Cast them

cast them

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>tfw I recognize them
am I lost to coom?


>he recognizes two very famous cocksuckers
oh no what ever will you do???

Sauce on video ;)

Blair Williams is there too on this day.

I don't recognize them, so nice coom brain you got there.

Jack & Jill

Five seconds later he appears.

Attached: Jason.gif (500x335, 964K)

>ha ha do you see my superiority?
Nice complex you got there, smoothbrain

more like Lexi Belly

>tfw Taco Belle didn't do any b/g hardcore

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I never liked alexis texas, but lexi was one of the main porn whores when I started seeing internet porn and she was really cute before getting fat like in that webm

Lesbian sex looks so fucking retarded.

Such a shame.

>Taco Belle


i would hardly call it lesbian sex. its really just two girls being slutty for our enjoyment

It's even more boring in person. I had a threesome with two girls once a few years ago, and it wasn't as great as I thought it would be.

lesbians can't have sex. the most they can do is oral or play with toys

Lexi tummy looks so comfy bros

>I had a threesome with two girls once a few years ago

Why do I even live?

threesomes only ever work if it's two people agreeing to please the third. there's simply no way all three participants will walk away from that sort of thing satisfied so you might as well make sure the roles are set and everybody agrees on them beforehand.

>Autists_who_ think_ they _have_ an _insight_ on_ everyones_ life.jpg

REMINDER : All the pornstars you fap to are with Asian men in their personal lives.

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my sides

Not that guy but I've had a threesome. In my mid 20s with two middle aged women. Not even close to my favourite sexual experience.

thats what ive figured. its basically two people of the same gender teaming up to please the one person from the opposite gender.

I don't think white people who look down on race mixing care if white whores have serious relationships with non-whites thought; if anything I feel bad for that asian guy for being such a cuck

i'll cast my semen sperms on them if you understand what im talking about in coded wording

>Those drug addicted skanks that have sex on camera in embarrassing and demeaning situations in exchange for money are dated exclusively by Asian men