Does tv have a “type”
Does tv have a “type”
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yes: girls who are in things that reddit loves with obviously fake 'quirky' personalities.
Cringey but I feel the vibes
Coomer here, my dick twitched
This is the most beautiful thing I've seen.
it's Yea Forums not tv, you fucking newfag
don't remake this thread because it died with only you bumping it, faggot
the fact you got zero replies last time should tell you something
Have ever wondered why Dua Lipa's English is so bad, as in she sounds like a nigger? As a Croatian man, I sure have, and i have an answer for you. Because she is a nigger. An Albanian muslim nigger to be exact.
Truly bros, genocide is the only solution for her and her kin. I can detect an albo nigger from just hearing the song once.
You are right, we are /pol/ now.
implications aside, i didn't know asians could have freckles. I thought it was out of the realm of possibility for their genetics, like how a lot of native americans can't grow facial hair most of the time. I would imagine this girl is mixed?
Chick on left?
i'm pretty sure Albanians who are Muslim Slav from Eastern Europe aren't qualified as 'niggers'
they are of the same heritage as Croatians
I like cute bimbos with big fake tits.
Not as upset as you are constantly trying to get attention like you did on 10-2 chan
Dual Lipa's (Muslim?) parents are actually from what is now Kosovo
Yea Forums is a mommy board
Sean Paul still makes music?
She doesn’t sound like an N word bro...
She's not mixed but freckles do exist. It's quite rare and Asians hate freckles, they think it's sign for bad skin.
My gf is mixed, she most likely inherited her freckles from her dad since her mom doesn't have any, and she said that her mom's family is always putting pressure on her to get them hidden or removed.
I'm pretty sure you know very little about the heritage of various Balkans inhabitants. I'm pretty sure if you met Albanians, your opinions about them would change rapidly. I'm pretty sure that even a blue eyed albino Norwegian who has fallen to Islam needs to be treated as a nigger and executed.
Same people.
>Same people.
please elaborate. then why don't they want to live in Albania instead of insisting to have that brand new Kosovo nation?
>Have ever wondered why Dua Lipa's English is so bad,
Her English fine, not sure what you mean. She just has a standard London accent.
You don't just leave. Who will build you a new house in Albania, and give you a job? And they don't want to leave as they hate the Serbs and want to be a torn in their eye. And Albania would be willing to annex Kosovo, not simply take in a shit ton of refugees.
Have hearing aid.
Patrician taste
I'm a Londoner. Her English is fine.
Dua Lipa makes me wanna coom tbqh
>Londoner being the judge of English
oi gobna, the big clicky clocky shan't be ticky tockying!
>willing to completely genocide his literal fellow balkan trash brothers because of a difference in religious doctrine
Why are Balkan niggers like this?
shame about the man body (both of them)
>And Albania would be willing to annex Kosovo, not simply take in a shit ton of refugees.
then why Serbia won't they let them do that if Kosovo is already there irritating like a torn in their eye?
i want this whore to spit in my mouth
I'm into tanned girls with dark hair. They can be skinny or slightly thicc (not fat)
Rvacki cigan koji misli da je bolji od albanaca, a zapravo je sve to isti balkanski ološ. Ko da zapadnjaci vide razliku između različitih balkanskih plemena.
>things athecuck soyboys ask
same bth
t. walking organ harvest farm
For me it's jewesses
For me, the holy trinity of traits a woman can possess are thicc, mommy, and redhead.
>muh no more European brother wars 14/88
>DUDE they follow a different desert kike religion than me better kill their women and children LMAO
What is the distinction between mommy and thicc?
Imaj seks
>The state of this anons sexual emotions
how old were you when you were diddled/