>movie set in slavery times
>white man randomly decides to rape black slave woman
>have to hide my power-level
Movie set in slavery times
Join him faggot
I honestly cannot fathom a situation where I would willingly have sex with a nigger.
>when you have to pretend not to be horny
finally a female perspective we can all enjoy
same the smell is horrible
I dunno...In the Old South it's pretty much a foregone conclusion you guys would all have been the kind of poor white trash even slaves looked down on.
very homosexual posts
The smell, sight, and sound of niggers are unbearable. I imagine the taste and touch are equally appalling, but hopefully I never experience that.
raised a dry smile
Im super into black chicks though, its not uncommon for me to, without thinking, have hundreds of tabs of just black women when looking for porn
You're really passionate about this topic. It sounds like you're turned on.
Black women are the most masculine women available, it's like dudes who date bodybuilder women. Maybe you are the gay one.
>big lips
>best asses
>most loyal
how are they not the most feminine?
literally MADE for white cock
Oh, you want limp skinnyfat ladynerds.
Good for you, user. Beastiality is illegal for a reason.
White girls fuck dogs, black girls fuck white boys.
Most racists are poor and uneducated so those laws were made so you and your agricultural family won't rape farm animals.
Makes me horny
*sucks teeth*
>tfw no black gf
goddamn where can I find me a hot black hoe like that. Im racist af but I love tehse black bishes wtf is wrong with me.
>tfw no nigress gf to raceplay with
Fuck you.
It's inferiority complex, same with me. I love black girls but hate black men because they're more athletic, considered more attractive, have big dicks and great social media presence. It's a hard life, and even if you fuck a black girl there's a chance your son will be a mulatto bull, while wh*te bois have no chances with hot white girls nowadays.
In the old south you'd be washing laundry, chang. I'd be railing black and yellow pussy.
How could you tell he's asian
Shut the fuck up retard
oh no bros game over bros how can we compete bros...
>attend reputable theater in ethnic neighborhood
>spend the movie entertaining the audience with my witty one liners at key moments
>get called cute repeatedly throughout the showing
>acquire the digits of numerous black queens afterwards
This should have been the villain in black panther.
>>movie set in slavery times
>>white man randomly decides to rape black slave woman
>white fwb says how disgusting man back than were
>user would you tie me up, slap me, spit into my mouth, remove my clothes and use me until you come inside me raw pls ?
>come on user thats not racist, it ok :(
as an actual black user this threads fucking depress me 2bh
I said something very racist ITT, I realize now how truly awful it was. I am sorry...
Black guy here. I just found out that my "Black Nationalist" little sister has had a white bf for 3 years. I think it's funny but my family is freaking out.
Leave your basement and have sex
>It's inferiority complex, same with me. I love black girls but hate black men because they're more athletic, considered more attractive, have big dicks and great social media presence. It's a hard life, and even if you fuck a black girl there's a chance your son will be a mulatto bull, while wh*te bois have no chances with hot white girls nowadays.
nice falseflag, incel
>my family is freaking out.
>has had
So are they still together or nah?
speak clearly nigger
Probably, haven't talked to her. Whiteboy.
Why though Tyron? At least we like your sistas in here, unlike you.
white boi here Im pretty average looking but I went through a whole bunch of african bishes at some point. like legit sloots from ivory cost and shit like that. goddamn these girls had the most spectactular bodies and they put out like its going out of style. but I stopped banging black grills because people would give me looks and comments in the streets and I figured I dont want a half black child. but fuck me black women have the sickest bodies and they are easy af to bang if youre white and somewhat put together. the "made for bwc meme" is real. hard to resist the temptation desu
You'd be awkwardly and flatulently humping your toothless sister as well as any slow-moving livestock you encountered, Zeke.
>have to hide my power-level
You aren't using that right.
these grills were slim with big tits and asses and they told me no negro goes near them because they all want fat chicks lmao. the white bois dont go near them either its a fucking pussy bufffet out there if you can tap into the black grill market I probably shouldnt even tell you thirsty incels but these black bishes are ripe for the picking.
white girls have small penises im all about big dick black girls now
>and I figured I dont want a half black child
Why not? Are you racist?
t. Half-black guy
i am racist as fuck yes thats why I stopped the inner conflict was too much
like this ?
you must have aids by now
Stage 1: Anger
>complete racist
>hates Black people
>lonely and resentful
>hates life and finds meaning by connecting to racial identity
Stage 2: Shame
>alienation drives /pol/user deeper into isolation and porn addiction
>taboos become attractive
>jungle fever spam starts having an effect
>begin jacking off to interracial WMBF porn
>shame from anti-white perversions drive the /pol/user deeper into shitposting and isolation
Stage 3: Giving In
>in loneliness, horniness, and sheer boredom the /pol/user hooks up with a BLACK girl
>though shy and nervous, the moment his whitoid dick enters black mouth the /pol/user is hooked
>months or years of porn and fetishism aligns to make everything- the BLACK woman's moans, her heavy, thicc thighs, the anons pale hand slapping ebony ass- reaffirm the user's fetishes and send so much pleasure into his racemixer brain that there is no going back
Stage 4: Dedication
>/pol/ user begins having interracial hook ups at increasing frequency
>gradually loses interest in /pol/ banter
>gets natural testosterone boost from sex, more body conscious, begins working out for a better body
>starts going out more often and building a social circle
Stage 5: Happiness
>Guy in the pic
>Completely mind broken by BLACK QWEENS and rebuilt as a better man
>doesn't even find white and asian women attractive anymore
>family and friends all surprised at the transformation from racist loser to productive member of society
>now happily married to a BLACK woman
>no longer alienated, now extroverted and sociable
>has circle of female black friends(some of whom his exes) who he hangs with and helps them get white boyfriends
>plans on impregnating his wife and making many cute caramel babies
>views racist /pol/ user with mixture of pity and bemusement, uses imageboards only to post jungle fever threads
>thanks Black booty daily for changing him from an angry, resentful loner into somebody with a full spectrum of human emotion
So you would hate your half-black child? Sick fuck.
Because he doesn't want to put yet another schizo depressed bipolar mulatto like you in this world, and he's right. Big black butts are nice for the fucking but that's it.
desu i would only conceive a child with a hot black women when i knew that the child would be female too. Same goes with asians.
There is something repulsive about non white males
No thanks
of course you did
Give me black waifu
This user is right. It’s really easy to hook up with them. Hidden cheat code if you absolutely need to get laid
Tfw when Hispanic and know parents would look down at me for dating outside of my race.
the one on the right is Royalexi, she has done amateur hardcore porn with a white guy (and only a white guy).
So you're white?
Do you suppose slave oiler was a job that paid well?
Bam Margera's doing well for himself
Calm down American.
>and only a white guy
of cause. Why would a hot black qt want a black if she could get the white juice.
honestly just look at all the black actresses they all got the bbw
are black female teen weebs the most powerful demographic in the world?
can they teleport?
So if your sister dated a whiteboy your parents would be sad?
Yea I guess I’m not dark just tanned
No whites get a free pass
Why does he get mad when black women date white men?
>slave oiler
At least it would have been the perfect job for many involuntary neets here.
Unironically I met some like this, he was racist af but he was a chad, really chad , he was blonde and got blue eyes, every non-white girl wanted to dated him even when he was so racist (because all women are whores) I don't know what happened to him.
Is that Krager?
Think of the sponsors
1. don't date blacks
2. don't hide the truth until the last minute
i have a question for our african american posters, do you guys cry if someone makes a hate niggers thread
Just like my uncle who always said how much he hated blacks and now have black wife and have been together for 6 years.
cause aside from this racebaiting shit being annoying, i also dont wanna see black women doing stuff with white men. but someone keeps posting these threads
>black nationalist
What does that even fucking mean? You meant black supremacist I guess.
ladies are supposed to be skinnyfat/fat, retard
no you aren't
you're a larping edgelord
>i also dont wanna see black women doing stuff with white men
well tough luck negro because you know your women love the bwc
East african girls are cute, like somalis or ethiopians, and carribean girls as well, especially jamaicans.
I recognize and acknowledge my inferiority to the master race, user.
who is making these blackjaks?
and why the fuck now?
>dont wanna see black women doing stuff with white men
you sound like an incel
>if i dont get black tail they shoulnt get it too
get over it nigger, you can have all the white damaged thots and we keep pic related
I'm Mexican, my parents only want me to date whites, same with my sisters.
>your women love the bwc
not as much as Yea Forums neckbeards, who don't even have the excuse of being women
There are black people too lol.
Why can't everyone just be nice to eachother?
Yeah, and not even MadThad's as ridiculous looking as any of you asslords.
thx user. Great deal
Wherever he is he's probably swimming in pussy because all women are indeed whores
>talking shit about Thaddy
You really are a nigger.