Is it possible for women to rape men?

Is it possible for women to rape men?

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It wasn't bumrape, was it?

Yes if you are gay or the bitch have STDs

girl i used to work with literally thought it was impossible to rape men because they get erections

Not 'rape' rape - but guys can be pressured into having sex they don't really 'want' want, if that makes sense.
>also words are dumb

if you eventually say yes, then it's not rape, retard. it's simple as that
you're trying to say "sex that I retroactively regret" is rape, which is the same bullshit that feminists employ
are you a woman?

>Sticks gun to head
>"y-y-y-yes, please don't kill me"
>"What do you mean it was rape? She said yes."

>if you eventually say yes
Sorry, not what I meant. I meant more like:
>"let's have sex"
>"I don't want to"
>"I do not want to have sex"
>now sex is happening
>the sex is over
>"that was great"
>"....", obviously not a violent "rape", or violent anything. Just a situation where someone was pressured into having sex they didn't want.
I actually found a term for this, it's called 'haibeu' - when the situation is non-violent, but there is sex without consent. As far as I know it's not technically illegal.
this guy isn't me and his argument is bad

Only emotionally

>it's called 'haibeu'
Not in any respectable country. That appears to be some Korean term. And I wouldn't trust Koreans to have a good grasp on the principles of consent.

If someone says "I do not want to have sex", and then you have sex with them, how is that not rape? Just because they didn't fight you off? Is rape supposed to be all dramatic and violent?
Even if they eventually say "ok", how can you just ignore their previous unwillingness? Their words changed, but did their feelings?

>give viagra
>dildo in ass
>double rape

They've raped my wallet before. Which is more devistating than some unfortunate intercourse.

women rape children

>>"I do not want to have sex"
>>now sex is happening
elaborate on what happens in between here
did he just let it happen? That's clearly consent even if you don't want to
did he just let it happen due to probable fear that she would harm him? not rape unless an injury is inflicted or threatened
was he unable to push her away or otherwise physically inhibited(tied, handcuffed, etc)? That's rape

what you describe sounds like a technicality put in place for some reason to make sure explicit verbal consent is given, so I can believe it's just a difference in cultures and practices

Not according to British law which states that rape can only be done with a penis. A woman forcibly having sex with a man in the UK falls under sexual assault.

>"we should have sex"
>"oh I'm not really looking for a relationship"
>"that's fine"
>"well we don't have protection"
>"don't worry"
>"I feel so awkward"
>now sex is happening
>now it's over
>"that was great"

Yes it can happen. An erection is not a sign of consent, its a bodily function.
Its like saying you were really sad when you chopped an onion because it gave you tears.

Usually women rape with things like dildos, brooms, cacti or bottles as well.

>elaborate on what happens in between here
nothing to elaborate on
>did he just let it happen? That's clearly consent even if you don't want to
I already said it's legal and did a whole song and dance about the meaning of the word rape.

Absolutely. Erections can be induced without drugs and without actual interest on the part of the man. There is also anal rape which doesn't require an erection. The hard part for a woman is overpowering a man, but men are conditioned not to use violence against women and drug and alcohol can be used to make a man more pliable.

yeah but it's not as bad.
despite what Yea Forums would have you believe, rape is pretty awful for women.
It can cause vaginal bruising and even lead to a woman becoming infertile.

Male rape is still horrible but unless she snaps your cock while riding you it's not really doing physical damage, only the psychological part.

well sorry but sex doesn't just happen with no resistance while still being able to be categorized as rape, no matter what kind of modifiers you add
one has to be held responsible for their own actions or inaction

and even then, that's is very obviously not the only way men can be raped
there is a slew of methods to take advantage of someone against their will, regardless of sex

What part of:
>I already said it's legal and did a whole song and dance about the meaning of the word rape.
do you not understand? Serious question. It's like you're responding to a completely different post.

What if the rapist gets pregnant and keeps the baby?

no, it's just sexual assault. rape is male on male or male on female only

The sad thing is it’s perfectky acceptable for people (women) to withdraw consent after the act in the eyes of the law in my country. I’m now a proud celibate

In your perfect rape world, STDs don't exist either.

That is not even theoretical question, there is absolute fuck ton of cases like that and in each of them a man is forced to pay child support.

I'm saying you're a moron for even bringing it up

Yeah, I'm such a moron brainlet for actually thinking deeply about nuanced issues.

only if he’s gay or she’s ugly

>thinkly deeply about nuanced issues.
you fucking retard
you were asked "can men be raped" and you immediately answered with something so far removed from rape that you may as well have not said anything at all
AND you say this with the confidence that there's no other way a man can be raped, which is double retarded
Quit backpedaling

the real question is... can women rape other women?

well should the child starve or live in poverty because one of the parents was raped

That's why I'm asking. Paying for child support for the rest of their lives is worse than living with the memory of getting raped.

Yes, it's just really rare and arguably not a big deal (except when it is a child being raped, ofc).

Um... yes?


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its ok to rape if she likes it

>REEE words only mean what they mean when it is useful to my narrative REEE
Fuck off, faggot.

name calling
.. yeah, you're clearly a very deep thinker.
>so far removed from rape
Y'know what? since you can't handle any nuance at all, I'll just say that pressuring someone into sex is rape, even if they don't physically try and fight you off. I tried to acknowlege the nuance between various types of nonconsensual sex, even various levels of consent, but you're clearly not capable of the slightest bit of nuanced cognition. If you pressure someone into sex it's rape. Enjoy jail.

I'd take being physically assaulted by a woman at knife point at this point, at least I'd get some female interaction for once

the question did not call for any nuance
there are multiple ways a man can be raped by a woman. what you describe is not one of them. in fact it's not rape whatsoever.
I'll call you a retard, because you clearly are a retard.
your """nuance""" means diddly shit. you are just wrong

>means diddly shit
You're so eloquent. Have you considered a career in law?

It's possible but forced envelopment doesn't count as rape by law... Anywhere. If she fingers your bum or puts something else up there it can count as rape though.

Too honest to be a lawyer.
Have you considered it? You sure like to beat around the bush, play at semantics, and reassert your blatantly false points for the sake of being argumentative like a shitstain lawyer would.

they think i've pissed myself
but it's actually cum

There was a case in Russia where a woman captured an intruder, she had a gun. She chained him up and she fed him a bunch of viagra and she fucked him for hours against his will.
>sounds hot
Lel, maybe so far: here's the catch the dude's frenulum got torn during the act. So imagine getting half a circumcision with no anesthetic and then having to fuck for hours.

There was a case I saw user post a long time ago. He was at a house party and there was some fat chick there who was into him but he didn't want anything to do with her. She spiked a drink of his and he came to in a bedroom only he was completely paralyzed.
She couldn't get his dick hard so she got a q-tip/cotton swab and took the cotton bits off and stuck the rod into his dickhole to ride it.
It fucking messed up his dick at the point of the story, which I assume was years later, he was still having pain and erectile dysfunction.


And the sad thing is, by law this probably counts as sexual assault and not rape. I love the "equality" that we receive.

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You know there's actually some feminists that want rape struck of the books as a charge for that reason.
Their motive for that is then all "sexual assault" is presumed to be like rape, right?
But the sexual assault could be something like you pinched a girl's arse.
So you're getting stomped to death in a prison, after being sentenced to ten years, because you pinched a girl's arse.

Enjoy jail for rape next time you pressure someone into sex! You'll deserve it!

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Did that user sue the fat bitch or at least called the cops? Not only did she rape him, she drugged him as well.

You know how when a kid sits on a guy's lap they'll pick them up and move them eventually and say something like "You're heavy!"
Here's the uncomfortable bit: it is because the dude was getting an erection from the heat and pressure.
He doesn't want to fuck the kid, he's not a latent paedo, he just has a normal dick.
Dicks respond to heat and pressure by getting hard. It has nothing to do with will or consent.
If you were tied up and I was there I could jerk you off now and there's nothing you'd be able to do to stop from coming.

Didn't sound like it. If I remember the story right she was sort of a rich socialite type but fat and gross so no one really wanted to fuck her.
It was probably Lena Dunham.

divorce rape

What kind of a parent lets their child sit on a guys lap?

Have you never been around normal people and children?

>Didn't sound like it.
Too bad. More men need to report such things even if they are laughed at otherwise it will never be taken seriously.