Luke Skywalker
>a farmer kid who has never left his planet, is naturally the best pilot in the whole rebel alliance and can hit this impossible shot because he is strong with the force.
Anakin Skywalker
>is literally born from a virgin and is the most powerful force user ever because of a prophecy.
>shown to be capable with a melee weapon and who grew up working in and around space ships, is a mary sue because she can fly the falcon and because she beat a guy who would be better than her if he hadn't been shot with a big ass gun that has been shown in the movie to blow away anyone who gets shot by it.
Why did Star Wars fans get mad about the last one again?
Luke Skywalker
Other urls found in this thread:
Luke and Anakin were not mary sues. They both trained long and hard and didn't become confident of their abilities until at least their 2nd film each. Rey was unstoppable as soon as she reached Starkiller base.
Luke and Anakin both fuck up plenty of times while Rey shoots nothing but net
>They both trained long and hard
Luke did not train long and hard - the prequels retcon'd Jedis entirely. Luke's training was just smoking weed in a swamp, and he had zero training when he took down the death star.
>Anyone can have the force if you smoke enough weed.
>Actually you need to be a genetic freak and start training 24/7 starting at ~3 years old.
>>a farmer kid who has never left his planet, is naturally the best pilot in the whole rebel alliance and can hit this impossible shot because he is strong with the force.
Did you miss how he practices and bulleyes womp rats?
Have sex incel
Dilate tranny
>Luke did not train long and hard
He trained with Yoda and Obi-Wan and he self-trained between ANH and ESB and between ESB and ROTJ. Rey knew the Force existed for a few hours and she could already do mind tricks.
>Actually you need to be a genetic freak and start training 24/7 starting at ~3 years old.
Wrong. The Jedi start them young because they need to teach them extreme patience and self-control, otherwise they risk falling to the dark side.
I hated how Rey climbed that wall of shit and as soon as one opened up she climbed into it regardless of the possibility of impending doom.
That shit in the swamp was not 'hard training'; it was hippie bullshit.
Anakin being OP is shown to be a negative trait and largely leads to his downfall because he feels he's more talented than most of the Council yet won't be made a Master.
Luke's making a difficult shot on the Death Star is far less egregious than actually shitting on a trained Sith in a one on one lightsaber duel with zero training. I imagine it's easier to ignore that he got destroyed by Vader in their first fight.
The Chewbacca shot being Kylo's downfall would have been a good excuse had it been shown that way. But instead, Kylo beats on his wound to stifle the pain like a Navy Seal would, and then Rey gets the upperhand after first clashing with Kylo and then purposefully tapping into the Force.
Oh, yeah? bet you can't do a single back flip or a head stand, you fat faggot.
I don't know why people say she never fails. She's a fucking femcel who failed to get Kylo's dick.
Tired of ironic shit posting. Shits not even done as a joke. Shits not clever or funny to anyone.
Please dont respond to fishers.
God I hate this board.
You hate her only because she's a woman, you'll all be executed in the new state
niggas can do that irl wtf
>Kylo beats on his wound to stifle the pain like a Navy Seal would
I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be him trying yo draw """"dark""" power from the pain.
Luke Skywalker
>son of Anakin Skywalker, the chosen one
>had difficulty even pulling his lightsaber to him, three years after destroying the Death Star
>trained with Yoda from the Battle of Hoth up until the Millennium Falcon reached Bespin with its backup hyperdrive (possibly as much as half a year)
>was unable to lift his X-Wing out of the water on Dagobah
>fought Vader and got his ass kicked
Anakin Skywalker
>born from the Force itself, taken to start the training relatively early
>after training for a decade, fights Dooku and gets his ass kicked
>bests Kylo Ren in a duel less than a day after discovering the Force and Jedi exist
>bests all of Snoke's guards in a duel after receiving a single philosophical lesson from Luke - notably does better than Kylo Ren
>lifts up an entire rock slide effortlessly
You're so pathetic lol, your viewpoint is laughable. No one agrees with you.
The important thing is not the backstory, but how the story treats them.
He could never do anything alone and always needed the help of his friends. Even in his victory to defeat and save Vader, it was because of how open he was to help and accept people.
Even though everyone keeps saying he is strong, he does nothing but fail every fucking time. All this praise serves only to feed his ego, which always lead to his demise.
Everybody loves her for no reason, everything she puts her fingers works like she wants, she takes special abilities out of her ass, and the world bends to her objectives.
learn to do a backflip and be just like Luke Skywalker
Maybe in universe but Adam Driver is the one who suggested it because he learned it in the navy. It just so happens to synchronize perfectly with something a Dark Side user would do. Elevating the story like that with his real life knowledge really emphasizes how Kylo is probably the best thing about the new trilogy, TLJ aside. TLJ ruined everybody without fail.
People do that in real life, fagmaster.
Ah interesting, didn't know that. Driver is too good for this shitshow.
Imagine being such a fat loser you think backflips are not real LMFAO
what i never understood is why leia hugged rey after han died instead of chewie. i mean who is this bitch?
Her grandmother bitch.
>i mean who is this bitch?
A self-insert. Literally.
Nu-Wars is as poorly written as a video game with a mute MC.
used to pilot his uncle's skyhopper and shoot womp rats, is a son of one of the most talented pilots in the galaxy, also inheriting his strength in the force, giving him at least some basic training to pilot an x-wing
Destroyed DS only thanks to ghost obi-wan telling him to use force focus to fire torpedoes at the right time and angle, was briefly trained by obi-wan just enough to be able to tap into the force
Gets fucked up in the second movie even after he trained with yoda
born from Plagueis trying to forcefuck the force
is a literal slave for at least 9 years
works in a chopshop, giving him basic mechanical knowledge to build his own speeder and therefore getting basic pilot training
gets trained by the jedi for 10 years only to fuck up continuously
is an unlikable little bitch
everyone likes her except for ugly toxic male aliens
can pilot falcon better than han and chewie even though it's her first time piloting
spends her whole life as an orphan on a sand planet yet somehow is instantly able to learn advanced force powers from kylo's mind with no explanation at all
is able to defeat kylo in a lightsaber duel even though it's her first time even holding that shit, while kylo had trained to be a jedi and subsequently a dark side user since he was a child
Honestly I just didn't like the lack of adversity or moral quandary her character faces throughout the movie. She basically never gets defeated in single combat, Kylo capturing her being the only instance she doesn't hilariously outsmart or overpower everyone who stands in her way, and she still completely clowns him a few minutes later. She's honestly not a terrible Mary Sue in retrospect, more just a corporate designed cool girl (tm) to sell action figures. Force awakens Rey at least has the courage of her own convictions and goes out of her way to be kind and helpful, TLJ Rey is a useless fucking moron who spends the whole movie acting a lot like Korra did during the shittier seasons of the new avatar show.
All three of them are instant hyper-warriors. I'm not the biggest Star Trek fan, but the differences are nitpicky.
Alternatively Navy recruits are taught to channel the actual dark side. It would explain why boats are so evil.
>he had zero training when he took down the death star.
He was already a decent pilot and the rebels were desperate for pilots
Luke bulls eyed wampas no bigger then two meters wide back home on tattooine.
He was also ready to leave for the imperial academy after the harvest.
Do you really think Luke wasn't training all his life to get the fuck off tattooine?
JJ actually said that he wished he'd had Leia hug Chewie and that that scene was a bit of a fuck up on his part.
I have genuinely never had the impression that Luke was training for Yoda for any period less than a few weeks at the least. My actual assumption is that he was on Dagobah for months.
I think he's magic because that's what the movies are about, people with magic powers.
Shut the fuck up and piss off, mouse.
>she can pilot the falcon better than Han or Chewie
Not that user but I don't know why people keep saying that. There's no evidence to suggest, spoken or apparent, that she's a better pilot.
The one scene people talk about is the compressor scene. But that was a compressor installed by her boss, who she knew her entire life so would theoretically know the sort of work he did. She wasn't a better pilot, she just knew the guy who did the compressor job since he probably taught her engineering to be a better scav. She had insight in that particular situation that Chewie and Han just didn't have.
What's wrong with that?
He was on Dagobah for at least 2 years in order to get that level of training.
Has Rey ever lost a fight? Has Rey had any significant injury. Does everyone love Luke and Anakin immediately on meeting them? I could go on.
Also, in regards to how people behave towards them
People only started to respect him after he blew the Death Star. Before that, everyone thought he was a wanker
So unlikable people kept hating him even though he was super powerful and essentially a war hero. So much to the extent he wasn't accepted as a master based on his behavior alone.
Nobody knew her, she appeared from thin air, and even still everybody loves and trusts on her without a second thought.
To the retard who thinks Luke wasn't training on Dagobah, we see him physically exerting himself with Yoda's body as added weight. Yoda is having him do this because physical discipline begets and benefits mental discipline. Control over one's body supports control over the mind.
He also has Luke use telekinesis while doing a handstand because it will require more focus to properly use the Force in this uncomfortable, physically taxing position.
Luke was not just smoking weed in a swamp, he was working his body and cultivating his mind.
That's a huge overestimation.
Ah bloo bloo
Would you forgive Rey's Mary Sue force bullshit if it turned out she was memory-wiped via amnesia and therefore couldn't remember years and years of prior jedi/sith/force/whatever training? Or that she might even be a pseudo-Revan 2.0 case in a way?
Not that I'd think the mouse would ever fucking do it, but would that make her more forgivable?
I think the saving grace of Luke was living in a time where he was the only force user around, and the bad guys were growing rust because they no longer were fighting force users.
It's like being the only trained martial artist in a neighborhood where nobody knows how to fight, or being yet another martial artist in a dojo full of them. In one scenario you can rekt anyone just by slacking of, while in the other you do need to train like a crazy person to be on the top.
>sequelniggers are so desperate that they have to constantly deflect and can't even do that properly
No, because it still happened and her powers are the least of the character's problems.
Her black hole nature on the plot and characters is far worse, and the real nail in the coffin for her being an obnoxious Mary Sue
I'd forgive Rey if Daisy was my gf
It looked like hippie shit to me. I thought the whole point was that it was supposed to be spiritual. Actually, by the time I watched ROTJ and they were like 'Luke's a Jedi Master now! :0' I was thinking 'What the fuck did he do to become a Jedi Master? I saw him do like one handstand so far.'
Disney fanwhores can't accept the fact that nu-Wars will go down in history as the worst Star Wars trilogy.
This. The retarded femcel OP also forgot that Luke was a typical working class boy who spent all his spare time training himself, as poor boys often do in white culture.
You’re the new breed of cunt that calls themselves a Star Wars fan, gtfo.
It's the only thing she fails at and she'll get that in the end anyway.
Thank you for this!
Do you mind if I use this for winning arguments against Rey?!
Nope. I don't care about backstories, **and neither do you, backstories are for post rationalization, and don't influence gut reaction** what matters is how the movie handles her. If they keep doing as they are doing she will still be a shallow characters to which the laws of the world bends around. If they change how she is handled, it will be a way too aggressive change to the final installment of the series, and will stench of defeat.
There's no fixing it at this point.
>asking for permission
Back to plebbit, faggot.
No no no, you are oversimplifying like a motherfucker.
Luke is said time and time again to be a good pilot, even has pilot friends, and has been vying to go to the academy for some time. He also inherited a high midichlorian count from his father, and received a certain amount of training from his father's old teacher.
Anakin has a freakishly large midichlorian count, and spent a decade being trained in the Jedi arts.
It is never shown or mentioned at any point that Rey can pilot anything beyond her little speeder bike thing, and beating up random ass thugs is a far cry from taking on a guy who not only has the innate Force abilities of the Skywalker lineage, he's been trained by both Luke Skywalker and Snoke.
>B-but he was injured
She also takes on the elite guards of the fucking king of the universe, suffering no visible injuries in the process, and then overpowers Kylo in a Force tug-of-war.
By this point in their respective trilogies, both Luke and Anakin had gotten their asses handed to them, even losing limbs in the process, but Rey is not allowed to lose a fight.
This. Everyone always brings up her powers, but even if they were explained she would still be a Mary Sue. Even moreso if it was because she was related to someone super special.
Kylo even trained on Dagobah, but I guess Rey doesn't have to because she's a Mary Sue.
It’s a classic false failure though. It’s purpose isn’t to show she can’t do something, but to show she’s so utterly virtuous and pure hearted that she’d never consider his proposal for a second.
Fucking fanfic writers managed to grasp this problem, get a supposed professional backed with the resources of Disney couldn’t.
Luke wasn't the best pilot, Han was, by far.
The impossible shot was foreshadowed by his ability to shoot space rats from 100 yards away while growing up on the farm. This was also the first time he did anything significant with the force, and it happens at the very end of the film as a climax to his character arc. He spent the rest of the film training and getting made fun of.
Nobody liked kid Anakin. Your bait is weak. Get triggered.
>midichlorian count
You're using this wrong. It's not a measurement of skill its how much potential someone has. Han could become a Jedi considering how often he uses the Force
>nu-Wars will go down in history as the worst Star Wars trilogy.
And thats a good thing!
I like Star Wars but prefer Gate and Trek.
Do they even realize they're all using the same phrases? Should at least try to hide the script.
They do, but they assume people are too stupid to make the connection
He was of course USMC, which makes me think the story came from your ass. When he broke his sternum did he just start hitting it?
>Has Rey ever lost a fight?
There was that one time when Kylo KO'd her with the Force.
>Back to plebbit, faggot.
So can I do it? Please!
Luke wasn't the best pilot in the alliance he was a rookie who had a skillset luckily very suited to the Death Star exhaust port run. His job was still only to provide cover while the more experienced pilots attempted the run, and he only succeeded himself due to the force.
But Finn belongs to Rose now.
Bland Rey is with Kylo
It's a sad state of affairs when the only people who look forward to 9, without having to be paid or coerced with identity politics, are obese tumblr shippers.
Well sad for Disney, I find it hilarious.
Born of the force. Has a reason to be better than everyone else. Still struggles because his emotions get in the way.
Born of Anakin, he has a reason to be strong with the force. Had to train with Yoda himself for a longer period than the movies imply before he got good. Still got btfo by Vader the first time they fought.
Normal person born from not even jedi parents. Is perfect at EVERYTHING. Beats Kylo the first time she has a lightsaber battle. Beats him again in the second movie. Cannot progress at all because she starts at the top of her powers.
Your bait aside, for people that actually think Luke is some kind of unrepentant Gary Stu on Rey's level, it's worth keeping in mind that Luke's meant to be what we call the "hero" of the story. He's active and never needed to be dragged into it, he shows curiosity about the galaxy the moment he sees Leia's message; despite being a naive fish out of water. Having absolutely nothing likable or awe inspiring about him at any point in the movie, even in its fucking climax, is pretty lame and wouldn't fit a science-fantasy movie like Star Wars. You might as well complain about the countless WWII adventure movies like Where Eagles Dare if you think this is bad.
I mean, if the hero being a good pilot and SAVING THE DAY in the movie's ending after trials and tribulations is Rey-tier, you might as well say Han's one, too. After all, he shoots Vader out of the trench; what are the chances?!
>is naturally the best pilot in the whole rebel alliance
Nobody ever said he was. Rey is even more out of nowhere and OP than both of them.
The point is that she still wants Kylo's dick thought and she couldn't turn him. She utterly failed at it. It still makes it seem like she "did the right thing" though, which of course just makes her more of a Mary Sue.
Rose isn't even shown in this one. She's off screen the whole time. Finn's asshole belongs to Poe.
Yeah, he was in the Marines and I've never seen a source on that story. It's still interesting to think about.
>When he broke his sternum did he just start hitting it?
According to him, he trained on it to try and convince everyone he could still deploy, but then it never healed kek
So honestly it sounds like something he would do or at least in-character something Kylo might do.
Lost every fight he started, didn't finish his training properly, and only made the shot because he gave in to The Force.
Was trained by some of the greatest Jedi's in the order, especially under Obi Wan, and what's the point of a prophecy in the story if it's not him?
Does anything she tries effortlessly, because she has a vagina. And, she didn't grow up working around spaceships, she grew up picking literal trash.
It's not so much about her powers themselves as much as it's about the fact that she suffers no consequences and doesn't have to go through any hardships. It's as if her entire character is already perfect and her journey is her and everyone else around her realizing just how special and perfect she is.
So that means she has no real journey or conflicts to get through because everyone else is wrong and she is the moral compass for some reason and everyone just has to listen to her.
It makes zero sense and is obnoxious. Black hole Mary Sue.
Yeah, it's pretty hypocritical that Luke is shown to be such a failure and asshole for failing to help Kylo, but when Rey not only fails to help him but makes the situations so much worse, she is praised as a hero.
I've never heard or known of hitting your wound to be a technique. Sounds like bullshit.
Maybe not necessarily a technique, but it's still something people might do. It does seem to fit the Dark Side teachings, anyway. It looks cool either way.
Luke loses his family and has no reason to stay, so it makes sense he would leave.
He also has his friends help him when he gets the impossible shot and the stakes are very high, the odds are shown to be stacked against him.
Not the same with Rey. She actually wants to stay on Jakku, so it makes even less sense why she would ever leave and it never really seems like she's actually going to fail. More like everyone is waiting for the scene to be over with her winning. There are zero stakes and that makes her boring. She also never needs help from anyone.
Luke didn't become a real jedi until the 3rd movie. That's why his reveal in Jabba's palace was so cool
I don't like Rey. She's rough and irritating and gets everywhere.
>the best pilot in the whole rebel alliance
Now it's canon!
Finn x Rey? For stupid incels that like to see white girls blacked because they got an inferiority complex and white guilt.
Finn x Rose? The best pairing in the history of cinema pairings ever! Wonderfully characters and great dynamic! Only chads love this!
Luke didn't become a real jedi not even around the 3rd movie
>Nu-Wars is as poorly written as a video game with a mute MC.
this seriously, think of rey as Ryder of the new mass effect andrometer, she is written as not having a character at all, every time she talks any emotion could fit the poor writing (if she had any), she is a self insert rpg character for a text based game, or choose you own adventure book.
The problem with Rey is not the overpowering. She's as overpowered as Anakin was. That part is fine. What makes Rey a Mary Sue-ish character straight out of a Wattpad fanfiction is how effortlessly she manages to be liked by everyone, especially the OT characters. That's pure fanfic.
Does Rose even still exist or did JJ wipe her ass from existance. If so, the Jew did us a favor. I fucking despise that character. All she does is push Finn, a character I was starting to grow fond of, into the background for the majority of the movie, and rips what could have been his greatest moment away from him because she has jungle fever.
>Han dies
>Instead of Chewie going to Leia to mourn together as they should, given they've been friends for more than 20 years and Leia was Chewie's best friend's wife
>Rey steals that emotional moment
>With a woman she literally hadn't met before that, who shouldn't know Rey exists
Anyone else think it fucked up Luke would go out and kill womp rats for fun. These rats werent getting into his moisture collectors or something. No luke went out of his way to beggars canyon to murder them.
>Hello Luke. I know you're a bit distracted, but please thank the nice lady OP for the compliment
Womp rats are dangerous xeno vermin, Luke did nothing wrong.
>grew up working in and around space ships is a mary sue because she can fly the falcon
Disassembling ship parts doesn't make you a pilot.
>Does Rose even still exist or did JJ wipe her ass from existance. If so, the Jew did us a favor. I fucking despise that character. All she does is push Finn, a character I was starting to grow fond of, into the background for the majority of the movie, and rips what could have been his greatest moment away from him because she has jungle fever.
Thank god.
Finn sacrificing himself would have been the "Black Dude Dies First" trope used for making white character feels sad about their black friend dying.
And we need less sof this
Fanfic indeed. Self-insert OC.
It would also have given him an actual character aside from "scared black guy" if he had died for a cause he actually believed in
No, hunting vermin is a worthy masculine pursuit and based.
I can't believe you faggots haven't even realized that Rey is actually the "Daughter" reborn.
It explains everything.
Yeah. He should have been aggressive, disruptive, fucking up because he was getting high all the time and thieving to fund his habit. Then he could have died with the characters showing relief they wouldn't have to deal with him.
She's still in it apparently, as a massively downgraded background character, Finn tastes some dark meat instead if promo images are anything to go by
>is naturally the best pilot in the whole rebel alliance
He never was you complete retard. He almost got killed by a random Tie Fighter in New Hope and needed Wedge to save his ass. Random sand people almost killed him. Random fags in Mos Eisley almost killed him.
Meanwhile first time we see Rey fight she effortlessly beats up two dudes 2x bigger than her.
Episode IX - Rey walks into the First Order Base and single handily defeats every soldier, crushes every army robot, spaceship and blows up the base. Then she goes to Kylo's throne room, she defeats, Kylo, Snoke, Sidious Ghost, Vader Ghost, and every sith that comes from the dead with her bare hands. She then restores the galaxy, ends animal cruelty, slavery and capitalism with a force thought.
Imagine, just for a second only please, giving a fuck about Star Wars past the original trilogy.
>>Rey steals that emotional moment
She also stole the Falcon. It should've become Chewie's ship.
This makes too much sense to be canon
shove that nu-canon comic up your ass Mickey
>and he self-trained between ANH and ESB and between ESB and ROTJ.
None of this is presented in the films, that's EU headcanon
The real too much sense to be canon is the explanation that Rey is simply too stupid to realise what she’s doing isn’t possible.
>I don't believe it
>THAT is why you fail
Rey grew up hearing legends about the Jedi and Luke Skywalker n shit, she doesn't have the same hangups over what's "possible" that Luke did which is why she takes to it so easily
>The real too much sense to be canon is the explanation that Rey is simply too stupid to realise what she’s doing isn’t possible.
Yes, but Rey being the Daughter reincarnated is something that would be clever and an homage to the cartoons.
And the Star Wars crew want just Rey to be the Mary Sue, without explanation.
So I wish they were smart enought to make Rey the Daughter but they're too marysue-fans to give a real answer to their mary sue
Based and AntiReyPilled!
Based and ClonePilled!
What does the compressor compress?
Gets talked down to by everyone in ANH. Even Han talks tons of shit to him
Everybody loves her and emotionally validates her, including Han. Leia never even MET her, and after Han Solo DIES she snubs his best friend, the wookiee who "took care of her" after he was frozen in carbonite in ESB to rush up and give this total fucking stranger a hug.
Rey is a Mary Sue because she is instantly liked, trusted and put on a pedestal by everyone she meets.
Han Solo wants her on his crew and trusts her enough to work on the Falcon. Chewbacca watches over her and rips off Unkar's arm to protect her, who also wants her for inexplicable reasons. Maz is willing to give her a lightsaber, and not just any lightsaber, but the Legacy lightsaber of the series. Finn loves her and his sole motivation in rescuing her is that he loves her. The major villains of the movie want her. Princess Leia hugs her and not Chewbacca when Han Solo dies, and personally tells her that the Force is with her. She inherits the Millennium Falcon, Chewbacca, and R2-D2 when one of the three most beloved characters in the franchise is killed off. The primary villain of the movie, Kylo Ren, obsesses over her when she is his prisoner and is the first person in the movie to take his mask off to. Absolutely every single thing is handed to her and her competence and personality are never questioned in any way, shape or form by anyone in the movie.
This is what makes a Mary Sue. Not the fact that she has all of these amazing powers and abilities without even trying or without having been trained, but the fact that absolutely everyone she meets instantly likes and trusts her. This is the true mark of a Mary Sue, and it is due to an inability of a writer to create a compelling character. A Mary Sue will always be a stand-in for how the writer wants the fictional characters to react to them personally.
None of this can be refuted. She is a Mary Sue, and it isn't because she has powers and is a woman. It's because she is horribly written and to defend her is to defend bad writing.
nigga... have you ever watched a Star Wars movie?
My god! I love this tea!
Let's leave all the SJW shit at the door and just examine the disappointment in this choice. Honestly why can't there be a female character that has the characteristics on the right? It's so exhausting. How can people not have an honest discussion about the bad writing here and how did it get through the door? Are kikes really this awful?
>Honestly why can't there be a female character that has the characteristics on the right?
Vidya but it still applies.
What is weird is this. Why was Disney/Lucasfilm so stupid to believe that they could turn Star Wars into a typical female self-insert fantasy ala Twilight?
The core of Star Wars is big hardware shooting at other big hardware. It's the most masculine thing imaginable. Every girlfriend I've had has found it tremendously boring because of the emphasis on space fights. Even if there are exceptions, almost all women would prefer a series that is more people-oriented. Like superhero films, where the action is primarily two handsome, muscular chads beating each other up. If you were going to aim for a self-insert fantasy, that would be the place to do it. Have Rey be fought over by two superheroes.
Instead they forced it on Star Wars. The most masculine of the major sci-fi franchises. And when they did, they did it halfheartedly. You want to attract women, add another compelling love interest. Make Poe/Rey a thing. But they thought they could have it all, so they just went with the most lukewarm path at the broadest appeal. So you're left with something that doesn't really strongly resonate with anyone other than a few millennials.
>Why did Star Wars fans get mad about the last one again?
Because it's not about Rey being strong with the Force like Luke and Anakin, it's about how she's inexplicably better than everyone else in the series. Luke wasn't a better pilot than Han Solo, he wasn't stronger in the Force than Obi-Wan, and he wasn't a better swordsman than Vader in ESB. Han had to save him in ANH, Obi-Wan (and later Yoda) had to train him to control himself, and Vader beat him in the ESB duel.
The point is that Luke had to go through trials to become strong. Same thing with Anakin. The only thing he's great at in his first movie is podracing and that's only because he grew up doing it. In his first saber duel in ATOC he gets his arm cut off. He's not a great warrior until ROTS and even then Obi-Wan beats him.
Rey, on the other hand, beats up Finn (a trained soldier) when they first meet, beats two Tie fighters when she first pilots the Falcon, beats Kylo in her first saber duel, and even beats Luke in her brief duel with him. This is a girl who grew up as a scavenger. She's never lost a fight to anyone or shown being bad at anything. She has nothing to learn from anyone; on the contrary she's always the one teaching everybody else despite having no experience in anything other than running around a desert stealing hunks of metal.
Rey's "character," if you could even call her one, as she doesn't grow or change in any way and she doesn't seem to have any motivation to do anything she goes, isn't rooted in any kind of literary or cinematic archetype, it's just a self-insert of Kathleen Kennedy and an idol for 21st century feminists.
Refugee from /his/ here, at least this board isn't shitted up by lefty/pol/ and other degenerates spamming the board with bullshit.
>and even beats Luke in her brief duel with him.
She didn't beat Luke.
When did Luke take out the Death Star?
The whole point of analkings character is to be a gary-stu.
There are prophecies written about him, he was conceived via immaculate perception.
Complaining about him being gary-stu is like complaining that Jesus was a gary-stu.
lefty/pol/ degenerates are everywhere m8
It's a fair assumption to make.
>he took down the death star.
that's incorrect, obi wan, being a force ghost, possessed Luke subconsciously (you know this when Luke hears Obi wan's voice) and used him to blow up the death star, this is what obi wan meant by becoming more powerful once vader struck him down.
Another thing, they always say x is too old for jedi training, yeah specifically jedi training, not necessarily just using the force. The reason jedi are trained from a young age is because they have a lot of shit to learn and not everyone is a prodigy, so they need to go to school from a young age like you.
It's because women can't write characters that are good and flawed.
As every other sjws they just want them to be perfect and flawless because they see realism and interesting as something bad.
Just look at white males power fantasies. You know they will win, but you like them because they're interesting.
One Punch Man for example. You know he will win after all, but he the story is so interesting that you want to know how he will do it.
Think at He-Man, you know he will win by turning into He-Man, but he is so funny and enjoyable that you find the way the plot is interesting enough to keep watching it.
Rey doesn't have anything of this, you know she will win, you know how her story will be because she is bland and corny. You can script in your head what will happen to her in the first 2 second of her screentime.
Think at the battle of the Snoke's room, you weren't invested, you already known she would win because the previous scenes made you realize she wasn't interesting enough to care about her. She was already a master jedi, she learnt quickly how use the force and more quickly how pilote a ship. The scene of Rey meditating made you realize she was so powerful that she could have defeated the Empire alone. She always do it in a way that doesn't make you want to know how.
I give you an example of overpowered mary sue female character that's interesting: Fantomah the Mystery Woman of the Jungle. She was interesting because her stories were crazy and entertaining. You know she would have won, but you wanted to know how, when a villain went "I made myself immune to her powers!" you wanted to know her way to deal with that villain, so she used her powers to bring a meteor to kill him or just punched him to death, you didn't expect that, you wanted to know the way she would win.
And that's why Rey is a Mary Rey Sue
>The reason jedi are trained from a young age is because they have a lot of shit to learn and not everyone is a prodigy
No, it's so they can thoroughly indoctrinate them and avoid things like Anakin's holiday on Tatooine
Sweet summer child.
From what I remember she knocked him off his feet and kept him down with her saber, so yeah, she did.
> at least this board isn't shitted up by lefty/pol/ and other degenerates spamming the board
if only that were true
indoctrination is a form of learning broski
Kek You wish, ugly manlet
>Jesus was a gary-stu
>Can't win over the Romans and Jews
>Gets nailed to a cross
she's flailing around like an angry retard and Luke effortlessly disarms her before Rey spergs out and escalates the fight by pulling a lightsaber
If I pull a gun on Mike Tyson during a boxing match that doesn't mean I beat Mike Tyson
>Her saber
Think we'll ever find out how the fuck Anakin's lightsaber managed to find it's way out of a gas giant?
Why do people think the lightsaber fell into the planet itself?
dont question it the old has to die
What is gravity?
Any criticism that starts with "as a fan of the franchise" should be ignored. Either admit that all of the movies are childish amusement or be less overdramatic about how it compares to the older movies.
Who the fuck are you talking to?
>I see you have constructed a new lightsaber.
>imagine believing this when Phantom Menace still exists in the world
>he thinks lefty/pol/ is even a thing anymore
You realize that regular /pol/shitters have been the singular cancer on this site for over 10 years, right zoomer?
I am going to assume that 9 will be below 1 but above 7.
Overpowered by pure feminism
You are wrong, but what is funny is that Ben began to think to train Luke after his best friend started to blowing up entire planets
Go back to your approval committees mouse man
The sandniggers deserved to die though. Anakin only brought justice.
Anakin is literally the only human who can podrace because of how strong he is in the force. Luke heard about the force 5 hours before he blew up the Death Star. Sure, they trained extensively after that, but not in the first movies in which they appear.
>naturally the best pilot in the whole rebel alliance
>the best pilot
He didn't do anything outstanding. Literally the only exceptional thing he did was hit the shot, and the closest thing to God the setting has made that shot for him.
Replace George Lucas with Rian Johnson and this is what all you speds look like. It’s free to watch on Tubi if you’re interested. this
Galen layed the fault in the Deathstars destruction by design. Luke just knew where to shoot because of the plans.
Rey would have figured it out all on her own, even without a Galen character laying the groundwork. she would just study the scematic and say "Oy my gawd!.. I think i found it.. if I shoot here, and this will explode and cause of chain reaction,, I think ive done it.. It will work. I know it, !"
>3 better than 6
Zoomer please leave
the other shit was dumb, but that actively pissed me off
>had training in flying and shooting things prior to leaving with Obi-Wan
>Trained a little with Obi-Wan on the Falcon
>Has enough time pass between ANH and ESB to receive training somewhere, maybe even through Obi-Wan's spirit.
>Trained under Yoda
>Lost the fight against Vader in ESB
>Had more time to train and recover between ESB and ROTJ
>Lived life as a slave
>raced in the Podraces so he had training in flying and stuff
>Helped take down the Trade Federation with ease
>Is prone to anger and killed Tusken Raiders in a fit of rage
>Loses his hand in the second film because of his impulses
>Loses everything in the third film and becomes Darth Vader
>Lived on Not-Tatooine
>is pretty adept with mechanical stuff
>Somehow is able to use the Jedi Mind Trick despite not being shown doing so before or being shown having knowledge of knowing Jedi abilities
>Somehow is able to use a lightsaber decently to hold her own against a guy who probably had Jedi and Seth training (even if he were wounded he still should've been evenly matched) despite no indication of her using one before (note that Luke only started to train with a lightsaber in ANH and Anakin didn't use a lightsaber in TPM)
>Doesn't really do any training under Luke
>Still wins against Kylo the second time around.
>At best she has a problem fighting Snoke, but that's easily taken care of when Kylo easily kills him.
A bit of a fuck up is an understatement.
>I can kick your ass with my bear hands
This. This is what you sound like.
speaking as somebody who doesn't care about star wars that really was a fuck up.
luke got his fucking ass kicked by vader in two, he could barely hold a lightsaber. he got his hand chopped off and vader was going easy on him. luke then trains for like 5 years and beats vader an elderly cyborg man. Anakin started training under one of the best jedi ever at like age ten, he then literally fought a fucking war for like 6 years fighting on a daily basis against millions of battle droids. rey picked up a lightsaber and beat a dark side user
>is naturally the best pilot in the whole rebel alliance
Fuck you. That's Wedge, the guy who SAVED LUKE'S LIFE because a TIE was going to shoot him down. LUKE NEEDED TO BE SAVED, something that has never applied to Rey.
I'll also point out that there is only one man in history to survive BOTH Death Star trench runs, and that's Wedge Motherfucking Antilles.
>is naturally the best pilot in the whole rebel alliance
He's not. He was a competent pilot, who was aided by the force and the guidance of Obi-Wan's spirit.
I would forgive it if she was like sheevs' daughter or something
Finn had to shoot down 2 Tie Fighters while they escaped Jakku.
suck it reyfags,
It's a gas planet and the only thing we see is a refinery.
It's not far-fetched to think it fell all the way to the center. It's not far-fetched either to make up whatever the fuck the producers want.
Star wars is, was, and always will be fantasy.
>A wizard did it
>A SPACE wizard.
>Dat goalpost moving
It's Rey we're discussing ITT, not Finn.
Finn is actually alright as a character. But again anyone is when standing next to Marey Sue lmao
Force-sensitives are naturally good pilots. Anakin and Luke went through training. Luke tried to skip training and got his hand cut off. The sequel trilogy makes a huge mistake by not having gaps of time pass between the movies.
It's partially politics, but it's partially that such a story just doesn't ring true to people. We all know on some instinctual level that the struggle against adversary is the male myth, while the female myth is to be sought after by those men who struggle against adversary.
He was talking about how Luke needed to be saved and Wedge took out the Tie Fighter begins him. Rey was piloting the Falcon and Finn had to shoot down the Tie Fighters. Bit of a different scenario but essentially the same.
>Finn had to shoot down 2 Tie Fighters while they escaped Jakku.
They were in the Falcon, a ship with significantly greater defense than a starfighter. Luke would have died if it weren't for Wedge. Finn got his shot on the second fighter because of Rey's super-special flying maneuver, making it her kill as much as his.
I'll just point out that Rey's first time in the Gunner seat has her kill THREE fighters with ONE shit and leave it at that.
truth. a good movie.
At least Lucas didn't spend time on Twitter getting into stupid online fights.
>Anakin's lightsaber
It's been a long time since I watched the movies so correct me where I'm wrong
. at one point he breaks his saber ("again") in a factory > new saber
. when he's defeated by Obiwan on the lava planet, Obiwan takes the saber > new saber
. when he's defeated by Luke on the DS2, the saber is lost in a pit
So what are we talking about ?
Not so fast
Which just shows how much this franchise likes selling people the same thing twice or more.
Also, you're a cunt :^)
>bests all of Snoke's guards in a duel after receiving a single philosophical lesson from Luke - notably does better than Kylo Ren
she wasn't on the island fucking around with porgs, she was doing immense amounts of meditation and lightsaber training, both of which were shown
also, kylo saved her during the fight, it was shown that she was clearly outmatched
Didn’t say it wasn’t doing just that. Why does pointing that out make me a cunt?
Because Star Wars fans are autistic neckbeards who like a shitty series with only two good movies
George doesn’t have a Twitter so that argument is disingenuous.
lol. She trained herself by swinging it around a bit.
Luke trained for 5 hours
>Bit of a different scenario but essentially the same.
The situations are entirely different and therefore incomparable.
Yes he did. First movie.
>a farmer kid who has never left his planet, is naturally the best pilot in the whole rebel alliance and can hit this impossible shot because he is strong with the force.
I'm not autistic so I don't remember every detail, but I thought r2d2 had to help pilot the x-wing and Luke was only really good at shooting because he practiced on womp rats for years.
The one where he doesn't use a lightsaber in combat?
Yoda was trying to break Luke. Jogging around the juggle with a muppet on his back had nothing to do with the Force and everything to do with mental fortitude.
>THREE fighters with ONE shit
you ever see a woman beat up a man? There you go.
Excellent analysis.
fucking hell this accurately sums up the ST
Thank you all for this!
I gotta use this masterpieces for winning Anti-Rey arguments!
Who's still arguing? The only people left who like Rey are the ones who know exactly what she is and don't care.
I just want Rey and Kylo to have romantikku kissy moments, who give a fuck about the rest.
> Luke blew up the Death Star having had almost no space combat experience prior.
Rey is inexplicably gifted and warmly received by everyone in a way the robs the story of tension and makes the films seem like they are written backwards.
Anakin being a prophecied "Chosen One" was utterly stupid, but that's an irrelevant issue in this particular case. Giving Rey a similarly super-duper-special origin wouldn't fix the problem with her, either.
I still can't fucking believe that I'm supposed to treat Kylo Ren, some unasssuming fucko in black, who gets repeatedly beaten and shot at, who has no clear goals other than "finishing what he started",whatever It may means, Kylo Ren who visibly struggles in every conflict he is in, whose entire authority comes from force pushing other commanders really hard, seriously.
Fucking how. Sebulba was more threatening than this.
>Who's still arguing? The only people left who like Rey are the ones who know exactly what she is and don't care.
He doesn't know tumblr....
Kylo makes a lot more sense if we were written as merely a protagonist or deuteragonist instead of an antagonist; the issue is that the films don't have a decent antagonist to go with him. This is presumably why they've pulled the Emperor out of their ass.
Just say you want a shitty boring villain that's been done before. Kylo is a protagonist in his own right, that's why he struggles. We are following his story in tandem with Rey's.
>dabbed on by Poe
In your dreams, Poe is a shit and his cringey quips can't be blamed on Kylo.
Kylo is a protagonist and Palpatine is going to get dabbed on by him and Rey in IX. Get over it.
Luke just played a lot of Microsoft flight simulator when he wasn't doing chores.
Did Rey bullseye womprats in her T-16? NO. Get shit on femcel.
Took him two tries, heeding the voice of his mentor, and an assist to get it done. Rey triple-taps Tie-Fighters her first time in the Falcon's gunner's chair.
Not to mention that even the "Chosen One" fell from grace and was defeated.
>'What the fuck did he do to become a Jedi Master? I saw him do like one handstand so far.'
Literally true though.
>Kylo is a protagonist
He isn't. In TFA he's very much the antagonist, and in TLJ he's more of a deuteragonist but is still largely the antagonist of the story.
>Palpatine is going to get dabbed on by him and Rey in IX.
That's pretty much what I just said.
>How can people not have an honest discussion about the bad writing here and how did it get through the door? Are kikes really this awful?
>He isn't
JJ and Rian both disagree with you. He was never supposed to be your typical villain/antagonist, so trying to criticize his character by claiming he doesn't fit that mold isn't a criticism at all. It just means he's a successful character because they wanted to do something original with him.
fuck yes I love it when movies subvert my expectations
Anakin is interesting and challenging because he is BOTH a decorated war hero, authoritarian chad and a sick cunt, as well as a spergy asshole with delusions of grandeur. He is an incomplete person with some real flaws.
Some wanted him to be less “cringe” but I thought it was a genius move.
Compare with rey. She’s so fucking flat, she’s barely 2d
Do you think Ep8 hurt or helped her character? I guess she's in love with Kylo?
Kylo is the only character worth a shit in nuwars.
All she ever wants is what grandma leia wants. She is the definition of a ”follower” and has no thoughts in her head except “I like” or “raaa kill them”.
Her only character traits is being needy and being violent.
But her violence has no consequence.
She beats up everyone.
Everyone loves her.
Anakin kills a village, it fucks him up, sets the stage for later. He chops off windu’s hand. Violence to him is reflexive, after half a lifetime of war, but it only enables him to shut his brain off and kill kids.
Rey will never be put in that situation, because in the new movies violence is the tool to solve all your problems
All the talking in TLJ is a waste of time
It's less a question of what's shown and more the implicit passage of time. Luke spends weeks with Yoda in ESB, then a couple of years pass between ESB and RotJ, and it's implied at least some of that time is passed with Yoda.
In contrast, Rey used the Force for the first time literally a week and a half before the end of TLJ.
Rian Johson is retarded. The Emperor did have a big pay off. It was Luke saving Vader from the Dark Side. It was massive.
When Rey and Kylo confront Snoke and defeat him, not a single fucking thing changes. Not the story, not the plot, not the characters. The rebels are still pursued by the First Order, nobody changes sides, and theres no character growth or development for Rey and Kylo.
It was a total shit show.
It was obvious from the beginning and he's a good and successful character. Stay mad.
>no character growth or development for Rey and Kylo.
Except, you know, Kylo finally stops being under Snoke's thumb and empowers himself and finally starts to walk his own path and be in charge of himself.
The Sith wiped all the jedis out so the remaining light side users because more powerful like Luke and Rey, to balance the force
I swear if JJ puts him back in that gay mask.
No, because it would be way too obvious it was just a weak, lazy attempt to correct earlier weak, lazy storytelling. Want her to be Jedi Jason Bourne? Too bad. You're literally 2/3 of a trilogy too late to start foreshadowing it.
Bullshit made up by Johnson
I think Luke's training is open to interpretation. My experience of the OT was that the force is more like THE SECRET and doesn't require actual training. I can see how some people prefer to imagine that there was training off screen.
Yep, Driver has made the best out of what has been given to him. He has been the only redeeming thing of this trilogy and its sad to see his talents go to waste on this mess.
>George could create a Twitter anytime, but he's too much of a chad to do such a thing
Truly he's the best of us.
>JJ and Rian both disagree with you.
I don't care. The proof is in the movies and how they are structured.
>He was never supposed to be your typical villain/antagonist
He was a fairly typical antagonist in TFA, though. Being a conflicted personality doesn't make him particularly atypical. TLJ shifted this somewhat and put him into a more deuteragonistic role, but his role in the story is still antagonistic.
>trying to criticize his character by claiming he doesn't fit that mold isn't a criticism at all
The point of my post was that IX reintroduces the Emperor as the source of the central conflict so it can relax Kylo into the deuteragonistic role that makes him more compelling (his internal conflict is a lot more interesting than his conflict with the Resistance). There's no doubt he'll still be an antagonist in IX (for at least part of it) but bringing back the Emperor is how they'll establish the stakes again (however lazy a method that might be) and I suspect also give Kylo a redemption arc.
I'm pretty sure they reference some off-screen training in ROTJ
What did they mean by this?
The testicles of straight while males.
>He's still pushing this narrative that the new Star Wars films are political
I think he's a good character if you're someone who crushes on evil men. For everyone else he's a piece of garbage who belongs in prison, and he's a pathetic whiner.
>also, kylo saved her during the fight, it was shown that she was clearly outmatched
Holy shit, how does it feel to be clinically retarded? Kylo loses his weapon and Rey has to throw him her weapon or else he would have died. Also, after the explosion, she wakes up long before him.
Everything is political
Hi, mgtow.
And what did he do with that training? He pushed a button at the right time...
That seems like an appropriate feat for 5 hours of training.
The classic Anakin saber was post-factory accident after Attack of the Clones. Or he repaired it and kept the handle I don't remember, prequels are garbage.
It's debatable how difficult of a shot that was; there's no 'right' answer.
Simplifying a character/story doesn't make the stupid go away
He's literally the Skywalker that rises in the next movie, you brainlet. These movies have always been about Kylo and Luke
I hated the character at first but Driver has really sold it to me.
Anakin faces literally no consequence for killing innocent women and children in AOTC.
>look at all the training that took place offscreen!
If you are a retarded teenager obsessed with politics and posts on /pol/ all day, then sure.
>He was never supposed to be your typical villain/antagonist, so trying to criticize his character by claiming he doesn't fit that mold isn't a criticism at all.
Yeah, that's why his first major action in TFA is to strike down a helpless old man before ordering the slaughter of an entire village, and his last action is to kill his own father in cold blood, clearly not an antagonist. Don't defend shitty writing as well-crafted moral ambiguity.
This. Not even Padme minds kek.
But for women who get crushes on serial killers that stuff only makes him MORE redeemable.
>and finally starts to walk his own path
And what is that path again? Ah right, it's exactly the same thing that Smoke was doing before he got ganked.
If Snoke was alive, absolutely nothing would have changed. Snoke would have stayed in his ship and sent Kylo to lead the army to destroy the resistance. This is exactly what happened in the movie.
We see him in the mask on the poster.
I'm not sure what your point is. Kylo getting redeemed in IX doesn't mean he can't be an antagonist. The OT coheres into a story about a son saving his father, but said father is still an antagonist for the vast majority of the story.
Sand people are the worst, though. I wouldn't call their non-warrior class innocent since they're an entire society of assholes.
To restore the galaxy to its rightful state.
The consequences are self-evident. It's another event that leads to his complete corruption.
>he's a shitty villain!
>oh wait nvm he's TOTALLY EVIL NOW
fuck off cuck
And Kylo is a complex and compelling and original character, stay mad.
Its a difficult shot, but it was possible for a regular person to pull it off. All you had to do was line it up and press the button at the right time.
Another successful bait thread.
That would half solve the issue. it really would have had to have been revealed in tlj though.
The other half of the issue is her lack of personality/motivations. That's a much harder issue to just fix, especially in one film.
Actually making her a villain was basically disney's one chance at fixing her and they pissed that opportunity away
>He almost got his ass handed to him several times
>People had to save his ass before he was blasted into space
>He guided the shot in with the force otherwise it wouldn't have gone in
I fucking hate that thing. Honestly, it was cool in TFA but destroying it in TLJ was kino. Bringing it back just ruins it and makes me hate it. What a retard JJ is.
Every Kylo scene they've shown he hasn't worn the mask and he's not wearing it on the VF cover, either. He's probably only going to wear it for one scene and thank God for that.
>they are self evident
They aren't you retard. It literally never comes up again. It isn't even the reason he turns.
Yeah Kylo is totally going to go the same path as Snoke. Even though he's not like Snoke at all and is probably going to live and have a happy ending.
Fucking retard.
That's how you world-build, you fucking retard. It's not just about what you show,; it's about leaving time and space for a setting to have a life *beyond* just what we see on the screen. Some people say the ST is written like fanfiction, but I say it's even worse. It's like a story being made up by an ADD child.
in his defence, at least JJ admitted he fucked that scene up
There is absolutely nothing wrong with training happening offscreen.
I'm saying he's both a prime antagonist and one of the protagonists
Rey is her grandmother m8, haven't you heard?
And how is that different to what Snoke was doing?
>it's okay that he murdered kids
might as well not even fucking respond brainlet. And yes he was atypical in TFA, he is the fucking son of heroes and practically cries over killing Han and then is defeated like the protagonist would be.
>durr palpatine so kylo can be redeemed
It's like you haven't watched the last two movies where Kylo was already having a redemption arc and he killed Snoke but is still on the Dark Side anyway
You’re retarded. I don’t mean that in a deprecating way, but if you genuinely think that, your intelligence is below a threshold that renders you an objective, clinical retard
Why not if they're a part of a violent society and will grow up to be rapists and murderers too?
>Even though he's not like Snoke at all
All we knew about Snoke is that he wanted to destroy the rebels and rule the galaxy.
Now that Kylo is supreme leader he wants to... destroy the rebels and rule the galaxy.
What is different now that Snoke is dead?
He's a good character if you are someone with taste. Anakin got redeemed and lusted over too, go read some shitty SJW fanfic if yo don't' like it. Star Wars isn't for you cuck.
What are you implying? That the old man wasn't helpless? When you're unarmed, on your knees, and surrounded by armed soldiers and their Space samurai boss, you are the veritable definition of helpless, the literal picture of it.
>that pic
It wasn't Tusken Raiders, it was ONE. One Raider pushed his shit in and elderly Obi Wan saved his ass.
It’s a horrible act that weighs heavily on him. How can it not?
And he gets REWARDED for it.
And those same skills that did it so easily became who he is, what he’s known for.
So no, the cost was too great.
>He guided the shot in with the force otherwise it wouldn't have gone in
All he did with the force was press the button at the right time.
Because she's a woman
Incels always feel mad when they see a woman especially in their male dominated masturbatory nerd fantasies because they are reminded that women don't sleep with them
The only difference we've seen between Snoke and Kylo is that Kylo doesn't really want to kill his mother personally (but is perfectly happy sending troops to do it for him), and that he wants to get his dick wet.
Apart from that, their objectives are identical.
>in cold blood
Did we watch the same movie? Are you on the spectrum?
>weighs heavily on him
>gets REWARDED for it.
Which is it?
He isn't doing the same thing as Snoke and you are retarded if you think so.
See you when EP IX comes out and Kylo is completely different from Snoke. Dumb motherfucker.
Anakin was somehow less of a whiney bitch than Kylo and he actually loved his mother, and he was a galactic badass. Kylo is a crying baby who killed his dad for no reason. It's fine if you have a crush on this type of guy. You don't have to call me a cuckold in order for me to think you're cool.
I didn't say he was a shitty villain, retard. I said he started off a *great* villain who's being destroyed by shitty writing by morons who can't into moral ambiguity because psychopaths can't into morality, so they create these jarring tonal clashes that are only just barely salvaged by the phenomenal performance Driver is bringing to the character.
Yeah, totally identical. I guess every single good guy character is the exact same because they all want to save the Galaxy. I swear to god the fucking brain damaged people that post on this website.
Feel free to explain the differences any time you like.
Because Luke and Anakin both fucked up, and lost their arms because they were shit at fighting.
>muh opinion
>i can't read
Just go cry on your blog, next time.
People often forget that the only reason Luke beat vader was because he almost fell to the dark side himself. Or maybe they don't forget, they just didn't pay attention at all.
How are they different?
Explain without any buzzwords. Attempts to deflect will be accepted as a concession.
>Except, you know, Kylo finally stops being under Snoke's thumb and empowers himself and finally starts to walk his own path and be in charge of himself.
>And what is that path again? Ah right, it's exactly the same thing that Smoke was doing before he got ganked.
>If Snoke was alive, absolutely nothing would have changed. Snoke would have stayed in his ship and sent Kylo to lead the army to destroy the resistance. This is exactly what happened in the movie.
Thank you user.
>Gets to be in charge
>Continues doing exactly what he's been doing the whole time
Snoke ended up being a pointless character. His only purpose was to satisfy the troupe of Master and Apprentice, a troupe that also had zero development.
That was before the Sith got nerfed in the PT.
Him personally dumbass. How obtuse are you
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you having a stroke?
I lost interest trying to watch Brick and shut it off. Do all of Rian Johnson's Whodunnits end with an asspull out of nowhere? After watching TLJ 's tons of gotcha moments I can only imagine that's his writing style.
I accept your concession.
I'm right though?
I'm so glad you have all seen EP IX. Please tell me how Kylo's path and end goes the exact same way Snoke's does.
See you in December where Kylo does the same exact thing Snoke does and ends the same exact way he does even though he has always been different and this was apparent since TFA and he was against Snoke using SKB. You're so smart.
He's saying that TLJ fucked up with it's weird quasi-romantic quasi-conflicted shirtless Kylo.
Shmi was a loving mother while Leia chose her retarded """"""career"""""" and cause over raising her son, thus making it worse for the whole galaxy.
Too much edge.
>He's saying he's a cuck nice guy who is mad the girl chose the hot shirtless bad boy instead of some boring ugly manlet
He could have just said that and saved everyone the time of taking his posts seriously.
>I have a crush on kylo
yeah I know you do.
Your attempts to deflect towards some faggot shipping war that lives rent free in your head is pathetically transparent.
>muh brainlet
Why should I care about what directors say about a movie instead of what the movies actually are?
>he was atypical
He wasn't unless your experience with fiction is limited to Saturday morning cartoons. His being an antagonist is less about his personality and more about the story structure anyway.
>Kylo was already having a redemption arc
They establish his vulnerability. They don't establish his willingness to disavow the Dark Side. Bringing the Emperor back allows for a central conflict to contrast that development against while also supplying a credible threat.
Literally her first time piloting it, the most notoriously finicky ship in the galaxy btw, was through the dead superstructure of a star destroyer while avoiding a squadron of TIEs and simultaneously lining up perfect shots for Finn. Go fuck yourself you disingenuous and intellectually dishonest mouse shill.
Do you even know what the phrase "in cold blood" means? It means it's a premeditated act, an act of killing done not in a fit of rage or in defense of yourself or others, but a conscious, reasoned intent to kill someone who is posing no threat to you nor anyone else. What Kylo did was a textbook example of first degree murder.
Kylo does love his parents even though they don't' deserve it. So no, he's less of a bitch than Anakin who had everything and still threw it away. Kylo had nothing, EVER. His fucking Uncle tried to mruder him in his sleep REEEEE
You are the cuckold, so you will be called as such.
How much time did he spend there though. He went up against someone who had decades of training and experience. He could have to have been on Dagobah training for like months/years. He also never formally received training in lightsaber combat.
You can argue Darth Vader doesn't intend to kill him. But even by that standard Vader should be able to effortlessly disarm and capture Luke and just throw him in a cage somewhere, then he could take as long as he wanted to to turn him to the dark side.
OT doesn't all the way make sense, there's a lot of shortcuts and contrivances that people overlook.
amazing analysis 10/10 - you should teach a Men's Studies course at Uni.
Thanks for proving my point, cucks. Rey is going to fuck Kylo and girls are going to continue to lust after him. Seethe harder, manlets.
The Falcon had to fly from the Hoth system to Bespin with no hyperdrive. Star systems are not close together at all.
So your narrative is that kylo ren is a chad and everyone that doesn't like him is a cuckold? ... That's a weird version of 'chad' to me. Do you also think Ted Bundy is a chad and I'm a cuckold if I don't like him?
>I can't even respond to posts correctly
What? That's literally what happened. Leia was fighting a losing fight while his son was being seduced by the dark side.
Come back when either your reading comprehension improves or your balls drop, preferably both.
>you should teach a Men's Studies course at Uni.
Imagine being paid just to show Yea Forums memes to impressionable kids
>JJ and Rian both disagree with you. He was never supposed to be your typical villain/antagonist, so trying to criticize his character by claiming he doesn't fit that mold isn't a criticism at all. It just means he's a successful character because they wanted to do something original with him.
so by your logic freddy got fingered is actually a masterpiece for succesfully wasting 40 million aswell as everyones time?
>th-they establish his redemptive qualities but if I reword it maybe they won't notice!
You are trying so hard to look like you still have an argument it's funny to watch.
Thanks for letting me blow you the fuck out. Kylo killed Snoke already, you don't need a Palpatine 2.0 to redeem him because it's been happening the entire time. Just go.
Come back when you take your meds, your word salad is gross to look at.
Everyone does like Kylo and the heroine is wet for him so yes he is a Chad. You don't count, because you are a cuck and a beta incel. So you not liking him just makes him more of a Chad. Loser.
If you can't read that, you're a legit retard.
>Everyone does like Kylo
... you're crazy
You don’t understand emotions
Try to complete a sentence without buzzwords. I don't think you can because you've got the reading comprehension and the reasoning capacity of a fucking parrot.
Not to mention Begger's Canyon. He's already been doing the local equivalent of racing to dead man's curve and back on a Saturday night. It may not make him Indi material but he's got some experience behind the wheel.
If you can't articulate yourself properly, maybe you have a thought disorder, schizo.
Yeah, that's why he's the most popular character and the heroine is wet for him. Cope more, cuck.
Try not being such a seething ugly manlet cuck and maybe you won't look so pathetic for once.
Do you? The prequels are a fucking mess and nobody even acts like a normal, functioning human being anyway, kys
They establish his redemptive *qualities* yes. That is not the same as a redemptive *arc.* TESB establishes Vader's inner conflict, but he doesn't disavow the Dark Side and the Emperor until the climax of RotJ. This isn't hard to understand.
>Kylo killed Snoke already
Sure did, and also immediately doubled down on hatred and murder afterward. The vulnerability is there, but the arc in full is not.
If your point is "the Emperor isn't absolutely necessary for this arc to happen" you are right, but he's an easy way of providing the dramatic crucible for it. I have little doubt that the Emperor will play into that.
>the jealous and seething manlet cucks in this thread trying to shit on Kylo outing themselves
>it all comes down to "wahh why do girls want to fuck hiM!?"
every fucking time without fail. When will they learn?
Never but you also aren't doing anyone favors by sperging out in every thread.
>Sure did, and also immediately doubled down on hatred and murder afterward.
I saw that as more of his own thing, I was hoping they'd go somewhere new and have Kylo and Rey team up
>See you when EP IX comes out and Kylo is completely different from Snoke. Dumb motherfucker.
Will he still be trying to kill the rebels and rule the galaxy? Because that's 100% of what we knew about Snoke.
I think Kylo is the only good part of the new series but they are obviously going to do nothing interesting with his character.
Establishing redemptive qualities is part of the arc you dumbfuck. Like I said, you are trying really hard here but it's just obvious and embarrassing to watch.
>he doesn't have an arc until he actually gets redeemed first! that's the only way you can tell!
>b-b-but he's totally going to suddenly turn into Snoke in IX, just you wait!
I'm crying laughing.
I accept your concession.
What is it that's giving you the problem, nufriend? Is it, perhaps the phrase "can't into?" Lurk a bit more. Familiarize yourself with some of the local slang, then maybe you'll stop looking like such a tourist.
Dabbing on cucks isn't sperging, you would know if you weren't such a passive beta nerd. Just watch and squawk from the sidelines, it's all you are good for cheerleader.
We'll see.
>ITT I learned that /pol/bros think being an evil serial killer nazi = chad, and if you don't agree you're a cuck manlet beta incel.
in other words I learned that a significant population here is 15 and probably considering becoming a mass shooter.
Go to bed already.
You'd be more effective if you didn't resort to calling everyone cucks but I do admire your spirit.
Too close to home, eh?
Yeah, his horde of fangirls and Rey are all /pol/tards and nazis. Go back to your woman's studies class, you aren't going to get any pussy pretending to care about social justice issues her, cuck.
You might not understand anakin because you don’t understand that a child slave turned warrior monk with prophecized greatness might not be the most stable person around.
Only cucks get bothered by being called cucks, so I think I'm doing okay.
We've been seeing for two whole films, one of them was a little too long, and Kylo is the only shining star. They're not going to do anything interesting with him now that his parents are dead and he's the big bad serving Palpatine until Rey beats him in a fight yet again.
It would be nice to see him absolutely destroy her, and then defy Palpatine by not killing her. But that won't happen, boys can't be allowed to beat girls.
It's mostly one deranged roastie.