Why yes, Midsommar is my movie of the year so far

>why yes, Midsommar is my movie of the year so far

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Other urls found in this thread:


i drink their Elvis Juice all the time, but strictly ironically of course

What beer is that, had it once it tasted like fucking shit

>consuming alcohol

>recognise label enough to know you've already drunk it once
>what beer is that

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are you trying to imply that punks dont drink?

Literally says it right in the picture.

He thinks punk means straight edge.

>Elvis juice
That's unironically their only good IPA

the Punk IPA is very nice however its a cornerstone of hipster culture so I only like it in secret.

For me, it's coopers sparkling ale

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>For me? It's Parasite

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beer is fucking disgusting
why do peope still pretend it has any taste in this day and age

grow up

I unironically enjoy A24 joints my favorites are probably Under the Skin and Ex Machina.

You dont like it, thats your prerogative. Go drink a Zima.

Every time
Beerfags are so prissy and defensive

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You would probably start crying if I insulted your precious animays

People don't drink alcohol for the taste. They drink it for the effect.

You start by drinking it for the effect then you become condition to like the taste, Just like how stoners love taste of weed but everyone else says it smells like a skunks ass. Not a bad thing btw.

I drank Zima a few months ago when they tried to make a comeback and it really do just be watered down Smirnoff so I can see why it failed. I know how Smirnoff tastes too because I'm a faggot.


For me, it’s beavertown

then why not drink the most effective alcohols such as spirits
or drink something with the same % as beer that tastes nicer

Because it’s an opportunity for social events and having a slow effect with a session rather than getting blind out drunk immediately

Unlike these other anons, i will not shame you for your choice in beverage. Id still think you were a cool guy even if you drank a mikes hard lemonade.

We have but little true freedoms gents.

feels like I'm getting drunk at a pub with paul revere now

>millions of people are wrong not me


>not pairing your a24 flick with the latest eggdrop soup hypecan
baka you are doing it wrong, Yea Forums

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I'd drink this

For me, it's goobers peanut head

No thanks

What is an eggdrop soup can? Is thatsome beer lingo?

Also i dont like IPAs

more like, Yes please

>An industry completely based around an unessential food item that is worth hundreds of billions a year
>”why is everyone pretending?”

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oh you sweet summer child

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>i dont like something, it therfore follows that everyone else doesn't either and is just pretending
This is either sever autism or paranoid delusional schotzophrenia. Either you cant fathom that people have different subjective experiences or you somehow think its a plot to decieve you into believing that for some reason beer taste good, but you know the truth
Either way you desperately need help user

>what beer is that
>had it once

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I’m a huge fag and only prefer session IPAs at 4%

Mikes hard lemonade is good though. It tastes like lemonade but with alcohol. Good for a hot summer day


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Dry hopping ruins all flavour

T. Brewer

There's only a handful of actual straight edge punks. Most punks (crusties especially) are alcoholics.

What did he mean by this

I enjoy IPAs and I enjoyed Midsommar. It was the funniest movie of the year at least.

Every single beer past 7% alcohol tastes like shit. It's some critical mass thing. I'm talking pour out the drain even if it cost 4€ retail.

If I wanted to get shitfaced I'd just get a long island ice tea or something.

> Every single beer past 7% alcohol tastes like shit.
Not true. There are many strong Belgian beers that taste great.

I like to add a dash of 'vark sauce in my IPA to give it a little extra kick.

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Well, I never I had that one I guess. And I sampled alot.

Most strong beers just taste like someone dropped a random shot in it.

Try any great Bavarian wheat beer like pic related. It has 7.7% alcohol and it tastes closer to a milkshake than a damn beer I am not joking

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There's some god tier high ABV beers user
Try a Belgian quad some time


One of my favorites is Hoegaarden Grand Cru but I'm not 100% sure it's in production anymore.

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omg bro wtf hahaha you're so dumb

>he doesn't have a local trappist brewery

I live in Columbus, OH. Anyone wants to be my fren?

I used to be a craft beer drinker, until I lost my job...

*sips Naturdays*

>Why yes I do have an extensive knowledge of craft beers how could you tell?

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that’s retarded. It takes me like 4 beers to even get mildly buzzed. Not only is that way too much liquid, it’s a shit load of empty calories. I can just take 2 or 3 shots of vodka and have a nice buzz/drunk all night

I’ve come to find that the only IPAs I like look like that, real hazy and juicy looking.

How do people even get drunk off of beer

I assume you're American, but I checked and it is available in UK... at least to order.

My gf's dad only drinks Mike's Hard Lemonade. That's it. He buys cases of it and drinks it everyday. If he goes out to a place and they don't have it, he gets either root beer or a coffee.

Lord Hobo Glorious is the best IPA I've had that fits that bill. If you see it in a store or at a bar by you, try it out. You won't be disappointed.
>All these names of breweries and beers are so fucking gay though.

Hello, /ck/

>My favorite film of 2019, you ask? Why, that would be Bong Joon-ho's "Parasite", of course.

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IPA is nice, debate me

"Craft Beers" as they are in UK are beers that want to taste like Real Ale but don't want to put the effort in. It's why brewdog used to have a long rambling excuse on their site as to why they weren't CAMRA certified.
It's the pefect drink for lazy plebian millenials. Pic related is patrician though

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just drinking my first ipa ever right now, and then this thread ***BOOM*** is in the catalog

Try Belgian beers. Chimey for example.

>he thinks punks are mods

do you draw comics by any chance user?

This is the crux of the issue, its ok to not like beer but to think everyone else is just pretending is dead stupid.

that shit is delicious


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>that fucking filename
>sides: gone

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>why yes I've gone to see Alita Battle Angel three times

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>why yes, fehf jhdfh rp eislfm ......f....... *burp*

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There is literally nothing wrong with a hip flask.

For me, its Balter XPA

wtf is he 15 or something?

IPAs are shit. If you're not drinking sours and stouts, you are a pleb

bitter and mild is the best.

Based and cirrhosis-pilled

>wachu now about movies, prolly tons

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Just getting into sour stuff. What are some good recs that are actually found in a store without being laughed at by the clerk or having to climb a mountain to meet the brewer and suck him off personally to attain a can?

Sours are guaranteed the next meme beer after the IPA fad dies

It's already happening now. IPAs took their foothold in the meme beer market, but now sours are the next big thing and everyone has to make at least one with a meme name to be seen as legit.
>IPAs are just too hop-forward for me, man. I'm all about the goses, bro. So much funky character, and very sessionable

Why do people do this to themselves? For me, it’s Schwarzbier

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Mild is underrated, I never see it often enough

IPAs are literally the makeup artist of beers. They conceal imperfections and shitty brewing techniques just by blasting it with hops and their different methods of continual hooping, dry-hopping, etc. It's a complete meme.

Weihenstephaner is top tier, give Ayinger and Einbecker a try too

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Victory Sour Monkey

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>out on a date with an asian milf
>order a sour because I love the fruity taste
>"oh user youre a hipster."
>no theyre just really refreshing to me
>"I think they're gross"
>cum in her mouth a few hours later

hows that taste lady

Cigar City Margarita
Dogfish Head Sea Quench

"Believe me, you'll be thanking me later that the only hair on my body is on my face"

This is true, which is why I have started branching out to stouts, browns, and lagers. I have to stay ahead of the sois

Is sours what the mutts call bitter?

Based schwarzbier drinker

ITT: Assholes

uhh what

Idk, depends on the region of the US you are. I like oak barrel aged shit and berliner weisse

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Nevermind, just looked it up. It's beer created by unsanitary belgians.

Does all of Europe hate Belgians?

Yes. It was created a neutral buffer zone, and known for it's beer, chocholate and paedophiles. They even hate themselves.

>go to local store to pick up a 6er of something cheap and easy
>see middle-management type guy walks over to the refrigerated section
>flags down guy who works there
>"Are you the beer manager at this location?"
>"Yeah, sure"
>"Are you an accredited cicerone?"
>"Well, how can you be placed in charge of the beer if you're unqualified?"
>"Look man, can I help you?"
>"I don't know, CAN you? I am looking for a sessionable IPA, no greater than 5.5%, with an IBU range between 65-80. What do you have in stock that meets my requirements?"
>"I don't know dude, just go for Founders All Day. Works for me."
>"Ugh, don't you have anything LOCAL?"
I think both me and the guy working there both wanted to kill this guy. I'm positive that no one would miss him.

fucking kek. Based

Depends on your geographical location. I'll try tho

West coast - Russian River and Lost Abbey makes great sours. Try Supplication or Framboise de Amorosa

Midwest - Upland, any of their sours are good honestly.

East Coast - Not too knowledgeable, try Wicked Weed I'm sure they're easy to find now.

Also consider goses and berliner weisses. They're more tart, refreshing, and even salty. Westbrook Gose and Modern Times Fruitlands are staples.

Northeast, more specifically northern NJ


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>pretentious about beer
>drinks IPAs
I love craft beer and these are the fags that ruin it. I cant blame people for calling craft beer soi because of assholes like this

Duclaw has Unicorn Farts. And if the name isn't soi enough for you they put edible glitter in the beer.

Grimm makes some of the best sours I have ever had

i'd have to fight myself not to clock this guy to be honest

That is my wife's favorite beer. That's not a knock on it or anything, because they are god damn delicious.

Add Rare Barrel to the west coast list. The two you mentioned are great too

>That's not a knock on it or anything
you don't need to defend what you said to teenage sexists

Thanks bros. Will legitimately take all of these into consideration and be on the lookout for them when I head to the store by me later today.

First beer style I brewed professionally, love dark beers.

>117 replies
>no mention of la chouffe
Plebs every single fucking one of you


you mean I Please Alotofgaymen

>When you have to write an essay of seethe and cope because your tedious hispters brewery was banned from the Great British Beer Festival

Yea, I regulary grab a six pack if I'm at a store that sells them. good for summer. Now that the fall is upon us I've changed back to stouts and lagers and the like.

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I'm not reading that, but do brits have some equivalent of the reineheitsgebot law that "real" ale has to adhere to?

This makes me angry just reading about it.

That's pathetic.

>According to Camra ‘In the early 1970s we coined the term ‘real ale' to make it easy for people to differentiate between the bland processed beers being pushed by the big brewers and the traditional beers whose very existence was under threat. "Furthermore that ‘Real Ale must contain at least 1 million yeast cells per millilitre."

german lagers are the best beer hands down. change my mind

>Despite all of this, the guy actually gave him a decent recommendation
I give the guy working there some credit

I'm really more of a cider man

Prefer Italian ones desu
Weissbeers are typically very nice though yes

For me, it's pilsners

>The term ‘Real Ale’ and its definition no longer mean anything. CAMRA have lost sight of the beer industry and continue to impose 1970’s arbitrary distinctions which no longer apply.

So they are salty that they don't qualify as a "real ale" when... They don't.

unless it's really good i find it way too sweet. i like Guinness myself.

Nothing beats a nice pint of Guinness on a chilly fall/winter day

For me its White Claw

>Are given parameters that were made years ago in order to qualify
>Make beer that doesn't qualify when you know the rules
>Complain about the rules and tell the people who set and adhere to them that they're wrong
What a bunch of faggots.

Both good beers if out on a sunny day. With fall coming up, I will take my pumpkin/spiced ales

No laws when you're drinking Claws, brah

it's that "WHY DON'T YOU LET ME BE SPECIAL" argument all over again.

I know they’re a meme but white claws are actually pretty great
>5% alcohol
could be higher but whatever
>100 calories
You can have 3 for the same calories as an average beer
>2 net grams carbs

Pumpkin ales in the fall are the basic bitch equivalent of PSLs for dudes. Change my mind.

Elvis Juice is lovely but their milk stout is their best beer.

I wish the other, better Scottish breweries had international success rather than brewdog's pretentious hipster marketed shit.

Maybe it's the part of the world I'm from but what's with (americans specifically) fascination with pumpkin?

I personally love Victory's Sour Monkey, and Dogfish Head's SeaQuench is good too.
I've been drinking seltzers all summer because of how crisp and refreshing they are compared to beer, but now that fall is upon us I'm gonna be going back to sours/stouts.

>one ticket for Joker please

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So their defence is literally “shut up boomer get with the times”? What a bunch of cunts

They're legitimately not bad. I unironically like the grapefruit one and have bought and consumed them without an ounce of shame.

Fucking kek'd
With love,

It's not even pumpkin per se, rather the idea that the fall colors with leaves changing, the crisp air, and the warm clothes or having your fireplace going lend themselves to a level of comfy that is accompanied by stuff with cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg.

Belgian dubbels are by far the tastiest beers and are regularly 8% or higher.

I personally love BroJob's Mama I'm Cooming Home

swedish beer doesn't fuck around i had 3 of those bad boys one christmas and i was smashed

I cant get piss drunk on PSLs

It's not a law. Campaign for Real Ale is just a consumers organisation. In the 60's lager was introduced, and a lot of international breweries bought up the majority of UK breweries. People missed the local traditional beer, cider and perry. Camra has done a lot of good for the UK pub industry, it's the largest single issue consumer group.

If you would like another laugh at BrewDog

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That stuff is awesome. Seems to have been pushed off the shelf of my local shop by lesser wheat beers. I think it is the oldest brewery in the world also.

Had to be at least class III beer. Swedish beer is nerfed as fuck. They can't even sell beer over 3,5%abv in stores.

Currently staying in Herefordshire I'm lucky to have good local beers and cider. Currently have 4 of these in the fridge for later.

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>the virgin 330ml
>the chad 1500ml

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whatever it was i could've used a warning. swedish bastards.

Not a fan, it has little flavour. Their milk stout and porter bottled stuff is good though.

Enjoy your de-carbed piss by the halfway point.

I'd keep the bottle after I finished. Rinse it out and maybe make it into a lamp or something

Tbh, the Scottish just don't have a very good drinking scene these days. It's either neddy tennents - which is pish, or hipster brewdog. They do have some decent breweries, but they'll never get to expand abroad when their domestic market has such shit taste.

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Patrician taste user, got that slightly cheesy aftertaste to them. 4 of them and you will be on your arse son.

>it has little flavour.
i don't know about that but it's not subtle. people say the same thing about coffee not really having a flavour and it's more about the smell. i don't really get it but whatever.

IPAs are the shittiest fad. They are just overloaded with hops. You fags just drink them because everyone else does.
Lagers are 10x better

Coffee is unique though that the smell of roasted coffee is nearly universally liked, yet coffee is love/hate with people and even those who like it still are divided on just having it black or adding creamers and/or sugar.


> Anything over 6%
That's a nope for me, thanks.

Thanks fren. I do enjoy them, but I'm so spoilt for choice here that I could be called a pleb. I'l def have a buzz after 4 though.
As a teen one of my friends was walking down the street with a magners and a pointy head outside a pub started hollering abuse at him for buying foreign muck. kek.
Protip: strongbow is legit made from rotten apples.

Based office worker causing heck for retail cucks

If I could give you a bottle of you'd see what I mean. Though in fairness, the learned their trade at St James' Gate.

>Lagers are 10x better
That fizzy chilled muck? No thanks. (though I do like erdinger)

i mean coffee just as it is, black. i've heard people say it doesn't have a flavour, i assume because the bitterness removes any subtlety so it's akin to a blanket wash. Guinness is an acquired taste so i just find it a strange comment to say it doesn't taste of anything at all. like water or something.

Good IPAs exist but the fad has made it a hugely oversaturated style with too little variation aside from "more hops"
Americans are to blame

>4.6% ABV

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Stop drinking american piss lagers like Budweiser. Hefeweizens are good too. IPAs are for hipsters who think more flavor means better beer.

I like them because they generally have a higher alcohol content

That actually makes it great, faggot.

Inner city hipsters are to blame. Majority of rural americans drink something like Bud, Coors, or something else similar (all basically the same)

That's not unusual for a stout m8. ABV =/= flavour

And if I want more alcohol I will drink scotch, gin, bourbon, or vodka. Not some shitty IPA

what about your wife's son favorite?

Americans also created craft brewing

There’s good kinds of any type of alcohol pretty much man why do you care so much what other people do

well you actually said 'little flavour' not flavourless so that's me putting words in your mouth, which is where beer should go instead.

at home sure but all of the shitty bars and restaurants are so fucking stingy when it comes to hard liquor. They’ll put in a single drop and charge $11

Steel Reserve 40s

Used to work as a barback at a restaurant that had one of those shot fountain machines. My managers told me they were only about 2/3 of a shot each. Drinks were hella expensive too

what you know about that?

>pretty much
Yeah see even you aren't confident about that. I am confident that IPAs are shit beers for retards who think more flavor makes a better beer.

Don't drink at shitty bars. And ask for it neat when you can. That's how you should be drinking it anyways.

Prolly nuthin

This. If you order a signature cocktail for $16 at some trendy place that has about 6 ingredients in it, don't be surprised when it has little to no booze in it. It's so that people who don't know better are like "omg it's so smooth, like you can barely taste the alcohol in it, it's so dangerous." So that way they buy more of them and the bar makes out like a bandit since the drink skimps on the liquor which is what you're paying for in the first place.

can't drink beer anymore

when I got into my late 20s it started making me feel hot and flushed and get heartburn

I can't just enjoy an ice cold beer on a hot day anymore

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okay man stay mad

Quit drinking for six months, or check for a gluten allergy


the single biggest example of peer pressure that has ever existed

I get bad gas, but that is a problem for the other people in the car.

How do you guys decide which craft beer to buy if you've never had it before? Do you just browse BeerAdvocate, looking up all the reviews for the beers in the styles you like? Do you read any of the marketing copy that sometimes comes with the beers in their shelf space? Do you just buy from certain breweries you like? Do you like the names of the beers or their label artwork? I'm so bad at this. I just stand there looking at the beers for like 15 minutes and then pick something I know nothing about and hope it's at least ok.

Massive faggotry in this thread.

t- Boston, where drink, fight, fuck was invented. Fuck every one of you little dick faggots.

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This seems appropriate to post here:


I normally ask the bartender what's local and fresh. Most craft beer is preservative free, quicker it's drunk the better.

i just ask for recommendations from people, family or whatever.


>drinking alcohol must be synonymous with nigger behavior
embarrasing post

>salt $16
fucking kek

>thinks stout refers to it's alcohol content
Also guiness is 3.8% from memory. Try it, full of flavour.

I drank water out of this in college, in public.
I was into tacticool and got it from a surplus.

are you Asian by chance

There's a reason Irish immigrants were treated like shit when they came to America. The people already here knew better.

No thanks. Lagers were introduced to the UK to be marketed at women. For good reason too - they also have shit taste.

Yes, they have a lot of blame to shoulder.
Real measures are 35ml

>more flavor makes a better beer.
>actually arguing for bland beer that all tastes the same

pretty sure it was a typo and he meant alcohol percentage

I had the same problem, thankfully it's gone away now. I used to have to take a few ranatidine before going out.

I have a friend that's like that. Beer makes him physically ill but he can drink whisky like a fish, and vodka makes him all goofy

Trillium is great, Brewdog is shit

t. moved from Columbus to Boston

I think "more flavor" was inaccurately worded, but an argument can absolutely be made that "more hops =/= a better IPA."

Ever heard that too much of one thing is a bad thing? And you wonder why Americans have gone crazy for IPAs
Nope. I meant that just adding flavor doesn't make it better.

>Nope. I meant that just adding flavor doesn't make it better.
oh well you're an idiot then.

That is the point with the IPAs. More hops=more flavor. Which I don't think makes it better.

>If I keep adding shots of flavor to my coffee it will surely make it better

i don't know what you're talking about and your argument doesn't make sense.

Pretty simple argument. More =/= better

I use Untapped. Eventually you get a palate and know what you like

this is completely subjective and not worth getting annoyed about.

What else would it be? Not much competition is there

Based and extremely redpilled. This stuff should be standard on tap instead of Pale.

If you go into a bar and the bartenders are properly trained in whatever stock they have in they can reliably tell you what it's like. Other than that, reviews or forums? Though I'd imagine the people in such places would be bigger twats than the ones you see in real life. People are into them since it's not the same shit everyone has been drinking for years, supports small businesses etc. As much as a cunt you may feel like someone asking what new drinks are good is far from the worst person you can encounter in a bar


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Porters >>>>>>>>>>> anything else
>muh summer/winter beers need to be different

>"more hops =/= a better IPA."
I would agree with that.
Bet you eat korma aswell

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You agreed with the guy who agreed with me
No clue as to what that even is. Am filthy uncultured american swine

Why do people unironically act like IPAs are god tier beers? I am a big beer drinker and can appreciate most different types. But IPAs literally taste like you are drinking fucking grass clippings or some shit.

It actually is annoying that some of the highest rated beers in the world are overhopped imperial IPAs. It's a complete meme that they're seen as holy grails manna from heaven.

They are trendy faggots who agree with whatever is the popular fad at the time. Or brainlets who think drinking it makes them seem superior

Some of us like our beer to taste like beer. IPA lovers like their beer to taste like their boyfriend’s semen.

>IPAs literally taste like you are drinking fucking grass clippings
that's a great analogy i'm using that.

>but it has a lot of grass clipping flavor which makes it better

Scale of 1-kidney failure imminent how bad is it that that's the same color and consistency as my piss many days?

I usually say it tastes like a cat piss and potpourri.

I usually just say it's like you're sucking on a pine cone. Some people take that as a recommendation though.

No, your assertion was that flavour is terrible
It's a mild curry, often shit, but a good curry house will make it with flavour.

i like grass clippings because i've had that in my mouth from playing sports on new cut grass and it's a lingering unpleasant taste. it conjurers to my mind instantly without consideration and it's very akin to some of the shittest ale i've ever had.

zoom zoom zoom

I think it's pretty simple when you boil it down to this: just because adding a flavoring agent/ingredient to something to make it take good, doesn't mean that adding more of it necessarily makes it better.
>I love nutmeg in eggnog
doesn't mean
>Let's grate an entire nut into my glass and see how it tastes

Why is it called indian pale ale? Was it created by poos?

Why do IPAs always send Yea Forums into an autistic rage? I don't get it.

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There is some truth to it user. For example when you are out at the lake on a hot summer day lighter beers that you can just slam down are far preferable to a thick beer that makes you feel warm.

Something about pale ales originally being shipped across to India using more hops as a preservative iirc

Because they are literally shit tier beers. But hipster fags like yourself try to pretend like they are the greatest beers ever. Im convinced 99% of IPAs are sold to unsuspecting people who just buy them because of their faggy flashy labels

The larger amount of hops used in it was used as a preserving agent from brewing it in the UK and having it shipped over to India which at the time took a ship like 6 months in all sorts of heat and weather for the stuff to be stored in barrels.

popular thing bad

No, thankfully. It was a happy accident from october ale shipped by the East India Company to India. EIC later requested a brewery to make a similiar hoppy tasting beer.

currently drinking a Peroni Gran Riserva Birra Doppio Malto. bit grass clippingy for my taste but i'll wind it down.

Ohhh. So this is the type of ale poos used to drink way back when due to shipping issues. Thanks anons.

Im pretty sure IPAs arent exactly fucking popular user. They just genuinely taste like shit

How is this? Recently its been catching my eye at the store and ive been thinking of trying it.

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Poos wouldn't drink it really, it was for the fine British officers who were stationed there.

If you like Bourbon barrel shit, give it a try. I loved that and their CBS.

If it's not obscenely priced, go for it. Or if they have it in singles or a bomber, go for that to give it a try. It's very good though, especially on a colder day.

For me, it's Birra Italia
>followed by a chilled Cynar to sip on afterwards

are you shitting me they've been all the rage the past few years
go to any bar and the newest microbrews are more often than not ipas
i don't have a strong opinion about them either way
for me, if it has alcohol, preferably lots of it, it's awright

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Mostly for british workers, gentleman would be more likely to drink wine.

Yeah its like $14. Which is one of the reasons i havent tried it yet, since I typically end up just getting a six pack for $9-$10


>something with the same % as beer that tastes nicer
Such as?
Freshman drinks like hard soda and mixers have so much sugar that you'll be physically sick before you're intoxicated (though females manage to do it anyway, no idea how), and the milder options like hard seltzers are expensive and have much less variety than beer.
A nice thing about beer is that you can pretty much drink as much as you want without going into a diabetic coma or getting drunk too fast.

no, he's just based

If you aren't memeing, you're an idiot or you live in a cave. IPAs are an absolute MUST for any brewery since they can overload any batch of hops, use some marketing magic, and people will flock to give they new place a try. They're oversaturating the craft market because of their popularity to the point that even the most divey hole in the wall will have a craft IPA on tap.

They still arent popular. Its mostly the faggy hipster crowd who likes the smell of their own farts. If you are talking about beers popular among the masses its still typical shit like bud light and coors.

what movie's been better this year?

Read IPAs are by no means a popular beer. Except for supposed beer snobs.

>females can somehow do it
Its because they get drunk easier in general. My gf starts getting drunk around 3-4 drinks. Whereas im barely even feeling it after a sixer. Although I will admit some of the not as sugary hard ciders can do the trick and taste pretty damn good.

And the reason they are so common is that they taste the closest to shitty mass produced lagers.

I've never left the stout train since I started drinking a decade ago

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I agree they are common. Way more than they should be. But to act like they are the most popular is absurd. Most normal beer drinkers, who drink shit like coors, arent going to enjoy an IPA. It will be way too much.

That's the thing though. People who like Bud/Miller/Coors is one thing, but as soon as you start talking craft beer, IPA is usually at the forefront of any discussion. They are by far the biggest selling among the craft market. Just go into any store and see how much shelf space is dedicated just to IPAs in the craft section.

Yeah, I never buy actual drinks from bars anymore.
Even at 'nice' ones your drink will be 90% mixer, even for recipes that are supposed to be strong. If you get something they can't kike you on like a Long Island they'll put it in a minuscule glass. I don't understand why they're so stingy when the raw markup for a proper drink would still be insane.

I think its mostly because IPA faggots are the loudest regarding their "superior" tastes in beer.

Ive always heard this, but never experienced it. Every bar i go to they load up on the liquor. And on the one or two occasions they were light on it, a little joke about how the drink was weak was all it took for them to stsrt putting too much liquor honestly

Seething porter neck beards can't handle it

Who /bluelabel/ here?

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nightclubs are notorious for it.


can I fuck Kelli?

>Most normal beer drinkers, who drink shit like coors, arent going to enjoy an IPA
The equivalent in the UK would be people who drink carling, carlsberg etc. In my experience the only real ale they'll drink is a pale ale, occassionally a golden ale. Many will also drink brewdog and other craft beer swill.

>drink an IPA
>feel bloated and like I just ate a meal

thats why I dont like them plus it just taste like hops. no nuance

Ahh. Yeah i never go to nightclubs. Just shit like bars or restaurants

>doghead ipa has such a superior blend of hops than swill like flattire
t.faggots who drink ipas

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See my father is a casual drinker who only really drinks budlight. My favorite all around beer is shiner bock, just a basic bock style beer. And my father says "its too dark for me". No way in hell would he ever enjoy a fucking IPA.

tried it at a bar once
it's in no way worth the ridiculous price

Don't forget the trick of putting well liquor in the premium bottles. Highly illegal but more comman than anyone's willing admit.

Overrated. For the same price you can get Dalmore King Alexander

Never been to a bar that offers blue label. Would be surprised if its genuine

I’ve never gone to a nightclub and bars and restaurants pull this shit all of the time to me

why do hipsters here care so much about what other people drink?

you enjoy blue label at home with friends, not at a fucking overpriced shitty bar

lmao nigger where do you LIVE?

I like craft beer but I've never understood the IPA meme

Are high priced whiskey like this actually drinkable on their own? Like i have tried just drinking it straight and its always rough. But of course nothing nearly as expensive as this stuff

why do posters here care so much about what other people watch?

The place was kind of fancy I doubt they were ripping me off
I thought it was black label when I walked up to the bar shitfaced but they were like no it's blue label and I said whatever just give me a shot and a beer.
The guy was like 'uh you sure sir it's expensive'
and I found it kind of offensive so I just said whatever handed him a bunch of bills and got my drinks. I don't remember what it cost.
pls like&subscribe my blog
>implying I'd pay for an entire bottle of that swill

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there are drinkable whiskeys starting at about $30 USD. like crown royal. or black label. or chivas regal. anything lower than that and you generally want to mix it

i haven't mixed whiskey in years. or even chased it with anything. i used to be able to finish an entire bottle by myself. i don't do that anymore

Yes, absolutely. Do anything other than drinking it neat/drops of water/big ice cube is a huge disservice and a waste of money

The ONLY thing worse than IPAfags in the beer world are Pappyfags in the whisky world.

What does it taste like? Everything ive had tastes like motor oil or some shit.

No my assertion was that too much flavor is terrible. Which is why I said IPAs are terrible. They all have too much flavor.
I can agree with that. That was basically my argument. Everyone who said IPAs are great only back it up with "they have more flavor". That's why I was saying more =/= better

Whats a pappyfag?

Not at all. Bourbon is much better though. Gin is better than both

its hard to describe and depends on what you get. if you're really interested, try one of the ones i mentioned. johnnie walker black label is what got me into drinking whiskey.

pour some in a small glass, add an ice cube and just sip slowly and occasionally. it's a fantastic drink desu

If you're looking to not break the bank but still have a decent whiskey, I'd go for Four Roses bourbon. Scotch has too many variations that you may hate, so unless you're going for a sherry bomb, an Islay scotch would be the absolute last thing you should try. Memes aside, that stuff like Ardbeg/Laphroig/Lavavulin is the most polarizing stuff even for people who love whiskey and scotch.

Pappy van Winkle is a distillery that makes bourbon that is highly sought after in any of its iterations. Prices on the secondary market are so hyper inflated it's a complete joke. I've personally bought a 2 bottles of 15 year old for $65 each and 2 of 20 year old for $90 each from a local store, kept one of each for myself (gave the 20 to my dad as a gift,) and found a buyer for the other 15 year for $600 and the 20 year for $850. People act like it is the be-all, end-all of bourbons, and the hype surrounding it makes it like the gold standard of any pissing match of who actually has a bottle and where they got it and how much they paid for it. It's a meme for people with too much time and too much money and after all of that the bourbon itself is very good, yes, but there's stuff out there that's more readily available that is better and far cheaper than trying to get a bottle from someone reselling it.

I actually have tried this

Attached: wubba lubba dub dub ipa.jpg (320x320, 22K)

>Place by me has cases of Sip of Sunshine they're super proud of being able to get distributed to them
>Limit 4 cans per customer per day
>Beer Advocate lists this as 100 "World Class"
>#6 overall for it's style
>Ok, I'll by 4, worst case I'll give them to my brother in law who is IPA crazy
>Both try a can
>Both think it's decent but nothing to write home about, and certainly not 100/100
>Agree that IPAs are by far the most overhyped of any of the craft beer styles