WTF happened to Japan
WTF happened to Japan
damn my man yuto got that drip boy
lookin swagoo
Still more masculine than Korea.
someone post the conspiracy that says that the mostasculine ethnic group of japan was out breed by the more effeminate one.
I think the masculine ethnic was called akainu or ainu, some stuff like dat
Chinese psyop to ruin japan
They're also the ones who started the cringy weeaboo phenomenon
In Japan, their way of looking at men is reversed from the stereotypes of the West. Japan relates muscular men to homosexuality. And feminine, sensitive men are usually very attractive to Japanese women. Not all of them, of course, but basic stats show a lot of Japanese women prefer the "slim" or "athletic slim" body on men, not the traditional muscular gym type we see in the West. It's a culture thing, though I don't agree with it. Japanese men need to, well, MAN up and embrace being manly instead of having faggy hair and makeup on.
>men during the time of constant war look war-ready and rough
>men during peace time look relaxed and groomed
good times create weak men etc.
Anime and capitalists forcing it every where while making sure the men feel as hopeless as possible. to buy their products.
>the final fantasy hair
pls stahp
What you´re talking about is the "Ikemen" type, which is more of an ideal than a standard. Real Japanese masculinity refers to actions more than appearence, mostly in regards to being a breadwinner, preferably so much that you spend more timing earning dough for your household and family than you do spending time there and with it
The Ainu were the actual indigenous nips before mainlaind chinks invaded and yellowfied the island. And guess what, they were/are white. This DNA stretches further back than the ancestors of who we call Japanese today
Are you talking about Jomon vs Yayoi
Literal nigger like think.
They predate Japanese culture by hundreds of thousands of years chinknip
Blame the women. Those guys on the right are working as male hostess for successful business women. They're basically hookers.
Even Kamen riders look like that. They are supposed to be role models for male children
just like the Ebonoids and Yakub right?!
>men are so shit in Japan that women literally turn to male prostitutes to find happiness
White immigration when?
Cringe boomer sexpat
>WTF happened to Japan
Stop acting as if anime is the national form of entertainment in Japan. Anime watchers in Japan are seen the same way as ones in the West are, pathetic losers
the Ainu wasn't bred out of existence; their genetics were bred into the Japanese population
It's why many of us are naturally fairer than the other East-Asian ethnicities, and our men can grow nice beards unlike the relatively hairless Chinese or Korean people, or how some of us have natural pink nipples/gentials etc.
>t. Jap
On the left are actors while on the right seems to be hosts.. not the same. There are lots of ordinary looking Japanese males.
Post nipples/beard
Don't worry. If the UN has their way, you will be breeding with Africans.
>is obsessed with niggers breeding you
japs are basically ghost people, they are currently a generation of old as fuck boomers and a smallish percent of young people, living on borrowed time by parasiting off their past glory while their economy eats shit. they should have died according to their samurai ethos during WWII, and perhaps the "real japanese" did, so what you have now is just a 21st century shell of an old relic that takes a while to die like any nation.
don't even compare the current bugman aesthetic to the chad kamikazi, they're not in the same league.
Most Japanese aren't into the BBC/Jungle Fever meme like the West is, alot of us see black people as fascinating figures, not someone we would breed with.
you first, wh*teboi :^)
This but unironically.
shut the fuck up doomer
>Most Japanese aren't into the BBC/Jungle Fever meme like the West is
yeah, it's not like the West was into that in the first place until (((someone))) started pushing this meme
I am more optimistic than you will ever be, especially since the nips are dying, suck my dick lmao.
Actually they were brown.
The Ainu were mostly genocided by the Japanese. The ones who were left tried to interbreed as much as much possible so their children wouldn't face the same sort of discrimination they did.
the thing about the West is that most of you are too altruistic for your own good; you care more about others than you care about yourself
Most Japanese (or Asian people for that matter) are more pragmatic than altruistic, we'll try our best to help others when we can, but not after we've helped ourselves first. This mindset is something the West lack right now, many of you are trying to outdo each other own altruism that you sacrifice what is important for your own people.
I don't believe you are Japanese.
many were brown yes but they all had eurasian features, sort of like those asian-looking russians and finnish people, or eskimos in Canada, as they came from Russia during the Ice Age when polar caps weren't melted
Well if the Ainu weren't such uncultured savages they would've been fine under Imperial Japanese rule; unfortunately they were.
why? because i'm well spoken in english? that is a rather baseless assumption to make
Ainu are genetically closed to asian m8. Phenotypes aren’t a good way to judge genetics. Just look at aboriginals.
post id or fuck off, english teacher
too much credit, not a single moon rune he posted yet
>Polynesians are white because I posted a picture of one with oversaturated contrast to prove it
Does this tactic actually work?
Former English teacher in Japan here, I think he is full of shit because what is thought in Japan is the literal exact opposite. You have to think of others so you have to be quiet on the train, wear conservative clothes, not die your hair, clean up always etc. Some good stuff some bad stuff. As someone who lived there and speaks Japanese (完全に流暢に話せないけど普通の会話はできるけどな) that is far from the prevailing thoughts there about the West.
CNN does it all the time to make hispanics look white whenever they break the law, and yeah it works ALL the time.
Cruz, Zimmerman, hell if they could get away with it they'd probably try to make a black look white.
Immigrants, unironically. Turns out, Isolation wasn't so bad an idea after all.
I am 1/4th japanese and wil lbe moving to Saitama in a few weeks, am I gonna have a bad time?
But the women became godesses.
the nuke, basically that's it
Yes. You aren't fully Japanese.
They lost a huge portion of their fighting age men then had two nukes dropped on them.
Do the math.
That earwax thing is pretty funny
>random samples of images out of 100 million people
very representative of greater population
All the men died in WW2 remember?
at least they aren't all trannies like the west
Where would my niggas Kiryu and Majima be?
>And feminine, sensitive men are usually very attractive to Japanese women.
Wrong. They were tricked into unironically believing this bologna but the women still wanted Chads, which led to the current dating crisis.
>shinjuku host 2007
>All the time
>two examples
>And guess what, they were/are white.
Yeah, no. This is "chedda man wuz black" nonsense.
It's real idiots.
t. Actual Japanese
Ainu have almost no genetic ties to other ethnicities. They share a haploid group with aborigines if I am not mistaken and some Siberian tribal people. They are definetely not white.
If they were it wouldn't be anything to gloat about, their culture was very primitive and couldn't stand up to the more advanced immigrants from SEA, China and Korea.
Doesn't matter. They brought us best girl so they get a pass.
the death of the japanese is an optimistic outlook unless you're japanese desu. At heart they're still the exact same culture that tried to kill/enslave the entire pacific.
Japanese are some cheeky motherfuckers, they dont have an army but they have a "sizeable" unit called "Self Defense Force", meaning should they pull out Gundams from underground should WWIII happens and shoot everyone, its gonna be Self Defense.
>WTF happened to Japan
Some women have a shota fetish, no biggie. What happened to US, the West? Infested by muslims, anti-white, anti-male and transsexual propaganda going rampant.
Japs are fine. They have better birthrates than some European countries, despite minimal immigration, they are also currenlty working on artificial wombs. They honor their traditions and national culture.
It's us Westerners who became distorted and dysfunctional.
>At heart they're still the exact same culture that tried to kill/enslave the entire pacific.
I think you are talking about the Dutch.
>They honor their traditions and national culture.
This is something you cannot deny that Japan is doing so much better than 100+ countries in this world no matter how much you hate them.
If you aren't 100% fluent yes.
Jesus, not even a homo but those Japs close to 50/50 are /hm/ as fuck
Kiryu would like be 70 Ainu 30 Yoyoi
Majima would be 40/60 or 30/70. He has a lot of gook in him.
Yeah you are not even a hafu.
>How come niggas be looking 50 years old back then
>But nowadays niggas be lookin 20 years old?
2006 was 40 years ago, OP.
Old age is coming for you.
Checks out to me.
How about new guy?
Maybe 20 years ago. A lot of people watch mainstream anime now, even girls in their 20's.
super anime nerds are, but a lot of people watch a little anime.
I mean, some of them are normal cartoons the equivalent of spongebob and stuff. Literally every person in Japan knows doraemon, anpanman, sazae-san etc.
Venezuelan refugees should go to Japan
Either 90/10 Ainu/Yayoi or 30/20/50 Ainu/Yayoi/Black
It's really hard to tell before the game comes out and you can see his model better.
80 to 90 Ainu or just a gigantic mutt.
Spongebob is zoomer soi, the shit you listed is their equivalent of Hanna-Barbera cartoons.
>the shit you listed is their equivalent of Hanna-Barbera cartoons.
That's exactly my point, it's anime but it's the equivalent of hanna-barbera cartoons or the simpsons etc.
Those are hardly the "little" anime all the weebs watch though.
I just did some quick research because your post made me think of something. Then I forgot it because I found something else out that annoyed me to high hell.
Matt Groening is worth 500 mil. The Simpsons alone is worth billions upon billions.
Eiichiro Oda, the guy that made One Piece is only worth 200 mil from working on a constant week-to-week basis.
Anpanman is pretty equatable to the Simpsons as far as Japs go. Weebs liking "little" animes would be equivalent to say a Westaboo picking up something like Firefly, Breaking Bad, or Futurama
The difference?
The Simpsons was a world wide cultural phenomenon.
No one gives a fuck about One piece outside of japan/weeb hipsters.
>moving to Dasaitama
For what purpose other than cheaper rent?
Was about to post this, thank you.
Okinawan Australoid
The Simpons is shit and has been for a long time, even fucking Family Guy manages to do better than that and I don't say that lightly. The fact that its a "world wide cultural phenomenon" is proof we need WW3 just to put an end it it all.
Sazae-san is often said to be "the simpsons of Japan"
I actually think it's a poor comparisons but that is how many Japanese people see it.
You're moving the goal posts. I was responding to
>Anime watchers in Japan are seen the same way as ones in the West are, pathetic losers
There are lots of anime that aren't seen as nerd shit. I gave examples.
>Those are hardly the "little" anime all the weebs watch though.
I guess weebshits who watched a weebshit anime are by definition weebshits, but not everyone who watches anime is a weebshit, especially not Japan.
wait, what am I getting in to? dad lives in saitama
But that's not what they watch for the most part. Those are the shows they resort to as a facade to their real weeb shit, the shit they have stamped on their bodypillows.
Zoom Zoom.
There's 4 Toshiro Mifunes on that 'japan back then' compilation.
Not him but it's often just considered a boring suburb of Tokyo and most people who live there commute into Tokyo for work.
Saitama is big though depends on which part.
>There are lots of anime that aren't seen as nerd shit. I gave examples.
See Most normal people may know those cartoons and even enjoy them, but 99% of the people who have more than a casual interest in anime are just weebshits trying to look a little less repulsive.