Is The Silence of the Lambs worth watching or is it just a IMDB-core plebflick?

Is The Silence of the Lambs worth watching or is it just a IMDB-core plebflick?

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God tier thriller kino

good strong female character movie before landwhale feminism arrived and deemed it too feminine

Fuck off back to Fortnite zoomer scum

yes Hannibal Lecter is one of the coolest fictional characters

One of the best thrillers ever made. Half those imdb flicks are highly rated and popular because they're so fucking good. This is one of them.
The rest are just whatever's been recently playing in cinemas.

It's brilliant

Manhunter is better

Parts with maniac fag is great.
Parts with Hopkins is cringe and shit.

Top shelf kino. All the attention on Hopkins' Lector overshadows incredible performances all round including Jodie Foster, Ted Levine, Anthony Heald and others.

It's good. How good is up for debate but definitely worth a watch.


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Miggs is the most refined character in cinema.

Someone zoom in on that skull

Yeah, it's great. Underrated set design, everything really does feel dank, musty and rotten.

It's Jesus

This, silence of the lambs would be so much better with Brian Cox

Would you do me?

I'd do me

Billy is not a real transsexual. But he thinks he is. He tries to be. He's tried to be a lot of things, I expect.

>You said that I was very close to the way we would catch him. What did you mean?

There are three centres for transsexual surgery: Johns Hopkins, the University of Minnesota and Columbus Medical Centre. I wouldn't be surprised if Billy had applied for sex reassignment at all of them and been rejected.

>On what basis would they reject him?

Look for severe childhood disturbances associated with violence. Our Billy wasn't born a criminal, Clarice. He was made one through years of systematic abuse. Billy hates his own identity, you see, and he thinks that makes him a transsexual. But his pathology is a thousand times more savage and more terrifying.

Zoom in closer

>Scott Glenn revealed that he was given an audio tape by FBI agent John Douglas as a form of research for his character. The tape was an audio recording serial killers Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris had made of themselves raping and torturing a 16-year-old girl as they drove around Los Angeles.Upon questioning Douglas as to his motives for presenting these tapes, Douglas simply said to Glenn, "Now you are part of my world." This experience preyed upon Glenn's mind all throughout filming, and he refused to return to the role in Hannibal because he didn't want to place himself in such a mindset again. To this day, he says that the tapes still cause him anxiety and bad dreams.

Was Hannibal really superhuman smart?

unironically one of the best movies i've ever watched if not the best, plus it deals with women issues in the workplace back when it was still relevant and it's not too intrusive/preachy, the sequel is good but not as good, the prequel is great but not as great


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If you seen Dexter or Psycho Pass, then if youve seen Silence of the Lambs without even knowing. The whole
>mutilated corpse is not just dead corpse, its artistic expression of the killer
is a trope. Just different cups of tea. Ill save you time by giving you different options for which type of killer you most want to see

edgy dyke? psycho pass
sophisicated man? dexter
funny trannie? silence of the lambs

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he was an excellent surgeon and a crooked psychologist so probably

Scott Glenn is one of my favourite actors, I really think your movie improves when casting him for whatever role you want, support or main.
Do you think that whole tape thing was necessary? Surely you can feel a lot of tension in all performances in the film, but christ that's fucked up.

he was a psychiatrist. that doesn't make him a superhuman

t. Seething tranny