"I loved TFA but I hated TLJ" is a form of mental illness. TFA is one of the worst blockbusters ever made. If you enjoy garbage you shouldn't have any problem with TLJ.
"I loved TFA but I hated TLJ" is a form of mental illness. TFA is one of the worst blockbusters ever made...
Other urls found in this thread:
I liked them both.
I dislike them both.
I don't care, I only enjoy movies anymore in a meta way
I watch SW for the shitshow.
I'm ashamed to admit that I like TFA when it first came out. Slowly realized how awful it is. Hate both now
I went through the same redemption arc. I don't even remember what happens in that movie.
Based shitshow poster. I can't wait for the shit plot twists they came up with in the last movie.
> 200 IQ opinion
TFA was trash but TLJ was at least an interesting movie and I'm glad I watched it despite its obvious shortcomings.
>TLJ is interesting because its a deconstruction of the entire series!
Do you remember A New Hope? Just replace everyone you give a shit about with literal whos and congrats, you remember TFA.
I also prefer TLJ unironically because at least 10-15% of it was original and interesting.
No because it feels like there was a vision and an idea behind it. It has some degree of thematic relevance. TFA was just
>TLJ was at least an interesting movie and I'm glad I watched it
Are you a retard by any chance?
TLJ is not as bad as TFA because the storyline with Luke, Rey and Darth Incel was actually interesting to watch. I don't remember anything remotely interesting in TFA.
TLJ fucking sucked, but at least it sucked bacause of retarded ideas not lack of any ideas at all.
>TLJ was at least an interesting movie
terrible b8
Here's another (you). It interesting in the sense that a train wreck is if that's what you're getting at
TFA is in fact, very boring.
But the closing sequence on the forest is stunningly beautiful. The lighting and set pieces are also very pleasing to the eye. It is a very pretty movie that does a good job of getting you interested in where the series is going to go. TLJ is the worst movie in every respect.
TFA is indeed worse than TLJ since it was complete corporate void. TLJ is a different kind of bad since the little goy directing it truly thinks he's intelligent and smart with the deconstruction and nihilism, so at least it objectively "has" something.
JJ completely fucked it, but the saga already finished
well TLJ had a nice looking warpspeed scene. It breaks the logic of the SW universe but looks pretty cool.
Yes, but the cost of the spectacle degrades it.
it's a scene I wish was in a different movie. Like some another fantasy space opera which has warp speed, but the universe of that movie allows such a manoeuvre. The idea itself is pretty coolz and visually Rian did pull it off nicely.
Same. Fucking awful movies.
The ideas are interesting because they come straight from the originals but in TLJ they are poorly executed. You actually think TLJ is original lmao. Please tell me these original shit that you speak of because I see noone.
> luke turning briefly to the dark side already happened in the originals.
> luke is a recluse in a island, he hides from everyone and the force. T his is Ben Kenobi.
> a character that was a friend suddenly betrays everyone.
> using robot for vital information
Wow so original.
I didn't watch either.
Faggot I've never even used the word original, learn to read.
Also TLJ has something original going on, which is Kylo's character.
TLJ was shit, but TFW was so terrible, it actually made me angry.
At least TLJ is bad in a funny way.
>300IQ opinion
TLJ is the best Star Wars movie to date.
I like them both. Fuck you guys.
Original doesn't always mean good, but Kylo's character is pretty original. Especially him killing his master and not dying like Vader did and actually taking over. He's the only thing I'm excited for in IX.
Kylo is the only good thing about both movies and he is very original in TLJ. Based.
HOWEVER, I do agree that TLJ just felt like there was an actual writer with a vision behind it even if the only good things about the movie were the Kylo/Luke/Rey parts. TFA is pretty soulless in comparison, excluding Kylo's stuff.
Both have some beautiful shots. Especially TLJ, but TFA snow battle was nice to watch.
ove em both. TFA is easily >>> A New Hope (yeah right, more like A NEW DOPE AMIRITE?! HAHAHAXDDD), and TLJ, tssk, doesn't even need to be said, obviously >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ESB
I didn't even bother watching any star wars shit after tfa
fuck both, gimme dat reylo
To be fair, Obi Wan Kenobi was biding his time, he never "gave up", neither did Yoda. They were playing the long game. Luke in TLJ gave up, is depressed, wants to die.
TFA was absolute dogshit but you had 2 more to make it retroactively suck a little less. I was about to skip tlj, but the last 30 mins of R1 gave me some hope.
Never again. Fuck the mouse.
Shut the fuck up already, rihan.
I checked out on TFA and will probably never watch the rest of a trilogy
Then I have a fucking illness.
You are a gay nigger, so what.
You complained that TFA used nostalgia and the same ideas. You were saying that it wasnt original. You said that TLJ is different which is false. The themes and ideas in TLJ are the fucking same as the originals.
Kylo is not original or interesting. In TFA the theme of his character is his family just like in the originals. Light (luke/han solo) vs dark (darth vader/kylo). In TLJ, Kylo tries to make Rey turn to the dark side, again Darth Vader and Luke. Kylo was interesting until Rey rejected him; now he is just a little bitch that have been easily defeated by Rey twice. He serves no purpose in the history. He is not a proper villain, this is why they brought back the Emperor.
Same here...they will never fool me again
Can he fucking stop inserting himself into everything?
Is there any way to salvage this trilogy without pissing off a huge amount of SW fans?
If sheev comes back in any way other than a force ghost that is tied to a sith holocron i will complete destroy Anakin / Vaders scrafice in Episode 6 - which was a huge moment in the entire story. Disney wouldn't be that stupid....would they?
no one loved TFA. It was just better than everything star wars since return of the jedi. Which isn't much of an accomplishment.
this. Based user. I just want to see Rey fuck Kylo, I don't care about the rest.
scrap and reboot
its too far gone now
Yes they would. Have you read the leaks?
Same. Even if he dies I want him to be able to bust once.
ya I don't believe those to be true at all...
Do you guys believe that they have like 10 different ending they're testing with the spoilers?
They said the same about Game of Thrones. Those leaks reek of JJ Abrams and corporate shit.
No. And neither did Game of Thrones. This multiple endings shit is pure denial.
I just hope they smooch at least once. There's literally nothing else left to look forward to.
The entire Skywalker saga is a soap opera about love and family as per GL's words himself so saying Kylo's theme being about family like it's a bad thing is just stupid.
Kylo is interesting and original because he is taking a different path than anyone has before him. Vader died after killing his Master, but Kylo is alive and well and still on the Dark side.
You talk about originality but you clearly just want a boring one-note villain like Palps since you think that's what a "proper villain" is. You just destroyed your own argument, how embarrassing.
I don't want Kylo to die. It's as important to me, if not moreso, as Reylo fucking. Let him live and be happy for once in his fucking life. Kill all of the Resistiance, I give no fucks. Just let Kylo live.
Unless they want to rehash the OT from the beginning to the end, he should live. They have already copied ESB and ROTJ in VIII, but JJ Abrams is not exactly famous for his originality and creativity.
I disliked TFA on release, TLJ is worse for sure but at least it generates discussion good or bad. TFA is just an empty lazy shell of a film with nothing interesting about it.
I never said the Emperor would be a proper villain u fucking monkey. I said that THEY(not me, the retards making the movie) brought him back to be the villain. They are fucking desperate to find an obstacle for Rey.
Kylo should have defeated Rey in TLJ, but he didn't so there wont be a real suspense when he fights Rey again and gets easily defeated again.
That's exactly why I don't think he will die. It's been done before and it's a really tragic note to end the saga on, no matter how hopeful they try to spin it.
They are setting him up for a happy end I would like to think. Anakin had a lot of happiness before he turned, but it seems as if Kylo's entire life has been fucking misery and he's much younger than Vader was when he died. He still has a chance to live a happy life, so it's the perfect note to end the family saga on. Him redeeming himself and finishing what his Grandfather started by bringing balance and choosing love and actually living and helping keep that balance. Instead of fucking off to ForceGhostery the minute he's redeemed kek
If Kylo dies, he shouldn't be redeemed. If he is redeemed, he should live. Anything else is just a shallow retread of RotJ. It was permissible in TFA because it was the first competent Star Wars movie in 30 years but another soft remake would be pushing it
Sheev is dead. It's a misdirect. If they were actually bringing him back to life, you think they would spoil it in the trailer?
>He is not a proper villain, this is why they brought back the Emperor.
I think you just need to learn how to use your words better, user.
Um sweaty, the Resistance are like 12 people by the end of TLJ and Kylo is Supreme Leader. They actually run from him, so it's not exactly his defeat. And he and Rey didn't fight each other, they only fought over the saber and it didn't choose either of them.
Just ignore the rest of my post, it's okay we all know the truth.
It doesn't matter if he is dead I guarantee you he will be the main obstacle for Rey.
The only problem is that Jar Jar is woke enough to want to kill the white male MC no matter what.
I agree with both of you guys, but the people in charge of this movie are known hacks and the leaks don't help, for what they matter. To me it makes perfectly sense if he lives, but I'm also not sure whether Disney wants to reward the character who killed Han Solo.
Nah. This is Rey and Kylo's story. Sheev will only appear in flashback form or as a hologram, he is 100% dead and not even a Sith Ghost or whatever.
The First Order and the hidden fleet of Super Death Star Destroyers was a contingency plan he created in the event of his death as one last "fuck you" to the galaxy for destroying his Empire, but he's not actually going to be present in the film.
At this point the only obstacle that is strong enough to challenge Rey is Rey herself.
And how does Kylo factor into your grand theory? Because you are delusional and braindead if you think they are going to sideline him. It doesn't matter if he's a "villain" or hero, he is going to be at least as important as Rey, if not moreso in the end. With the teasing of Dark Rey, I wouldn't be surprised if they go full damsel with her and have Kylo being the one who has to save her from her own Darkness kek
>Rey Rey Rey
I swear you people care about her more than the actual writers do.
They are not going to sideline Kylo Ren. If Sheev is back, it's only fitting Anakin's grandson helps kill him. So Rey isn't going to do everything on her own.
> (You)
>>He is not a proper villain, this is why they brought back the Emperor.
>I think you just need to learn how to use your words better, user.
Maybe you need a proper brain, user. Perhaps you are a low iq nigger?
>believing in "leaks"
Well KK has always seemed like a Kylofag to me and they have never done him dirty so far, so I don't see why they would start now. If anything, it sounds like he was the central character from the beginning.
JJ Abrams is the mind behind TFA. If TROS is as soulless and devoid of emotions as TFA, it's going to be a shitshow. Kylo and Rey's storyline is emotional and needs a writer/director who is willing to sacrifice pew pew and spectacle for actual feelings and depth. JJ is not one of them.
KK is straight up in love with Driver and probably metoo'd him.
No, you're definitely the illiterate monkey here, not me kek
Ignore the rest of my post, like it's not embarrassing enough to watch you only pick the low-hanging fruit because you can't handle actual arguments.
TLJ has also pretty stuff that's pleasing to the eye
TLJ was amazing because i saw it before it was impossible to avoid leaks. I got to watch, in real time, the destruction of a brand.
JJ and KK both said some major Kylofag shit around TFA and Kylo was good in TFA, so I'm not all that worried. I think the writing probably won't be as deep or good as it was for him in TLJ, but I know Adam Driver will deliver and JJ is already gushing about his performance in interviews so there's at least that.
this is Game of Thrones and BBC Sherlock all over again. These leaks align with what we've seen and heard so far and it's exactly the kind of shit I picture Disney pulling on us, I won't dismiss them only because you think they're too bad to be true.
I don't care what you do or don't dismiss, I'm just laughing at you for being a fucking brainlet.
Even TFA, which on a superficial level is a soft reboot of ANH, had plenty of subversive and surprising shit so I'm not worried.
You underestimate how retarded they are. They think that fans want nostalgia and Palpatine provides that. I wouldn't be surprised if they bring back Darth Vader, Anakin, or Yoda in ghost form to defeat the essence of Palpatine. Nostalgia overdose that is what I am expecting.
Rey and Kylo a shit in relevance in the story.
Leaks that are probably true:
>Plot revolves around a MacGuffin hunt to find a hidden fleet of Super Death Star Destroyers
>C3PO has something to do with finding it, gets a combat upgrade
>Hux is leaking information to the Resistance to try to depose Kylo
Leaks that are absolutely bullshit:
>Everything to do with Sheev
>Kylo's ultimate fate
Credible leaks have been flying around for almost a year now, but Ian McDiarmid shot his scenes on a closed set, literally nothing about him being in the movie was "leaked" until AFTER it was confirmed he was in it, then all of a sudden people claim to know exactly what he does in the movie. It's bullshit
You are right. Kylo is interesting and he will defeat Rey in the last movie. I can't fucking wait.
Now you just sound like a fanboy with too much wishful thinking.
Kylo isn't getting sidelined, end of story.
that's exactly what they said before GOT S8 started kek that ending was leaked four months in advance
>Kylo will defeat Rey in the last movie
>a man will defeat a woman in 2019
His story was never about defeating Rey. Especially since she's his waifu.
I still haven’t watched a single nusw movie.
I don't think he's getting sidelined, I think he's going to be badly written but not as bad as the others, so he will stand out.
Not even a Reylo but their story has always been about something deeper than "who will be strongk enough to beat up the other one?"
stay strong user. don't make the same mistake the rest of us have.
Except your source is MSW and they were hilariously wrong about TLJ. JJ confirmed time and again that they aren't even done editing, so they idea of the movie being leaked in such detail at this point is laughable.
The only subversive shit was Han Solo dying, which happened because Harrison Ford wanted out
It was never even about that in the first place because Kylo never wanted to "defeat Rey" or see her as his enemy. Rey felt a connection to him that she couldn't explain, but she was the only one who was trying to "defeat" him. Their short-lived "rivalry" is completely one-sided and always has been.
The Force seems to want them together, the fucking Force theme plays when they touch hands the saber explodes when they fight over it. Anyone who thinks it's about one beating the other is dumb af
He has never been badly-written so I don't think he will be for IX unless I have some hard evidence for that and there is none.
Yeah, this is why they will properly develop their relationship. JJ Abrahams is known for deep thematic stories, he wont rely on emotional impact without meaning or substance behind it. He would never do that.
Yes, that was clear from the beginning. The only problem is whether they will manage to end it properly. Has JJ ever written a good ending?
There are rumours that they have 6 possible finals for the film. They are reshooting shit rn.
They totally know what they are doing and I am not worried at all.
Question for the group:
If Rey turns out to be the daughter of an extremely powerful force user (a Palpatine or Skywalker for example) would you be willing to accept her ability to fly, fix and fight at an expert level with little to no training or experience?
Also, are you willing to accept her lineage as a reason for lack of person growth due to loss or failure in the trilogy?
t. disney writer
Rian already developed their relationship, the only thing JJ has to do is tie it up and a happy fairytale ending isn't exactly complex shit. Though ironically, endings are the thing JJ is particularly shit at. I still have hope that KK's Kylofaggotry will prevail and she'll manage to reign JJ in.
No, because her lack of good writing is the issue and her suddenly being really important will only make her more of a Mary Sue. They actually had the right idea with making her a Nobody, but that isn't really the issue and never was. You would have to go back and rewrite her entire fucking character.
The only way you could try and fix her is if we found out the Force just gave her superpowers to course correct Kylo an heal the Skywalker family wounds so they could do what they do best and bring Balance or something. Then Rey loses all her fucking powers at the end because she really is just a fucking nobody that got lucky the Force picked her. But she gains a husband and family with Ben, which is what her character has actually really wanted the entire time.
She begins as a Nobody and ends as one.
HAHHAHAHHAHAH. could you imagine the shit storm on social media if Disney took AWAY her insane (and poorly written) mary sue powers and made her a stay at home mom in the end.
I've enjoyed the downright autismal 8 hour long video essays on these movies far more than the movies themselves.
You know what the best thing about nuWars is, though? It makes you appreciate the original series a lot more.
There's shIt and then there's TFA...and then there's putrid human flesh, viscera ALL OF WHICH IS DECAY AND ROT that has melted into an ocean of unspeakable eww and then there's TLJ! I hope everyone at disney and lucas film gets ASS AIDS!
TFW too poor to buy pic related.
JJ can't do substance nor romance. That's why he didn't write tlj and Rian scrapped his script.
>6 possible finals
lmao it's the same thing they said for game of thrones. They don't have multiple endings.
Rey being a Palpatine or Skywalker is one of the most retarded route they could take and will give NuWars damnatio memoriae
Both are bad, but TFA was salvageble if you ignore that pathetic final fight. Plus, the story could still go in an interesting direction after that.
TLJ is just 100% bad. They really should stop sucking Ray.
>pathetic final fight
it's kino though
let me guess you're triggered that Rey shouldn't be strong enough because of midichlorian power level charts and MUH TRAINING
It would just out them for the fakes they are if they got mad about it. They try and pretend she has a "real story" and Force Powers don't matter, but if they were taken away, they would shit their pants.
She didn't earn them, so who cares if they are taken away. If they actually respected women, they would respect Rey's agency and the fact that the only thing her character wants is to fuck Ben Solo and start a family with him. And it's very SW. It's about love and family.
It doesn't matter who she is; this is the premise in TLJ. Revealing she is family of someone important won't fix her character.
Even if she was a clone of Palpatine or Luke and the most powerful jedi to ever live, her control of the force cannot be explained with current canon. She lifted those rocks without training; this breaks the premise from the originals/prequels that jedis need training to control the force.
I would balance her out by making her weak with lightsabers. Luke kinda defeats her in m.youtube.com
>If they actually respected women,
Ah yes, I love the "alt right male incel tells people what real feminism is like" trick
I actually feel like TFA is not bad if they had removed the Death Star V3.0 and given a small amount of information on the First Order. Those are the only cringe parts of the movie for me.
The first 35 mins is actually Kino. Han was great (Harrison Ford actually carried the movie).
It left a bunch of unanswered questions and directions the 2nd movie could have gone.
TLJ was absolute dog shit and episode 9 has to be both a middle act and a final act in one. I'd almost prefer they made a Episode 9 part 1 and part 2 to actually fix the fucking story.
both movies are fucking disasters and complete mishandlings of the star wars IP
I'm a woman, thought and Rey being an overpowered Mary Sue is not feminist. They are just giving her the hold male power fantasy wrapped in a woman's body.
Women like love and romance. Stay mad. That's why Twilight and 50 Shades is popular.
TFA was pure dog shit! Everything was just wrong.
Ah, it's the old "only my privileged, Hollywood, white feminism counts, silence actual IRL woman I am trying to virtue signal here" trick
Better than the left's endless hypocrisy.
rewatch the first 35 mins
Yep. I was enjoying it for the first 20 min. Mainly because i was a star wars fanboi since 4 years old. I watched everything religiously. Went to star wars convention when i was a kid etc...
Then i realised something.
Am i watching a marvel movie?
All the dangerous scenes felt like a marvel movie. The characters where overpowered like a marvel movie.
And worst of all it was a clone of star wars 4.
Never watched anything else. Disney can suck my fucking dick ans choke on it.
I'm glad I'm not the only one to feel like I was watching a Marvel capeshit.
Were you rocking back and forth chanting "this is reddit, this is memes" the whole time?
>I wouldn't be surprised if they go full damsel with her
I would be baffled if they will
I honestly don't care that much at this point. If the ending sucks I'll just read better fanfiction.
>TFA is one of the worst blockbusters ever made.
t. either retarded or has never seen a properly bad movie
Go choke on disney's dick u degenerate faggot
Sheathed in shit, yes.
There is no way they are doing dark rey. Would be too interesting.
The new info leaked about Rey implies she's worried about the the Force has in store for her and if you pair it with the Dark Rey stuff and her hyperventilating in the trailer, I think it's a safe theory that she is scared and targeted by the Dark Side and Kylo is also still trying to figure out some more Dark Side stuff, so yeah I can see him saving/helping her and her struggling with it.
Why are shippers drawing rey as attractive and feminine and drawing kylo like a yaoi character
Kylo isn't horrible but rey isn't good looking at all
t. seething jealous roastie
I felt like I was taking crazy pills when it first came out and everyone was praising it. it's a terrible movie
Because they self-insert as Rey so they don't care what Daisy Ridley actually looks like, they want to be the prettiest girl around so they like to try and draw her as such.
They have no desire to change Kylo's looks because he's beautiful and they want to fuck him.
Most Reylo shippers are retarded and under the delusion that Rey is a good character and Ridley is a good actress. Sjws on Tumblr call them racist and sexist all the time so their worship of Rey it's probably a defense mechanism. I actually happen to like Reylo a lot though, but the girl is ugly and the actress is bad.
If you like it good for you but personally TFA seemed to hint at something greater. TLJ ruined TFA for me because without the payoffs is literally just a mess of mystery boxes
Why do you have to be like this? You'd both probably look like Shrek compared to her.
I like Reylo, but some of the shippers are obnoxious virtue signalers. They try to pretend they care about Rey so much because they think it makes them look "feminist" but it's clear the only character they really care about is Rey. Some of them are just plain SJW who only latched onto Reylo because it was popular, though so they are not even real fans.
Reylos are dumb and try to appease antis all the time. If they were Chads they would tell them to fuck off and admit they only like Kylo and want to fuck him. There's nothing wrong with that, it's a fictional story. But everyone on twitter has to virtue signal, so of course they want to join in.
TFA was a solid blockbuster.
TLJ was a strange mess
*the only character they really care about is Kylo
I loved it, it was everything I hoped it to be.
I think it's outright K I N O
Star Wars is now visual novel, pick the ending you like best.
In fact I can see that happening for movies in general, a bunch of seperate plotlines filmed for maximum appeal.
I'm free from Anglo genes, so no
I agree. They're both bad movies.
This. At least TLJ was trying something new, but it didn’t turn out good
TFA was a copy paste job from the hack master JJ. It was mediocre if not bad.
The reputation was built all on "wow Star Wars is back" and now it's become the cope of "okay TLJ sucked but TFA was good" by people who can barely remember that movie.
It's like how people are now unironically praising the prequels just because the sequels sucked even more.
noth are shit
Being jelly and delusional isn't a good look sweaty.
TFA feels like a fanfilm with a big budget. It has none of the basics of filmmaking, just a bunch of setpieces and references
Reylos and antis are both virtue signaling. The truth is that the only interesting character in NuWars is Kylo, who is also the only character with an arc and played by an actor who can actually act and is far better than everyone else on screen with him. Finn had potential in the first 15 min of TFA and Boyega is rather mediocre. Rey is a wasteland. As a result, the most popular character is Kylo as audiences are drawn to him. Antis seethe and cry racism and pretend to like Finn or Rey but what they do is talk shit about Kylo all the time. They don't engage with the material and don't buy merchandise. Reylos pretend to like Finn and Rey to avoid being called names. They both know NuWars is the Adam Driver/Kylo show. Perhaps they should have cast Eddie Redmayne kek
I liked TFA (notice past tense) for several reasons when it came out:
>first new Star Wars movie in a decade
>I enjoyed most of JJ Abrams movies up until that point
>There were a lot of unresolved plot elements
>I thought we'd actually get character archs with the new characters that would be resolved over the three films. You know, like the OT and PT.
>it was a visually impressive movie
>I have adored Star Wars since I was preschool aged in the late 80s/early 90s.
What killed TFA and any payoff it would have had in future films was TLJ saying all that didn't matter. TLJ literally left us with nothing to look forward to in ROS. Also no one has had an arch, it's all she's perfect, he's angry boi, and so on.
It was after this happened that TFA's terrible writing really started to pop for me, and things I was able to pass on now became huge flaws. I certainly don't put TFA in the same shit hole as TLJ, but it's not too far off now. As for ROS it's literally too little, too late and will do nothing to redeem this train wreck of a trilogy.
Written and directed by JJ Abrams
I love how fucking butthurt Star Wars "fans" are.
>If you don't blindly like this shit you're not a fan!
I love how fucking braindead Sequel Trilogy defenders are.
>"I loved TFA but I hated TLJ" is an opinion as valid as any other.
>If you don't blindly hate this shit you're a mouse shill cuck
I hated TFA and loved TLJ
Suck my average dick nerds
Weird that RLM shit on Rogue One for all these problems but then praised TFA for the exact same shit
The only good Star Wars is 3
>Why yes, Solo is my favorite SW movie, how could you tell?
RLM are basedish losers with no true personality or opinions, what's new?
True, you could swap their TFA and rougue one videos and it would be more accurate.though to be fair they definitely came around over time
skekdisnee wants to squeeze star wars dry
this is the bigger picture
it was all done to avoid paying fees to gl
The only RLM member who seems to have any kind of credibility is Mike. At least he admits he was wrong and he’s funny
TFA is over-analyzed, and it's extremely lazy because it's just a rehashing of ANH. If it came out first, on its own, independent from any knowledge of Star Wars, it would have probably been a popular film.
Exactly this. Honestly I thought Rey was a reincarnation of Anakin (her connection to the lightsaber) and that would explain why she why she was such an adept force user. To me the force was always about being in a meditative state, so if she was naturally gifted at it i was okay with it. That should have been the central theme of the movie.
Reminder that there's ANOTHER trilogy of these fucking things coming out and dorks WILL watch it.
Rich is the only one who was honest from the get go. I get the sense that Mike just changed his opinion after because he had to hate it to make a plinkett video
TFA and all disney nuwars is non canon.
As a movie itself? TFA is a better movie than TLJ solely because it's basically a blatant rip-off of ANH. But on its impact on the franchise as a whole? TFA did a lot more damage to it than TLJ ever did. So overall TFA was a worse movie.
satan agrees
I honestly think his initial reaction was partially confirmation bias. Disney did pretty much everything he suggested in the prequel videos and he felt like he had to like it. Rich was honest sure but he also has next to no idea what he’s talking about and is only there because he’s Mikes friend
TFA was mindless but ultimately harmless nonsense. It had at least some positive points in there.
TLJ is an affront to Star Wars
I didn't love TFA, found it bland and generic but hey, perhaps they can improve on this. Then TLJ came, and it was garbage.
Explain in more detail please. Im guessing this is related to the licensing fee post i (assume) you posted earlier?
>ultimately harmless nonsense
Basically nullifying the OT and the prequels is "harmless nonsense"?
Honestly I think Rich is so retarded yet he ends up being right about a lot of things. Im sure youve seen his prediction videos
True. He’s really good at predicting shit on BOTW too. Just a gift ig. He’s a good foil to Mike so I don’t really hate him.
Nullifying the prequels is a good thing. On some level going to see a Star Wars movie that wasn't embarrassing that it even existed was part of the healing process.
In terms of the overall narrative of the series or whatever, yeah its indefensible garbage. But it's a mindless action film with Star Wars in it.
Its because TFA played safe with "the lore".TLJ went against peoples conventions. It has nothing to do with filmmaking. Just star wars nerd garbage.
Imagine being such a autistic screecher that you can't have fun at a couple decent Star Wars movies and you complain for four solid years anonymously on a anime image board.
Can you image that? I can't. That's why I'm so sure that none of yall antishills are serious.
Prequels are based m9. You've shown yourself to be cringe.
>embarrassing that it even existed
Literally TLJ and TFA though. The prequels aren’t works of art and definitely fall into this category but let’s not pretend corporate marketing wars is okay. imo they’re even more embarrassing because of how blatant the normie pandering is
You don't even know what finals means.
Its not about the ending, final means final cut. They have 6 alternative edited versions and they are still re-shooting, meaning they have no solid idea how to solve the story. This could be about the endings but it sounds like they have problems to construct the whole movie.
t. Brainlets that let Yea Forums tell them what to think.
>a couple decent Star Wars movies
If they where decent, people wouldn't complain so much.
go fuck yourself with a chainsaw
Explain what?
They are not reshooting with the actors, it's just a minor thing.
Who else is gonna torrent ROS then be done with the whole franchise? I'm done with Marvel as of Endgame and GoT with season 8, in december i'll finally be rid of these gay franchises.
Why are Söy wars fans insufferable cunts? the same fucking thread complaining about The Last Jedi, GET OVER IT
It's probably the most widely held opinion on the two movies. Idk what OP was smoking.
Prequels were infinitely better than Disney's shitquels.
>played safe
It raped the lore and thereafter irretrievably threw it down a bottomless pit!
Go eat shit!!!
Death to Hollywood!
Never watched GoT
Done with Marvel
Don't care about Ep IX
I'm already free. Feels so good. I'll just read ep IX spoilers on Yea Forums and have a laugh.
If its just a minor thing it would have been done and finished by now. Not having a final cut 2 and a half months before release date is pretty messed up. Do you have any idea how much time post production work takes?
TLJ made me hate all americans and their agenda bullshit.
galaxys edge failing
toy sales plummeting
disney wants to turn all this around with ROSW
dont let them succeed with this
you are just consumer cattle for them
the prequels had at least creative vehicle design
star wars succ. where's your sticky, Yea Forums? i don't know what to watch, i need something to watch.
It really was a shocking movie to see in theaters. The scene where hordes of mildly changed AT-ATs are shelling Luke Skywalker is pretty much emblematic of Disney and their agenda as a whole
and the whole scene was a 1:1 rip off from Escape From LA
>"I love Star Wars" is a form of mental illness.
The entire franchise is one of the worst blockbusters ever made.
If you enjoy garbage you shouldn't have any problem with what Disney is doing.
>inb4 can't /thread own post
>inb4 can't inb4 own post
Zoomers aren't welcome here.
Other than the plot making no sense leading on from RotJ, TFA wasn't cringeworthy it was just bland and devoid of new ideas.
>The entire franchise is one of the worst blockbusters ever made.
>If you enjoy garbage you shouldn't have any problem with what Disney is doing.
This so fucking much, you fucking manchildren need to grow up
It was cringeworthy to me at several points.
>A good question, for another time
>Rey and Finns awkward and one sided sexual tension
>The over the top Nazi rally
among many others
Fair point, I didn't mind the attempts at humour as much. None of it was as bad as Jar Jar or the Anakin/Padme lovestory from the Prequels. Or honestly 90% of the Prequels.
Responding to your own post only weakens your argument
I got a free ticket to see TFA through a company's corporate christmas party event. I was in that theater with around 100 of the most stereotypical reddit tier neckbears you could possibly imagine. During the ads/trailers before the movie started like 12 different jackasses were trying to be le epic quipmaster. After the movie, I left the theater while all of these dickheads raved about how great it was, they applauded shit during the movie, they ooh-ed and aww-ed. I felt inclined to go demand a refund for a movie I didn't pay to see. I remember thinking distinctly during the second act when Rey was on screen "is this protagonist every going to face actual peril?" I didn't really know what the term "Mary Sue" meant but when people started using it online I realized that encapsulated exactly what I was thinking during the screening.
Shit movie, never saw TLJ, Rogue One was a bunch of wasted opportunity and unmemorable characters. Disney's star wars team is a bunch of talentless fucking hacks.
TFA was a glittershow, enjoyable glittershow; if you were not using your brain (the movie gives no impulses to do so), you will enjoy it. TLJ had you use your brain and made it suffer.
TFA is garbage and I'd say even more destructive to Star Wars than TLJ - but TLJ woke up the cattle by being too brazen.
Söy wars fans are way fucking annoy-ier than Sneedposters tbqh fucking whiny bitches
Sorry bud.
holy fuck, are people really saying TFA was good? Fucking sheep, the lot of them.
>posting on the phone and a computer means we're two different people!
>projecting this hard
yikes, whatever user enjoy you're shit fi
>BZZZ BZZZ BZZZ lightsabers OMG
>pew pew pew MUH SPACESHIPS
Daisy's pretty bad, but Adam Driver is also ugly as hell. I don't get the appeal.
TFA was a clusterfuck of dangling distractions and laser pointers strung together with a wink, a nod, and a heavy coating of nostalgia bait. It is a lazy rehash of ANH, but it at least *could* have lead to something. TLJ retroactively rendered it a worse film than it already was.
I don't care anymore. Redeem who you want, kill who you want, do whatever you want. I'm out. I was told over and over that "These films aren't FOR you!!!" And it's like... Okay. Then I'm leaving.
This is why you're all way to optimistic about how "doomed" Star Wars is. People loved TFA. It was awful and they loved it. TLJ just went a step too far in denying people their Luke Skywalker fanservice (which was honestly among the lesser problems with the movie), so they wont repeat that mistake again.
Daisy is so ugly. She looks like xenomorph in drugs and she's aging badly
This but every Star Wars movie since 1983.
Adam Driver is hot and can act extremely well. You don't need to have a pretty face to be hot.
Yikes, that's some cringe there, maybe you shouldn't let Star Wars fans live rent free in your head.
na, TFA is retroactively shit rn bc of TLJ. If ep9 somehow (implausible) ties up whatever JJ did in the first and renders tlj an optional viewing experience, TFA may be decent again. As it stands now, both disney installments are underwhelming
tfa was better but still shit. dont forget why we like star wars - great action set pieces and mythology. tlj had a couple meaningless action scenes (lets fight! no wait lets retreat! lets fight these guards who are more powerful than that sith lord we killed for 5 minutes! lets not sacrifice our lives for our friends even though 3 other characters in the film did!) and added nothing to the mythos (oh the jedi need to end cuz they fucked up the force, oh wait im wrong the jedi should still exist! look past some old books, rey doesnt need them, oh wait she took them anyway!). plus it takes place minutes after tfa for no reason...why have an opening crawl? just make it tfa 1.5 then...this trilogy makes 0 sense, tlj was a weird (although good looking) piece of filler.
I dont like TFA, I just accepted that it was a soft reboot, expecting the following movies to be unique and well done.
I was wrong.
>can act extremely well
Completely irrelevant.
No. TFA was never good. The fact that people were counting on sequels to save it, and the lack of a good sequel destroyed it proves this. In a vacuum, ANH is great. It would be great if they never made more movies. It would be great if all the sequels were shit. You can't take that away from ANH.
>In a vacuum, ANH is great.
Hell, even if you put the OT and PT movies each in a vacuum, they each still feel like more of a complete movie than TFA or TLJ individually.
Snuke Snysnalker
Snan Snolo
Snadmiral Snackbar
Snarth Snader
Snemperor Snalpatine
Snuncle Snowen
Snadne Snamidala
Snarsnar Sninks
Snoss Snass
Snarth Snaul
Snando Snalrisian
Snabba the Snut
Snoba Snet
Snoth Snampa
Snedi Snaster Snoda
Snobisnan Snesnobi
Sneebee Sneight
Snoe Snameron
Snylo Snen
Sneneral Snux
Snupreme Sneeder Snoke
Sneath Snar
Snorm Snoopers
Snillennium Snalken
Snoud Snity
Snow Sneeder
Snight Sneed
Snight Snaber
Snermal Snetonator
the Snorce
Snod Snacing
Snand Sneople
Snantha Snoodoo
yeah listen im not argue against it, but im not going to pretend i wasnt excited after seeing TFA, its just in retrospect I WANTED to be excited and you really see how shit it is with TLJ