Cast Greek Mythology


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Other urls found in this thread:

Idris Elba


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I knew it was coming. Based.

Don’t even joke about it.

>casting non-greeks

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Aphrodite isn't the goddess of tryhard amphibians.

Gyllenhaal as Hades


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Me as Talos


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She's clearly Athena though.

Who would be Hestia? She's like the only Greek deity without some kind of mental disorder and genuinely cares for others

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its like that stranger things girl, but male.



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Like father, like son. Where can I watch this greekino?


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only correct choice for Hercules

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who gonna play kratos?

your mum


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Vin Diesel in heels.

Hephaestus is the Incel god


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This subhuman deformed jawless kike can only play freaks

Mark Strong

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Triple Haitch

Do hermaphrodites exist in real life? I sort of want to put her dick inside her own pussy.

Post your jaw

He looks like the kind of guy who gets passed around by old Greek philosophers


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I see Evie as more of Artemis.


Fuck, Joe is hot.

>black man is a serial rapist
what did you mean by that?

Hades by Michael Fassbender

both wrong
this is the only correct choice for aphrodite

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too good looking
I'd say willem dafoe


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Hephaestus is the ugly one bruv


just because one's ugly doesn't mean that all the others are model tier

Tyler Perry as Madea as Hestia. Or Meryl Streep.

>Greek mythology
>casting white people

Brendon Frasier as Hephaestus .



>played by anglos/germanics

yeah but Hades sure as shit isn't the other ugly one


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Goddam right. Pic-related for Achilles.

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Will we see him as Deathstroke again?

good taste

Snyderverse is dead

best one casting in this thread

Would mind him as Prometheus or something

>mfw white bois needed the black man to show them how fire works

yeah it does

Fuck you.



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they're fucking gods nigga they're gonna be vain as shit


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Fucking perfect.

My fucking sides.


Obvious Jupiter.


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based maelstrom



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fucking chad

>Virgin goddess of the hearth, home, and chastity.

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its a movie about greek gods, no bl*nd monkey-people allowed

>knowing any Greek actors
Also he looks like a fag, is he?

jupiter is a roman god, not greek


can confirm

Where are her tits?


Make her Hera.


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Too old


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Athena should look more mature.

After Gone Girl I think she'd a good pick for Eris.

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That or Demeter, idk why but I get a Demeter vibe from her


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Athena is Zeus' personal psycho virgin warrior born out of his own head like a couple of years ago. She should look young.

>anglos in any of these roles


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>makes them brunettes
ahhh much better

too old, Apollo is supposed to be youthful looking

here is the only kratos

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If that's Apollo then here's his sister Artemis.

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Too old

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What do you call this pose?

who in current year could play Gandymede?

the frog from Stranger Things?

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Bradu Pittu can de-age at will.




>not knowing
He is not.

Pic related cast as Apollon

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Need some more diversity

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Jason, leader of the Argonauts.

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The “Five Points of Articulation.”


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'the man, goin round, takin names'


A man of refined taste

These are neither greeks or hellenic

This is the only decent choice, but only because he is south italian, sicilian, that's close on the race of ancient greeks


Sorry! I mean him that is sicilian


badly underrated post

Who is /ourguy/ going to play?

Make your own movie greekfag

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Unless Zeus is supposed to be the shortest of the gods, no.

Have you read the Illiad, blond men and Gods everywhere. Modern Greeks = TURK'D version of ancients. Go somewhere else fagopolos

She wants to play Medusa.

good choice for chadpollo, did you see his concert last night user?

>Have you read the Illiad, blond men and Gods everywhere. Modern Greeks = TURK'D version of ancients. Go somewhere else fagopolos
Did I ever said blonde doesn't equal greek?
I'm saying these actors are not greek.
Jennifer Aniston is greek and is blonde.
Greek and blonde is not a crime.
But not-greek blonde is a crime.
So repeat it with me.
I never claimed greeks weren't blondes

Just because their legendary heroes were blond, it doesn't mean that they were.
Assuming that they were blond is like saying "ancient Indians was blue a'cuz Krishna is blue"

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>Make your own movie greekfag
It's what I'm doing, amerimutt.
And conrary to you will have actuall greek actors.
Not like Wonder Woman where you put danish, americans, norwegians, dutch and african americans.
The only good choice was unironically jewish Wondy but only because she was closer to greeks than the fucking subhumans north europeans

you want some golden fleece brah?
yeah, nice quest man, nice quest...tell me, what would you do if someone were to...end it right here, bitch! KIII HII YAAA WUAAA KIYAAA

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So this is the power of Greek thought.
There is more of a genetic connection between a fucking Nords of all people than to the ancient Greeks than to modern Gr**ks. Requiring Modern Greek actors to LARP is as fake and gay as getting Idris Elba.

>Jennifer Aniston is greek and is blonde.
I'll bet you think Madonna, Beyonce, and Shakira are natural blondes too

Greeks can be blonde.
Just look at Jennifer Aniston.
I have just a problem when you put barbarian dutches such as Doutzen Kroes as a civilized greek in Wonder Woman

Moreover her Blonde hair isn't from her Greek ancestry, but in spite of it.


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Jen Aniston:
*father – Greek
*mother – Scottish, Italian-Arbëreshë/Albanian, English, possibly Irish

Yeah, she's Blonde becuase she's....Greek

Athena is the brainy one not the muscle girl. She could be Artemis.

>I'll bet you think Madonna, Beyonce, and Shakira are natural blondes too
Yeah, sorry. That was the first example I thought of.
Julia Alexandratou! She is greek and blonde


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Irish women can't resist brown or black men, huh?

She is blonde because of hair salons, not her heritage

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We already got the perfect Persephone.

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would be kino since he shits on Apollo in Troy

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>rouvitses in my chans


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lmao fvcking greeks, how many planets do you have named after your gods? your cvltvre was shit vntil we fixed it.

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And I thought they said opposites attract
You know what, she does look kinda, slightly Greek. I stand corrected.

Based, was gonna post this

Idris Elba

And so? Why invalidate her because she is mixed?
She is part greek, here in Greece she is still greek.
But there are natural greek blondes here too

>Requiring Modern Greek actors to LARP is as fake and gay as getting Idris Elba.
Listen, you had american non-greeks actors appropriating our culture for 100 years of cinema and tv.
The bare minimum is casting real greek actors that protray our culture in a real way.
Because I see how you butcher our culture with that abort of Wonder Woman and Wrath Of The Titans.
So you can just have a greek person to write on your shitty movies or just have a full greek cast.
Your choice


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Thanos Alibakis

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the only fun thread in Yea Forums and faggots are ruining it talking about face heritage and other bullshit
feck off

>not casting Kevin Sorbo as Hades

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>casting real greek actors
Not in an english languege hollywood movie, which is what we are talking here
Maybe for some minor roles

we are taking over user, greek rouvasfags are the dominant force and we run this site
not gonna dox myself, you should know

James Woods is better choice

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>not Kevin Sorbo as Heracles

>real greek actors that protray our culture in a real way.
Let me put this very simply for your Truk'd mind. Your culture is not the ancient Greek culture. Youre genes are not of the ancients due to about a few centuries of being misegenated. It's okay to admire and learn from them obviously and the language is almost identical over a tremendous time period, but you are not the Greek that they were. Thus asking for Greek actors to play the ancient Greeks is like asking a fucking a half Finish half french man to play ghengis khan

He is too old now

Would only accept these castings if Mandingo cast as Pluto/Hades

mouse brain

>the language is almost identical
lol no

How about Kevin Sorbo as Zeus?!

>We need a director

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say no more senpai

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Well in comparison to how quickly every other lang in human history has changed it has stayed remarkably similar (So I've read), that's all I mean.

this is the man for the job

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Fuck yes

Science says otherwise Amerimutt.
Modern Greeks share the same genomes with the ancient Mycenaeans


Too ugly and Jewish looking. Let’s have Tom Holland instead.


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Too old

Exactly, they’re white, sorry Turkshit.

>Let me put this very simply for your Truk'd mind. Your culture is not the ancient Greek culture. Youre genes are not of the ancients due to about a few centuries of being misegenated. It's okay to admire and learn from them obviously and the language is almost identical over a tremendous time period, but you are not the Greek that they were. Thus asking for Greek actors to play the ancient Greeks is like asking a fucking a half Finish half french man to play ghengis khan
The fuck are you talking about? This is our Greece. Even if we weren't as ethnically "real" greeks as you said we would still be nationally greeks.
And that's what I am talking about. I don't care if you're a white, black, brown, olive, south asian, asian, semitic greek. If you're nationally greek is enought for me. And that's what no one of these actors are.

>Not in an english languege hollywood movie, which is what we are talking here
>Maybe for some minor roles
Do you think we don't learn english? We aren't even teaching greek anymore in my region. We're teaching english, because we know it's the language of the future.
So check a better excuse muttymerican.
And having a minor role for use it's wors that no roles at all.

The Mycenaeans were Mycenaeans - As far as I can remember they weren't Achaians nor Dorians? Your point?


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They’re Europeans and the gods are never portrayed as brown mutt looking plebs.

Well, the similarities are there but it's a whole new world for greeks to learn the ancient language. Sure, the letters are the same and you can recognise some words but the grammar and syntax are way off. Modern greek is an extremely dumbed down version of the ancient language. Best comparison I can make is normal english and early 00's msn talk but even that barely scratches the surface. I haven't however studied other ancient languages (save for some basic latin) so I can't really say whether it's closer to ancient than other languages.

I mean it’s obvious really. Is the DNA of people in one region really going to change significantly in 3000 years?no.

>I don't care if you're a white, black, brown, olive, south asian, asian, semitic greek. If you're nationally greek is enought for me.

Ok retard. Enjoy your magic dirt.

Fuck. No.

Tom Holland for Ganymede or gtfo.

So what? The ancient Greeks were not mutt people. They portrayed their gods as beautiful, often red and blonde haired, and the Spartans were famous for their fair hair. Fuck off with the meme that all Southern Europeans are non white brown people.

Just to end the debate, pic is what greek gods looked like so the only good casting would be nafris and levantine people

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Just get body builders then and cover them in that brown oil they usually have for a show

Your insistence every cast member has to be Greek is retarded. If Hollywood is making the film then Hollywood gets to use professional Western standard actors, most of which are not Greek, otherwise you’d get a 90’s TV movie standard load of shit.

>family drama about the lives of gods in Olympus focused on the personal tragedies rather than epic heroisms

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Nah, Italians were nafris Greeks were straight up black, hindu or mulatto.

>Just to end the debate, pic is what greek gods looked like so the only good casting would be nafris and levantine people
A roman's mosaic is used as a prove of anything?
They painted us like this for mocking us

Good to know
Latin gang checkin in - unironically the only reason I give Greeks shit is to honour this most sacred tradition

So just cast your own film rather than crying and policing everyone else.

He’d do a pretty good job on the house of Atreus

kino from the get go


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Unironically a great choice.

>We aren't even teaching greek anymore in my region. We're teaching english
Don't tell me you're a Cypriot? Disgusting desu.

Agreed, just make fun cast lists you autists!


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So you don’t care if the cast was 100 black African as long as your regarded government gave them Greek citizenship? LMFAO. Leonidas fought for nothing, Greece is dead and the Greeks killed it.

>Your insistence every cast member has to be Greek is retarded. If Hollywood is making the film then Hollywood gets to use professional Western standard actors, most of which are not Greek, otherwise you’d get a 90’s TV movie standard load of shit.
They did this for 100 years! Since they adapted Hercules with Schwarzenegger.
The minimum they can do is giving to my people some of their big success.
We're poor here. You're exploitating our culture for becoming richier and richier while we're just trying to not be poor.
And why can't you use greek actors even for legitimate greek roles? My Big Fat Greek Wedding didn't show you that greek actors can be successful?

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You stupid little potter cunt feck off

Why do people hate Greeks so much lol. It's either you wuz white or you wuz brown or you wuz black. Are you mentally challenged or something?

>my people
Also are you the user who said "I don't care if you're a white, black, brown, olive, south asian, asian, semitic greek. If you're nationally greek is enought for me", becuase man... You really need to reflect on what that means.

yes they are just jealous greeks have history and their civilization was more advanced than their monkey ancestors

It's because modern greeks are all about the we wuz philosophers an shiet without backing it up with modern achievements. The world isn't going to respect you because some great guy was born 2000 years down your bloodline. Work and earn, nigger.



De age her
She needs to looks like a 15 years old woman

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t. seething

You have more in common with Mohammed than with Aristotle

>mutt is still seething

Nice projection, I'm no Burger. Post skin

You have nothing like Mohammed and Aristotle


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so your a faggot nordcuck? Your "history" is barbarians that lived 2000 years after the greeks. If other race you shouldnt even talk because you were and still is a subhuman

We both know that's not true, but either way I'm not the one claiming to be from them.

Nice English sentence you have there btw.


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>These are neither greeks or hellenic
It's 2019!


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I'm English/French

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fits perfectly in the subhuman category then


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Tell me more, in English please.

lmao calm down shitskin

>Nice English sentence you have there btw.
That's because of the americans and you know it.

>anglos mad


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>So just cast your own film rather than crying and policing everyone else.
I did it.
Lea Michele= Wonder Woman (so she is still jewish and we avoid riots)
Chris Pine= Steve Trevor (that was good at least)
Nia Vardalos= Hippolyta
Varya Shutova= Artemis (she is not greek but neither Artemis is in the comics)
Julie Ann More= Etta Candy
Venelia= Markella Giannatou
Manolis Karamanlakis= Duke of Deception

Yes. Anglo-Saxons who hated other Anglo-Saxons conquered to spread the Anglo-Saxon Language. What did he mean by this?

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>we wuz kings and shit

>Don't tell me you're a Cypriot? Disgusting desu.
I'm from Epirus.
I don't even know why you also want to invalidate Cypriots. They may be mixed but still greek is still greek

how do you do my fellow swiss?



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>So you don’t care if the cast was 100 black African as long as your regarded government gave them Greek citizenship? LMFAO. Leonidas fought for nothing, Greece is dead and the Greeks killed it.
They can be greeks, nothing bad with that.
And Leonidas? Really?
Leonidas Paraskevopoulos fought for us. He freed us from the ottomans. An dhe fought because he wasn't greek in his land that was Greece. So he would agree in the fact that being greek can be ethnical and national


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Well, he always liked to turn himself into animals to fuck women, it's fitting

Excellent choice.

redpilled opinion

Meant for
This is now an Anglo thread

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>Also are you the user who said "I don't care if you're a white, black, brown, olive, south asian, asian, semitic greek. If you're nationally greek is enought for me", becuase man... You really need to reflect on what that means.
Yes, it's me.
A greek is a greek if he is either national or ethinically greek. I don't care for the rest.
So I don't care if I'm not a real greek for your ethinical standards. I'm greek for nationality.
And that's moe every hollywood fake greek actor will ever be.

Imagine being proud of being an Anglo

This desu
Country - Religion - Family in order of importance.

>putting anything over family

>how do you do my fellow swiss?
to few to be swiss

You wouldn't allow your son to fight and die for country because you love him?

So being Greek is literally by having them enter into the magic bounds of laws, stepping upon the Greek clay and maybe reading some Homer. Straight from the Sahara or the mountains of Yemen and Bam! A Greek is made - just like Aristotle! I'll teach my Dog to be Greek in a month!


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stfu ahmed and focus ob the shitskin takeover og your island

Seriously kill yourself my man


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And so cast real greeks

>It's 2019!
We're still alive, even if you're trying to making us feel dead
Does the fact that I'm a true greekman a shoc for you?

>So being Greek is literally by having them enter into the magic bounds of laws, stepping upon the Greek clay and maybe reading some Homer
Unironically yes. Ancient greeks were comprised of different races that came together and formed the civilisation you anglos like to suck up to so much. Being greek is a matter of spirit and culture. Though I shouldn't expect an anglo to understand culture.

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they're extinct

This nigga reads percy jackson baka


>So being Greek is literally by having them enter into the magic bounds of laws, stepping upon the Greek clay and maybe reading some Homer. Straight from the Sahara or the mountains of Yemen and Bam! A Greek is made - just like Aristotle! I'll teach my Dog to be Greek in a month!
By the time Aristotle was born Stagira was still Macedonian. Him being considered greek today should prove that being greek is a laws thing.
And no, you can be greek if you want to relate to Greece and to his people, if you're a migrant that doesn't want to be there and just try to boycott Greece you aren't greek.
It's all a political and bureaucracical thing being from a nation.
I'm just a native greek that want his culture to be respected
If they work with and for us they're okay


Truly the mother of all mothers.

>they're extinct
Stop telling everyone I'm dead!
We're here.
We're alive.
And be sure we have a loud life

me as Diagenus

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>Literally telling me that Mohammed is Greek because a lawman waved his hands
Disgracefull, even Aristotle spoke of the nationality of a people being racial.
>Though I shouldn't expect an anglo to understand culture.
Internet culture is Anglo, deal with it.

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>these are neither apples or apples

Get your shit together you dumbass

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>Aristotle spoke of the nationality of a people being racial.
Aristotle wasn't greek untill the 1800. He is macedonian and he believed in the races as who is civilized and who not

I hate that Danny Devito is the only accurate here because he is italian and so part hellenic

Big Tex

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based roman user

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You disgrace your people more than anything I can say about them by reducing them to sentences and clauses amendable to time, circumstance, but God fobid, not the magic dirt. The USA is the only proof you need that different peoples (races) living under a common constitution produces nothing of the notion you acceed to. Give an African Jefferson - what has it begotten? Give an African Aristophanes?
Give me a break.

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Retard. Greek DNA hasn't changed since the ancient times. Sorry to burst your nordic revisionist views on greece and greeks, sweaty.

Jon de Lancie should be Hades, for the bantz

Ancient greeks were different races. America was a mistake that you can't simply handwave to muh different races. You fucked up big time and got curbstomped for it by a mixed race nation. If anything America proves you wrong.

>"end the debate"
>post a mural that is clearly not contemporary to early classical Greece, much less Ancient Greece

> If anything America proves you wrong.
I really want to see the mental gymnastics of this. Go on, how could the US do anything but prove me right on this?

See above I'm no Nord.

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It's a mixed race nation that is more successful than your fanny empire. No mental gymnastics. Isn't your nation getting diversified as we speak? You are no purer than the darkiest darkie in Constantinopole.

Civic Nationalism is true because the US is > than the UK?
Are you serious? Fuck off retard.

Why yes I am of Greek descent, how could you tell?

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I posted 2 greek people moron

>I posted 2 greek people moron
prove it


both greek
Btw greeks can be blonde and blue eyed, know several girls that are. The only god to be that way I think though was Apollo

Nice deflection. You mentioned America when it clearly contradicts your idiocy.

The existence of your nation was a mistake, you were there because we needed someplace to put criminals and poor people. You were xenophobic against irish, italians, germans and greek by the time the Civil War ended.
You're just a mongrolized racialistic society. Your pride is literally for the color of your skin. We fucking know that being white means nothing if you think we hate other whit people. You believe white people are interchangeable, that brits can be played by frenches, that italians can be played by germans and that greeks can be played by your mutts. You believe this because racialism. You never had an identity thus you used the color of the skin that grouped you together and you used it for having an identity
We greeks are poor, lazy, sad, jobless but we know who we are

>both greek

Marie Avgeropoulos (also played in the 100)
Anthimos Ananiadis (I think he played in French movies as well as Greek)

yes, my fault, sorry

Brie Larson for Hera, the eternally seething cucked wife.

(1. I'm not American)
>You believe white people are interchangeable
No I don't.
>that brits can be played by frenches, that italians can be played by germans and that greeks can be played by your mutts.
Do I look like a Hollywood Jew in charge of Casting?
>You never had an identity
Sure Big guy (and being Greek I'm sure you are big), let me go and read King Lear after Church in the gardens to come home to the Anglo-created Internet to be told by a Greek who literally thinks an African on his magic dirt gives him a culture, In English.
>We greeks are poor, lazy, sad, jobless but we know who we are
Clearly you don't. Need I say more?

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>let me go and read King Lear after Church
>after church
Nice god you worship there. It's almost like culture isn't based on genes but on the people who construct it.
btw you're the only one who reees about civic nationalism
We're talking about culture. Yes, we. It's I'm not the guy who posted about casting.
Anyway, keep talking about racial purity and pretend America is purely anglo when it suits you while bashing their racial diversity when it doesn't. Hypocrisy runs deep in bongland.

Every point I made BTFO you, and you're still here as if I didn't make them. Fuck off back to your barren ground where you belong, and along with the African who swam in last week, remember no matter what you'll always be a Greek, just like him.

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>the pure seething of that post
Farewell, anglo, I'm done with you. I'll see you in the next thread were you try to act le smug brit. Send my regards to the colonies.


Then what kind of mutt are you?

Anyway nationality and ethnicity are two face of the same coin.
The coin is being greek, the faces are by nationality and the other ethnicity