start wageslaving

> start wageslaving
>too tired to watch movies
>too tired to shitpost

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>have day off
>count each individual minute until i have to sleep again

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strange, ever since i started wageslaving i became a full-time shitposter, because
a)you can do it at work
b)post work no more energy for other timesinks like vidya, so free time is all Yea Forums too

honestly I don't even think of wagies as humans at this point. They are literal automaton robots to me. NEETs are the only people who are really alive, really living.

Two days off just isn't fucking enough. I want three days off with a four day working week. I'll gladly take the pay cut in lieu of more free time but every fucking work place expects you to be there five days a week.

I'd be neet if I could afford to. To pay my rent and survive I need to work. I don't have parents to live with either.

once you take the wagiepill you can never go back to chadneet lifestyle

>tfw have this.
Still working 12 hours shifts make you fucking miserable

>NEETs are the only people who are really alive, really living.

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neet with money is the life

neet with no money made me want to kys myself. never again.

You're supposed to enjoy your job and live for it moron.

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>You're supposed to enjoy your job and live for it moron.
Do you have any idea how few people enjoy their jobs you fucking moron

There are people who make money who are not wageslaves.

when I was in neet mode I was depressed as fuck and just looked at screens all day, without really caring what I was watching, videogames stacked on the shelf unfinished some not even out of their plastic. when I have a job obviously I have less free time, but I value it and do a lot more with it.

being a neet rots your brain.

>mfw get to shitpost on the clock
gotta love downtime

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i'm a wageslave and I agree; ever since I've finished uni and started work i've been feeling like a machine and completely depersonalized - all personality replaced by knowledge/skills for work, only passions left are food/sleep/cooming
I wish I lived in one of your blessed 1st first countries where you can neet and get gubmint money just for existing

That sounds scary bro..

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my work allows me 2 8-hour+1 24-hour shifts per week, pretty comfy

then force yourself to enjoy it

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I unironically love the core, actual parts of my job, but it's still like 60% just sitting around and spending time at workplace when you could've been free instead

NEETs are the true enlightened people. People mock them but they do not care. They belong to a higher existence. You think Socrates was doing labor all day?

how is it too difficult to look at a screen for 2~ hours?

I get paid to sit on my ass and watch twitch streams. I work maybe 5 hours a week.

>wageslaving at quarry
>no cel service
>can't even shitpost
>get home
>to tired to shitpost

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I've been shitposting harder ever since I got full time work. Fuck watching movies though.

i wonder if mike really thinks hes seen some shit cause he spent a single day in a bunch of "shit" jobs that pampered him.


He's probably a mod for some thot and by paid he means 5 dollars a week

>tfw 911 dispatcher
>tfw get two days off every two days of work (12 hour shifts)
>sometimes have to work three days in a row but then I get three days off afterward
It's pretty nice

This, it's like a vacation but at a 1 star resort and you can't go anywhere or do anything and you have no spending money, just sit around in the quiet and the dark hoping your body cuts you a break and just shuts down out of pity.

most retail / fast food places offer part time aka 20 hour or less work weeks.

most dont have that option, you know that.

I'm about to go away interstate for work with my company, its going to be 12 hours days 7 days a week for 2 weeks. It's not too bad though because everyone at my work are good blokes and we have fun hanging out together.

>tfw get drunk on nights I work in the PM and get slightly less drunk on nights I work in the AM
Kill me.

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same. would literally do things that I thought was boring to make the time to slower........ hate my life

Are you me?

being under employed isn't nice at all.

Best live would be to alternate between period of neeting and wageslaving.
After two years of neeting I got bored out of my mind and wirking was actually funny.
After one year it became really soul crushingly boring
>mfw came back to school
>mfw neeting it up and skipping class
>mfw fucking young sluts
Its my last year. Hold me breh

The sad thing about neets is if they have a few hundred dollars they actually think they 'have money'

Come to me

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What do NEETs do all day long? Somebody explain.

>24 hour shift
what the fuck man

Contemplate all things

How about you lend me a few grand enlightened neet? Life just won't stop shitting on me the last few years.

suicide mainly

True. I must be so shit with money because now that I work I can easily blow through hundreds in a week or two. I remember being a neet and occasionally got like $70 spending money and felt comfortable.

I mean, we got to sleep from about 1 am to 7 am unless an emergency happens(which it usually does, so it's like 4-7 am sleep instead)

Nah I'm just a manager for an IT company. I tell people to do some work, send some emails and take hour and half lunches to wash my car ....then watch twitch and shit post, or play on my phone. I make pretty good money too.

Wake up late
Spend afternoon gaming/eating/intermediate jerking off
Spend evening browsing/light entertainment/intermediate jerking off
Spend night browsing/contemplating/depressed
Go to sleep at 3:47am.

Ask you wagie lord if you can slave for 10 hours a day instead of 8.

sent ;)

Sorry to hear that wagie. Persevere my user things will start going your way.

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i had a job where i worked one day a week and that was all i needed cause i paid no bills and drove my parents car. those were the days..

Cush management positions are nice.

These are days. To remember.

I very much doubt that as this point. Things are so much worse at 34 then they were at 24, i don't think im going to make it to 44.

Lol I member those days. I didn't even go to college during that time and only worked 20hrs a week. Wasn't even worth it in retrospect though, felt like a waste of time.

What do you do my friend?

i didn't consider that the breaks are probably amped up at those kinds of stretches. emt or nurse or firefighter or something user?

>work retail
>customers never finished shopping at closing time
>don't get paid past closing time
>stuck back 10-15 minutes every night.


kek /pol/tards...

>go to work
>tease cute white guy
>he gets angry and says the N-word
>get really horny

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Putter around hoping I'll die without actually putting in the effort, like how poor people imagine getting rich but by just winning the lottery instead of working at it.

It's not bad. Sometimes I wonder what the hell they pay me for beats working for a living. Managers have to ride the line between looking busy and smart and not giving much of a fuck and manipulating other people to do your work.

I feel like I'm smart enough to have done more with my life and made more money...but I'm also relaxed, comfortable and have a 21 year old fuck it.

just find a cute &^funny job

Dilate and come back as human

based nigger thot

I write for a comedy show with a diverse group of people. It's great!

I've been teaching myself how to draw.

dance instructor

how many years have you been doing that and do you have anything to show for it?

These days a shit retail job.

It does faggot. I hope you die alone and your body rots away.

>tfw leaf with high cost of living that keeps getting higher
>tfw any and all minimum wage jobs a neet could get to escape neetdom are now exclusively given to pakis who aren't allowed to complain otherwise they get deported
>tfw even if you got a wage slave job it's not enough to rent anywhere as a single person
My fate is sealed at this point, at the very least I feel like doing some living organ donation since being /fit/ is pretty much all I have, I haven't seen myself making it to 30 since before I was 20

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anesthesiology(final year of internship(not american))
past about 6 pm it's pretty much all a break, with usually 2-3 minor surgeries and/or some dude arriving to the ICU
but there have been some hellish days when me+the 3 full doctors barely have free time at all

As long as it's not food related, it's barrable. Food retail jobs are fucking miserable.

You need to wake up earlier and exercise for at least 30 minutes. 45 minutes is good. You'll wind up with way more energy, and be able to come home and do whatever it is you want to do after work.
I'd also suggest setting projects for yourself to do after work. In the past, I've painted with Bob Ross, I've practiced guitar, I've made my own edit of the Star Wars prequels, I've made a game in RPG Maker, I've wrote, I've cooked recipes that formerly I wouldn't have cooked and probably couldn't have cooked without practice, and so on. You set a plan and say you're going to do it, and then you make good on your word. It can be something that takes an hour after work. You can even make that more exercise, and that would be fine.

Retail can suck the soul. Hang in there, you aren't your job.

>I've made my own edit of the Star Wars prequels
lol, haven't we all. I'm doing the sequels now.

sounds comfy af, godspeed future richanon

Look at the bright side - now you'll have time for only the best stuff and you'll stop watching complete garbage like MCU or some shit.