coast of India and are island nations so it's easy to get them mixed up
Unironically based tribals, fuck arabs for inventing civilization
>arabs for inventing civilization
sumerians =/= arabs
Should've remembered, read up on her, tragic what happened to my mermaidfu.
Won't have to make that mistake in the future though once the maldives are gone at least.
what race of niggers are these? their noses are very thin at the base and they have aesthetic jaws and chins. this tribe is better than black
But those people look African
do americans think all the people with dark skin are the same ethnic group? are they that retarded?
this thread music
pick one
same shit different name
Dumb amerimutt.
How does this bitch get skin like that running around in the fucking dirt all day.
How are her pores not filled to the brim with shit and sweat?
It's not fair brehs
of course they are, they are "niggers" just like how things that live in the sea are "fish"
just like how niggers think all "whites" are "evil"
Years of constantly browsing this site, the same boards will do that to a person.
Islands between southeast asia and india.
They would be in the yellow in this chart, though the chart is a bit unclear and has some errors.
Use your brain dumb user. I know you don't use it much but i need you to fire up those neurons and try.
probably a better diet
>They would be in the yellow
no they wouldn't be
superior genetics. superior diet, superior lifestyle.
Says the user whos probably rotting away in his dark smelly hole browsing Yea Forums 24/7
Yes they would be.
Why do you think they wouldn't?
>insular tribe mentality bad everywhere should be open and diverse
>insular isolated tribes good and should not be disturbed
Do liberals ever get tired of contradicting themselves?
who are you quoting you schizo
No one outside your own country considers you Americans to be white.
>Dumb /pol/tard can't stop talking about liberals
Why do you speak for others so confidently? Do you realize how underage that makes you look?
he's right though, amerimutt
I unironically wish I was born into a tribe somewhere, fuck this shit
About what exactly? How can you realistically speak for other people and expect to be taken seriously?
>randomly accusing people of being x or y based on nothing at all.
Just another undeveloped mind raised by Yea Forums
he speaks for me
that's not the definition
He speaks for me too
You mutt!
I agree with him
Those things are dumber than black people, exterminate them.
eu here i think you're all ether black or mutts worshipping blackness like retard op here
Your inner monologue
You see, if the video isn't about frogs, it means a liberal did it to brainwash us maga stallions to not reproduce, this video is clearly about liberals trying to make americans think that african americans are superior.
So what? They are stupid animals not people they dont own shit, they own the land as much as a tiger owns China.
Shut up mutt. Go ba
There is no contradiction, these tribal societies choose not to integrate into the modern world, I'm guessing you wouldn't have a problem if Mexicans chose to do the same and stopped crossing the border?
the indian authorities have given the land to them for their EXCLUSIVE use. who the fuck are you to "disagree" with the country's authorities? kys
So he speaks for three people? My point still stands.
Ah so its just a preserve for the wild life there is no way in fuck Pajeets consider those things humans considering they have consistently treated an entire race in their subcontinent like shit for over 4000 years.
He speaks for me too
And you're a shit-skinned muslim lol
No I would have a problem with it because everywhere needs to be exactly the same and everyone needs to be different shades of brown that is true diversity but you wouldn't get that because you're a dumb fuck Nazi bitch.
>Tribalism good if brown
>Tribalism bad if white
Fucking kill yourself libtards.
What do you own? They have families, can survive on their own, what land do you own? how many children do you have? You are nothing but an underage retards sperging at the fact a tribeman has a better life than yours, and instead of questioning how jewrbanization and civilization has affected humanity you post edgy shit.
For me, its the Himba
well he's not wrong
That doesn't seem like a very significant number of people. My point still stands
>there is no way in fuck Pajeets consider those things humans
literally end your life you subhuman retard
post the one with the white kid kek
Those things are not human, as I said before they are even dumber than the Sub Saharan subhumans in America right now. I dont care about their lifestyle I hate the fact these wild animals are paraded as some holier than thou presence. Oh get fucking real we used to live like them 70,000 years ago you fucking liberal piece of shit.
Okay Habib.
>Those things are not human
No they are, you have access to the internet user, you have no excuse to be this uneducated.
Who has ever said that? "Liberals" have been forming anti-tech and anti-urbanization communities since colonial times, from Jesudits and natives in brazil back in the 1600's to Hippies in the 60's, it's nothing new, former nazis did the same thing in Chile and Argentina, no one gives a fuck, except zoomers from /pol7 that think their "white ethnostate" should be only about watching anime and play videogames.
How can you realistically be in the minority and think anyone should take you seriously?
Your point doesn't make any sense, he's underage and underdeveloped because he chose to pipe up about something people agree upon? How many would it take to agree in this thread for your point to be redundant?
This is why aussie abbos and papuans are literally non-human.
Their intelligence is too low to be human they are wild animals just bipedal primates, you put one of these things in our school system and it would be terrorizing every living thing it saw without even thinking. These savage creatures are known for shooting arrows at random outsiders for no reason at all, they attempt to rape any outsider woman they see, and these stupid savages have no fire no fire at all and yet they are equal to us supposably. Go live with them and see how long it takes fo rthem to start beating you in the head when they get bored.
Fuck you people this is the exact same mindset that got these african savages in America human rights in the first place.
jesus christ kerrigan, put a shirt on
They don't know shit about racial realism, they never learned basic biology, that's why he speaks in memes
Tribalism means living only with your race and killing outsiders you liberal piece of shit.
>there are people arguing we should genocide a small tribe of literal ancient homo erectus living alone on 1 island
>but not the +1 billion nigger parasites present all across 7 continents, in every country, the niggers exist like cockroaches and rats
Yes. Just like you he presumes to know the inner workings of other people's minds... ON AN ANONYMOUS IMAGE BOARD KEK. No matter how you cut it that is the mark of an undeveloped brain. You literally argue against that.
Sound logic
>Tribalism means living only with your race and killing outsiders you liberal piece of shit.
Interesting fact, during the early days of European settlement and expansion in America, there were numerous cases of white Europeans defecting to live among the natives willingly. In some cases these Europeans were brought back by force only to run off again. There is no account of native americans willingly joining European society, they all had to be brought by force as kids and raised in it.
Tribal/communal based living is the natural state for humans, anything else makes us incrediably unhappy
>The colonials occasionally tried to welcome Native American children into their midst, but they couldn’t persuade them to stay. Benjamin Franklin observed the phenomenon in 1753, writing, “When an Indian child has been brought up among us, taught our language and habituated to our customs, yet if he goes to see his relations and make one Indian ramble with them, there is no persuading him ever to return.”
>Even as late as 1782, the pattern was still going strong. Hector de Crèvecoeur wrote, “Thousands of Europeans are Indians, and we have no examples of even one of those aborigines having from choice become European.”
Seething mainlander jealous of our lack of boongs. the octaroons are a nightmare though.
What inventions do these subhumans have? None beyond the paleolithic level. Yet you morons claim they are equal to us? Dont mind one of these things is calm on video these dark brown bipeds can get feral in a split second for no reason.
>Their intelligence is too low to be human
How smart do you imbeciles think homo floresiensis or homo heidelbergensis were? It's amazing how retarded you both are, you don't know shit about anthropology and yet you want to be taken seriously? That's what happens when you get educated by /pol/ memes instead of racial realism.
>Dark, dusky skin
>Mostly white, properly aligned teeth.
>No zombie eyes with the yellow/red schlera, seriously, what is that?
Why can't all African women be like this?
Dont compare indios to these subhuman Australoid savages. You guys are so fucking stupid you think any tribal society is equal to all tribal society yh man our Germanic tribal ancestors were just as feral and stupid as blacks tribes right now, oh boy I wonder how the fuck germanic civilizations happened if that were the case. The indios were on par with old European tribes they were barbarians but not subhuman tier like blacks, abos and other australoids.
>He believes in evolution
>he thinks all of africa is the same ethnic group
>he thinks the people in OP are in africa
>Tribalism means living only with your race
Your race is CAUCASIAN you absolute moron. That would mean ETHIOPIANS, Pakis, finns, and portuguese being the same tribe. You are a manchild that doesn't know shit. White is a phenotype, not a fucking race.
>hauling the goal posts cross country
What have (you) invented, user?
>How smart do you imbeciles think homo floresiensis or homo heidelbergensis were?
Dumber than Cro Magnon, something like the neanderthal is a genetic miracle a hominid that isnt a feral fucking retard.
No my race is North West Caucasoid.
>white is a phenotype not race
I guess koreans and japs are white now.
shut up mutt
There are more than three races you twit, there are probably as many as women think there are genders
>white is a phenotype not race
No it's because they're literally just homo erectus, retard
lel homo
homo ERECTUS lel
Do you know what a consensus is? Consensus in this thread dictates that you have no leg to stand on. Sure, the consensus wasn't established until later but it's there for you to see clear as day.
I never presumed to know the inner workings of other people's mind, I chimed in to let YOU know that another user had correctly presumed the inner workings of MY mind.
Why you choose to shy away from this I don't know. Perhaps it's the workings of an underdeveloped brain.
Ethiopian IQ is too low to be Caucasoid, and East Africa is far away from the spawning ground of the Caucasoid super race which is in Iran.
>super race
Thats Jews
Why do you assume these australoids are intelligent? Why?
Jews are Caucasoids of the middle eastern subrace.
Those are pure, ancient africans.
Today's "africans" are mixed with monkey blood and are therefore subhuman and inferior.
All this thread is retarded
>If you haven't invented something you are a subhuman
Okay show me what you've invented user, c'mon. You're white, right? (lol)
Don't tell me you leech off of the success of other individuals who have no direct connection to you. That's some gibsmedat shit.
If they really haven't been contacted for 55 thousand years, how would they know what electricity and filming etc was? Wouldn't they think it was a demon or some shit?
This is fake
ashkenazi jews are of iranian origin.
most modern jews are ashkenazi.
They aint africans dumbass, they are Australoids.
Fuck off we are talking about collectively, these things have existed longer than the COMMON ANCESTORS OF WHITES AND EAST ASIANS for fuck sake and have made literally nothing in their time. Subhumans like that mixing with horse nomads are what created the shit colored Indians you see today btw.
Why are people defending these savages?
There is no consensus. Where was this consensus reached? Which board? Which thread? Show me proof. Don't tell me that you conflate Yea Forums with the real world because that just enhances my original point.
t. amerimutt
Another example of Australoid savage subhumans that white liberal retards like the one who approached these beast think are just misunderstood humans. Google the crime rate of Papua New Guinea to understand why these things are subhuman.
>he is a subhuman who hasn't invented anything
>he is now coping hard and writing long replies
That's all I needed to see. Thanks.
What have you made with your time? Surely you have contributed SOMETHING to the white """collective""" right, user. Let's see your wares.
You cant think rationally can you? You cannot judge a fucking race by individual only collective efforts. In the small time whites have existed they have invented virtually everything and have had the most stable peaceful societies until DIEVERSITY happened. Meanwhile these subhuman savages are more technology behind than Pgymy tribes in the Congo and yet you think they are equal to us? Did you know these fucking things eat each other RAW?
hey tbf, I think he's invented a new coping mechanism
The eternal leftist scum
What have you invented? I still want to see what you've contributed to your race.
calm down bro
In this microcosm we find ourselves in. You already acknowledged the proof when you said your point still stands.
You're guilty of the thing you're accusing other's of and you can't even see it yourself.
Micheal Jackson tribe.
Nobody should "gibsmedat" on the achievements of individuals that came before them and act superior when they themselves haven't done anything with their lives. That goes for all races. It's not a hard concept to grasp if your brain is at least a little bit developed. Yours is not.
What does it matter? Are you trying to say just because I invented nothing means whites are note mentally superior to these subhuman savages? If they are so superior go fucking live with them, leave your coddled libtard existence and join these australoid retards that would torture you for fun as soon as the boat that brought you there left. Listen leftist shitpile they say humanity created the modern world NO WHITE PEOPLE CREATED THE MODERN WORLD whites just say humanity to make non whites feel good. WHITE PEOPLE PUT HUMANS ON THE MOON not humanity. This is an example of your hypocrisy a massive collective having its value inflated based on the achievements of a few in said collective. However, this is bad if its only for white people and fine if its for dark brown hominids.
Fucking kill yourself.
Shut the fuck up.
A few smart negros does somethign out of the ordinary BIG NEWS in America and OMG BLACKS SHOULD BE SO PROUD IOF THEMSELVEs when blacks are mostly criminal assholes who terrorize human life in America oh but just because these few NIGGER INDIVIDUALS did these great things WE SHOULD APPRECIATE THE ENTIRE RACE.
Fucking kill yourself already holy shit I am disgusted at the slime you are.
shit like this always makes me think, what is we stopped inventing technology and just go back to living how we lived in small groups.
>Are you trying to say just because I invented nothing means whites are note mentally superior to these subhuman savages?
If you had no contribution to any of those advancements you are on the exact same level as these "savages" who do nothing but live in a forrest. Sorry.
dibs on not living in the same group as the seething deranged mutt
Meanwhile there are no inventors nothing from the subhumans in those islands yet they are equal to us.
You aint fooling anyone you scum. Im on the exact same level as them? Translation:White people bad white people bad white people bad white people bad!
They are called savages because like all dark brown bipeds they have an uncontrollable desire to torture living things for fun.
>ascribing that flawed world view to the individual you are currently arguing with based on nothing
This is why Yea Forums fucks your mind. You literally don't know any other way of thinking other than painting people with broad strokes.
What do you expect to gain from this Europoor? You will die at the hands of the dark brown bipeds and the brown humans in your little continent you stupid fool. I cant believe a europoor is defending these australoid savages.
how are their teeth so white and straight?
...Was kangz? Go on...
That's bullshit pseudoscience crap. The aesthetics of teeth have nothing to do with evolution — as long as they can tear meat off a bone and grind leaves into a paste evolution doesn't care if they're straight and white. The very specific modern version of aesthetics in teeth is not some kind of base human instinct indicative of genetic history of perfect teeth we've lost. That's a retard's understanding of evolution and makes exactly 0 sense. There's a culture in Japan where married women dye their teeth black for aesthetic reasons. The glorification of early humans who all died at 25 years old is the biggest retard PUA knuckledragging shit and you seriously need to read the articles linked in the places you get your sources before forming your idiot opinions.