He's got a point though

he's got a point though

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You know what the absolute most annoying thing about this is?
Trump is a genuine retard and not a good president but that list was fucking terrible

how does any of that make him a bad president?

I feel like we’ve been beating a dead horse for three years now, is Colbert even going to have a job when he leaves office?

Reminder having the right opinions is much more important than being funny

Fuck off to /pol/

It just does you racist idiot.
Now eat bugs, suck tranny dick, and take out a loan. Fuck!

Oh you like lists huh?

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kek what were they thinking when they showed that?

My favourite Trump manoeuvre was him ripping on elderly warmonger John McCain so that the fucking Liberals were obligated to defend him because theyre compelled to do the opposite of whatever Trump says or does.

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>France culturally enriched five times

this is why he won

i dont get it, it says "reasons trump is a bad president" but the list is all cool things, THIS BIT MAKES NO SENSE

Orange man bad.

And when his term finally is over, the comedy hosts can pat themselves on the backs and say the did it, despite it was just Trumps term running out.

that's what's most annoying with anti trumpers; they could mention he's a ZOG slave, that he hasn't gotten rid of asylum laws let alone birthright citizenship, that he hasn't deported any significant number of the 20+ million illegals, etc, etc, but nope, it's always "orange man raycis"

>tried to ban muslims
>tried to

Orange amp bad. Just buy a Marshall

>Do they give a Nobel prize for "attempted chemistry"?

What's your point? Terrorism is worse than ever in the states. It seems like there's a mass shooting every other week

dunno what point he wanted to make, but the correct point to take from that is that non-white immigration must end and the deportations must start

Most of the shootings that occur in the US are gang or crime related. The "terorrist" shootings are the only ones that get reported on because they further the evil white man narrative that's popular right now.

>I only let cable news headlines dictate my perception of reality

bro, you couldn't pay me to live in the US. It's Africa-tier as far as I'm concerned for lawlessness and chance of getting randomly shot

So you're saying in reality it's actually even worse than just the mass shootings?

You're proving my point.

If you live in white areas you are safe. It's not a gun problem, it's a race problem.


Am I right?


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Stay out homo

In objective terms he's not a bad president at all. The economy is doing well, we're not invading anybody, and nothing particularly bad is happening. Most of my complaints with the guy are that he's too moderate on issues like gun rights and fags.

I will never understand the autism here. By this time in Obama's first term we literally had 1200 guys with guns threatening the Bureau of Land Management over cattle and race riots in the streets with people burning down entire neighborhoods.

The only thing I ever hear is something about the Chinese trade war going poorly, which would be irrelevant even if it were true, and Europe being asshurt that America isn't deliberately destroying itself like they are. Occasionally something about Russia, which again would be irrelevant even if it were true, because the closest thing we've done to helping Russia is leaving ISIS and the FSA to be exterminated like the shitskin terrorist filth that they are.

It's like everyone just forgot that during the last two guys' runs, we started like 12 wars, started a bunch of rebellions that resulted in hundreds of thousands of people dying, and basically completely fucked everything. Now we've gone three years without doing anything worse than blowing up a couple of empty airfields. By all accounts, this is the quietest it's been in my adult life.

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>muh very fine people
i don't even like trump but don't want to live in a post context world. this shit is truly honk honk territory.

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I will don't worry

enjoying getting shot by some crack-addled nigger for your loose change you fat faggot

It's more like the mass shootings are trivial in and of themselves. They represent an irrelevant percentage of murders and the total is still going down.

Most people are sort of oblivious to the fact that the US is actually on a good trajectory in terms of violent crime.

Kys retard

depends where you live
just dont live in the south


I would tell you to kys but you have jamal to do it for you lmao

The narrative engineering in the media to scare people about the economy is working though. 2 months ago Trump had a wide approval of his handling the economy, but since the "muh recession" headlines and breaking news his approval is only like 2-3% more than disapproval on the economy. They want to create a self-fulfilling prophecy

You third world shitskin

bizarro world for sure. toppling libya significantly contributed to le migrant crisis and yet good guy obunga and his drunk secretary of state get and got a pass for their activity in the middle east. they wanted to escalate things in syria, the very same foreign policy that has resulted in nothing good for the average american OR the middle east. tulsi gabbard and trump are the only two with the balls to say we need to knock that shit off, which should tell you that every other politican is bought and sold.

The trajectory is irrelevant as long as niggers remain a significant portion of the country. Violent crime will remain high compared to white countries even if it's going down

no shit, these people cling onto their lies so desperately for some reason rather than talking about actual policy. there's a lot to go after trump about policy wise, this bullshit is just hot air and a waste of time and energy. idiots buy it hook, line and sinker though without ever looking into the entire statement.

>The economy is doing wel
The economy is flashing indicators of recession because Trump actually inherited his "GRRATEST ECONOMY" and has done everything he can to flush it down the shutter because he's also a terrible businessman.
>we're not invading anybody
*yet, just keep praying Iran doesn't mouth off on a bad day and ignore the other proxy wars we're still overseeing.
>nothing particularly bad is happening
Nah, the president is just in Russia's pocket, a blatant white supremacists, a complete fucking imbecile, and actively propping up the oligarchic nepotism he promised he would end when he "drained the swamp". Nothing "particularly bad".
>by this point in Obama's term we had veiled white supremacist and racist bullshit instead of actual Klan rallies and white domestic terrorists
>Chinese trade war is irrelevant
Tell that to increasing costs of consumer goods and farmers with crops going to waste that can't afford their mortgages anymore because "the world's greatest negotiator" thought his shit fit would get him somewhere fast.
God you're dumb.

yet its the best they can come up with, yesh

>Nah, the president is just in Russia's pocket

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>There are the people calling you a fringe conspiracy theorist

>Terrorism is worse than ever in the states.
9/11 was literally yesterday

1/3 is accurate
1/3 has nothing to do with him as a president, more him as a person
1/3 is bullshit to fill up the board

>a blatant white supremacists
literally how does one believe this? I wish I could live in this lefty alternate dimension

>gangs shoot up schools and nightclubs

You absolute retard

Made him look like a completely deranged obsessive stalker really.

Yep, those school and nightclubs shootings? They make up less than 1% of shootings. Gangs of niggers shooting other gangs of niggers make up the overwhelming majority. Welcome to reality

He is a retard but a good president.

At least he isnt evil like his predecessors or that witch that was supposed to get his job.

>ruined Kanye

Has absolutely nobody noticed how muh russia was like non-stop screeching for over two years and then they just stopped talking about it altogether?

>all that angry text to say essentially nothing.

"Rising consumer prices" is your best argument but you didnt even bother to mention any numbers so i guess its all based on projection and hearsay anyways.

Destroying Libya was the biggest geopolitical blunder since Suez, significantly worse than Iraq or Vietnam but obama got off completely scot free

They switched over to "Trump didnt support the russia bs enough"

Not a single line about Israel

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>flashing indicators

It's always "tomorrow it'll happen" with you guys, same with the prediction that he'll go full hitler, or that him being impeached is just round the corner, or proof of his collusion is coming very soon