Cast him
A Beautiful Mind 2: TempleOS Boogaloo
Other urls found in this thread:
Daniel Day Lewis
He was born for this role
Fucking Hell, how can such a genius like him suffer such a slow painful mental degradation?
it's so sad the guy managed to create his own OS but it's completely useless
Schizophrenia is a hell of a thing. Would make for a kino as fuck movie if done right.
he got memed to death by internet trolls because they found him saying nigger funny
unironically jews
He was obsessed with random number generation, probably since as far back as his days working at Ticketmaster (random seeds producing ticket numbers).
He thought random generation was God in the machine.
I don't know that feel.
>program things that my mind is set on
>don't program and I feel bad about it
>program it and I feel little relief
Daniel day Lewis is unironically the only one for the role.
Idris Elba to get past the white male calling people CIA niggers taboo
someone explain this.
I miss him lads
when I thought the pic couldn't get me sadder I noticed the cat
don't stop taking your schizo meds kiddies, it's not the same as adderall or ritalin
of course it's completely useless because it has no 3rd party software
it also can't do networking of any kind
Schizophrenic programmer says nigger a lot, then gets hit by a train
He created his own OS, alone. He believes his OS is a portal to communicate with God.
A guy who made his own belligerent Bible-centric operating system by himself, then slowly lost his grip on reality, used his OS as a source of divination, became obsessed with a youtuber, became homeless then killed himself.
This is pretty much the whole story:
>he believes
he's gone user
You forgot the part where he's an incel.
thank you gentlemen
>killed himself
he didn't, glow in the darks evened the score
reddit nigger
Forgot to add the OS was designed to be completely sealed off from any input/output (no networking, ports, printing etc) because he was also increasingly paranoid that he was being monitored.
He also called everyone a CIA nigger often
I feel bad because he was out of his damn mind but that tweet always makes me chuckle
>when I thought the pic couldn't get me sadder I noticed the cat
same user...he was a real human bean
>also called everyone a CIA nigger
better safe than sorry
That train was always coming.Terry had enough of this. It wasn't Dianna or Portland either. You reach the end of the maze and you call it
>I like elephants and God likes elephants.
Too pure.
His final years were the saddest. Living out of a van after a domestic violence thing with his parents, then losing the van. He got banned from a lot of sites because he started streaming videos of himself masturbating. He delusionally thought he was married. He kept making vlogs for his own website.
He enjoyed going to a local library but he felt bad about going there because he was too impure for the kind folks at the library. Sympathetic zoomers bought him lunch and he had lucid conversations about programming with them but would relapse to babbling when left alone. His speech was unintelligible in the end.
>streaming videos of himself masturbating
I never understood that one
What’s so hard to understand about schizophrenia?
His last few videos in Oregon appeared to be him having a full on psychotic episode next to a busy street on the same day. It was a couple days before he posted his final video. He must have figured enough is enough.
I can understand someone being paranoid and thinking the CIA is around them, but the fap streaming makes no sense.
He was trying to impress physicgirl with his fapping.
The CIA took it down.
>I have improved the C syntax in a way that's not niggerlicious. Any nigger can make some nigger feature. But I have improved it in a way that's not niggerlicious. Any nigger can make it niggerlicious.
He was a talent
so where are the vids of him jerking off
>implying he's a schizo
Glow in the dark CIA nigger detected
daniel day lewis
Terry's story always made me so sad. As someone who's seen family members slowly fall down the rabbithole of schizophrenia, it's clear that Terry was a damn genius. I would have loved to have seen the things he'd do if he never struggled with mental illness
What are you going to do when you start losing your marbles too?
based and terrypilled
>tfw my brother is a schizophrenic and always refused to be taken to doctor. He studied psychology at uni for a while, perhaps to understand his condition more but years after years he's gotten worse to the point that he believes some people are out there wanting to rob him.
>Dad used to beat him daily to the point he left home after high school
Could schizophrenia caused by childhood trauma?
>Dad used to beat him daily
why didn't you save him user
Reality is overrated.
Anyone have any solid proof whether this guy is actually dead? I remember hearing about it a while ago, but no actual solid proof.
I was not born yet dude, when I was mature enough to form conscious thought, he already left home, although sometimes he sneaked back home and I hid him in my room. he used my pc to play vidya. Dad used to beat me too but not as frequently because the child protection law and service was being formed at that time. Also bout three years ago I kicked my dad to the curb after he smoked inside the house while my pregnant sister and my mom was sleeping. Fuck that old punk. Now I live comfortably on my own at my own place, and my mom and sister moved nearby, leaving him in his own piss.
>a white man writes his own compiler
Was he right?
He was insane user
I saw the official police source back when it happened on 8/tv/. He's 100% dedder than dead.
nope. Family refuses to share any info.
manni miss Terry
not true
disinfo shill
>Could schizophrenia caused by childhood trauma?
To my understanding, the two biggest factors outside of genetics are psychedelic drug use during adolescence and mental stress. Childhood trauma causes a great deal of mental stress on a person and most people with schizophrenia have experienced it.
Men are more likely to become schizophrenic than woman and usually earlier. It's also not uncommon and affects 1 out of 100 people. There also seems to be varying degrees of it. Terry seemed lucid a lot of the times but someone like Druid Focket is rarely ever lucid and just rambles incoherent nonsense. But she's a woman so basically no difference between her and any other woman.
IIRC someone was cat fishing him at the time; pretending to be the Physics girl.
It's also hereditary so the parents can have it as well and make them more violent.
>boomer parents kick out of house their only mentally ill son
>he kill himself months later
American parenting at its finest.
why do american boomers hate their own kids so much
He had a warrant put out because he assaulted his dad and fled. Terry lost his shit possibly because of Dianna and the fact that she liked niggers and his fans telling him that and goading him on.
His talk about schizophrenia gave me panic attack because i unironically couldnt do it or live with it.
>its like you have no ground under feet and are constantly floating
>it's like having static radio near your head with ocassional words
>those words are scary to me
sounds like taking acid
to be fair I think he assaulted his dad or something. regardless, in a normal country he would be in a mental facility and still alive. it's because reagan made it pretty much impossible to admit crazy people into mental institutions, who was ironically terry's favorite president.
i miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
He was unironically handsome.
Psychosis isn't really like a psychedelic trip because it seems completely sober and organic, and you can't shut it off or make it stop.
not in my experience
>women are incoherent like schizophrenics
i mean the voices thing maybe not but the floating thing i can relate to i never feel my legs on acid
I never realized why he harped so much on the CIA until I only just in the last month started reading David Icke, the Omega File, and so on, and learned how evil they truly are.
Americas Third World War
How 6 million People Were killed in CIA secret wars against third world countries
I was actually in Portland at the same time, but I didn't go to see him because I didn't figure he'd want to see me.
terry called out glowniggers way ahead of everyone else
he was talking about not having solid ground under his feet. It means he constantly floats he is floating in void of his mind there is nothing. The reality means nothing. Earth means nothing other people are just glitch. His reality was non-reality.
If only he didn't talk so much about niggers, maybe he would have a whimsical but touching comedy made about him.
Honestly at this point every time I see an anime reaction image I think CIA. Doesn't help the fact that their opinions are mostly retarded
stupid niggers ruining potential kino
Imagine shuning insane man because he said liberal no no word. They are all evil byeond evil. They deserve nothing.
I think we misuse the term glownigger because it obscures who is actually being targeted with it. It seems like everyone just assumed his seeming obsession with it was a baseless quirk and he was just a little out of his mind, when in fact the CIA is legitimately dangerous and out of control.
It's like people making a mantra out of "the government spies on you" when Snowden clearly points out the NSA is largely responsible. The end result is that people lose their way to properly direct their attention.
discordtrannies and cia is basicly the same goal
>disrupt proper conversation
It doesn't really matter. Doesn't matter if people know that the government spies on them, doesn't matter if they see that the government is covering up pedos in power and kills witnesses. As long as nobody's willing to rise up and challenge those in power, who gives a shit what people think.
they were too old to be boomers
It's been 13 months since his last word. I'd like to think he really did fake it.
>then gets hit by a train
Fuck off CIA
>because he was also increasingly paranoid that he was being monitored.
Is that why he used youtube?
>rise up and challenge those in power
You can't do that until you know exactly who is pulling ALL the strings, all the way down, and how the whole web entangles.
>Living out of a van after a domestic violence thing with his parents
Didn't /g/ facilitate this one?
>uses Ubuntu
What a fag
i wasn't around here when you guys trolled him, but this is the one of the saddest videos i've ever watched on youtube, because i have sch. and i kinda understand what he was going thru ..
Advocacy. He literally thought he had rebuilt God's temple with Temple OS.
And in a doomsday scenario where we would need to codify just 2mb our knowledge and history into a massive stone pyramid that could last many millenia until the dust settles, Temple OS probably isn't a bad choice.
Vanilla ubuntu without any ricing is the true intellectual choice. At least it was before they went back to gn*Me.
They got some money together and bought him a drum set. I don't know if they did it with the intentions of getting him in trouble but he was always banging around and would beat on a scrap of wood with a pair of drum sticks and I guess they thought it'd be a nice gift. He always seemed like he played drums in college or some shit.
Weird to have been alive at the same time as he was alive and active. He was a borderline legendary figure even then. Truth is, I think we could have saved him easy if we could be bothered, but oh well. There's a place in life for tragedy.
thread theme, lads
God called his High Priest one last time to a higher calling, brother. At least there aren't any glow in the dark CIA niggers in the Kingdom of Heaven.
please take your meds
>saved him
There was nothing to save. He got donations, he got food, only thing left would have been housing. Who is going to do that?
All signs pointed to him just continuing on, maybe fizzling out, until one day it was abruptly over without warning.
Yeah guys keep not doing anything. I'm sure it'll work out. Glowniggers will never be as obvious as they were with Epstein. The fact that all those retards with guns stayed home instead of demanding answers means they will always stay home
imagine thinking he's actual the most important thing in the world
it would have been nice for him to have spilled the beans, but he was not as big a deal as /pol/ deluded he was
>it would have been nice for him to have spilled the beans
Lmao the list is still there. The only reason they're not showing you that list is because they know you won't do shit. No riots no nothing, they'll get away with it and you will do nothing like the good little nigger you are
Not even gnome is as shitty as Unity
>Lmao the list is still there.
I've already seen the list. The list isn't all there is to it.
>they know you won't do shit
There is no point when again, he is not the most important person and the masses' consciousness is insufficient for substantial action.
>No riots no nothing, they'll get away with it
They have gotten away with far worse and will get away with far worse.
This goes into the filing cabinet.
>like the good little nigger you are
>Believes use of the word 'nigger' is a revolutionary act
You've got a lot of learning to do. You don't know how the world really is or works.
He wasn’t wrong.
He was a schizo Chad
Hello. I am the schizophrenic that might have “solved” schizophrenia.
If I’m right, it’s not precisely triggered by stress, but instead a coping mechanism that affects far more people than medical science currently recognizes, because the nature of it makes it difficult to detect early on and it is a spectrum disorder that some people manage through careful policing of their own thoughts. I believe schizophrenia is a sort of mental feedback loop between pattern recognition and the brain’s reward circuit. People who have suffered childhood trauma are more likely to succumb to progressive, degenerative schizophrenia because they are quite literally addicted to the dopamine kick they get from having “eureka moments.” This is why there is a correlation between intelligence and schizophrenia, as a large part of what we consider “genius” is this ability to find links between seemingly unrelated things.
I’m also reasonably sure that while one can be genetically predisposed to schizophrenia, it is not strictly speaking an inherited condition, rather one “communicated” in families in a different way - memetically. I believe it is the underlying mechanic in a broad range of phenomena from folie a deux to mass hysteria to moral panics to, yes, even religious and ideological fanaticisms. It is, in other words, contagious under the right conditions. One can be “converted” to a schizophrenic’s worldview, drawn into their web of connections, conspiracies, and paranoia.
I further believe that medical science will soon find evidence to support my hypothesis and that they’ll also, to mounting horror, discover that schizophrenia has been allowed to spread undiagnosed and unchecked through the population for decades via the vector of online interaction and social media, and the resultant panic this induces in the public will be the advent of Orwell’s nightmare.
Screencap this.
you cant save mentally ill people who refuse to medicate, retard
shiz* is heritable
Grandfather schizoprenic.
Did you spend much time with him?
He takes his meds.
>Did you spend much time with him?
Not a whole lot.
I will have a conversation with him the next time I see him about UFOs, Greys, Agartha, and so on, because the last time I broached such topics with him I didn't believe, but now I do.
He watches a lot of /x/ YouTube stuff.
This kind of plays back into what I’m talking about. Talk about literally anything else.
Wouldn't it be ironic if you arrived at a well-reasoned yet ultimately incorrect notion of what schizophrenia really is?
>It's a Yea Forums glorifies a schizo as a philosophical pioneer episode
>pedophile island that has all the elite in the world visiting including nobillity
talking about conspiracy stuff with a schizo seems like a great idea!
t. brother is a schizo
My friend showed me a video on facebook where a clearly schizo lady on a bus get's punched by some 20 year old nigger for saying nigger in the middle of her incoherent schizobabble. The comments were full of people he knew talking about how she deserved it for being racist. When he pointed out that they were cheering on a young man punching a mentally ill old lady, they attacked him like he had just nailed 95 theses to their facebook walls. It was mind blowing.
If I remember correctly, some user recorded his call where he pretended to be Terry's relative and called the local police. They confirmed it.
Sure that call might be fake, but the chances are either that, or his family grew too afraid for his own safety and he's somewhere dosed up. Of course it's not very probable, but I like to believe it. It's a better ending than the one he probably got.
>Would make for a kino as fuck movie if done right
Way ahead of you.
This. There's blood on the hands of those fa/g/s that riled him up.
If they know their shit, sure.
They're probably one of the few who actually know about the reptilians. It'd be a far more productive use of my time than talking with brainwashed neurotypicals.
Such are normalfags.
brave new world goy
but seriously plan accordingly
it communicates with the divine what the fuck more do you want?
>go on ylyl thread on /gif/ (big mistake)
>see webm of him masturbating
>he's a dicklet
Is that why he hated blacks? Lol kinda sad.
>ニガー? ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ ニガー?
it's supposed to say "kitaa", but it says nigger
someone trolled the cia hard
first post best post
Looks like exactly the kind of person who would worship a schizo "for the meemees". Embarrassing.
I believe you
There’s no pleasing zoomers.
1% of /g/ actually understood why he was noteworthy
the rest were pathetic memesters along for the ride, and everyone posting about him outside of /g/ are even worse
/g/ terrorists radicalized him into saying nigger all the time the man couldn't be brothered with actual racism
either he meant literal niggers or figurative niggers, neither reflects non-racist-ly upon him
muh booboo word grow up faggot the man was mentally ill i seriously doubt he ever even had a racist thought
Based Terry. What exactly happened with the train? Is it known?
Remember that time he picked up some ugly crackhead girl in his car and banged her and then had to ditch her somewhere because she was too crazy even for him
he called a black guy a nigger to his face in one video
i know i just like to grant him sainthood
>muh booboo word grow up faggot
>the man was mentally ill i seriously doubt he ever even had a racist thought
Spotted the faggot who never watched him and only heard about him later through memes.
Did the black guy punch him? Wheres the vid
This guy looks like that one cripple on Youtube with the hot girlfriend
No, he just argues with him for a second and then fucks off.
he wasn't a racist that's all
whatever dummy
Its great because the black guy isnt remarkably phased
because we found it entertaining and didn't offer him help ?
A show on Gaia claims he was recruited by the secret space program.
and I bet you're in that 1% of geniuses who understood him
The secret space program definitely makes sense to me. Definitely.
It's all fun and games online but he could have unironically got beat the fuck up. Some like to use it as a excuse to chimp out.
many people offered some kind of help but he refused
>Davis explained that his use of the word "nigger" was a reaction to being subject to psychological warfare tactics by media agencies such as the BBC.
>Jesus used a racist slur, calling Canaanites "dogs" in Matthew 15:21-28 ... I asked God about racism? He said, "sports". ... White people indirectly call each other "nigger" all the time. After the BBC kept indirectly calling me a nigger I said, "Fine! I ain't a pussy! I'll use the real word on my enemies". ... when I fight Satan, I use the sharpest knives I can find. I ain't shedding no tears cause you don't like "nigger". ... Just remember that men are from Mars, women are from Vensus [sic], and our dear God is from planet Earth.
Terry didn't believe in ungodly racism
I really hate this insult method of overtly caricaturizing ones opponent, it's so damn annoying
you could have stopped after the first 5 words
Based Radmure.
Damn, that's a good one
>tfw terrified of the idea of developing Schizophrenia
>t. Glow in the dark CIA nigger
didn't his brother confirm it on fb?
DDL is the only one with the acting prowess to truly capture Terry's troubled soul
Did he really get hit by a train? What a way to go
its kinda sad actually because the n word actually behaves and says something like wtf have i done to you man? ive been seeing you on this street for years and never bothered you
local newspaper article about a homeless man being struck by a train in the area he was staying in
his family confirming he died