Oh n

Oh n....

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What the fuck about me is so funny?

How did he kill him with a water gun?

I always thought he said it cause he saw the room covered in plastic so the blood wouldnt stain the floor but I saw the movie and there wasnt any plastic
le mandingo effect

Fatal head shots are so unrealistic in Hollywood. Pesci should've gone blank faced and dropped like a sack of potatoes, instead he makes a painful expression as if he feels his brain getting torn to shit.

How did so many made men survive this ceremony?

how do you know

Why did that scene have so many cuts? Cut to the empty room, then to his face, then cut to his face again but slightly pulled in, then cut to him on the floor. Did Pesci not want to be seen getting shot any longer than he had to?

that's how mafia works

the guns jammed

You have to be full blooded Italian.
Wops are brain dead already.


he makes that expression before getting shot because he knows he's about to get shot, other deaths in the movie aren't like you describe at all, they just drop dead

Can someone FaceApp this into him smiling?

Looks like he is pulling back his fist to punch the air. Fucking manlet

That's the the guinea gobbagool gamma gun

I've seen people die this way. You can also YT R. Budd Dwyer's live suicide for reference.

What you never watch gore or execution videos?

Most violence in movies is unrealistic to the point of absurdity.
Fistfights that drag out forever, people falling over gently when knocked out and then being bloodied all over (but their hands being a-okay).
Knives are depicted as instant kill weapons when people are stabbed in the gut, slash wounds look like superficial gashes instead of flesh hanging loose from people arms and immediate kill strikes (throat, through the rib cage into the heart) are depicted like clean events. Ditto for all firearms, people dropping dead from shot to the gut, dead ones not dropping like a rag doll (or going stiff as a board). Hollywood doesn’t know what the fuck it’s doing and half of the shot they depict doesn’t even look cool. I’m honestly wondering how this she has gone on for so long without advisers at least trying to correct their bullshit.

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>Oh no another thread trying to force a meme

The room was empty. That's when he realized he's getting shot.

I realize he was making the face beforehand, I'm talking about him somehow holding that face instead of immediately going blank.

Brilliant. Thank you user.

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yes, and we couldn't do nothin about it

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>At one point during the filming of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, the second installment of the acclaimed trilogy, the crew filmed the scene in which Saruman gets stabbed in the back by Grima Wormtongue. Although the scene didn’t end up in the theatrical release, it can be seen in the extended edition of the trilogy. During the filming of the scene, Jackson wanted Lee to scream after being stabbed in the back. However, Lee refused to scream; he told the director that he witnessed many men getting stabbed in the back and none of them ever screamed. According to the late actor, they merely sighed as air escaped their lungs. Peter Jackson listened to his feedback, and the scene was filmed without any screaming.

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>he witnessed

just to clear that up, Lee was in the precursor of the SAS, the Long Range Desert Group and operated behind enemy lines. It means Christopher Lee stabbed some motherfuckers in the back.

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Damn, he lived a full life

>oh ye-

That's the water pressure gun. Spooky shit