Imagine getting radicalized by an anime image board

imagine getting radicalized by an anime image board

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He cute

Whats His name Yea Forums™?

why do all these wh*toids looks all the same?

looks like pepe the damn frog

Radicals have co-opted anime pretty handily, 2bh. How many unironic neopagan larpers and self-described National Socialists have you seen with anime profile pictures?

literally me



what's this phenotype called?

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How much time on a daily basis does one spend on this forum that they actually become radicalized?

literally what else is there to do?
no jobs
no women
no culture
no sanity
it's like they want people to crack up


This website will only affect you as far you let or want it to. I just use this place for shitposting on Yea Forums and trash talking the fr*nch on /int/. if you spend all your time on /pol/ and unironically buy into the shitposts it's only then when you become a cringey larper like in the OP.

Idk man shits pretty bleak

post your jaw

>literally what else is there to do?
have sex for a start, hit the weights, take a shower, get a clue.

Do all of those but also become radicalized at the same time.

>imagine getting radicalized by an anime image board
Must suck to be you my man.

>become radicalized
Only if it's NazBol

also gain height

It's pretty funny except when THEY HAVE ACCESS TO AUTOMATIC WEAPONS!!!!!! WAKA WAKA!! HONK!

Do acid in your room and masturbate like everyone else

>not being rad
I pity you.

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>imagine getting domed by a guy who got radicalized by an anime image board
>imagine getting forcibly deported back to apefrica

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>imagine getting forcibly deported back to apefrica
in your dreams incel freak I'm just gunna keep fucking your white women ooga booga

Ha ha garlic shooter

I recently worked with a guy that looked just like this kid. He constantly talked about sex at inappropriate times. For instance, if someone was talking about a tv show, he'd ask "do they ever dress up in slutty outfits?". If someone asked about halloween, "i only like to see the girls that are slutty and have their boobs hang out"

he'd be perfect for Yea Forums but he told me he didn't own a computer. only three cellphones

No chin, square face and 60 yr old grandpa glasses, dead stare that looks through you and overall facial expression of a bitch that's about to cry.

>imagine getting domed right in front of your mudshark before she gets it next
>imagine your half nigger kids getting domed
>imagine just starving to death because a civil war disrupted your just in time delivery system and you're a dumb nigger who can't make anything

>but he told me he didn't own a computer
Just hiding his powerlevel.

You know who I bet wasn't laughing? Everyone who got domed.

white boy actually seething, post your wrists incel

>square face bad

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It's funny watching on a national level the efforts to start a war in Russia fail and it starting to dawn on the niggers they're going to have to fight here.

he's literally an incel

gamer uprising when?

I know you are but what is he?

Whenever you want. That's the best strategy. Pick targets where they don't expect it and go for maximum damage and psychological impact, like a nigger football team at college or niggers at a military recruiting center. Let them know that not only are they not invincible, not running anything, but they are actively being targeted in a real, tangible way. Not the pretend way they ooga booga about on the televitz.

Remember, they have to take on the mantle of the state and you don't. They have to show up and be at all the places and institutions and functions of the state and wear its colors and uniforms. You don't.

I knew a guy in highschool who looked like that. Didn't shoot up a school but naturally he was drawn to my autism so I reluctantly got along with him and he constantly told me about stuff he saw on Yea Forums. One day he pulled his dick out in a Spanish class and started casually jerking off and got expelled for it. I have no doubt in my mind he's still on here

who is "they"? which targets should I pick? how do I inflict maximum damage? how do I let them know they are being targeted?


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>doesn't know who "they" are
You aren't a gamer.

I know it's the Jews but why do all these gamer uprisings almost always target random civilians?

A beaner who can't even speak english can get a job but young American men who speak english can't? Lmao you people are a joke. I guess you actually believe you're entitled to a well paying job that requires no skill or hard work.

There certainly wasn't anything random about Roof or Tarrant.

neither targeted jews

Based top kek

They did in Pittsburgh and San Diego. Roof and Tarrant chose their targets extremely well and were justified. They were good shoots.

>were justified.
how so?

>One day he pulled his dick out in a Spanish class and started casually jerking off
how can one user be so based

No, (((they))) are the Jews. "They" is a different group. (((They))) and "they" can overlap, but they aren't the same.

"I have messed up teeth so I don't smile in photos"

>complain about mexicans stealing all the jobs, then go on a rampage because of it when this is your resume

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They were avowed and active enemies. They were not random.

Heck yeah brother its me. At least, I used to jerk off in Spanish class cum and fall asleep.

Passed with a D (heh).

Imagine not realizing that the garlic festival shooting was a test to see if people would give a shit about shootings in states where you cant carry (they dont)

>Photo by Mohammad Saleh

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Because beaners cost less to hire and have affirmative action

How were black church goers avowed enemies? When did they declare themselves as such?


>a beaner who can't even speak english can get a job but young American men who speak english can't?
Yeah, almost like they can get a job because employers drop wages to the point where only non-tax paying spics can afford to take them or something.

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Stop playing dumb, niggerskin.

Sorry you can’t compete

blacks in America were involuntarily brought here on boats hundreds of years ago when exactly did they vow to become enemies of America?

It's cool. We can just kill you and take your shit. Works out the same in the end.

>mfw all the ugly white boys kill themselves and leave the hotties

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>I'm for worker's rights and a higher minimum wage
>What do you mean you can't compete with spics being paid under the table?
I can't wait for you people to dangle from lampposts.

an ugly, anti-social faggot?

>wh*te employers undercut you
>somehow this is the spics’ fault

you pencil necked larpers won't do shit and we all know it. incels who can't even maintain eye contact with minorities think they will start a revolution lmao

That's how you actually see this working out?

chads always win

Lamppost hangings take too much time, even if the aesthetics are good. Just shoot on and move on.

Literally every "racist" I've met has been far more comfortable around niggers and spics than your average antiracist. Stop projecting, faggot.

Yes, it's exactly how it's going to work out.


post height and jaw

>he's literally a buzzword

>the liberals are the real racists


>draw the most generic male face imaginable
>call it /pol/
Wow, you Redditors must accuse every random dude on the street to be your boogeyman, huh?

>the jew made him do it

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>/pol/tard drumpfkin playing dumb

They aren't racist, they're terrified of minorities and project that insecurity on everyone around them.
6'0 and squarer than yours, freak.


based liverpool fan

>want to have sex
>my one hookup is out of town and the other just got a bf

You've got to love the hubris coming from the multicult as they get stomped in war after war after war overseas and deindustrialized the country out of spite. Now they think they're going to prevail in a guerilla conflict when they've already ceded the land holding the overwhelming majority of the country's natural resources to the people they intend to fight.

Blow the bridges and the highways and half of them will be dead in 4 months.

Damn he must have lots of girls if he needs three cell phones

How come when you Google him there's pictures of 2 different guys?

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also, be a tall white guy or tall black guy.

all these white supremacists look awfully jewish don't they?



I became a communist and an anti-fascist mostly by experiencing the cruelty and the destructiveness of the right not only by reading about it in the news but by actually interacting with these people on the internet. I was a libertarian retard up until my early twenties. Started moving further and further left from 2014 onward.


No, they don’t

Kys shitskin

Yes I guess being suicidal really is the final step

>draw the most generic male face imaginable
>wh*te face
fixed that for you

Taking a closeup picture with your phone's camera distorts your face.

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there's not going to be a guerilla conflict, right-wing retards would rather sit on their asses and watch fox news than give up an ounce of comfort lol. can't wait to see all your meek little faces when the mandatory buybacks happen

>be tall
>be attractive
oh shit wait

Hahahahaha brainwashed by tv and internet. Literally domesticated. Awesome.


>Black hair
>Fat lips
>Thick brow
Careful there Moishe.


>brainwashed by tv and internet
unlike yourself right?

I got radicalized by reality.

>the jews are better at whites at everything including school shootings
Truly the master race

If it’s not a Catholic or Orthodox Church they’re going to hell anyway.

breh you gotta get over it

did I strike a nerve there bud?

The whites are going to be vastly out bred in a few short years. There's not going to be any real resistance.


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I don't watch TV. I haven't done so since I got my first PC, when I was 13. But I keep up with the news. I know how bloodthirsty the right is, I know how "moderate" conservatives and liberals are enabling them and I know there'll be another genocide on European ground unless we can stop them.


Not everyone is an inside cat.

shut the fuck up dumb nigger

We’re all gonna make it breh
Zyzz didn’t die, he ascended

In Rhodesia whites were outnumbered 100:1 and the regime only fell because of international (white) pressure. Nonwhites are practically NPCs, any civil conflict, if it occurs, will be primarily between whites. Ideological conflict in general is practically an exclusively white phenomenon.

yea dude I'm sure you're a free thinker who came to all these conclusions on your own and haven't allowed any unsourced inforgraphics to shape your opinion at all right?

how does it feel being on the wrong side of history?

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breh this nigga seething lmaaaaaooooo

Go back tranny

>literally explaining how you get your information
go to sleep. you have school in the morning.

>Another genocide on European ground unless we stop them
Then just get the browns off the continent, it's not hard. If yt is as evil and bloodthirsty as you believe him to be, then why does your side insist on feeding hordes of shitskins into his jaws?

You can see them already panicking because they can't get the Russia war off the ground and they know they can't get it off the ground specifically because the programming is failing with Whites.

yep definitely did you limp wristed nerds seethe so easily

And what happened to South Africa?

>n-no u

I'm a communist. I have no love for the American Democratic Party. They don't represent me or my views.

That's your compromise? We should arrange mass deportations of innocent people so that you can't kill them?

What conclusions?

International pressure and yt's natural benevolence and trusting nature led South Africans to believe they'd actually get representation in whatever government came after.

Yes, because the alternative is a war that will make the 20th century look small time. You ridiculous "communists" believe you're creating a utopian society when you're actually laying the foundation for exactly what you're trying to prevent.

that isn't a résumé, genius

>there'll be another genocide on European ground unless we can stop them
the great replacement is happening right now, it started decades ago

It would probably be cheaper to just kill them instead of deporting them. The logistics would be smoother, too.

Might as well be you virgin

Remember this is who you're conversing with on a daily basis

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Same shit, but with more terrorism and necklacing. The mass shooters of today are the Nelson Mandelas of tomorrow.

>It would probably be cheaper to just kill them

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>Normal looking young white man
Horrifying, perish the thought.

yeah, nope

>you virgin
lol this board

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Post face, tranny.


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maybe in incelistan

Funny how the anti-racists mock people for being mixed race.

Well a "normal" white

Funny how you’re a seething mutt

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"Us ridiculous "Communists"" have lost all political ground since the counter revolution and eventual collapse of the USSR. Whatever went wrong in with with Western nations since then, we had no part in it whatsoever. If there had been a strong left in that time, things wouldn't be nearly as bleak.

Honest question, is the low-T look not normal in 2019? Because that's what you're mocking in him, even if you don't realize it.

Really though, I'm curious to see what you look like.

why is it always Americans who fall for the NEETSoc memes?



>just dox yourself bruh

Have sex

cry more

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Wrong boogeyman. I'm neither American nor a mutt.

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>"Us ridiculous "Communists"" have lost all political ground since the counter revolution and eventual collapse of the USSR
I wish; neo-marxists of one stripe or another control pretty much every institution in the western world


>why jews won’t win

Not the point. There's not going to be anyone to "conflict" with. The whites will be bred out of existence.

feeling cute might delete later

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>the seethe of the /pol/tards ITT
whew chile!
1. this is 4channel not 4ch*n
2. your containment board is that way 3. have sex



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Not until (you) H A V E S E X.

it's /pol/CHADS btw. not /pol/tards. Sorry for correcting you but now you won't make the same mistake next time, cheers.

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You can't seriously believe that. Capitalism has basically become a religion at this point!

>it's /pol/CHADS

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>it’s /pol/CHADS btw

>perhaps I should change my life for the better instead of just complaining about it
>nah lemme blame jews and niggers instead
the absolute state of polcels

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Imagine the smell


You can do both

>it's /pol/CHADS

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/pol/CHADS be like

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Funnily enough, I don't entirely disagree with that. Although assuming you're western, sympathizing with the USSR is pretty funny, particularly given how Russia is treated by lefty press nowadays.

There's a reason fascism used to be called the Third Position, and still is in larp-y circles. By most standards I'm moderate left on economic issues, maybe even farther to the left by American standards. The union breaking and fetishization of capitalism that's occurred in the west since the war has been a net negative, and it's true that it's wealthy executives outsourcing jobs and importing cheap labor. But read any fascist philosophy and you'll run into critiques of materialism almost immediately. That's the sickness that both of us agree is afflicting the west. Maybe your particular brand of communism didn't cause it, but I can't see how a materialistic ideology can help us.

But the left has accepted a devil's bargain, in America and across the west. Corporations will support faggot pride and racemixing, and the left will lay off all of their old economic tenants. Maybe you, personally, disagree with that bargain, but your movement as a whole has accepted it, and even the people who pretend that the economic left still has meaning have to pay lip service to the whole freakshow, and they still get eaten for insufficient piety on a regular basis.

don't forget to read how to make friends and influence people

Tenets not tenants

>Really though, I'm curious to see what you look like.

I bet you feel stupid right now

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Man you're such a faggot loser

>102 is smart in america


Take a shower fatty

go back to /leftypol/

Imagine being one of you genetic dead ends who has spent the majority of your adult life posting on this site.

We’re 102% smart

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Wash your hair wtf

Have sex

Holy based

too good

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that was over even before 8c and they all seem to have ended up here

generic male face?


Never gonna make it.

Incel freak

>its real

Is your face mirrored lmao?

anyone remember the moblile shooter me neither goys

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kek in your family maybe incel

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People will always blame society and others for their problems before blaming themselves. Juar fucking play the hand your dealt and deal with it.

>t. fresh off the boat from the_donald


>Juar fucking play the hand your dealt and deal with it.
maybe that is part of playing the hand you're dealt

Why can't we all just get along.

they're on discord now i think they really hate the fact they reposted that manifesto from ig to 8pol

>no idea goy

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that's the dallas shooter, dipshit


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>they reposted that manifesto from ig to 8pol