It’s a corporation tricks people into thinking it’s fighting the man episode

>it’s a corporation tricks people into thinking it’s fighting the man episode

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>those racial caricatures

The worst part is that those people actually think that these corporations fight for their cause while its actuslly just economics

Ben and Jerry were both you-know-whats, go figure

Dude whofucking cares if they’re Jews, corporations just want money. race doesn’t matter, only profit. Why do you think companies that historically just went with the status quo now push this shit? It’s the new status quo

the neck of a bodybuilder, what a freak.

The only resisting going on is your body to insulin

>whofucking cares if they’re Jews
Hello fellow white man!

How is eating frozen cow milk resisting

>they’re Jews
I thought he was implying they were fags.

Strangely, only American corporations do this. Probably because their rampant consumerism is the only culture they have.

what is the flavor

shit like everything PC culture has to offer

2% of jews account for 40% of billionaires

This. Antisemitism is not cool. As a white man, I say you goys need to do better.

Your media talks about America non-stop, we are your culture

>this is what the mutt actually believes

>never dark skin blacks
It's racism. Colorism is racist.

We can purchase our way into paradise boys! Buy Nike’s new Anti-Inperialism sneakers and Lockheed Martins “War is a Racket” brand assault rifle decorations! Make sure to drink Nacho Cheesier Mountain Dew for Double Vote Election Weekend to show your support an tweet #TeamTrump #TeamBiden for extra votes!

You’re perfect evidence, we’re the cool kid at school and you’re obvious jealousy and insecurities lead you to talk about us non-stop, your friends are getting annoyed by your bitter obsession

Nothing says commie like growing up rich, going to Harvard for fucking guitar or signing on a sony label.

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it clearly states Resist, user.

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Don't buy that shit anyway. You should pick up pic related next time you want to buy ice cream.

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I went to Vermont over the summer, specifically to go to the Ben and Jerry's factory and go on the tour and get free ice cream. At the beginning of the tour they show you a video of the history of the company, and at a certain point in the video it was like, "And then we sold the fuck out to a mega-corporation." Ben & Jerry's is awesome but they're just another product mass-produced and marketed to people. You shouldn't be surprised.

what's the religion of the founders of Ben & Jerry's according to Wikipedia?

what's the religion of the founders of Baskin-Robbins according to Wikipedia?

what's the religion of the founders of Häagen-Dazs according to Wikipedia?