Dude what if the USSR was just incompetent and full of psychos and not inherently evil and tyrannical

>dude what if the USSR was just incompetent and full of psychos and not inherently evil and tyrannical
>dude real communism hasn't been tried
Good job (((hollywood))) you almost had me.

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>dude USSR was evil

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It's a comedy.

>incompetent and full of psychos
>not inherently evil and tyrannical
I get what you're saying, I do, but what you are describing is textbook tyranny

Real communism is supposed to be a stateless and classless society so therefore communism has never been tried

>incompetent and full of psychos
>inherently evil and tyrannical
why are you acting like these two things are exclusive?

>characters that are literally you

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What do you call a competent tyrant?

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A loser of wars I guess lol

It's just interesting that Stalin is always the target of jew-approved political commentators and jewish hollywood. I wonder what it is specifically that triggers that?

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For obvious reasons he's a safe target, but come on, he has nowhere near the level of Hitler shit

Because if you focus on stalin you can hide lenin and trotsky and the rest of the horrific revolutionaries.

The USSR did practice a form of socialism. I disagree with leftists claiming it didn't. You can complain about deficits in democracy and human rights in these nations all you want, they were more successful in finding an alternative to capitalism and existing without a capitalist class for more than half a century than any other socialist society. When capitalism is the dominant ideology, a socialist state needs to apply a certain degree of authority to protect itself. Sure, there had been excesses which can't be defended but overall the Warsaw Pact was a force for good and its collapse a disaster for both the East and the West.

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>you can hide trotsky-

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Availability of human rights and quality of life is what defines the success of a nation.Tsarist Russia was no different from Socialist Russia which is no different from modern Oligarchy Russia. It's all the same shit, most of wealth is in the hands of the ruling class and the rest are treated like mindless slaves they are, all that changes is the label.
>But the quality of life has improved
Go outside of the handful of major cities and it'll feel like you're in post-war XXth century. Russia truly is a hellhole.

It's impossible to have a classless society as long as people have different skills. If your car breaks down you call a mechanic because they know more about fixing cars than you do, in relying on someone to fix your car you've created a hierarchy. So now what? Kill the mechanic?

The quality of life did increase in Soviet Russia though, compared to Tsarist Russia. Literacy, life expectancy, homelesness, number of people in employment, all of these dramatically improved after the October Revolution. Despite the aftermath of the Civil War, despite crippling famines, despite World War 2. And it did massively decrease after the USSRs collapse. Even Wikipedia states as much. There's an argument to be made that it still hasn't caught up.

The USSR wasn't as bad as US propaganda would have you believe.

This is not what is meant by classless society lobster

It was worse

Crackhead niggers in compton had color tvs , houses and cars, while Soviet middle class lived in tiny commieblock flats and waited 10 years to get shitty Lada.

It was far worse. The US used to be allied to the USSR. We don't even know the full extent of atrocities because of the millions who died off and never told their story.

>The USSR wasn't as bad as US propaganda would have you believe.

the US doesnt need propaganda for that when the USSR literally had to build a wall to keep people in

You found that second point yourself

The great purge was based, i dunno why Hitler still wanted to take him out after that

Right wingers are literally worse than SJWs. You are unironically complaining that a comedy is not completely aligned with your political beliefs (which obviously you consider as FACTS and LOGIC)
Learn the difference between textbook communism as an ideal, and Communism as a socialist movement that tried to eventually achieve textbook communism. When normalfags say communism they are talking about the latter.

Can you show me this huge wall around the Soviet Union you are talking about?
In any case, people were leaving Russia before, during, and after communism. It is a cold and brutal place with a population that mostly appreciates power and authority.

> It is a cold and brutal place with a population that mostly appreciates power and authority.

Are you fucking retarded? Soviet union was one of the largest country ever existed, containing deserts, subtropics, etc.


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>Tsarist russia was no different from Socialist Russia

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and they were still crackheads lol, drug addiction (aside from alcohol), unemployment, homeless and HIV was literally non existent in the Soviet Union

based DROPPED poster

>autists getting triggered by comedy


Soviets had more heroin addicts than any other country lol. They used to share a border with Afghanistan.

>Russia bad
>america good
itt. NPCs

Communism hasn't happened because it can't happen until most of the world is socialist and able to suppress the bourgeoisie on a global scale. So although the USSR wasn't communist, they were *communists*.

>just incompetent and full of psychos

That makes it inherently evil and tyrannical. Doubly so, those people were in charge.

>Jason Isaacs

oh no not him too...

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Man this is probably the worst movie I've seen at the kinoplex, remember as I was leaving, I was looking at others peoples faces and they all had the "I absolutely regret the desicion to watch this shitty movie" face


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>Communism hasn't happened because it can't happen
Your post should've ended there.

Who cares, he was by far the best character in the film.

Being incompetent doesn't rule out that your rule isn't evil and tyrannical you fucking moron.

The entire movie revolves around people plotting against each other and having other people murdered in order to gain power and avoid getting purged themself after Stalin's unexpected death creates a power vacuum.

>Availability of human rights and quality of life is what defines the success of a nation

To be fair, no nation should be compared to the US. Unlike all the other world powers, that had to develop culture and skill to succeed, the US just got incredibly lucky with geography.

>Best agricultural land in the world
>Most navigable rivers
>Most coal in the world
>Two oceans
>Tolerable climate

And best of all, they faced no competition on their ENTIRE CONTINENT.

Take the entirety of Europe, unite it under one language and culture, give them better agricultural land and you get the US.

In contrast Russia's an empty desert with shit farmland (compared to its size), enemies on every frontier and fuck-all for rivers and oceans.

Yeah and I'm sure you'll be willing to work 16 hours a day, six days week to achieve it and not hope you'll be a commissar with privileges over the average worker, faggot.


Then how come the injuns had the land for ages and got nowhere with it?

because strife is what has advanced humanity.

Soviet leadership was a joke up to the purges (Stalin dindu nuffin) and was great from 1943 to 1953.
Also Beria should have become first secretary instead of this traitor honorary nigger khroutchev. The soviet union would still be around and a superpower and would have dumped pretty much all communism beyond some sick esthetics. We would have had a decent alternative to the amerijew empire and (((progress))) wouldn't have happened. Deng was the equivalent of Beria in China (said so himself) and see how it went.

But that post said that the US's greatest advantage was no competition on their continent.

No-one in the USSR worked 16 hours a day, it was 6 hours a day 6 days a week.

But, america has been at war for most of it existence

And the injuns fought each other constantly.