

>Morgan Spurlock reignites his battle with the food industry - this time from behind the register - as he opens his own fast food restaurant.

The final thing to way for VOD Friday!

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>man consumes food far exceeding his maintenance caloric intake level and gets fat as a result
>this is somehow a baffling, revolutionary concept to americans

Its finally out? Ebin

>omits the fact that he's a chronic alcoholic
>"wooow my liver is failing surely mcdolan is to blame for this"

>chicken is bad because you can fry it and eat it with bread look if i have six chicken sandwiches a day with soda i get heartburn and have to sit. Did you know American companies sell as much chicken as they can, on purpose for money? They even do it in a factory.

>expect jaw dropping revelations
What , like eating fried chicken makes you fat? No wonder Americans are considered retards

People eat chicken all the time haha which is pretty normal except actually people have tons of oil and mayonnaise because of it so basically burn the chicken industry to the ground

So he finally spent all the money from the first one.

You'll have to pay me lots of money to eat chicken raised in the USA.

This man is a fucking liar and a fraud.

Why eating chlorine is fine

why does the chicken in his mouth seem shopped?

Fat Head 2 when?

Some people are just naturally fat because of their metabolism and has nothing to do with their diet

Just because a person's BMR is lower or higher doesn't mean they can't work it out and then eat at an appropriate calorie intake to maintain or lose weight. Yes it's not fair that your BMR might be 1800 vs someone with 2200 as you'll always be fatter at the same food intake but thats just fucking life, deal with it chubster

Can these people also circumvent thermodynamics?

Muh genetics is a lie for 99% of the people that use it.

#MeToo survivor. good luck morgan, you lying hypocrite.

reason the first one worked was because it was essentially a jackass stunt. this one is going to be boring af
>hey guys did you know ________ about the chicken you're eating
for fucking 90 minutes. stfu nobody cares dipshit. i'll give the guy credit though he's managed to stretch his one hit wonder in to a 20 year career so far. not bad for a retard.

>the secret to unlimited energy lies in certain fat people
Why are we trying to cure cancer when dissecting fatties can solve the world's energy crisis?

Ah, so that's why i'm fat.

So did he ever publish a food/nutritional journal of everything he ate when he did the first movie, or is that still "mysteriously" unknown?

Normies lap this shit up. They conveniently overlook this man's problematic history. He's not a good person. Also, he reeks of booze.

>man's problematic history. He's not a good person. Also, he reeks of booze.
so fucking what? im more concerned that his movies are shit and he has the POV of a npc. if you only let "good people" make shit then all art would be like the paintings you see in hotels. fucking boring nothing shit.

this desu the science supports it

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You guys ever see his Greatest Movie Ever Sold?

It was entertaining.

>I need money to pay the bills again

i don't blame him though, if hollywood can recycle old shit why cant he

i saw it in the theater and it sucked

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i liked wishmaster 4 it was a pretty sweet romance story

This guy started the quality over quantity scam the food industry is still using from that very day
If you stuff your face with high caloric foods, you get fat, no matter the source

I'm just gonna give it a shot and ask. I don't expect to be spoonfed. What do you do with these file names to get the torrent? Never done it before.

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This, fucking this.

His aim was NEVER to get people to give a shit about "health" that was just his major concern troll. This man has always been a tool of animal rights/veganism. His goal is to make people hate "unhealthy" food in favor of "healthy" choices which of course he will say are all vegan. This is the follow up. It carries the super size me name, but it is NOT about getting fat, it's a direct attack on farming for meat, and an attempt to make all fast food restaurants appear uncharacteristically dirty, unclean, underhanded, and evil. This will undoubtedly take highest aim at Chick Fil-A because the same group of people who are vegans seethe uncontrollably at the thought of a christian owned restaurant where the owner opposed gay marriage over 5 years ago which was made a moot point by the supreme court anyway.

His documentary will give us groundbreaking information like "chickens are not treated very well before we slaughter them" and "restaurants can sometimes be dirty and shitty" or "some low quality fast food establishments are faking grill marks and shit like that to confuse stupid people" and people will probably still treat these things like they're revelations. I'm sure there will also be a jab about "hey did you know that fried chicken isn't healthy??" with cherry picked Jay-Walking esque retards or flat out paid actors being interviewed on the street saying "uhh yeah fried chicken is super duper healthy for you, it's a great healthy alternative to a burger!" while Morgan goes on to reveal the SHOCKING truth that anything which is breaded and deep fried is indeed unhealthy for you.

So tiring.

>eats nothing but shit
>eats more of this shit than any reasonable person would
>wtf why am I feeling like shit
the premise of this documentary is utterly moronic and ruined shit for other people because he was being a retard, fuck him

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This. Spurlock is a faggot.

Isn't there a massive number of Americans who eat daily like he did?

Google it lazy zoomer

I can’t think of a single American that eats fast food for three meals every single day

it's a national problem yes. Not literally, but many people are addicted to fast food here because it's engineered to be addictive. This is because we've been stripped of cultural values and all that's left is mental drought.

>three meals every single day

Every singly person on My 600 lbs Life

Probably, there are a lot of retarded obese people. They should be allowed to do what they're doing and then left to suffer the consequences. Having empathy for idiotic human garbage cans who refuse to control themselves is beyond stupid. The only people who care about this are people who wish to force socialized health care on the US, because not only do they already believe its their job to tell people what's best for them and force "good" behavior, but they know that allowing people to be unhealthy will be a massive burden for their communist healthcare scheme.

I'm 100% in line with the heart attack grill guy. Fuck these fat people, let them blissfully eat themselves to death.

Does he actually make any substantial points or just that mcdonalds doesnt care about their consumer's health?

For me, its the McSpaghetti

>eating fried chicken a lot is bad for you
Woah?!?!? Really?!?!?!?!?!?!

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>because of their metabolism
Then they should adjust their diet to their metabolism

Do you know every american personally?

What's funny is this show is entirely pointless. Kitchen Nightmares did this already, yeah it wasn't focused on health but anyone with a brain understands restaurants serve absolute dogshit for the most part

My dad doesn't eat home regularly

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>They should be allowed to do what they're doing and then left to suffer the consequences.



Same boat, I'd imagine you paste them in the magnet link but I ain't gonna google it

I want to dump a super-sized load in his wife.

Ok, how about we get Tracy Morgan and fuse him with Morgan Spurlock to make Tracy Morgan Spurlock. And he makes a movie where he eats McDonalds for every meal, but actually somehow loses weight.

holy fucking reddit

They are eating too much sugar and carbohydrates

oh no, I LIKE chicken.

He's going to explain the boom in chicken products in fast food market recently?

forgot about me

I eat almost all processed foods, and way too many carbs, I lost 160 lbs and now weigh less than anyone I knew in high school. I was the mobidly obese fat fuck in high school, and now I'm skinny and everyone I knew are overweight.

Losing weight is all about starving yourself and eating less calories. Exercise makes losing weight significantly more difficult, you get severe hunger pains as opposed to the dull uncomfort of normal hunger.

Eating processed shit was generally really good for losing weight, because I knew exactly how many calories I was eating. Sure, if you eat a high vegetable and lean protein diet you are going to have less hunger than eating all processed carbs, but it's hard as fuck to gauge exactly how much you're eating when you do that, and if you were fat in the first place you definitely don't have a good internal gauge for how much you're eating.
The times I lost the most weight were often the most degenerate times in terms of my actual diet. I lost tons of weight with a diet primarily of Graham Crackers, Diet Soda, Frozen Pizzas, and microwave burritos.

I think 99% of fat people are just in denial of how many calories they are consuming. I know I was, and even for the first 100 pounds I lost I was still in denial of how much I was overreating, because even when I was losing weight due to my morbid obesity I was still eating way too much for years.
The other big thing is people are scared of being hungry. They think it's time to eat if they're hungry at all, you need to be hungry a lot if you want to lose weight, and need to get used to being hungry.

>Losing weight is all about starving yourself and eating less calories
Wrong. I stay lean by eating mostly fats, fatty proteins, some dairy like butter and raw milk, cooked veg, some fruits, nuts and seeds.

Just avoid bad carbs, processed foods, veg oil, sodas, sugar, etc and you literally can't get fat.

I do high intensity exercise like once every 2 weeks for an hour to keep my muscle tone.

The first one was already exposed as a fraud and this cunt made another? I genuinely hope this guy dies a slow and painful death for having the audacity to tell a bald-faced lie twice. Fuck spurlock. He's a lying hack.

The issue with weight loss isn't about how difficult or easy it is to lose weight, it's overcoming obvious childhood trauma and resolving your mental health issues, you still seem to be struggling with this.
Why did your parents and family in your life allow you to get so fat in the first place? Why didn't they step in a help? Don't they love you. What about your friends? Have you confronted them about this at all? These are questions you need to be thinking about, you're still suffering from abuse.

>being honest with costumer
>"why would they do that?"
/pol/ is always right

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the elephant in the room here is that fat people are fucking retarded.


3 mins in and I dont know what he is whining about. if you stuff your face with too much energy you get fat. big whoopsie. and how is that compost heap vegan shit any healthier?

Honestly, let the fatties eat themselves to death. They are or were going to be a drain on societal resources anyway.

on second thought I cant watch that. a giant strawman by glancing over the symptoms over deeper lying issues.

Please tell me its a star of david on her necklace

"fast food is healthy"
*chuckle of a 60 year old fat woman"
*zooms onto fat asses*

you're a terrible therapist