
>Jodi, the tallest girl in her high school, has always felt uncomfortable in her own skin. But after years of slouching, being made fun of, and avoiding attention at all costs, Jodi finally decides to find the confidence to stand tall.


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Other urls found in this thread:

Does the OP think this is rare or something?

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It happens all the time

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gibe pls

Will it be big girl kino?

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I don't understand it. She's portrayed like a fucking Frankenstein's Monster but she's only 1.85m. As a guy I'm 1.88cm and my 15yo sister is 1.83m already. It's really not a big deal, when as a chick you're above 190, okay but 185cm is the upper limit of normal I'd say. How did they shoot that? She looks like 2.15m in some of the scenes kek. Or is this the irony that's lost on me?

It's made in muttlandia. Burgers are notorious manlets. She might as well be 7ft tall for all they care

I guess your air is thinner up there.


t. manlet
It's okay manlet. Not everyone are ment to have children

Attached: 1549026715610m.jpg (1024x955, 76K)

185 is pretty tall for a girl, you're dating pool is severely limited.

They did a horrible photoshop job in this picture jesus christ

I guess but again not something worth of making a show about, there's plenty of guys t or above 185cm. Probably 20-30% are above that. The show would work perfectly if she was 190, I give you that, I'm just wondering why they would cut that so short.

She's a big girl.

True. I'm 202cm, and i've gotten my share of lanklet women far out of my leage simply due to the fact that i'm one of the few guys taller than them. I don't really work out enough etc. But i will absolutely mugg any ripped manlet simply by towering over them. Life is unfair bros

Sure, I agree. I think 185 is pretty tall, but it's not like the upper echelon of height of women that a show like this would be better suited for.

Life always has it's advantages and disadvantages my man, don't worry about it.

True, i wasn't blessed with a 202 mans cock for example. It's slightly above avarage but it looks tiny on me

If you're not from some Nordic or Scav country 180 is a lot for a woman, she'll practically tower over every other femlet she knows, and the taller she is the more men are intimidated by her or the thought of dating a woman that's taller than they are, I'm a 175 manlet and I rarely see any cunt even approach the same height, seeing a bitch my height or taller instantly makes my dick diamonds tho, would love me an amazonian mommy.

Attached: mogged4.jpg (640x960, 313K)

Based improving of ones gene pool

>tfw I'm the same height with a nearly 8" cock and some bitch from a bar LAUGHED at it because "how could it be so tiny"

it's fucking brutal, man


Nice larp

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I imagine alot of black guys go through the same thing
>what?! You're just "slightly above avarage"? Lol gtfo

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>man doesn't want to date her
>manlets get btfo
Is OP coping here?

Life is a cruel mistress.

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Jesus christ that amazon mommy would birth super sayans

>Imagine... a world... where a woman... is 6 foot tall

Is your country so flooded with midget Mexicans that have interbred with you now that a woman being 185cm is a shocking, terrifying thing? Are they so very very rare that you make dramas and movie about being such a height? Are Americans such small?

Less than 1% of the female population is taller than 180cm.

>tfw no giantess gf

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>mfw zoomers dont even know about Shes All That

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That guy is just a turbomanlet. All the people around them are just as tall as the girl.

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we're not all dutch masterrace but yeah 1m88 is regular

Oh god

She's not that tall, it's the shoulders that are fucking things up for her.




I'm a so-called king of manlets (or maybe prince) but manlet memes like this have me struggling to breathe

wait until "Short Guy" comes out, about a 5'11 bloke who gets bullied relentlessly and told to kill himself. the film ends with him hanging from a rope, then his empty funeral, followed by shots of everyone at the school laughing and joking about it

>master race
They are the nigger of europe
This webm is one of the most horrible webm I ve ever seen on Yea Forums
My first one was this cute but tall italian qtpie
Not only was she tall but she was thicc too.
Her previous boyfriend was ugly AF but he was tall and big.
I am handsome and tall but just skinny.
Still could hold her up

give giantess gf

Attached: bueno.gif (336x200, 758K)

Fucking kek look at'em go

She might be about 6 foot tall, based on the stall door.

Based upon that and the size of the glass I estimate each of her breasts to be slightly smaller than a volleyball.

Based. Will he have a little child size racecar casket?

tfw 5'10

Someone post the clip from that documentary where some 6 foot ass bitch falls for the 5'6 class manlet. I need a giantess in my life.

tfw 5'11 going on a date with a 6'4 girl this weekend

Might aswell end it user

to much of a coward

At least you're not 5'3 haha

Good luck!

>I'm a 175 manlet and I rarely see any cunt even approach the same height
where the fuck do you live then? I live in France which is fairly muttified and even then AT LEAST half the female under 26 are that height if not taller

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media almost never portrays real-life freaks of nature in fiction, for a bunch of reasons. It's like when they need an ugly girl character, they won't actually hire an ugly girl that you can meet in the subway, they just stick a pair of glasses and pigtails on a supermodel and say she's ugly repeatedly in the dialogue.

Go for the legs user. Lankies are wobbly.
Also this >



there is no difference, girls view all men under 6' exactly the same. You could be 5'10 or 5'3 and still ignored entirely by women

Get out more incel

truth hurts the copelet

They gave the manlet an oversized coat to make him look even shorter.

>he took the bait

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Charles Manson was 5'4" and he had 100 women ready to kill for him. Don't give up hope user.

Not guy but I attend a high ranking UK overwhelmingly white uni (or appears that way, cause chinks keeps to themselves and out of the party scene and browns/blacks aren't frequent) and am a 5'10 Bong. I'm hyper conscious about looks/height and I tend to feel average. Lots of guys my height, plenty a tiny bit shorter, plenty a bit taller, and then turbomanlet/lanklet outliers, and girls that are taller than me are a definite minority, and they tend to wish they were shorter anyhow so they can date the good looking short arses like Zac Efron.

>one ticket to Tall Girl pls

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I refuse to believe women only go for 6'0 and above. The majority of men are shorter than that. I hope so at least haha

doesnt quite apply as shes black

I got laid at 5'8 but to be fair she was a whore



If I go to r/braincels, I'm gonna find those faggots REEEEE'ing about this film and the horrific injustice it is to be a manlet, how manlets are oppressed and never paid any mind, etc., aren't I?

Not fair.

>sil dis is mcdonards

Height is a plus but has been given a godly status online cause it's one of the few ways we have to quantify attractiveness, plus people love to dab on seething manlets that take the meme way too seriously.

>The majority of men are shorter than that
them majority of men don't get laid regularly

It's just a Yea Forums meme, don't pay it any attention. Like said its just a quantifiable thing, so something us permavirgins can compare that doesn't involve any contact with actual women.

Yeah tall girls normally wish they were shorter, and generally don't care as much about hight (other then their own) i only really see the midget tier girls like chinks and hapas fetishize tall guys. It's probably biologic right? Like you want to add to your gene pool that which you lack yourself. That's why i love based manlets who go for giantess. Like go get 'em tiger lol

>I said one ticket to Tall Girl you fucking gook

>its just a quantifiable thing
Research proves that male height is associated with status and it is easier to achieve status as a tall man.

is there a scene where she gets made fun of?
or does she just get the 1.9m tall chad?

Real people aren't a statistical model. Being tall is like a woman having giant tits. Sure it's a plus but what about all them ass men?

>That's why i love based manlets who go for giantess. Like go get 'em tiger lol
Shame most tall girls go for even taller guys.

Advantage is an advantage.

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In some cases, yeah. But it's an overall statistical advantage so you can't apply it to singular manlets and tell them they have no chance. They just have less chance against women who prefer tall guys.

Can Yea Forums satisfy her?

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The ass men desperately try to get any available female ass or not and the females go on having absolute pick of the litter in every way imaginable, truth is women are allowed to act like cavewoman and want objectively the best mate (and social media and online dating ensures these guys are lined up and fighting each other for the chance to talk to you) but men aren't allowed to feel the same way

No ass men prefer larger or more shapely asses. So a woman with big tits but a hank hill ass would lose her tits advantage to those guys.

>the absolute state

I have no problem with a giantess for a gf. She needs to lose 50 pounds probably and have a tolerable personality.

Ah, the late 60s, a time where hypergamy wasnt totally uncontrollable disaster, tinder and social media didnt exist

>lose weight

What's wrong friend? Can't reach?

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high test

This girl and this guy should make a dozen of children


My sister on the left

Real people arent statistical models? Are you completely retarded? Did you overdose on grain based milk? From where do you think people gather statistics? Mars? Are you stupid, like I mean, do you have an actual condition?

Post sister

Maybe he got actual self respect and wont date a fat pig

Who cares nobody watches that shit


>Nigger of Europe.
Thats France.

Dude you're actually retarded lmao

A larger ass (just like tits) comes down to holding fat well, which boils down to holding weight so you can make milk to feed your young. This is a desirable trait in females and a reason why people like chubby/fat girls. Such a thing doesn't exist for short men, there is no advantage, it's never a good thing, it doesn't tickle the parts of the lizard brain that says they would make a good mate and give you strong kids because being small and weak is objectively a bad thing for men that women will avoid given the chance.

No that's just niggers

Being short is not an excuse for not having sex. Only a loser would think otherwise.


Imagine the arnold tier chads she would squeese out. Top tier wife material.
You know, besides the whole tinder whore thing

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So who does she end up with?

>the power of photoshop still gets em

With a nigger

>Maybe he got actual self respect
>posting on Yea Forums

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Yeah great it's the wrong time for you to be wearing a boiler suit.

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>literally gave the manlet a trenchcoat
please tell me he tries to shoot up the school and gets tackled by the blonde guy

>I'm unemployed
>I like to travel
>I want to travel

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you know why child soldiers are a thing?

they're harder to hit and sneakier. Size isn't end all be all metric in survival of the fittest. We'd still have dinosaurs if size ruled.


Tall parents and their tweens.

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We'd still have dinosaurs if a GIANT rock didn't hit earth.

Don't be angry because i'm right user

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This. RL people hate deformed freaks and other abnormalities. And you want normies to root for her.

>Breeding stallions for coming generations

I thought my benis was average since my first "real" gf I dated for 5+ years and she was a virgin, so she never compared me to other guys. Then when we broke up I whored myself on to some solid 7s and 8s on tinder for a while and they all said i had a big benis. I am a 174cm manlet, so moral of the story I could be benefitting from the opposite effect. Cant wear a regular condom at all tho and barely fit the XLs, but I assumed this was a marketing scam to make customers to feel better about themsevels

Girl on the right is a smokeshow, but you just know by looking at her frame that she’s going to be pushing 300+ lbs in 15 years. Time is also a cruel mistress.

Don't be insecure about it and it won't even matter senpai

>I assumed this was a marketing scam to make customers to feel better about themsevels
It is not.

Good for you user. Get yourself a giantess and make some horsecock'ed ultra chads

lanklets are mentally ill btw

>it's a tallfags trying to make people feel sorry for them episode

Hey buddy, your shoe is unti-

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well, all i can really say is that it would be typical of this universe for a complete bumbling loser such as myself to be (physically) gifted with a large cock and nothing else, really

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>go to meet a girl from Tinder for a drink
>seemed to get on well through texting
>meeting her irl I see she is a few inches taller than me
>the look of disappointment on her face tells me exactly how this is going to go
>she has one drink and says she needs to go

Attached: 1566067850151.jpg (1024x903, 49K)

Sorry user. What were you expecting from tinder?

If you live in the south, wear boots. Its common for boots to have a 2" heel or more which is the difference between 5'9 and 5'11..... just dont take them off until shes on the bed. Inb4 seething lanklets mad that you can trick a roastie

reminder that if you're not 6'5 or above you cannot call yourself a man

What happens if I have money but i'm a 5'10 manlet?

LMAO manlet btfo

I'd date you haha

Not him but I'm a manlet who stopped wearing boots precisely because it looked like I was height coping. I really just liked how they looked and felt but realized everyone would only see it as a cope, and I couldn't wear them anymore

Shut up averagelet. You're not relevant.

Get height extension surgery.

girls should be small

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Blessed amazonian tiddy thread. Thank you OP. Does anyone know who > is in particular?

Date a latina.

you mean this surgery?

Attached: manlet coping operation.webm (854x480, 1.87M)

>my fetish is people who will die when giving birth
Is there anything more cucked then this?

If roasties can chop off half their face, you can grow your legs. It's a fair deal.

how do you tower when I break your kneecaps?

t. broscience

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People dont actually care what you wear imo. I dont know if you're in Texas though, it's absolutely normal to wear boots everyday

Yeah but they kill any white man under 5'8" in Texas.

Good thing I'm 5'8 and half white


I'm 5'6" in Texas and still fine.

They're gonna gun you down like a dog in the street.

can't pump enough blood for the brain up there


>I want a girl who is as much of a twink as possible without it being gay
Just date a twink you faggot

join the army and go audie murphy, your only way out

It's ok, my 5'10" friend carries me in his pocket of I leave the house.

smol girls are for love, big girls are for work
it is known

How does the movie end?

>I want a girl who is as much of a twink as possible
Living the dream.

Attached: 8b8.jpg (680x523, 37K)

I dont mind being short physically, but it hurts that I'll never be respected or loved simply because of my height :(

>she likes a white guy


anime only ending

Do it faggot

I fucking wish that was real

If tall people really cared about manlets they would cut off the bottoms of their legs to show solidarity.

tfw 6'2 but my face is ruined with acne and i'm balding so any chance of being a chad is gone. would unironically trade inches for a clear face and more hair on my head

Do what?

what a stupid fucking poster. and what a stupid fucking face that 'tall' bitch has. and what the fuck is that retarded manlet on the left wearing? jfc

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No one cares about manlets lol

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Get shin extensions. Your life will be fixed

Dont those fuck up your legs in the long run?


Getting pussy >>>>> walking

But wont I be shorter if I'm in a wheelchair???


The memes are true, Netflix really is only producing run-of-the-mill romcoms except the leads are visibile minorities (or in this case, more of an oddity).

tfw own elevator shoes so I'm 6'1


*blorp* a-user help i'm going to explode!

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Move to the netherlands

That's clearly photoshop, unless she has tripplets.


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this was the favourite song of one of my big crushes in high school

feeling sum feels

The baby must've been bigger than the father.

That's how you make a girl stay. You ruin her.

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Anyone else know those 5'9" feels?

Having money and being funny literally trumps all things.
Manlet I work with pulls in 150k a year and is a funny little shit. Dude is literally like 5'2". Whenever we go out to bars it never ceases to amaze me just how easily he can take girls home.

>being a trustfund kid is how you win at life
Tell us more, wise sage

Nah, Electrical Engineers.

>Manlet I work with pulls in 150k a year and is a funny little shit. Dude is literally like 5'2"

if your manlet friend was making 40k he wouldn't be getting shit

>Having money literally trumps all things.
fixed it

t. femanon

oh man that's an old one

Nope, he's Polish.
Dunno, there are a lot of ugly fucking Laborers in the construction industry that seem to sling pussy just fine.
Just have confidence, bro.

Is that school shooter on the left wearing a fucking crate for fruits as a bag ?

>bawww I was bullied for being a beautiful tall white girl in high school
does this shit really happen or is it just white women wanting to be oppressed again?

I know that feel bro. 174cm, just barely made it to 5ft9, closer to 5ft8 though. I actually find that I get worse reactions than an actual manlet would. Someone who is like 5ft4 you can tell they are a
manlet immediately. People don’t realise I am one until I am up close. I am in the awkward range where I am not quite ‘short’ but not ‘tall’ either.

women will bully each other over literally anything. tall is just another trait that they use

Is that Sam Ecklund on the left?

> She's only 16

Just so you know.

>drank lots of fresh milk as a child
>parents always made sure there are at least 2 liter of it in the fridge
feels good being 189, thank you mom&dad

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its filmed from the perspective of a woman so of course it won't make sense and it will seem like being 10cm taller than usual is the end of the world

never wanted to get handled by a woman so hard

I drank lots of milk when I was a child, and I'm only 5'4'' :(

At least I'm gay so I don't have to worry about judgmental roasties

you'll probably score a babe but dont be surprised when she cheats on you

What does 189 mean

looks like you didn't drink enough faggot

Most girls are not over 6ft tall so it is unusual. That said nobody would care as long as she was cute.

use your brain goblino

>those hips

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189 liters? Is that how Europeans measure things? Lmao

>american education

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Have fun when your midget kids kill themselves and blame you for it

it's cm

>see thread about this last week
>5 replies
>change title to MANLETS BTFO
>220 replies
tv confirmed most retarded board

i like tall guys. i like to be loomed over physically and dominated. short guys don't intimidate me enough. i just want to make tall babbies. i'm 5'4" btw.

haha imagine she just grabs you and shoves you against one of those lockers

Manlets btfo!

That's fine, but don't get mad when guys talk shit about your weight, or your boyfriend leaves you for someone younger. Women politicize men's sexual preferences while thinking that their preferences are somehow more reasonable

From American Vandal, yes.

Wouldn’t it be funny if she shoved a football chad into a locker while groping him hahaha

It's okay, roasty. You don't have to explain anything to manlets. They don't deserve the time. Don't get your tits in a bind

what he's saying is that while statistical trends can be factual, when taken on an individual basis the trend can be irrelevant

minor data points about an individual can vastly outweigh trend data

e.g. black crime rate, yes blacks have a higher trend to criminality
however if you actually meet a black guy and he's well spoken, the fact that he's well spoken more than negates the crime rate trend

>only a single white person in this poster
wewwww where is this taking place?

That's sad


i don't care what men do in the slightest.
it's funny to make manlets seeth tho


Women like you have no empathy and aren't good people

Tits or gtfo

>the actor thats ripped but shorter than the 2 girls in the photo
it would get me every time but fuck the red sox

I'm tall but I have this body, hence my height is irrelevant, women prefer manlets

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There aren't guys under 5'5 out there r-right? haha that would be just crazy

thats my body too kinda, at least you got trips

Keep dreaming, hon

Why are your legs so short? Are you a giant dwarf?


Women lack empathy to begin with

Dont be retarded redditor. to be a goblino you need to have mexican in the mix, he is just an amerimutt, since goblinos would be familiar with the metric system. All goblinos are amerimutts, but not all amerimutts are goblinos, learn your lore and lurk more.

You don't know what a gene "pool" is, but based, yeah

I understand women will choose a man 6ft or taller, over a rich, funny, and ripped manlet. Can you confirm?

Don't believe you.

>too tall to have gf taller than me

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>he thinks that tranny knows anything about women

I bet it depends on the face. I have trouble believing that women would rather date a fat 6' slob than Zac Efron

Not that "femanon" but I'd take a rich guy everytime.

>American bully drama
Looks like shit.

Attached: 1tTrLFz.jpg (937x702, 115K)

I have empathy, but this is Yea Forums. All people do is make eachother mad, and manlets aren't attractive.
most women go for money and status above anything else. i personally don't care for money.

Nothing lifting can't fix

>and manlets aren't attractive.
So Kit Harrington and Zac Efron aren't attractive?

Work out nigger, eat meals centered around protein and lower your intake of carbs and sugars, do cardio an hour everyday, swim, run, climb, shadow box, till you don't look like a pudgy pos anymore, then start eating more and lift or do calisthenics daily and just make sure to progress.

Don't just be another cunt no body looks at twice.

Yeah exactly. It's just tall enough that if you're surrounded by short girls and turbomanlets you can forget you're "average."

>tfw no Sabrina Carpenter gf

Stop feeding the 40%er

Don't listen to these trannies, manlets. All hope is gone

I've heard so much different advice by now that I don't even know what works

There was never any hope, just waiting on the day manletism is declared a disability so I can collect my free gibs.

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I was speaking broadly, there's obviously exceptions. also do people unironically think kit is attractive?

I'm not a tranny at all.
Simple advice. Calories in < C

Just do it.

*Calories in < Calories out.
protien good
workout good
sugar bad
forgot i had autopost on

she's literally one 6 feet tall
she's above average, but she's not tall at all

>one 6 feet tall
this made me laff

Shoud we genocide manlets or just send them to an island?

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It's gonna work out user, don't worry. May i recommend you invest in stilts in the meanwhile?


>just change your entire life around this one thing
you cunts are insufferable

I honestly believe the main thing women want is an interesting/exciting life they can just piggyback on

>t. fatty

>genocide people whom women won't give the opportunity to breed anyways
The "problem" takes care of itself

If manlets were never allowed to breed, they'd have died out long ago.

its okay if your height starts with 5'

im a sympathizer

Any change in your lifestyle will work if you keep at it, if you work out and eat at maintenance, provided you eat enough protein, after some time your body composition will change, i.e become more muscular and less fat but that will take time, if you lower your food intake, as in cut, and work out, you will lose fat, and if you eat enough protein while you're cutting you may get to grow a bit or keep your measly muscle mass, finally if you eat above your maintenance and work out hard enough you will gain fat and muscles.

Read the /fit/ sticky, don't stuff your face, eat protein, work out at least an hour everyday, and you will see the changes.

Basically this ffs
>Can't put the fork down and stop stuffing his face with sugar.
>Can't work out 7 fucking hours in a 168 week.
Enjoy your disappointing appearance and obesity related diseases.

Attached: 06762483.jpg (1280x960, 146K)

All that shit he said is excessive. Looking for a workout program and learning nutrition should be enough to start out. People have lives and work; no one has time for all that shit these days

Do you feel in charge?

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I'm six foot teo can I be you're boyfriend?

bruh all I advised him to do is to center his food around protein and work out everyday for a decent amount of time, if he has time to fucking shitpost on Yea Forums and CONSUME, he has time to read the /fit/ sticky, lurk there, and work out everyday.

Jesus, I used to work 60+ hour weeks and I still found time to work out, granted I ate like shit, but still, I ate as much protein as I could and pushed myself.

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She's not, according to the trailer she's like 6 foot 2 or something everyone is just short af


Yeah I know about this and it's legit, I need to lose some more weight but the thing after this is what confuses me

There's no consensus on how to get a good body
See? That's not simple at all, there's 300 variables and "ways" nobody seems to get right

I've been led to believe that it's either all genetics or roids
That's the problem

There's 500 different "programs" and 500 different opinions on nutrition

also i do have time for that shit, i'm a neet

That's tall for a woman. Even in Scandinavia most women are under 5'10"

Everything will always look small on you man, but unless you plan on only showing women your dick from a distance it won't be a problem.

>Can't put the fork down
underweight, but enjoy your delusion

The rich guy. I'd rather have manlet children then worry if I'd be able to feed them.

You're lazy, and you keep making excuses, it's not rocket science, if you want to change you will, lurk /fit/, read the sticky, and stop eating garbage.

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Fucking get your own and stop trying mine reeeeeeee

This, I'm 5'7" in France and 50% of the girls outside are taller than me

Run an hour a day. Do some pushups or situps every time you have a few dead minutes. Prioritize lean meat like chicken. Eat vegetables.

But she left him after he got knocked out by a nigger and retired.

i'm taller than my bf but he's really insecure about it and always worries

Are you African?

you mean the 6000 word outdated essay

I will just roid when I get the chance, my genetics are obviously terrible

Thanks for the good laugh

Why would I need to run? Isn't it all CICO? and who the fuck has the endurance to run 1 hour I can't do it for 30 seconds

The bodyweight advice seems useful, the problem is, FORM, another variable of bodybuilding

how the fuck do i even know the ideal FORM for every exercise?

Had the same experience my dude, busted straight through a normal condom and thought it was just a scam, but nope, you actually have a big dong my friend.
Use it wisely and dont get cocky (ha), one of the reasons its attractive is you're not egotistical and lazy about sex like guys that have always known they have big dicks


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it was a joke, you fucking retard
i'm 6'4" and whiter than a dead man

if your goal is weight loss, run. if you wanna build muscle get a gym membership and learn how to do weights. if someone at the gym can't help youtube can.
you're getting too caught up in the details.

Post body, skeleton

>meet girl on tinder
>she is cute, sweet, funny
>says I'm cute every time we exchange selfies
>text for a month or so
>have good chemistry
>take her to see Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
>she is dead silent the entire date
>ghosts me 4 days later

i-is it because I'm 5'5???

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how tall are you both

He's arguing for the sake of it, fucker won't even trouble himself and read the wiki, don't bother.

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Yes but also most girls aren't going to want to see a 3 hour slow-paced movie. they usually want to see nicolas sparks movies. You probably didn't help your case very much.

i'm 5'8 and he's 5'6

I went to the gym for 9 weeks this year and followed what they said to me and didn't even see a single different in my body

This shit is all too discouraging, it's all genetics and upbringing, my only chance is roiding, i don't wanna wait 6 years to see a 1 cm difference
I'm presenting legit problems and difficulties of bodybuilding

Also, I can't go to the gym anymore because it's hot where i live

i don't know shit about men's fitness so i couldn't help much even if he was receptive lol

Of course it is. Change your height on OK Cupid and see how many more matches you get. The only physical characteristic women care about is height

>i-is it because I'm 5'5???
Well how tall was she?
If she was shorter than you, it could be a variety of reasons.
If she was taller than you, well then yeah it was because you're a manlet

So your dick fits better?

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Nah it's because you don't take a first date to a fucking movie, and a boring ass one at that.

First date you want to have a conversation with the cunt, you want to charm her, have her take a good look at you and you at her, and mine each others brains out, and how the fuck do you do that in a cinema?

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I fucking told her it was a long, complex movie that she probably should look into it before going, she was like "fine by me :)"
I'm done with dating apps
she was probably a tad bit smaller than I, definitely not taller

2 months is nothing. you won't start to see real gains until 5-6. you should've started feeling better though. do simple lifts. equipment is all garbage. curls, bench, etc. base your diet on protien, chicken, nuts, broccoli, etc. it's not that hard. if you're lifting as a beginner you shouldn't even need to watch food that hard if you're being reasonable about what you eat

>Nah it's because you don't take a first date to a fucking movie, and a boring ass one at that.
I know this, user, I've done this twice already and they both were failures, but she insisted and I didn't want to be like "uh no, I'd rather watch it with my friends thanks"
fuck this really killed the self esteem I'd been building up the last couple months

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Women straight up date down when it comes to tall dudes. I’ve seen it, solid 6 or 7/10s dating some goofy looking skinny fat fuck because he’s 6’4”.

He's made to feel insecure about it by people like thisIf you're a short guy it often feels as if you had a really bad facial burn. But rather than anyone feeling bad for you they just make fun of you for it. It sucks so much.

you can't connect with someone at a movie. a first date is your rral first impression. take them somewhere fun and do something that shows who you are. it's really not that hard.
t. roastie

sup, fuccboi

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that's not even bad, tell him to get over it

Sweden's average male height is 5'11. She's taller than the average by like 4 cms. Not something worth a movie for unless she was like 7'8 or smth

>take them somewhere fun and do something that shows who you are
what does this even mean, I have no idea what fun is for other people

>she was probably a tad bit smaller than I
Might have been the height then, usually they want you to have a good 4-5 inches on them.
Again though it's up in the air and not worth sulking about.

>or just send them to an island

It's called Japan

U cute skelly

I think we should just genocide incels in general tbqh.
Virgins are allowed to live though.

>nipple piercings

I want to force feed you.

>Not bulking up a 6'4 frame
You're doing it wrong

>be manlet my whole life
>never received a proper ounce of lasting affection
this shit isn't fair


go dancing
go for a hike
find food in a weird part of town

Don't worry, I'm 6'2 and never recieved any affection either :(

Post face

you mean looks, tall girls don't have bigger pussies, just like tall guys don't have bigger dicks, why do you think the tallest guys go for the shortest girls possible

in my experience women don't like going on club dates unless it's a big group

Women want social status user, end of story. Status comes in many forms; money, fame, power, access etc. If they can only get that by getting with a bald, fat and ugly manlet they'll still do that over going with a chad with less status. Height is a form of status but it's a pretty low priority if they can get any of the above.

Don't tie your self esteem to the opinion of some roastie user, bitches don't know what's good for them, just keep at it, niggers much worse off than you are doing fine.
Anything from a restaurant, cafe to fucking walking around town user, you could take her to get ice cream and it would be better than going to the kinoplex.

What the roastie meant is take her to somewhere exciting and new, golfing, bowling, rock climbing, hiking, but that shit doesn't always work and not all women are into that kind of shit.
>that nipple piercing.
I'd tongue your fartbox user, no homo.

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5-6 months even for a 187 cm guy? and how i even find a program ffs
interesting, my face must be deformed then

any sexy moment of carpenter?

idk i like going on adventures. it's not that hard. the more unique the date is the more likely i am to go again. most giys take you on boring dates and then there's nothing to look forward to

was once. my gains to homelessness
don't care enough anymore
i'm not gonna post my face on this website, are you fucking stupid?

what race is this?

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>are you fucking stupid?
I'm a woman, what do you think?

>t. roastie
you weren't wrong

>counting niggers height on the national avarage
It's gone down from 6,1 in recent years. Wonder why

>Anything from a restaurant, cafe to fucking walking around town user, you could take her to get ice cream and it would be better than going to the kinoplex.
>What the roastie meant is take her to somewhere exciting and new, golfing, bowling, rock climbing, hiking, but that shit doesn't always work and not all women are into that kind of shit.
exactly this. anything is better than the same 4 cliche dates.
you dont need a program. eat chicken. lift weights until you feel sore. until you get past the first barrier don't stress over details. eat decently and workout an hour a day. then you can specialize.

>what do you think?
i think i don't care what women think
imagine caring what women think unironically

Looks like an american

>it's wrong to be bored by movie dates
if you insist

women don't think, retard

my b, my b

I'm 6'2 and female, this show is bullshit. Only time I got teased is when my mom got me a perm and the curls were way to tight so it looked liked I had a afro.

I can tease you if you want

post feet, my amazon godess

do you want a short gf uwu

You're homeless? I'm sorry user. I wish you a better future.

short girls shouldn't breed

Men can fetishize anything. Fat women, old women, crack whores. It's retarded how women all literally like the same shit

Feet naw.

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Was. I was. You get used to it.

I have a fetish for tiny dicks if they are pink. Don't ask me why.

Good to know, nevertheless I wish you luck.

I dated a 6'5 volleyball player with tits as big as my head once.
I'm only 6'1
The sex was wild

Jesus, why would you let her go?

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