Jim is an Asshole

Watching the US Office growing up, Jim always came across as the funny guy everyone likes, who gets the ladies, gets his work done and generally has his life together.

Rewatching the series a decade later made me realise what a toxic human being he is.
>Knows his colleague at work has a fiance and even a wedding date booked and still tries to shoot his shot twice.
>Breaks up with cute redhead cheer gf on a cruise because his previous crush finally gets a date for a wedding
>Kisses a woman he knows is due to get married after she rejects him (promoting adultery) and then leaves the workplace, leaving her to break off the marriage in confusion, but not have him as an option to rebound
>Transfers to another branch because she shat where he ate, only to shit where he eats at the new branch and break the heart of tasty mixed race gamer gf Karen because he decided to go back and play with Pam's feelings again because a woman saying no twice doesn't mean no in his books (dude feminism lmao).
>Makes the lives of productive employees hell by bullying them in the workplace. Wagies who just want to do their 9-5, earn their wage and go home, who despise coming to work because their desk might be in the staff toilet or their personal possessions encased in gelatin, all for his amusement and no reprecussions because his boss is an autist and he takes advantage of it
>Seems to have no social circle outside of work, probably because those at work are forced to interact with him and outside the confines of an office building no one wants to be with a jerk like him

Maybe this is one of those instances of that cringey cartoon strip where the protag is commenting how every movie/series you watched growing up is offensive when you watch it in hindsight, but it seems an eyeopener for myself.
Thanks for coming to my blogpost

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It’s just life. I met my wife at work while I was married to someone else and she was married to someone else. We started an affair and are now happily married ten years later with two qt daughters. If you see something you want you should go for it, no one wants to die with too many regrets.

yes obviously except i understand that for a kid it isn't obvious. I resent that i was allowed to watch shows about despicable people since i was only just learning about the world and had no way to tell they were not supposed to be people to model your behaviour on e.g. seinfeld


Jim gets to be an asshole because he's a borderline handsome chad lite, stay mad ugly incel handsome chads get away with anything this is how life works lmao


you're like "the main character of a show is the good guy. the show is named after them. the other characters can do bad things but if the main character does something that seems bad to me it must be kind of ok actually because they're the main character/good guy"

Please commit suicide, familia

Imagine being too much of a pussy to go after a girl you like lmao

It's fine to go after what you want after ending your previous relationship you sack of shit.

imagine marrying a woman just because you want to settle and are afraid you wont find anything better lmao

Men of family values

>ending a perfectly good relationship over something you have no idea will work out
Brainlet. If I broke up with a girl every time I cheated I’d be homeless by now.

Imagine never marrying

This makes a lot of sense


Imagine having a gf haha

Absolute trash lel. Hope your daughters grow up to be whores.

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Your daughters are literally guaranteed to be whores lmao

>hits pipe

Eh, Pam knew she wasn't happy with Roy, and she tried to hide her feelings for Jim. The season finale where he tells her how he feels is probably my favorite romances in a sitcom. He screws over Karen though, which was kind of a dick move.

He pranks Dwight because Dwight is a dick to everyone, including Jim. Later on Jim realizes that maybe he is taking all the pranks too far and is basically bullying Dwight at that point. But by the end of the show, the two of them are friends.

lol, I am at reddit and 4channel at the same time, while chatting on discord and playing wow classic at the same time

Noooo according to the soibois in this thread cheating is the worst thing ever noooooo

putrid scum


wonder how many miles of dick your "wife" is taking behind your back, considering you just literally confirmed she's a cheating whore.

I can't think of anything more cuck than raising a daughter let alone TWO

hes clearly not a logical thinker

you deserve to be

No fucking loyalty in this world, man. You and your wife disgust me. Imagine thinking this way.

try moral

I trust her completely. Cheating a few times when younger doesn’t make one a whore, incel.

>a woman saying no twice doesn't mean no in his books
50 no's then a year still means yes

my current gf cheated in past relationships and i call her a whore to this day


>Cheating a few times when younger doesn’t make one a whore

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Imagine not thinking this way. Loyalty is good, but you should be loyal to yourself before anyone else.

Don’t worry, she’s cheating on you too. You fucking piece of shit.

it is extremely obvious that your cunt whore wife cheats on you
i hope your kids marry blacks and become single moms

Whatever you say homie. All I know is that upgrading from my ex wife to my current one was the best thing I could have done.

This is literally false, and John is a great actor. The chemistry he had with Pam hasn’t been beaten on screen yet

Cheating when it's not your promise being broken is mine. But if you're the one married it's degenerate. Marrying a cheater is just asking for trouble; having daughters with that as a role model guarantees they'll be cockacidal maniacs.

Yeah no shit. I'll bet you never realized Michael was racist and misogynistic either right? I hate the multitude of articles coming out these days about this topic

This isn't "society's" problem, it's the individual Buzzfeed-author invalids who just recently became "woke" and realized the characters they used to idolize are actually reprehensible. Don't frame it as "wow this is problematic, how dare you all watch this show?" and instead frame it as "I used to be a slobbering retard who failed to pick up on basic crucial character traits and have now come to realize that I have no sense of autonomy and am simply afloat in a river of meaningless political discussion, and also it is my profession."

I hope your ex is making you pay alimony

If someone cheats once they'll cheat again

Yeah ikr? It's like injecting heroin when you're younger doesn't make you a junkie, amirite?

incel logic


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cumbrain denial

incel in denial, cute

>you should be loyal to yourself before anyone else.
This is shit women say all the time. Disloyal ones who become single mothers.
If being loyal to others isn't being loyal to yourself then you're a piece of shit human being.

>a leopard can change its spots
Daring hypothesis

15% of my salary on alimony and child support for my oldest daughter. Shit sucks but I earn good money so it’s ok.

>what is schema theory

So you had kids too kek. For your sake I hope you're trolling. Fucking retard.


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karma is real
what goes around comes around

you will get to see your daughters suffer the same fate as your ex
have fun

Lmao she gonna cheat on your bum ass. Enjoy getting raped to death in court.

>this whore cheated on her husband with me
>i'm a retarded nigger so I cheated on my wife with her
>this whore is done cheating, I am the one! She would never cheat on me
Hilarious shit

>Implying you wouldn't try to smash mommy pam despite whatever obstacles are in your way

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The eldest daugher he left without a dad is a GUARANTEED whore.

what's your job

like until they die?

Damn Jenna look like that??

You sound like a woman, faggot.

Someone post the fpbp copypasta

That's not touched up at all

>NOooo you can't cheat on your partner, I've never even had a gf and assholes like you cheat on yours it's not fairrr

Unless they specifically link to audio files of themselves speaking nobody "sounds" like anything on Yea Forums, user. It's strictly text based.

As in the option always exists because they've done it once, its not as taboo to them to do it again in future. Unlike someone whos never cheated who would see it as a bigger deal

>I've never had a gf. You're degenerate though, I can tell you if I was in your position and ever got a gf I'd be the perfect gentleman

You're a braindead piece of shit. Worse than a nigger.

>have sex sweetie
So degenerates are like women LMAO

How old are you?

LARPers are cancer, /pol/cels who unironically argue with the LARPers are AIDS. I fucking hate you all, you stupid fucking faggots.

Not an incel, and have fucked many wives. But I wouldn't have trusted any of them.

>my oldest daughter
Dyke or pornstar, what's the prediction here?

There is zero chance your marriage has been faithful. One or both of you has cheated.

>being this old and still this naive

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or maybe dont get married unless you're 110% sure that is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with
and maybe, just maybe, finish off the first relationship before starting the second
i agree with your idea, but the way you handled it still made you an asshole in that situation

> with two qt daughters
lel you gon' get yours, fag. god has already willed it

that guy is going to shoot up your house and kill your children

Get fucked faggot

I was on board until this. Obvious troll.

>all these butthurt naive virgins that have never held a girls hand but are the moral compass for relationships

Engineer. Mainly oil and water treatment plants.

For every fairy tale ending like yours there are a dozen wrecked homes.

You should probably have a couple paternity tests taken, user.

Yeah like his own previous one. I mean if this story and his first daughter were real.

>Whore wife cheats on her husband to go for another dick
>"I trust her completely"
Holy shit, how do people like you even exist in the real world

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I'm sure your exes said the same about the two of you at some point.

Jim chose her over this?

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>If you see something you want you should go for it, no one wants to die with too many regrets.
-the words of a dead man

If death is where you see yourself, death is where you will be and how you live. You’re a fool and you are promoting adultery just because it didn’t blow up in your face. You are sick

This Thread:

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>you have to kill a bunch of innocent people first to be able to determine whether it's morally wrong or not

>I can destroy other’s lives as long as it makes me feel good or ends well for me
kill yourself faggot

this is solid bait, friend

>Cheating a few times when younger doesn’t make one a whore, incel.
>literally the definition of being a whore
You and your wife should be mercilessly executed by being stoned to death. It’s not murder to execute criminals

>not one, but two daughters

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Watch the Office during its first run. Identify with Jim.

Watch the Office during reruns years later. Now identify with Dwight.

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that's how life is

>samefagging to make yourself seem like less of a cunt

Move on, Jenna


fuck all of you responding to such obvious LARP bait, all of you will hang when The Day comes

Unironically agree

>Calls others LARPers
>LARPs about 'the day' when he will get off his fat ass and step outside away from his keyboard to 'save the world'

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Hand crafted artisanal luxury bait. 10/10

In all my years here I have only seen this kind of hate to people who torture dogs and cats. C'mon anons, you just make it up as you go in life. Who cares about honor and loyalty when the attempt at happiness is far more fulfilling

Morals arent something you have to have experience with to have.

Jim is a chad and it's obvious that you're threatened by him.
>got the woman he wanted
>fucked a nice side piece and cucked a guy out of his marriage along the way, asserting his dominance
>had a daughter and a son with the woman he wanted, maximizing his chances of preserving his chad genes
>did whatever he wanted and got away with all of it while his coworkers were either cucked or otherwise had failing relationships

You forgot when Jim and Pam finally got married how they basically joined their asshole forces together and became super assholes. Even when they had the kid they were general cunts and mistrusting of each other, I think Jim even deliberately tries to trick her into cheating on him just to prove she's cheating on him.

You're not the first person I've seen who's backflipped on this character, it's actually kinda weird how in hindsight the show is completely different to how people remember it.

I have never seen even one minute of The Office, and I guessed this guy was a prick just from various images that get posted on Yea Forums.

Does this mean you can actually judge a book by its cover?

Yeah he was a cuck but so was everyone in that office. I wouldn’t want to work with any of them. They all seemed like typical lazy and unskilled workers.

Jim is an incel compared to Stanley

Literally just don't be evil. It's not hard, at any age

>cheating is avoidable in the society where hookups are a phone swipe away

This is how southpark's cartman got me to hate the jews.

>being such a caveman about sex that you can't trust yourself to say no

I'm not talking about myself I'm talking about my partner

Filthy cumbrain.

Jim was a complete asshole and that's why the Idris Elba episodes were so great

You're worried he'll find some other twink to nail to the mattress?


there are studies that saw you can judge a persons character and personality at first glance as accurately as people who knew them for years, dont know how that works with actors though. maybe john krasinski is a dick too

Yeah, don't be in a relatiinship with someone who expects loyalty. Plenty of sluts around.

Put me in the screencap senpai

>used to be my favourite show
>now can't watch one episode without cringing
I also agree completely on Jim

Based On-Topic posters

This user is right but is getting a lot of hate. Probably from anons who have never had options. One you have options you see the world differently.

This. I cheated on my ex once, felt super sick and guilty, haven't cheated again.
Just goes to show you the obvious demographic of Yea Forums, lonely young white men with varying racist and sexist tendencies and little life experience

The absolute best litmus test for niggerism. Fuck off you shitskinned cunt

This poster is almost guaranteed to be an American woman or onions filled manlet. The absolute cope having to rationalise cheating as hurrrr look after urself first

The only thing more cuck than two daughters is no daughters. Your genetics will die out with you.

>I'm not a chef so an unable to tell this toast is burnt

Cumbrain logic

holy shit this is a full incel meltdown


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Jim IRL does the same thing. Jenna is now an Alpha widow.

Ummmmm yes?

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>think cheating on your partner is a douche move
>> lololol fucking incel!!!!

Everyone cheats tho.
50% of marriages ends in divorce
And 1 in 13 makes a relationship past 5 years.
Hint. Its not you. So just learn from it and be polyamorous.

I’ve been in 3 relationships that have lasted 5+ years. Stop projecting your failures on the rest of us.

>betrayed two people
>it’s ok that I’m happy

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>I should be miserable for the rest of my life because of a decision I made 5 years ago

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Rock solid marriage 8 years running coming in hot to say u suck dick senpai. You hurt someone you made a promise to. You broke your word and now it's worth nothing. I hope your new wife knows that if you ever get bored, you'll ditch her for a newer model.

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No, you should handle it like an adult and confront your issues instead of sneaking around like children and hurting people you made promises to. Theres a way to get a divorce without stabbing your S/O in the heart desu.

Ok yeah I agree w that.

How delusional are you?

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movies do this and mask the fact that the characters are awful people by making the other guy an over the top piece of shit. wedding crashers does this as well. in real life, Jim and Pam are wrong but it’s OK because Roy doesn’t get her a nice Christmas gift.

Cite your sources, Adulterer.

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Honestly, they are both assholes, seriously. But the thing I hate the most about the rewatching the show (and I rewatch this one a lot) is how shitty every single person is to Michael at some point or another. He is a literal doormat from his subordinates to his bosses, especially Wallace holy shit.

Holly truly is the only one who treated him right. Even Pam acted like an absolute bitch against him sometimes.

>I’m a giant fucking hypocrite who can’t see what I did wrong


Micheal is just an idiot, but the rest of the cast are legit trash

No you haven't.
And look at the people around you, your friends and people you know about. See how often their relationships end between 3 to 5 years.
Just be polyamorous and get over lifelong monogamy. Its a thing that works for no one.

you are fucked man, once a cheater, always a cheater my dude, ahahahaha, you are so cucked, she is probably fucking Jamal right now while you are shitposting on Yea Forums

>subtly implies he likes the office and Jim's character in specific
>cheats on wife with woman cheating on husband
>YOLO philosophy
absolutely nuclear tier bait, 10/10.

>marrying a woman who was already married
>marrying a confirmed cheater
>marrying someone confirmed for not taking marriage seriously
>marrying someone else’s leftovers
it’s one thing if you just fucked her but you screwed up keeping that one. your wife is trash bro and I guarantee she’s had another dick at least in her mouth since you’ve been with her.

>having no soul
why not just kill yourself?

As someone who has been on both sides of this issue, I can faithfully say you are the biggest piece of shit I have ever seen on this board. Eat shit.

Jesus this thread; incels are fucking pathetic. Literally have sex, all of you, and stop being fucking brainwashed by the catholic church. Marriage means nothing and divorce is sometimes a superior option to being miserable forever. Again, have sex.

And none of them seemed to have lasted forever, either. Huh.

Yes I have. Stop projecting.

No one is saying you can't have many sexual partners. The issue is hiding it from your partner.

That's the stance I expect anyone to take. You have to make you own happiness.

Live. Laugh. Love!

I would say it's an issue when you've been hiding it for an extended period of time, and it's definitely an issue when there's kids, which also doesn't seem to stop most people with the 50% rate of divorce. People begin affairs when they're unhappy, generally when they're VERY unhappy unless they're just sex addicts. Considering most people only average a half a decade in this corporeal plane, I'd say the only reason to stick around in an unhappy relationship would be for the sake of children. But if there's no children, just get a divorce, or better yet don't get married unless you WANT children. Shotgun weddings are also never a good idea, the damage is done just try to be together for real first before getting married.

No you haven't. You have a disney shaped cock in your ass where you think you'll save the princess and live happily ever after. Let it go. No relationships last that long any more. Everyone is open to polyamory now.

>dude just add to the statistics lmao

this x1000. two of my friends got married for bullshit reasons, one his gf was super religious and wanted marriage but no kids (although she was fine with not registering it with the government at least) and actually threatened to leave him despite that they were OBSESSED with one another after two months. and another got married because his long time gf was about to be deported.

women see men as tools and the only thing they truly love are status symbols. once you either fail at serving your purpose or either don't serve your purpose, you'll be disposed of like a broken can opener. I'm just happy I was almost incel-tier for like 25 years before I started attracting women, I'm too nice of a person and would have undoubtedly been suckered by a woman when i was young and naive if i hadn't been forced to wait and see the world how it really is.

Personally I cheat on girlfriends because I know chances are they're cheating on me, or would if given the opportunity. It's just human nature. At least I'm smart enough to never marry one of the dumb broads lol

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he shows his true colors the instant Charles Miner (Idris Elba) comes in.

>Charles shows out out of nowhere, acts all smug and superior, and is a complete douche to Michael
>Jim immediately starts kissing Charles ass
>Jim shows how much of a spineless liar he is by lying about his soccer skills
>Jim shits all over Michael's ambitions, and actively works to sabotage him
>Jim is exposed as a liar and a kiss ass and his career is in shambles

after all that, who bails him out? that's right, it's Michael. The only reason Jim got to advance in his career is because Michael insisted Charles be transferred out of Scranton. Jim never even acknowledges this, thanks Michael, or apologizes for being such a spineless liar.

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amen brother, my favourite part of the whole series

Not the guy you're replying to but how do you expect people to take you seriously like this?

hi dad fuck you for cheating on mom

Just telling it like it is

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry? I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her. As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

Seriously this is the argument that that ProJared e-child groomer dude used for cheating on his wife.

Michael was the most jealous and insecure cunt thought, he did plenty of terrible things and never took responsibility.