Well lads, he finally did it.
Well lads, he finally did it.
nice try boogie.
He finally lost the weight and has taken his rightful place as king of /fit/?
>its real
Rest up big man
>Yea Forums - Television & Film
he looks so ridiculous
I'll never understand how you pig disgusting american'ts worshiped such a pig
>gay pedo
He L I T E R A L L Y looks like a serial killer.
You think thats bad?
Before he got his teeth "fixed"
You know how he gained all that weight? by consuming his rape victims after the act.
god i fucking wish
Hey at least they are better than Steve-O's piano key teeth.
That psycho fake smile
When is he gonna fix this goofy ass smile? Surely he noticed by now
By living in America where this kind of look is pretty normal
steve-o looks australian now
fuck you I googled and while the page was loading I actually said aloud "pls be dead pls be dead"
If only you knew how bad things really were
Rip boogie
Looks like our guy outlasted another one
how does this happen, is it just genetics? i have shit oral hygiene, as in going weeks without brushing, and they aren't anything like that bad, really just a little yellow
He has life figured out hasn't he
''my bad''
do you also chug 2 gallons of sugar water daily
holy fuck that hairline screams boomer.
Constantly eating garbage food with too much sugar, soda, and just poor nutrition in general and all that shit
I wish it was real
Those teeth remind me of the fake inspector gadget from the inspector gadget film
you know what they say anons, you gotta make your own happenings in life. can't just wait for them
He's got it all and he's not even finished
His hair is not receding
I swear to God, this fucking tax nagger will outlive fucking PewDiePie
>tfw crazy Francis was his true self all along
And fake burger sitcom teeth won't change that.
Give it a year without brushing and you'll see black as in decaying teeth
Francis is top fucking cringe. I don't know how anyone could watch that.
This man is thriving since his inspirational weight loss, what can you incels say for yourselves?
He's not thriving though, he's dropping subscribers after calling his haters worse than nazis
>Boogie ded
>Spoony on life support
>AVGN cucked by Mike and Ryan
>Wings still an obese lolcow
Our guy Phil just keeps on truckin’
Based boogie knows the nazis weren't even bad
Wasnt being fat his whole internet persona?
He keeps that thick mane of hair healthy with his authentic Italian sauce, fortified with a diet of Kat's Tuna Casserole
well okay no i don't drink soda, not to be >do americans really but do adults regularly drink that there?
I'm not american and a lot of people here drink it nearly everyday, there they probably drink it more than water
I've lost 50lbs in 4 months since I started exercising and keto. I now have a gf and I'm finally getting out the house.
Am I making it brahs?
Soft drink sales are in decline in the US, especially diet soda.
I heard this fat disgusting fuck posts on here.
I heard he is a sneedposter
nope, hes king of /pol/ now
He answered the call
>Am I making it brahs?
You are. Now keep at it kiddo
>it's another fake news thread
Goddamn, I just want this fat fuck to off themselves already. Not because I want to end his suffering, but I want him to stop emotionally coaxing people into sending his money by telling shitty sob stories.
>slowly become chad
>start to get redpilled
Many such cases!
keep it up man
>inspirational weight loss
literally did nothing except get a stomach reduction surgery
>no exercise
>no effort
>no changing of diet
>broke his "clean eating for a month" halfway through and made a bunch of excuses
and now hes "happy" at 350lbs and still eating junk food and drinking soda
I remember Spoony used to take shots at DSP. At least DSP makes content.
post his legs you incel sòyboy
Losing the weight is good user but a gf is dead weight. Before you know it she will be insisting you go out to eat all the time and your old habits will return.
Take the gaypill tbqh
Why has he suddenly lost a lot of fans? Did he do something cheeky?
he's just another grifter now his fans where probably mostly fatcels relating to him
He dropped some redpills and now he just can’t stop
Looks like one of those war propaganda posters. Fucking ridiculous
So he told the dentist to label them as 'Boogie'? Okay. Also America was a mistake.
>inspirational weight loss
That was bait but this. Literally didn’t have the self discipline to not eat 5000-7000 calories a day of pure sugar water and junk food
brb brushing my teeth
when is the last time you TRULY enjoyed life??
That's his real name Boogie Twonine Eightyeight
my best friend is a fag and he's pretty good wingman, but i don't think I can ever be one myself. I just like titties and pusy too much, plus dicks don't do anything for me.
Already told my gf that I ain't breaking keto until I've lowered my BF% enough that I can see my gains better. Already seeing some results through my fat but until then, i'll stick with what works and she knows that.
He didn't have much choice tho
>play salieri
before i died
#metoo except when loading this thread
>boogie is mentally ill and emotionally immature
>phil is legitimately retarded
But I can't stop watching these guys. I don't even like video games. I love them
>and keto
Nope, you're on the downward yoyo path currently.
What TV show character is he from?
fuck off schizo
Apparently he didn't go to a real dentist, one of his fans offered to do it for free
One for me...
It's not easy looking that good
It's like a modern day freak show
that big guy from the LOST
This isn't true unless you have straight up dogshit genetics. I haven't brushed my teeth in over 10 years, the only problem I've had so far is sometimes one of the back teeth on one side is a bit tender.
Brushing your teeth is a meme. Do people seriously think peasants all didn't have any teeth left by 30 or something?
add a t before the v
wtf I want to repeal obamacare now
Your teeth must be so crusted up with plaque that bacteria can't get to the enamel
You don’t have to be nearly as vigorous with toothcare as dentists say but you still should take care of them wtf