Young man...

Young man, I appreciate that a lot of you Yea Forums guys feel empowered to join civil society now that papa bear Trump is tellin ya "it's okay". But let me send you a message: This is a blip, a temporary intifada, I know it feels good to have the worst of your instincts validated, but don't be fooled. Use this opportunity, now that you moved out of your parents basement, to meet a few people that aren't like you. You are afraid, we are not.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ching chong chin chan chung cho, chi chi chuan chong chan, chin chung chang chu. Cha chang chi chacho.

He's right you know.


No, it's just a strawman. Also, if they weren't scared they wouldn't try to censor and disarm us.

>parents force me to leave the basement and get a job
>have to interact with minorities daily, most coworkers are minorities
>literally subhuman manners, constantly talking shit about white people while demanding greater welfare, chimp out at the slightest misfortune, generally cause fucking havoc
>be or have any issues or problems with fellow whites

Yeah, forcing me into the real turned me from a lolberterian into a NatSoc faster than Yea Forums ever could

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Just because you are dangerous doesn't mean we aren't winning the battle for society. The fact is, borders will be seen as a medieval concept in several decades

Civilisation will be a foreign concept in several decades if people like you are left to your devices unopposed.

>parents force me to leave the basement and get a job
Sounds like you were already an emotional/mental cripple.

laughing at you isn't the same as attempting to censor/disarm you. Its just a natural reaction. The fact you feel being laughed at is so damaging is simply you proving you can still feel shame and are subconsciously aware you should be.

Kai Anderson did nothing wrong.

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That season was kinda funny, the next was even funnier. I hope the new one continue the trend.

Ah, yes. You don't really care what we do. You have no interest in trying to influence our opinion

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>Yea Forums
>joining society
Most of the people here don't even leave their basements. I'd say it's the fault of the normies since they decided to take the internet seriously

Are you seriously conflating basement-dwelling NEETs with autoworkers or construction crews?

>construction crews
You rarely have to babysit NEETs to keep inventory from leaving the jobsite, or to keep them from doing downers on the clock.

>cries about libtard elites mocking the working class because shitposting in your basement is basically coal mining
>actually working class people are scum lol
What did you mean by this?


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Nigger that was my first post in the thread, how deep did you have to reach into your ass to pull out that "context"

Seconding this. Waiting for that user to explain himself.

fuck chinks

How about another joke, Murray? What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash? I'll tell you what you get!! YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE!

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> some jewish writer comes up with thier idea of a grand slam whammer jam on drumpfbots

> its shit

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go back to china

Literally shaking right now. This epic speech reminds me of those cool lines Aaron Sorkin would write in West Wing or something. Yassss!

What the fuck is an intifada?

>bring up race for absolutely no reason
>getting triggered this bad

This is Trump's america!

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Welcome to MAGA Country.. Sad but true

The guy saying this gets murdered right after you dolt

>so unafraid we wrote a whole season of TV to say how unafraid we are

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And the entire world will be a favella

imagine taking anything in that american horror story season seriously, when literally everyone becomes evil at some point. even the main "hero" kills her wife, then becomes the leader of a cult that kills women for unironically having sex with men.

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>damage controlling this hard
What are you talking about? Rightwingers are censored left and right while at the same time you advocate stricter gun laws. You're scared and you should be.

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Holy based. If Walmart and Amazon say borders are bad, then we don't need them.

>muh noble construction workers
>muh friendly neighborhood car salesmen
>muh blue collar bois
>heh, C-check out this Carhartt overcoat I got, and my tim berlins, don't I look #jobsite as fuck haha?
based retard


he's right you know. learn to take a joke

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>Rightwingers are censored left and right
Maybe the explicit “kill nigs lol” guys, but the American media is otherwise overwhelmingly pro-corporate and pro-status quo. Nobody in the mainstream questions the military-industrial-complex, note how universal healthcare is considered unworkable communism while there’s nary a peep about funding le space force.

That doesn't change the fact that minorities are garbage.

Thank you for illustrating precisely why I never bought the right-wing “populism” meme.

UBI can't work in USA. We need that money to fund UBI in Israel.

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i know, that season is fucking hilarious

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>Carhartt overcoat
Please refrain from ever posting again.

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Keep going user, you're almost there


A Jewish lesbian wrote this dialogue

that set off your autism but Tim Berlin didn't?

Edit: holy turkey leg! I almost spilled my chocolate milk!
thanks for the gold kind strangerino!

He’s not wrong.

Well, the ''kill whitey'' guys aren't censored for some reason.
>American media
They're open borders, anti-white goons.
>universal healthcare
I fully support universal healthcare, but I'm European so it's pretty much normal to me. I have no problem paying 2% more taxes if that means my countrymen don't have to worry about getting sick, but only for my countrymen. The rest can go to hell for all I care.

>I'm European and here's what I think about how America should be ran

I was happy when this guy got killed.
Sad the season, and the series in general, got bogged down in feminazi bullshit. Not even going to give this season a try after two seasons of 'Feminazis Good, Men Evil'.

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It’s a gay white man and he’s based af

>when the honkpill hits

>Well, the ''kill whitey'' guys aren't censored for some reason.
Which ones?
>They’re open borders
Yes, capitalists (not believers in the ideology but actual owners of capital) tend to be pro-illegal immigration because it’s a good source of cheap, exploitable labor.

No one is censoring racists. They just don't want to be associated with them, as racism is the opposite of a political stance.

Unironically reminds me of that bill O'Reilly "young pinheads, get off the net" speech.
Boomers really are the worst

I'll stop lecturing you about your country if your military bases get the fuck out of my country you imperialist pig.

>racism is the opposite of a political stance
And that's why the world is going to shit

Yes. I hate Britspeak so much. Everything they say is so lame.

Feeling a constant need to shit over a group of people indicates that you're pretty terrified. Calling all opposition to limitless immigration 'white nationalism' and using it as an excuse to ban people from half of the internet is also a strong indication.

>winning the battle
for tranny operations and "free" money to illegals

>This is a blip, a temporary intifada
Lmao yeah OK, in a few years this will all blow over and we'll be back to living in a liberal paradise right guys

Yea, let's just ignore all the anti-Trump propaganda, because he said he'll build a wall to keep illegals out. Dishonest piece of shit.

Ratings indicate you're pretty much the only one with this opinion.

Is the doggo okay?

Yang is a nice guy but his economics are retarded.

Maybe if we didn't have to rescue your asses twice in a hundred years, we wouldn't have felt the need to build those bases.
Without those bases, you'd all be getting raped by Russian cocks.

>w-we're just trying to protect you :(
How cute. I bet you actually believe that.

Emma Roberts looks hot in the new season

The first 2-3 episodes of Apocalypse gave me high hopes but then for some reason the show became 90% flashbacks, and that finale, "lol, didn't happen" time travel fuckery is just barely above IT WAS ALL A DREAM in terms of shitty plot devices

Such a waste of interesting plot lines

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The “anti-Trump propaganda” is completely toothless. I love how suddenly we’re supposed to believe that the corporate media is 100% sincere when it comes to their weak, liberal-riling manufactroversies-of-the-week against daddy.

lmao it would be a pleasure to pull out our military from the EU. Let's hope Trump does that and also applies tariffs to cripple your economy like he does to China so that you'll learn who's the only superpower in the world today. Isolationism is the way to go

Friend, politics is compromise. Racism is not compromise. The world is going to shit because everyone wants their fuck-you money and everyone else can get fucked.

You mean that heckin good boi borkin woof pupper?

No, we're not just trying to protect you. We're trying to protect ourselves from the world wars you retards keep inviting with shitty policies and weakness.

its a blip in the sense the internet is radicalizing people because of how unfamiliar a sensation it is to be heard for so many people.

if ted kaczynski had the internet, the worst he would've done is post on Yea Forums.

>This is a blip, a temporary intifada

And what if it isn't?

>u r imperialist haha
post a picture of your obviously brown wrist

>tfw no strong american daddy to fill my sissy yuro ass with freedom
Why live?

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Imagine if they were proper Nazis and not just nationalists who don't appreciate mass immigration. "Nazi" has been diluted to a point where it has little meaning beyond "isn't a leftist".

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>laughing at you isn't the same as attempting to censor/disarm you
If shitlibs couldn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.

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>protect ourselves
You can't even protect your own border.

doesn't quiet get across how goofy it was without the music

>another /pol/ thread
Sigh. At least there’s a good Friday the 13th thread up.

>a literally who on twitter says hes gonna take mah squirrel hunting gun!
>this TERRIFIES me!!

... uh...

Gotta agree.

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The only working class people you have are union people. And ironically enough they are more racist than most people here. They just vote with you so the left gives them government jobs.

Of course, how can anyone forget about all those times the US got invaded by land

What 1990s webcam footage did this come from?

>if you don't like having your white country being occupied by Nigmerica you're a shitskin
High IQ post.

>beto o'rourke
>literal who

Yeah, I guess you're right about that one.

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ya realize gun control is entirely meaningless (like every hot button issue) because any changes would affect an utterly massive industry, right?

My doggo and puppers!

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>a literally who on twitter
I'm not even an Amerifat and I know who he is.

Hope you're ready for four more years of that blip, fucking retard.

>The only working class people you have are union people.
Uh, no shit?
>And ironically enough they are more racist than most people here. They just vote with you so the left gives them government jobs.
Provided that they aren’t seriously brainwashed, people tend to care more about feeding their families than their prejudice.

everyone on twitter is a literally who. the format exists solely to spout impotence

>t. the only western country that's majority non-white
am laffin

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The thing is, this character was freaking out over the Trump election, and in this scene, his hand is shaking and jittering while he tells them "You are afraid, we are not." So no, he's not right, and in fact he knows he's not right.
As an aside, Trump voters feel marginalized. They voted for Trump because he's an "outsider like them." Telling those people that they're losers and they mean nothing only adds fuel to the fire. I guess some people want that. They really want some kind of all out war or something. They want to be "the resistance" fighting against Nazis or whatever. I think it's a lame fantasy.

The AHS 1984 trailer

Didn't Trump become president by using twitter to circumvent the MSM?

Doesn't seem that impotent to me.

I didn’t even know this thread was about that show lmao

Hi /pol/

No, the MSM essentially ran his campaign for him.

Why are blacks allowed to make racial supremacist signs? I thought we were all one race?

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Racism stems from experience.

Yes? I know that, but gun-grabbing commies like Beta O'Rourke don't seem to think so.

>We are the party of the working class
>The only working class people who agree with us do because we bribe them

This. As they like pointing out, no one is born racist.

dog niggas be like woof lol

To be fair this could be mistaken for just about any average /pol/ thread.

>I think it's a lame fantasy.
Yeah, because they're also terrified of guns and physical violence which would make running a resistance movement against a totalitarian state rather tricky.

*poor people vote in their economic interests*
>no noo noooo that’s cheating stop stooop stooooop only billionaires are allowed to do that rrreeeeeeeeee

Except white babies.

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Imagine being this sheltered.

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Sounds like a cope to me

What about the working class whites that swung the election in Trump's favor? Are you that retarded user who claims they don't exist and that Trump won because Russia hacked voting machines?


No, that’s literally my family.

Whats real funny is they're even loosing union people with the universal healthcare shit. Unions give amazing healthcare and the workers do not want to lose that.

>look at all of these union fat cats with their hot water and refrigerators living better than medieval kings!

I’ve seen the right memeing about that, but Bernie polls pretty well in Appalachia and the Rust Belt, so I’m assuming it’s overblown fake news.

>n-n-n-no y-y-you're b-brown
>haha America b-btfo

Why did Trump do this

Oh yeah those rust belt polls. Sure are accurate

Why do people still support that cuckold?

Well, I live here, so I’ve got a gist of which way the wind is blowing. Did Michael Moore not predict Trump’s election?
Because he’s based and redpilled, my budding mass-shooter friend.

>lives in a flyover state

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I've never met a journeyman who doesn't pull in at least double of what the national average is. That is far above "working/middle class". You don't have the first fucking clue about how trades work.
It's not the 50's anymore. Unions are just a crooked business at this point.
Appalachian area is strongly against unions. Not much of a point you have there.

That election night was the most entertaining night on Yea Forums

>Did Michael Moore not predict Trump’s election?
He didn't. He knew that Trump's stance on trade would be popular in Michigan so he fearmongered about how Trump wouldn't keep his promises if elected(and guess what, Trump kept them).
And god you must live in an urban core or something. Moderate Democrats hate medicare-for-all. Biden would be a better option than Bernie or Warren among them

How can someone who can't stand for himself stand for the nation?

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Bernie has some clout but the union solidarity has faded thanks to globalization. Trump's hard stance on China and tariffs sits better with unioners now. The problem is that Sanders hasn't been "unmasked" by the combined weight of media and head to head debates, if he got on a debate stage with Trump he'd be painted as a socialist and a radical and you'd see his rust belt contingent dissolve.

Biden is the only truly electable Democrat in this field and he's getting ragged for it in the debates so far. The mistake the DNC has made is thinking the answer to a right-wing backlash in the US is... FURTHER left politics.

Trump can't stand for himself either.

I’m well aware you don’t care about us. Hillary was the same.
>who are the UMW
But hey, keep up the neolib anti-union stuff and see how the “blue wall” feels in 2020.
Nobody who cares about this silly meme would have voted for him anyway.
Thanks for your honest concern, m8. I’ll keep that in mind.

I think just as profound a fear they have is just about that perception that they are marginalized. Because despite the massive amount of hot air, there isn't much concrete evidence that blacks, women, and gays are oppressed and/or marginalized solely due to their identity. It's all based on subjective feelings - I am alienated and hated by others because of whom I am, as seen by this list of microaggressions. Once whites jump on the oppression train, it grinds to a stop. And suddenly leftism lacks its most potent galvanizing force.

Letting identity replace class was a tremendous mistake, which most intelligent leftists agree with. You can be anti-discrimination, anti-racism without adopting the full-blown progressive stack.


The dems are perfectly alright losing in 2020 and are going to pool resources into getting a bigger legislative swing in 2024 when they don't have trump to run against. Their goals are aimed down the road, and it remains to be seen how savvy their play is.

>bernie gets elected
>goldman sachs pays an uppity negress to follow him around wherever he goes
>doesn't fulfill any of his promises

Wow, one union that is nothing what it used to be. The northern midwest is really your only strong area for unions at this point.

You haven't justified Bernie with that statement. He IS a communist at heart, not even a socialist but someone who idealizes the USSR. He just puts on a more tolerable face and says what you want to hear. Out of all the candidates he is the last one I'd vote for.



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We shall see.

The biggest irony is that, not only do class politics sit better with Americans of all backgrounds, they already address racial inequities by proxy. Since blacks are more likely to be lower-class, if you attack issues that face the lower class you're already proportionally addressing the black situation. Instead, you create an arbitrarily "us vs them" situation race-wise, and whites are leaving the Democratic Party in droves. The DNC doubled down on the minority vote and is losing whites as a result, especially white men.

I can't help but feel hate when these candidates get on the stage and screech about "white nationalists" and "a racist in the White House" and "immigration enforcement is racist" and "blacks need reparations", I'm the ancestor of poor Irish immigrants and started life out with a mountain of student debt, it's insane that they think they can slander me on account of my race and still get my vote. I would be far more sympathetic to the old Democrat vs. Republican divide -- which was class. This new paradigm is cancer.

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If Trump wins in 2020 then that's his mandate to go all-out attack on China & the EU. Let's nor forget that Pelosi would be forced to ratify the USMCA. With full economic nationalism, Trump could finish his second term with over 60% approval, which is historically enough for to counter-balance the pendulum swing in 2024.

I don't even know why anyone is dragging their feet over the USMCA. It's basically just NAFTA lite.
"Making matters worse, some unions continue to avoid confronting crucial issues like racism head-on, failing to counter the President Donald Trump administration’s toxic, hollow xenophobic appeals to workers."
Basically at this point all you have are teachers.

It's NAFTA without a loophole that allows China & the EU to leech off the US through Canada & Mexico. That was the fatal flaw of NAFTA, and that's why Pelosi and Trudeau are waiting for their respective elections before ratifying the USMCA

Eh, Trump’s “appeals to workers” only really work when he’s running against neolib shitters like Hillary.

Which he will be. Biden will get the nominee.

We shall see.

When asked in polls, a plurality of Americans think that Trump governs like a third-party politician. Whether you like it or not, Trump successfully detached himself from the "pro-billionaires" reputation of the GOP

That doesn’t really go against my point.

Maybe not neccessarily. But don't take those working class votes for granted, not again.
If it's not Biden then Trump can breathe a lot easier. He's the only threat

People are scared that you reactionary racist, misogynist virgins are going to murder innocent people with assault rifles for no good reason, not that your warped world view is going to win out in the end.

god this season was kino this and asylum are the only good seasons of the show

>Maybe not neccessarily. But don't take those working class votes for granted, not again.
My family and many of my friends went for Trump, so I don’t know what you’re insinuating here. Do you think I’m Hillary Clinton?
>If it's not Biden then Trump can breathe a lot easier. He's the only threat
Yeah, okay. Thanks for the advice.

That's weird because people have a lot more reasons to be afraid of niggers, who commit 17 homicides per 100k, than whites who commit only 2.5 per 100k

I don't hear a lot of talk about blacks being 4x more likely to murder than whites. And yet everyone knows not to walk through black neighborhoods. Wonder why they aren't so scared of white neighborhoods? Surely with all of this "white supremacy" going on that would be the case.

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lol what is this gay shit from?

You are taking those votes for granted when you say "it wasn't Trump, it was Hillary".
That statement is true, but only in the context of the 2016 election. You can't just assume they will reject Trump

>ahs derailed itself for an entire season to go on a bizzare anti-trump rant

Or is this what big city dems really think "horror" is?

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It’s all about perspective. ~0.0075% of Black people are involved in homicides every year, and most of that is confined to the favela. I’m more worried about your Kekistani little brother deciding to light up some “NPCs” at a concert or movie theater when he’s fed up with your “optics”

Twitter literally allows kill whitey hashtags but if you call a tranny their biological gender you get banned

>Since blacks are more likely to be lower-class, if you attack issues that face the lower class you're already proportionally addressing the black situation.

I'm not the guy you responded to but let me just say i can't for the life of me understand why black people still vote majority for the DNC.

obviously I know it's because of all the gibsmedat they get. But if you're average black dude in Baltimore, you've seen your family decimated by poverty, criminality and drugs, and continue to vote democratic candidate it must be because you want things to stay like that. I can't fathom making the same decision over and over again expecting a different result.

It's quite amazing that every shity city in america: Baltimore, Detroit, Ferguson and San Francisco are all Democratic strongholds with social problems that go back decades.

If it wasn't sad it be funny.

>muh black crime /pol/ talking point

would also be solved with gun control

This message is really effective at winning over Black voters, so keep it up. Sprinkle in some references to “welfare plantations” for good measure.

>~0.0075% of Black people are involved in homicides
And that's 6 times more than whites, faggot. At least you admit that self-segregation is a thing. I don't give a fuck what you worry about, the white homicide rate in the US is equal to Europe

Drumpftards destroyed

Retard alert.

The majority of guns used by niggers are stolen.

this guy was based on The Mentalist where he played the stoic gook cop, I suspect he is doing the same thing here but with a gay script

Are you suggesting that poor Black people choose to live in the hood?

It won't since Blacks commit these homicides in Dem-run areas. While whites commit low homicides and shootings under lax gun laws

>If I make it illegal, no one will do it.
No retard, only criminals will use guns. Which they already do in illegal ways.
Worked great with prohibition of Marijuana and Alcohol.

read the chain of posts you replied to retard

>If it's not Biden then Trump can breathe a lot easier. He's the only threat.
Biden is about as much a threat to Trump as an ant is to God.

I suggest that there through heritability, a certain group is more likely to be violent and poor - they're called Blacks aka Niggers.
Whites are self-segregating

/pol/ told me that prohibition was based and degeneracy needs to be banned.

then that's probably fine too so what absolute worst minorities the workplace or just real life 14 posters?

Surely more than 0.0075% would engage in murder if the group was biologically predisposed to it?

amen, not even altright but i was fucking elated

>Trump can't stand for himself either.
The difference is he is the president

When you resort to raw numbers instead of per capita, you know you're full of shit.
African countries also have "0.0075%" of their population involved, I bet you'll feel real safe living there

>because of how unfamiliar a sensation it is to be heard for so many people
While this is true, leftists on twitter fall victim to it way more than anonymous shitposters on imageboards. At best we get a few (yous) they get reposted to every popular site, blue checkmarks, and hundreds of thousands of retweets and comments fueling their rabid political narrative. Yet shows like the OP try to frame it like a young male right wing problem, absolute nonsense.

>you are afraid to meet people that are different
>we aren't

How lacking in self awareness can one be?

I’m sorry. 0.0075% doesn’t sound as scary as le 1350 autism, huh?

I don't need an echo chamber to form my own opinion. I wasn't arguing on behalf of /pol/. Prohibition of alcohol was one of the dumbest things in history.
Not everyone who disagrees with you is /pol/. You're as bad as them.

Because blacks perceive themselves as completely alienated from the American mainstream. They think society is against them. And the party that pushes the "thug" narrative is the Republicans, who are also the party that pushes the individual responsibility narrative, that their sufferings are consequences for their poor choices. Essentially what leftists do whenever there is a mass shooting by a white loner. See how white loners respond to leftists and you'll find a parallel to how blacks respond to conservatives.

No one wants to play kiss-up to their enemies, and that's how blacks consider whites. Anyone who does gets labeled an uncle tom for this reason.

Yes that's why I support Warren

>you have to answer for other people's arguments just for posting in the same thread
based retard

So you’re a (((degenerate))).
True. Whites were pretty chill to Blacks in the 1870s-1950s era when they were trying to assimilate.

>Trump could finish his second term with over 60% approval, which is historically enough for to counter-balance the pendulum swing in 2024.
Obama finished his second term with a 60% approval rating and he was followed by Trump.

>derail and avoid
And you're a pussy

Sounds scarier than being worried about whites.

Blacks have a victimhood complex built into their culture.

The DNC promises to cure their ills with welfare and the like. This never works, however. They don't realize that it's better for them to remain poor in the eyes of the govt. because it guarantees they stay in power.

>bizarre anti trump rant
didn’t watch

You have nothing left in this argument, I see

>a certain group is more likely to be violent


I can stay out of the ghetto. Incel shooters are more relevant to my life.

Obama finished his term, that is Jan. 20, in 60%.
But in November 8, 2016 he was on ~50%

Couldn’t the meme be about “the 0.0075%” instead? Isn’t it just as accurate?


I suppose it could, since it's about 7 times more than the white proportion.

Wait, so the american media has now unironically picked up that clownworld meme from a few month ago?
I don't know if I should be horrified at this display of open stupidity or if I should laugh.

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Based. Real world interaction with People of Brown made me hate them.

So why isn’t it? A simple “0.0075%” is far more straightforward and less autistic than the other way.


It's about clowns in trumps america or something

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what if we don’t care about trump? is that allowed?
so tired of this racist ass gook erasing my identity, as a poor humble minority.

Ah huh. Keep derailing the conversation. I thought the left were supposed to be the intellectually honest ones with the right-wingers screeching "whataboutisms". But I guess not

They are not all confined and you're way more likely to be murdered in a home invasion or mugging as a white person than shot by little Jimmy Profit from Yea Forums

yeah, just like Brazil. Not. Murders went up after the gun ban in 2004.

Did you reply to the correct post?

Thi season is from 2017. Clearly ahead of it's time

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This season was fucking surreal. I can’t believe this show became like this. Season 1 and 2 were actually good. How does something become such a joke?

Yes I did thank you very much. I would assume your post was honest only if you are very, very stupid. But I don't think so, so you must be derailing

their families likely are

Plenty of NEETs are alternatively trust fund teens.

Sure smells like incel in here.

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pupperino NOOOOOOO

The presidency hasn’t mattered for decades.

>posting the nazi frog
Let's unpack this.


He can’t grab your guns. If global warming (read: THE APOCALYPSE) can’t even slow down the oil industry, the fuck prayer does any gun control advocate have?

Oh yes. It's the SUPERMASSIVE ENORMOUS GUN LOBBY(tm) that prevents gun-grabs from being passed.
Not voters who would turn on Moderate Dems in an instant if they betray them

imagine having sex ironically

Based formerly cringe.


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based tranny
he is very good at passing and one of my favorite parts of that season

Yeah, at first I was feeling annoyed by the characterization of Trumpers but then realized everyone was getting treated pretty hyperbolically and that was the point of the season. There are MAGA cultists and there are hysterical SJWs/progressives.

Voters are irrelevant when corporate entities literally buy senators/representatives/congressmen. Since no corporate entity will profit from banning guns, there is no real push for gun control. Its nothing but a campaign promise that will never go anywhere. Like cleaning up inner cities.

it’s crazy the disparity between how good Murder House and Asylum were (even Coven was decent) to how shit the last 4 seasons were.
I really hope the new season can redeem them somewhat.

they weren't good, you were just young and fucking stupid. every season has been garbage. the only thing the first season had was a hot maid.

Stupid incels, too weak to do anyt...AAHHHH SOMEONE SAVE ME FROM THE INCELS

Yep, it's all the big bad corps. Not electoral consequences

Why did the cameraman run towards 3 white people with knives?

Why didn't they kill the doggo woggo floofer woofer doofer?

>You are afraid, we are not.

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I've worked in construction with my dad and yes, people who work at construction will steal any tools you leave unattended and show up to work stoned

Someone post the webm wherein Emma gets her modest breast fondled

AHHHHHH why the fuck can't you leave me alone I just wanna sit in my rural corner of the world Target shoot,hunt and fish but you gotta get on my case. I JUST WANTED TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES

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Friend, corporate interest has literally owned the united states ever since citizens united came into existence.

Based going to public school did this to me too.

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holy fug

"Friend", I am aware of that and it happened since way before that. But it doesn't change the fact that even if it wasn't for 'lobbyists'(the gun industry is one of the smallest) electoral consequences would prevent any gun-grabs from being passed



Why do people use "NatSoc" now when Nazi is so much more common. Are you trying to evade a certain stigma that's attached to the word Nazi?

Nazi is a derogatory term. They weren't called the Nazi party.

Jesus fuck, what's with all the clowns in the last two years? Are clowns the new punks or something?

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the difference is, the hysterical SJWs/progressives think theyre the good guys and their actions are validated, ringing back to ops pic

What you're not understanding is if voters can actually influence a situation, there is no actual push for it.

Its a hotbutton issue. Its never going to move because it would not benefit corporate interest.

You could be fighting for workers in this country, exploited by international capital. Instead you’re fighting for the foreign hordes, and every working class person in this country wants to see you lynched. Good job retard.

they even gave him a literal neckbeard

Using all this time to showcase a about 20 canidates, everyone will forget about half of them.
The last half will already be branded by their track record, Biden is the only one capable of winning but he's got the obama history holding him back and will cause too much shit to pop up during the election process that it will just fuck him in the ass.
As of right now, the only winning ticket dems have is one that is based on only looking at the canidates. So the pairing would be Harris/O'rourke, and that's still weak. The new girls that are going to start voting are only going to go for the best looking dem, and that's gonna go to Beto, but after you call him an idiot for some of the shit he says around them, they will realize he's not the dreamy guy they thought.
Harris will appeal to the dumb ones who don't know that's she's sent more niggers and spics to jail than any candidate up there

>why aren't you randomly using abbreviated German words

It's like you're a retard or something.


>fight nazis
>100 years later become nazis themselves

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It's what the Jews say Palestinians are doing when they shoot them.

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>Capital supports illegal immigration
>So do I
>But I’m not a tool of capital, you are for opposing illegal immigration
Based retard

nigga, nazi is national socialism abbreviated in german

Imagine living in the last 20 years and you still feel like the american media doesn't care about black people.
When it's been nothing but blackity black black, on every form of media, hell characters are being retconned to include blacks, still feel like it ain't enough.
Jeez the vast difference between a black boomer and zoomer is going to be uncanny, specially when zoom zoom has to deal with the future black coomer

its almost like there's a federal law behind it

your attempts are pretty pathetic

the economy was making moves during the 2016 election cycle.
The businesses knew trump was going to take office, so they started pouring money in, greenlighting deals etc.
Why would economy start moving when a president is leaving, that makes no sense. They knew Trump was coming in.
Remember housing development started to really kick in at the end of 2016

So they yelled "Nazis" and people actually started running?

the wasco clown thing from years ago was a publicity stunt.
Wb took credit for it about sometime after the clown sightings started.
They wanted people to start meming about being scared of clowns.
Guess it caused enough interest for it to be relevant, so it paid off big time.
Especially for those that work there and aren't leftist, paid off big time for them.

Doesn't mean the ghetto can't come to you. 10x more likely to be killed by a black person as a white than than the opposite.

Yes, but society doesn’t work without men. It easily works without niggers.

They hyped him up so much just to literally run him over with a car.

An insulting abbreviation that was almost never used by the party. In fact the only exception I know of is a single pamphlet by Goebbels called “Der Nazi-Sozi, Q&A for national socialism” which is using the term as a joke.

That's my point.

It isn't. There isn't a way in which Nationalsozialismus could be abbreviated into 'nazi'. Maybe NatSoz.
Nazi is used as a derogatory term

whatever you say zipperhead

>There isn't a way in which NAtionalsoZIalismus could be abbreviated into 'nazi'


seriously though, imagine being a lefttard

Yeah, I guess if you want to choose a random syllable.
There's a reason that NatSocs never referred to themselves as "Nazis". Because that isn't the abbreviation

>expect comfy ahs thread
>it’s /pol/ shit

Its not a random syllable, its where emphasis would be put by someone who actually spoke german.

Or, ya know, actually knew anything. Period.

its kinda what happens when a shitty show /pol/baits in a desperate ploy for ratings.

>abbreviations are determined by *checks notes* emphasis
Didn't know it was called Nationalso Zialismus

Its a contraction ya dimwit.

*wins 2020*

That's right, a desperate term that for some reason no NatSoc has ever used and only referred by their opposers

>people tired of outrage culture
>both clown left and clown right are being dismantled

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that would be you trying to argue that, somehow, nazi doesn't stand for national socialism.

Why are you so obsessed with the word Nazi?

>say something wrong
>get corrected
>dude why are you so obsessed??

why do you do this?

In the same way that "Commie" stands for "Communism", yes.

What if they have sex with them ironically like they do with me

Nice larp, you still live with your parents and are a neet and shitpost on /pol/ all day though

Its not wrong, though. Nazi has a German origin. Why would any non-German NatSoc call themselves that?

Yes, and?

Did you think that was some sort of "gotcha?"

>Why would any non-German NatSoc call themselves nazi?


You clearly implied that "Nazi" should be the standard term to use for NatSoc, when it shouldn't. It's a derogatory term.

God damn this is delusional, I hope you don't really think it.


No NatSoc called(past tense, there no NatSocs around anymore obviously) themselves that. It was only used by their opposers.

Your desire to move away from the associations with the word nazi just reinforces the idea they should be glued to you forever.

Both cringe and based.

So you're not looking for objectivity and technical terms, only shaming and dictating narratives.
That's good for you

I was like 25.
suck my dick you retard and stop assuming everyone is like you.

where do you think you are chinky little SHIT

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Attempting to forget/obfuscate historical precedent because it embarrasses you is not objectivity.

I would prefer it if they killed a thousand people you loved instead of one heckin good boi flooferino

Nazi is a made up derogatory term made by the opposition and used by Hitler's enemies. National Socialism is the correct word, or for short - NatSoc.

oh, so instead of being young, you're just retarded.

Thanks for clarifying.

a candidate who is quite right socially and a bit left economically and is not an annoying faggot could probably take this country by storm

Twisting the use of the word "nazi" to indicate it as the standard term for National Socialism is exactly what forgetting history is all about.
Just like 'spic' isn't an objective term, 'nazi' isn't an objective term

The only reason you don't want to be called a nazi is because you want people to think natsoc is something different.

Meaning? I'm a National Socialist, both are basically the same thing. I just do not want to use a derogatory term made by my enemies in order to describe myself. It's like yo addressing yourself as fat Amerimutt.

>dude, don't twist words thats not cool!
>t. man revising history in order to disasscioate himself from what he literally is

friend, I'd have no problem calling myself an amerimutt because I don't take any pride in being american.

I'm calling you a nazi because it clearly bothers you, despite being accurate.

>I'm calling you a nazi because it clearly bothers you, despite being accurate.
Nah, sweetie. The only one who's bothered here seems to be you. Otherwise, why would you care how I address myself?

that’s what he said you fucking retard

Don't insult me by saying I'm a NatSoc. Hitler is the greatest gift anti-whites could have received with his bizarre fantasy 'aryan' theory.
I am correcting how you use your terms. "black" and "nigger" have the same meaning, but only one of them is objective.

>"black" and "nigger" have the same meaning, but only one of them is objective
Yes, the latter one is more objective.

Because you're clearly trying to hide something. Like the fact you're literally a proud nazi. Whereas is clearly being honest.

>I can stay out of the ghetto
fuck off with this shit you fucking racist piece of human garbage

>Because you're clearly trying to hide something.
Trying to hide the 6 gorillion jews I just killed.
>Like the fact you're literally a proud nazi.
I am. So what?

no one cares, dumb nazi faggot

yes, national socialism only worked in germany because the germans decided a large percentage of people, some of whom were wealthy, were no longer people, and their wealth was national property.

Its a total mystery why this would bother someone self-identifying as a national socialist.

why do you keep going in circles?
no one cares. you’re a nazi.
and a faggot.
AND a loser.

you’re welcome

edit: thanks for the gold, kind strangerino! a tip of my fedora to you, good sir.

That's some magnificent insight on the NS Germany economy. Really thrilling stuff, no doubt derived from your extensive education in the liberal arts field of economics.

nigger is a state of mind, not a race.
for instance, you’re a nazi nigger.

it’s called “reading a book”
you should try it sometime

The only thing you've read in your life is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone when you were 10 years old. Stop deluding yourself, you obviously have zero idea of what you're talking about by spouting mainstream jewish rhetoric that has nothing to do with reality of the then situation.