So how did it end in the book?

So how did it end in the book?

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The way the army of the dead is handled in the book is honestly way better. The idea is there are human reinforcements ready to assist in the battle, but they're stuck down a river and being blockaded by pirates so they can't make it. The ghost army just spooks the pirates off of their ships so the human reinforcements can commandeer them and head off to assist in the battle.

The image of pirate ships appearing, seemingly spelling doom for the defenders of the city only to reveal they're actually reinforcements being lead by Aragorn would have been a lot more interesting than a million ghosts instantly killing all of the orcs.

used the spooky ghosts to scare the pirates off their ships, filled them with men from southern gondor and arrived there with an actual army.

So all you need to win Middle Earth is a ghost army

did they ever elaborate on this decision in interviews or behind the scenes?

I assume it would have been to expensive and time-consuming to deal with EVEN MORE extras, so they decided to go with a shortcut instead.


A common complaint filmfags bring up about Return of the King is basically "why are the men of Gondor such pussies".
Having the ships rock up and reinforcements pour out and having the Swan Knights of Dol Amroth + other Gondorian soldiers from the western areas arrive to save the Rohirrim in turn would have been great.

prince imrahil and the chads of dol amroth would have been great to see.

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That can't be it. They could've just taken the makeup off the army of the dead extras and slap some different armor on them. They're never physically present in the shots they're in, anyway. It's probably just cooler to have the dead actually fight.

guessing it was more to keep the runtime down, the army of the dead basically ends the battle in seconds.

Pulling the Grey Company and Gondor's vassals out of thin air for the last big battle would've required backstories and exposition that the movie already didn't have time for. LOTR could've probably even worked as 4 movies, just so they could get Pelennor Fields right.

It also would've been a character moment for Aragorn to save Gondor's greatest city by uniting and leading the men of the West as their king.

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Why did the movies ignore the fact that Frodo did nothing for 20 years at the start, and that he wasn't aging because of the ring

>LOTR could've probably even worked as 4 movies, just so they could get Pelennor Fields right.
This is completely wrong and the proof is the 3rd Hobbit movie.

could have had the grey company in ROTK if they had them showing up for helms deep instead of haldir and his disposable elves

Pacing I reckon. The fellowship also spent months preparing for their journey in the book. The uruk-hai were only a portion of saruman's army and more competent. In the book the rohirrim stalk the orc raiders for days (they also include orcs from Moria who wanted to avenge their fallen chieftain), and the uruks almost reach the forest while the smaller orcs break and run.

really not comparable, there's literally hours of footage filmed for LOTR that we'll never see, and that's still after cutting out huge chunks of the book to make it close to filmable.

the hobbit is making up shit for padding already in the first movie.

keep in mind that if they accurately showed a relatively small force taking the corsairs' ships to minas tirith, the battle would still be far from over. it changes the morale significantly but in the books the battle is still very hard won. it's much more convenient for the flick to just have a wave of ghosts bring the fight to an sudden end

I like both versions. The book is the Southern Gondorians saving the day and turning the tide of the battle, in the movie it's Rohan. But I'm not mad at the ghost army. In both cases, the armies are losing, so heading off to the gates to challenge Sauron is suicide, either way. You don't get the impact of releasing the ghosts in the book.

because the fact that it takes galndalf 20 fucking years to figure out that was the one ring is fucking retarded

it is made very clear that gandalf had other shit to do

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what could be more important than the fate of middle earth though?
having it the way it is gives at least some sense of urgency

how would he know the fate of middle earth is at hand before he knows it's the one ring?

Why didn't Aragorn tell the ghosts to just bring the fucking ring as a last request?

no it isn't. the one ring was lost in a river hundreds of miles away from hobbiton, and many suspected it had even been washed out to sea by now, there was nothing to indicate that bilbo's ring was the one. there were more rings than just the one, three, seven and nine, those were just the ones made when ringmaking was perfected, there was lots of lesser rings made before those.

because it would fall through their hands comically

That was a terrible fucking scene, and terrible last part too, those fucking cgi olifants... good god. I'm glad I read the books just before the movies at the time at least.

1. How would that be different from asking them to fight as a last request? He made an oath, and that's a pretty big deal in middle earth
2. There is nothing that leads us to believe they would be immune to the ring's influence
3. Frodo had the ring and he was fucking lost in Mordor and no one had any idea where he was

why not give it priority if he had the suspicion?

he didn't have google lad, every bit of knowledge he gained on the subject was over years of travelling, looking through vaults of paper records that most people had forgotten were even about, there was no way he could 'just know' it was the one ring having never encountered it before.

Because Hobbits live longer than most, he was 50 when he set out for Rivendell, and that was considered barely middle aged for them. They considered 30 "coming of age", which is 16 for humans - and Bilbo stayed young looking for a long time, so they'd think it just ran in his family. Frodo was idle rich, he didn't work, he inherited a small fortune from Bilbo. (Merry and Pippin were idle rich, too - Pippin's father was Thain of the Shire, and Merry's was a wealthy landowner and Master of Buckland) Sam is the only one who ever had a job.

>They considered 30 "coming of age",
So, just like millenials.

20 years is a ludicrous amount of time nonetheless

He spent most of that time with Aragorn looking for Gollum, all over Middle Earth. What's retarded about that?

This, but unironically. The ghosts were just dead men, they didn't have any magic power of knowing where the Ring was, or any kind of teleportation magic, so they'd have no way to track down and find the ring.

He did. He left Bilbo's party to go find Gollum, to find out where he got the ring. That's pretty fucking focused.

Because the deal was helping him fight the battle, not be his errand boys.


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And? Middle Earth covers a lot of ground. You go find one creature who creeps around in caves and at knight, who's learned how to hide for hundreds of years, in a territory the size of Europe. Sure, that's just a weekend, right?
And, if you use a little imagination, you can assume Gandalf was meeting with the White Council regularly to report, and to help with the fact that Sauron had revealed himself, and had started small battles outside of Mordor.

Because they would then give it to aragorn who would be corrupted by it.

zoomers gonna zoom, just ignore him.

In the book Harry walks in on Hermione changing, and he apologizes. Then Hermione tells him to not leave. Harry asks her why, and she says she doesnt want to be alone right now, what with all the terrible things happening, but she was too afraid to ask him earlier. Harry then confesses that he thinks she is beautiful, and that he has always been in love with her, but wanted to stay away for Rons sake. That he doesnt want to lose either of their friendship. Hermione slaps him across the face, and asks him what about Ginny. Harry tells her Ginny could never replace Hermione, no one could. And that he had been distancing himself from her for a while now, unable to deal with the pain of lying to her. Then Hermione tells him that things didnt go well with Ron, but she has never thought about Harry as a love interest, just as a friend, even felt protective like a sister or mother, pitying his situation. Harry apologizes, he should have known she did not have any feelings for him. But Hermione then takes a long, good look at him. His muscled naked upper body and jet black hair, his strong jawline. The she tells him, Harry, dont you know how handsome you are? You could find any girl you want, you are famous! Harry shakes his head. But there is only one of you, he says, and looks her directly in the eye, a strong masculine gaze, confident, prideful, yet wounded and laid bare. Then Hermione feels hot, her legs weak and her body tingly. She flushes, and Harry asks her if she is ok. Hermione tells him to shut up, and they kiss and Harry grabs her pussy and confides in her ear: lets make wizardry great again.

The tax code was conpletely overhauled and a VAT was inposed on all lands within the jurisdiction the Godor Federal Bank, which caused a recession due to cheaper labor in the unregulated former lands of Mordor where the little orcs growing up in their cribs learned that the best revenge is economic, as men of Gondor would kill themselves on Kings Foil overdoses if they were unemployed long enough

Did Aaragon hare to pay an inheritance tax to get the dead to fight with him?

Wowhead doesn’t exist in Middle Earth.


>expensive and time-consuming
animating an entire cgi army plus all the ghost close-ups vs some dudes in makeup. They already had tons of suits of armor for Gondor extras, just give them different hats and hey presto. You could save on runtime by cutting out the ghost sideplot entirely, just have Aragorn and his ranger buddies sneak into pirate base and steal the ships. If Hackson had actually had the other rangers in TTT instead of shoehorning in more gay elves it would make perfect sense. That and bring in based Ghan-buri-Ghan guiding the Rohirrim.


played by danny devito

probably too complicated, the movie is already long as fuck