>That's a cute outfit did your husband give it to you?
That's a cute outfit did your husband give it to you?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Theater crowd audibly proclaims, "OOOOOOOHHHHH"
Take me back
Why is this considered homophobic? It's not mocking the other guy based on their presumed homosexuality, but on the other guy's own insecurities and homophobia. The other wrestler is the one who has a problem with being gay, not Peter.
>remember my dad taking me to see this
>he audibly chuckles at this line
Faded days
it isnt and nobody complained about it
the point is just that if they would bring this line in "current year" there would probably be a shitstorm
>It's not mocking the other guy based on their presumed homosexuality
That's....exactly what it is.
It is mocking him for being gay. What many people don't understand is that calling a man gay is an insult for the same reason that incel, virgin or furry is used as an insult. Any sexual deviant behavior in men paints them as a failure, winners are those that get laid and successfully procreate.
More memorable one liner than anything the MCU ever shat out.
>Now dig on these crime statistics...
*roaring applause*
Who taught you how to punch?
see this
Uh... Y-y-yes..
>Not the Aryan Spider
Aye, you shut your GODDAMN MOUTH!
>not The Aryan Arachnid
Where's yo heeaaaad aaaaat
No, it is not homophobic, all's it's doing is asserting dominance over the human.
>Kid what's your stage name?
>The human holocaust? Geeze can't get much faker than that
I liked how Raimi made sure Peter would be treated as a villain throughout the first act, only to then show us he had been right all along
>I have a Fuhrer. His name was Ben Parker
You just don’t get soul like this anymore
How is it that nobody in the arena or the manager realize that they saw Spider-Man? I mean if I saw some dude do what he did then suddenly a superhero with the same name and abilities appeared I'd be very suspicious. You'd think the manager would tell people how he just let some dude jack him and said dude murdered a man.
>Peter... the shooter...
Spiderman is guilty of preaching far right evangelical hate speech to children
It's a shame he couldn't bring it all together in the last film, where he was planning to reveal that Peter was actually an Osbourne, but had to cut it because it didn't go over well in the pre-screenings.
>He looked italian.
He's absolutely calling him a faggot and that's okay, because faggots deserve to be insulted.
>Lemme tell ya sumthin, Peter, only niggers and kikes have two first names, so you'd do best to reconsider that girlfriend of yours before you wake up one morning to find out your prepubescent kid's nose is the size and shape of a shark fin.
The look of regret and contempt he gave Peter when his bride threw a mazel tov at the wedding reception was difficult to swallow and hard to forget.
it really was a different time
Wrestling is fake, retard.