Between the shit dialogue to the corny "ghost is behind you" crap and while passing through the "friendship and goodness defeated the ghost", can the horror genre be saved?
They also try to explain everything and any mystery dies. I was watching this movie where they had this haunted object that made ghosts show up wherever it was taken. When they figure this out, one character says gravely "it's a beacon for other spirits". Why not call it a fucking a cell tower/light house/bait if you're going to be so ridiculous? What's wrong with saying "it attracts other spirits"?
Also recommend some decent horror movies if there are still any to be found.
How do we fix horror movies?
Everyone has different opinions on what's scary, which is why most horrors get 40-60% on RT.
>"it's a beacon for other spirits". Why not call it a fucking a cell tower/light house/bait
because none of those mean the same thing
You need to make horror movies about things that adults are scared off.
Like taxes or cancer or having to put your parents in a home.
I don't watch a horror movie if the main character is a woman, because horror movies for women are either braindead slasher flicks that lean heavily on female empowerment over a male villain, or a PG-13 ghost movie with no viscerality.
When you have pit bulls gnawing out the crotch of some poor Mexican son-of-a-bitch broadcast to you over breakfast, horror movies seem redundant.
No movie could possibly match the festering horror that real life is serving up in these fucked up times. That’s why horror is dying as a genre; it’s simply been surpassed.
By giving robert eggers all yr $$$
>being this much of an incel
>How do we fix horror movies?
It's been done.
Gore used to have a place in horror, but then faggots and women whined about torture porn, and the genre shifted to ghost movies about ghosts clapping and throwing balls down stairs.
Shit movie that is too glib to be horror, Raimi peaked long before this one. You can't take this one seriously with the goat and gypsy being mauled like Rasputin.
The horror genre is in the best shape it has been since the 70s or maybe ever. Watch The Witch or Hereditary for the modern classics, and there is a lot of smaller ones that are fun.
Stop appealing to white girls.
Which no-burn are you going to recommend next, the babadook?
Gore is only short term "scary", the more you watch it the more untangible and generic it becomes. It's only scary in the physical realm of you not wanting to get decapitated, but that scare lasts as long as the the video is long, while truly scary/unsettling situations leave you scared for a long time.
Films The Hunt or even Threads are the best examples where the horror is long term, not just a knee jerk reaction. Films where you're presented with actual tangible situations you can see yourself in, while most people can't fathom suddenly getting their head cut off by a machete while the rest of your family watches, your mind simply can't compute that.
The Wailing
the first conjuring had the right idea.
i don't really care for horror movies or slasher flicks cause they're super corny, but i liked that one.
that was actually my next recommend, thanks user
Hereditary didn't impress me much to be honest.
The first conjuring was all right even if the ending is kinda corny. The scene in the OP is from Annabelle 3 which also has them but not as the main characters.
need more atmospheric slow burns with no jump scares.
me fucking your mom