This deserves it's spot at number 1 on IMDb. What does that say about the current state of Western entertainment? This anime season was better than anything else on tv this year.
This deserves it's spot at number 1 on IMDb. What does that say about the current state of Western entertainment...
name 3 shows from this summer
Last season of game of thrones
New seasons of Netflix shit
It's still on top? I thought butthurt baka gaijins had brigade'd it down.
Yes. "Hero" on 1st place and "Perfect game" on 3rd
>chinese cartoon have more statisfying payoffs, surprising twists, and meaninful character development than any 3D film in the past decade.
I didn't believe it until I saw it.
you guys know this author just rips of ancient visual novels for every plot twist right
Season 4 has potential to monopolize IMDB ranking but we know (((they))) won't allow it, and will release their gaijin hordes to review-bomb it.
The manga has truly become ShingeKINO Kyojin
imagine being a grown adult watching cartoons for chinese children
for me? it's christa
I did much worse things in my life. For example, watched "Supernatural"
I hate reddit on titan but the sheer amount of butthurt american is making my day
Everybody was shitting on this years ago. When did it become good?
I just seen some panels and it was basically a more advanced second faction hunting shifters like jews with crosses and everything.
So what happened? Any big twists?
Supernatural is also a cartoon for chinese children. Chinese girls specifically.
Everybody is shitting on this years ago because its popular. I can’t answer your other question because i dont watch it
People were shitting on it because it had an asinine episode structure. with huge breaks between seasons and these seasons being fucking half as long as regular seasons and the arcs it was covering were not the best either. And it always had hate-following because the first season was super mega popular (especially with normies) so contrarians didn't like it.
But this most recent season in 2019 has been pretty good, so people like it again.
>Hey Eren, I'm the armored Titan and berthold is the colossal titan.
>When did it become good?
never, it's pretty overrated
Imagine thinking that Attack on Titan is good
Go back to Yea Forums, virgin
Hisu best girl.
The best scene in the series, everyone I know had to collect their jaws from the floor
The Uprising arc. The storyline so pleb filter that it nearly filtered the author.
I like the post time skip stuff. But I can't remember anyone's name except for Eren and a couple more. I think the plot is pointlessly convoluted.
But when it will finish (soon enough) I'll marathon it to see how the story flows once you can fly through it.
I got this recommended to me as one of those "good anime" but I dropped it after a few episodes.
The main character was an annoying faggot and it also did cringeworthy shit like
>woman soldier who's physically stronker than dudes
anime is gay
I seriously hope you watched at least until 4, that's when shit gets real.
Stronk woman's powers get explained in the best way possible that completely Knocks her down EVERY peg and pulls the rug out from under everything she thought to be true. The person she's spent her entire life loving and protecting outs her as basically nothing but the latest member of a genetically engineered slave family, and that she only loves him because of her genetic programming. She then proves him right by protecting him when his best friend takes a swing at him for bullying her.[/spoilers]
I fucking can't wait for some Mmghkino.
Get the fuck out. Best anime kino coming through.
>dropped it after a few episodes
You don't read too good do you
You know its revealed later Erin was completely bullshitting, and even Armin admits thats probably the case, right?
I've taken the Shoujo pill
What? He said he dropped it after a few episodes. A few could be 2, could be 5, could be 7. This thing has like 60 episodes
>says anime it's gay
>tries to explain why it's not
The Manga writer is such a fucking genius
I love anime and I turned this shit off after 8 episodes. The pacing is so slow and it is amazing how they can take a show about man-eating giants and make it melodramatic
>the story is good though
that’s why I read the manga
take the joseipill
>Author is a Japanese imperialist who thinks that nips DID NOTHING WRONG in Korea
>Fills his manga with militaristic nationalist themes
>MC is unironically a mass shooter loser who happened to grow into becoming Chad McBigDick
>Manga will 100% end with genocide of the lesser races since it's following the story of the eternal champion book
>Author makes sure he BTFOs all homos who ship same-sex characters in his story
>Redditors always try to ignore all that
Hmm user, please have sex
>Any big twists?
Yep, it was the Village 2.0 and the M.C. comes out as a psychopath
If only 2011 was better in general
Cope harder, speedreader kun. The last chapter confirmed that the fake out was bullshit and that Eren really has gone full "Gas the Marleyans, Rumble Walls Now".
for me, its mikasa
For me it's Reiner suffering
What was the meaning of this now that we know that it was Eren who was driving previous attack titans into insanity and not the other way around?
>When did it become good?
Its still shit, almost all of its fans are fedora tipping pseudoweebs who probably watched Primer once and now think anything with non linear time travel is a work of genuis
Gaijins btfo, they cant do anything right anymore
You are a massive faggot
>reading pedo shit
No thanks
Eren has lost his mind and probably doesn't even know what his endgame is. all he cares about is muh fight for freedom, he's a slave to it.
Every word of it is true though. Cope harder.
You're not that smart are you?
don't bully her
Erens intentions in this moment were to help that girl realize she is worse than a puppy dog on a leash and she needs to get a fucking life. Christ every waking second of her life revolves around Eren, she needed that