How do we fix such a profoundly sick society?
How do we fix such a profoundly sick society?
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I, for one, would awaken a golden three headed alien dragon to bring about a clean slate to Earth
liberalism is a sickness
again, I don't wanna fedpost but you know how, user
Breed more, teach more, learn more.
Same here or a universe destroying dragon just to be safe
i honestly don't give a shit what people want to do, and i'm happy they are free to do as they please but i draw the line at a beard with makeup
You know the answer, the mods don't want you to say it
you're not drawing the line at a beard and FUCKING TITTIES???
by using gas chambers
I don't see the problem.
There is only one cure
What about light stubble?
You can use contouring powder to make your beard look fuller.
Kys bigot
Religion isn’t real
Gender IS on a spectrum
Borders don’t work
Fuck fascism
Fuck nazis
Fuck hate
fuck off faggot.
Option 1. Blame everything on jews
Option 2. Realise that people are degenerate by nature, and that our species needs to be destroyed entirely to give another a shot
o7 comrade
plenty of really fat dudes look just like that
still strange
i guess i was talking about full makeup, but at that point it seems like a cope, either embrace what you have or shave
So was this inevitable or not. I read somewhere that the Nazis practiced cross dressing. Wouldn't they lead to this but only in a longer timeframe?
Religion helped for awhile. Maybe we should try that again.
Option 2. Realise that people are degenerate by nature, and that our species needs to be destroyed entirely to give another a shot
If it is our nature how will "another go" fix that? If it is in our nature how is it bad?
That is like saying Lions killing and eating meat is bad.
I’m not a commie
That’s the BIGGEST problem with you fags. Your false dichotomy
>being this delusional
there was no social media to share it every where. your gran gran got her puss slammed alot.
you're either willfully ignorant or under the age of 16 (betting on this one) if you don't think religion works for a lot of people
you're my comrade anyway
It does not. You are delusional and bought in to hollywoods version of history.
religion is the opiate of the masses, it keeps us asleep and docile.
Evolution gave us intellect to overcome our primal urges and become something more than glorified lions with guns. We didn't, we fucked it all up.
That is also wrong.
Institute Anarcho-Capitalism to reverse the degeneration of civilization.
enjoy licking capitalist boots, wage-cuck
You don’t, God will bring a sword upon it and clean the land with their blood, but he will save the righteous in the midst of it.
>Evolution gave us
No, "it" did not give us anything. "it" is a process not a being that chooses what you are given. We evolved larger brains because the primates with large brains lived to pass their genes on. We are just animals, get over your self. you are nothing special, none of us are.
As opposed to 'woke'
I see the Yea Forums mods are hard at work again.
We unironically need a war or collapse of the modern world
I’ll take shit that never happened for 100, Alex
Imagine if those kids became really conservative.
"You're not my dad anyway. Dads are men and men have a penis and balls. Don't tell me how to dress. If I want to wear a suit and start a business that's my right"
liberal wokeness can act as a form of false consciousness if it doesn't finish evolving into communist ideology, but it is at least a path to communism. Most religions have a strict hierarchy and their ideologies are very pro-status-quo.
religion caused
>tons of wars.
>killed untold billions
but "it keeps us asleep and docile."? that is fucking retarded, it does the exact opposite.
This shit is retarded. There are so many instances of cops sperging out and applying excessive force but there's still low IQ retards who buy into the "muh blue line" shit
In 150-200 years a terrible war fo resources will happen. Earth will be so shitty to live in 50 years tops. I pity the coming generations.
I'm not sure if I'll ever have children but I take solace in the fact that I won't be around to see how retarded this world gets and if people are right about global warming then I won't have to experience it in full.
docile towards our true oppressors. There is no war but the class war. All other wars are the rich people of two nations/religions setting their poor against one another in order to weaken us.
You're a twelve year old faggot. Everyone already knows what you just said. You're not deep for realising it.
>i honestly don't give a shit what people want to do, and i'm happy they are free to do as they please
That’s good in theory but the problem is that people are really evil and will corrupt themselves, so people like faggots and pedophiles will abound, molesting children, raping innocents and spreading diseases. Weirdos like that will never keep to themselves and be content, you need to have a perfect standard (God’s law) to filter out the violence in society, only then can you have true freedom.
this. americans that don't realise this are so dumb
>Religion isn’t real
look every one! point at laugh at this fool!
>Borders don’t work
So why do you want to destroy them so badly?
capitalism means that the means of production is privately owned by a small number of people called capitalists. ownership of property REQUIRES state force to enforce it, and ownership of the M.O.P. means that capitalists can have leverage on the rest of us and control most of our behavior to a precise degree. The rich coerce the poor directly, and they use the state to make this coercion invisible.
again to be clear: property and state power cannot be separated.
Fedposting IRL
>Borders don’t work
They work for Israel.
The one on the top left is photoshop, and you're a dumb faggot, OP.
>Borders don’t work
They will work superbly well if we weren't too much of a pussy to defend them with weapons
>How do we fix
well you won't fix anything shitposting on an anime image board
No it isn't. It's a female to male tranny. There are multiple pics of the dude online.
Maybe that's true but the people who rioted over the thug cigar thief who went for a cop's gun should really have chosen a better example to protest.
God's not real. Gay sex is better.
fuck racists
fuck bigots
fuck hypocrites
fuck communists
fuck supremacists
fuck theists
fuck atheists
fuck the right
fuck the left
fuck you
for me? it's standing up for my fellow man.
There’s a thousand times more instances of the violence depicted in the picture, however.
capitalists are not your fellows, comrade.
That's why social liberty also always must come with economic liberty. Welfare/social security/"dem programz" are essentially just subsidies to the poor and degenerate. It's an economic fact that subsidies always create more of what they subsidize.
Why would property ownership require state power, you dumb cunt?
Bottom left pic unironically made me dedicate my life to Christ and give up porn the first time it was posted years ago.
It's not to late to step back from the abyss.
>again to be clear: property and state power cannot be separated.
only if we think an all powerful state daddy is something that must exist
we don't, we laugh and watch it burn down.
we are alive to witness the most kino event in human history: the end of the greatest civilization ever created. be thankful, and enjoy the show.
fuck capitalists too
don't (you) with your faggot agenda but thanks for the reminder
Nuke America
Honestly, start associating it with worse stuff. Use all sorts of kgb levels of disinformation. They're already doing that too, so fight back with fire. For example start promoting "LGBTQP". P for pedos. Start adding weird beastiality imagery to make these people look insane.
This is a stupid prediction. Some random source of energy will pop up within the next 100 years that everyone can have for 1 easy monthly payment of $X, and the owner of said company will be whichever Illuminati Zion bigwig greenlit the manufacture of this new energy 50 years beforehand, waiting to corner the market as fossil fuels dwindled.
The left is killing itself.
Where are you getting this information
I have the greatest standard of living in human history.
Tell me again why capitalism is bad.
They're out to get you, better leave while you can
Dont wanna be a boy, you wanna be a man
You wanna stay alive, better do what you can
So beat it, just beat it
go be a pedophile somewhere else.
>the CEOs will save us
this is what neolibs actually believe.
Why are self righteous faggots on an anime message board?
Back to your containment board, autists
but most important
fuck city slickers
not a commie faggot but we have peaked as a race and the world will be a wasteland within 100 years as a direct result of industry
i still enjoy the comfort i am privileged too but we're all fucked
Take a break, Yea Forums mods... You've earned it.
Commerce is humanity's greatest joke. All wealth created through commerce and trade is temporary, because our finite resources will inevitably run out, and that's not even to speak of the whole money system on top of it.
(I'm not a communist, I just think trade is retardedly overhyped as if it had no downsides).
if capitalists aren’t your fellows than Marxists must be the sceevey homeless rapist living under the overpass
You misinterpreted me. I never said that would be our salvation, I was implying that will be the final nail in free society and big brother will have completely enslaved the planet.
Did the stone age end because they ran out of stone?
People didn't trade with stones.
>We need a war because Netflix has shows with transgenders and black people
You are a retarded child.
Do people who visit this site even have the right to critisise degeneracy or the state of society?
We kill the degenerates in public, it's the only real answer.
>The left is killing itself.
yeah, but unfortunately not nearly quick enough
I do take some solace in knowing all this bullshit will be destroyed though; either we uncuck ourselves and destroy it, or it success in destroying our civilization and it dies with the rest of us
Yea Forums and channel 4 are largely full of hypocrites and cowards but everyone is entitled to an opinion
I wouldn’t give half a fuck about what any of these people are doing if they didn’t directly harass me for being of European descent or being heterosexual. Those things in the OP are the most disgusting bigots alive. They live only to spread hate and nothing else.
Is this from mindhunter season 2?
Yeah but why do it on this site?
Would a sane man go into a strip club, order a beer, get a lapdance and then complain about how all the women are almost naked and people are drinking booze?
maybe you could argue the things your posted here EXCEPT the gender thing, if you’re effeminate, you’re still male the same as a bulldyke being a female. The ironic thing is these trannies are trying to conform to the norms that they’re trying so hard to tear down, just not the norms they were born into
>fapping to celebs and baneposting is degeneracy equal to the chemical castration of children
you sound like a complete fucking pussy.
How did we ever end up with such a twisted society anyway? Not society as whole I mean, I just mean these weird sub-cultures that live on nothing but their ideology of subverting old standards, just for the sake of it and nothing else. What went wrong?
Is it the (relative) wealth of our current times? Is this expression of degeneracy a cultural reflex to fight back the ever-increasing pace of technological and philosophical advancement? Or maybe is it related to our overpopulation and means of mass communications? I'm seriously fucking puzzled.
Like the Romans were incredibly affluent during their high times, and from all reports I gathered, they were pretty disgusting and "degenerate" (even into transvesticism) at times, but of course it's nothing compared to what we see today. Would the Romans acted the same if they had the technology and means of transmogrifying themselves as we have today? Or is this a purely modern symptom?
>he says as a stone runs his device
Me? I ignore it all and just fucking coom.
It was ironic. That’s the exact kind of garbage those people bitch about but they’re the biggest offenders.
Does it matter? You are hardly setting a good example in the fight against degeneracy.
Probably normal crime statistics
lift weights faggot
How long are the Yea Forums mods on vacation?
The excess that the majority of the world is experiencing has allowed for less of a need of our lizard brains and has allowed most humans to focus on other things besides hunting and gathering. Couple that with the incredibly easy and abundant access to information as well as a culture of want as opposed to need and it's no surprise that people seek to be different.
Everyone wants to be a hero, but they don't know how to work at anything, so they turn into junkies for moral righteousness, willing to do anything as long as the media or a twitter subculture tells them it's good.
>Does it matter?
No, nothing we do matters. But what do you want us to do, get married and live perfect normie lives? We're freaks who have never fit into society. These people had a choice and they chose to be far worse than we could ever hope to be.
t.sheething tranny
Step 1: Jews
Step 2: Spite for Humanity
Step 3: Marxism
Step 4: WW2 Exodus to USA
Step 5: Jewish Infiltration of US Academia
Step 6: Anti-Western Sentiments
Step 7: Frankfurt School
Step 8: Critical Theory
Step 9: Social Marxism
Step 10: Cultural Marxism
Step 11: Political Correctness
Step 12: SJW Culture
Step 13: Cover Anti-White politics (see "frog in a pot" metaphor)
Step 14: Open Anti-White hostility
Step 15: Literal White Genocide / Open civil war
Step 16: Mass enslavement of whoever remains
Step 17: NWO
what a bunch of monsters
you have lost.
Yea Forums is /pol/.
Other boards are /pol/ too. Do you know why?
Because /pol/ was right.
>far worse than we could ever hope to be
And yet, society would rather defend these people than the average guy on Yea Forums. Really activates your almonds, doesn't it?
The OP image isn’t a society, it’s a freak show. As cross dressers and bearded women have been a staple in freakshows forever. Because people always like to gawk at subversions of femininity/masculinity. People like the OP aren’t even .01% of the world’s population and they’re actively removing their ability to increase in numbers.
They make constant headlines because they’re news. If they were remotely common, people wouldn’t pay attention. But they’ll never be remotely common.
Shut up poo skin, no one is buying your poor me shit
Every single crime deemed “”””””””gang related””””””
Yes, I know. That's why nothing we do matters. People who try to save society are idiots. There's nothing worth saving. The best thing to do is enjoy watching the flames.
Refuse to continue living in it.
why don’t they just not harass police or better yet, stop getting drunk in public and assaulting people/robbing stores
And I, for one, would punch it in a dick.
what is that little bear with the blue sweatshirt? it's in the op picture too.
>When Hindu meets Dindu
>we need a war
>so incels like myself can continue to incel
What did you mean by this? If there is a real societal collapse you’ll be one of the first to go fatty. Or do you somehow think you’ll be one of the heroes?
The fuck?
>How did we ever end up with such a twisted society anyway? Not society as whole I mean, I just mean these weird sub-cultures that live on nothing but their ideology of subverting old standards, just for the sake of it and nothing else. What went wrong?
It's probably because not everyone can be a winner, right?
That is, our culture - any culture, really - has values or ideals it aspires to. You should be strong, brave, intelligent, good-looking, etc., and the people who are those things are celebrated and get all the money, fame, and pussy. Or dick if you're into that, I dunno.
But, some people are just born into shit. They're small, weak, dumb, cowardly, ugly, a nigger, etc.
So how they deal with that? Do they just go "oh well I guess I'm shit" and kill themselves? Well, that's one option, and people do do that. But among the shitters who DON'T do that, they have to find some other way of dealing with them being ultimately shitty worthless people.
So they redefine what makes someone not be a shitty, worthless person. And since they're by definition people who are shitty and worthless in the culture they're in, they re-define everything to be backwards; the 'ideal' people of their native culture are now the shitty ones who should kill themselves (like all those EVIL straight white men who did everything that our culture celebrates), while the former losers have become the heroes of their own value system.
This is just me speculating, but it does explain why everything they say and do is so unnecessarily on-its-face retarded and arguably evil. It's because they ARE evil. It's just that, from their point of view, the patriarchy is evil.
cause theyre wild animals maybe?
I wish the degeneracy of the Weimar Republic would be more mainstream knowledge so people would understand Hitler's motivations more, and realizing he was just the antidote to a deeply sick society.
>Starring Aziz Ansari and Kevin Heart
>Borders don’t work
Seem to be working for Israel.
I'll take a word of a jew and christcuck 'convert' on it, sure.
holy shit do you unironically believe in meritocracy?
lmfao do you believe in the tooth fairy too? santa?
Both stills are taken from this Youtube channel promoting degeneracy to children:
No you pretty much nailed it. But you missed a huge part, those people push this now, but they weren’t the ones sewing the seeds of dissent, just spreading it because in that reality being a fat ugly lazy brony is progressive
This isn’t Weimar2.0. You are not oppressed proletariat. You are not going to rise up. You aren’t being oppressed by people pictured in the OP.
You are being oppressed by corporate entities, which prop up people like are in the OP to trigger moral panic so you won’t panic over how you’re actually being fucked.
Ever since the industrial revolution people have said we’re going to end up in resource wars. Guess what. We have more resources now than we did 200 years ago. And there’s no signs of that changing.
thanks for the find. subbed.
Maybe you are not special you iPhone waving nihilistic milleniacuck.
Literally one word:
It has happened before and will happen again and again. Transexuality has always been in a thing in human history, and the more mainstream it gets (in other words the more culturally accepted transsexuality becomes) the closer a nation is to its downfall.
>Traditional societal values that actually work and have worked forever are now political agendas to be "forced"
The death of the family unit is the death of American society. Look at places where marriage is common and places where it isn't like Detroit. The nuclear family is the cell that constitutes the existence and function of society as a whole.
Gays should be shot.
Israel makes me wanna puke.
>castrated children
Ftfy for you comrade.
>unironically believing in 19th century civilizational decline "theory"
jesus fucking christ you people are stupid.
No society works for everyone. Because you can’t please everyone.
>plenty of really fat dudes look just like that
ok let me correct my post. you're not drawing the line at a beard and FUCKING TITTIES BREAST FEEDING A BABY???
Nope. The only people that have the time to constantly shit post on this site are complete losers. They are genetic dead ends. They will not be harbingers of change, they will be the first ones to die and suffer in any societal collapse.
Superman tulpa that turns real.
What about Rome? 500 cultures all jammed into one nation ruled by voting women. Turned Rome into dust.
>civilization decline never happened
Alright Aurelius Maximus
>he says unironically as there a signs in his gym reminding him to shut the fuck up because ladies are also present
fatherless children in detroit are caused by mass incarceration and the war on drugs, not "gays", you fucking brainlet lead poisoned boomer.
>niggers, cripples, kikes, faggots and trannies who after getting arrested for rioting get bailed out by lawyers who take their cases pro-bono and get defended on twitter by capitalists like Mitt Romney
Is that a male in the OP making a baby suck his nipple?
Don't know, they banned me an hour ago.
Roman history is so broad and deep and well attested that you can take LITERALLY ANYTHING, and argue that it "caused the fall of Rome"
academia is literally a century ahead of you in thinking. Your brain is so fucking smooth one could ice skate on it.
In the case of detroit it's because they're just niggers
>We need a war because Netflix has shows with transgenders and black people
This but unironically.
You’re not wrong, but I’m definitely less smooth than you. If you’re promoting this decadent anti-breeding racist trannny shit you’re a psychopath.
Every time in history has had degenerates and sub cultures. The only difference now is that the internet has allowed these groups to increase in noise and clout but they are still minorities. Don’t start pretending this is the worst point in history though. Your grandparents are mostly likely /pol/ tier racist and gay hating, in their times just holding hands with a black or another guy was high degenerate. Nowadays a normal person wouldn’t care. Times change.
wow great analysis, someone get this boy a sociology phd.
>women voters
Wait, was that a thing back then? I thought the most power roman women had was ruling their households and their husband's finances
I mean that would explain a lot, women were basically the reason Sparta fell IIRC
>The death of the family unit
Which family unit do you mean? The extended family? Where the adult children work and their elders care for the young? Because that’s been dead a long, long time in the US. As a bit after WW2, land barons and factory owners got together to build factories in places where no one would ever want to live, and to get a workforce to those places, they started pushing “THE NUCLEAR FAMILY”. Where you leave your actual family behind to work in a factory in the literal asshole of the world.
I don’t think fatherless children are caused by mass incarceration and “war on drugs” they’re caused by the fathers being criminals.
So this has been up for over an hour now.
Why are/tv/ mods so utterly and completely incompetent.
>anti-white threads get 400 posts
>Yea Forumsmblritas screeching for anti-pedophelia threads to be taken down
makes you think
The board is a lot like society. It’s so broken that no one wants to fix it, and any time you try to fix it, a pack of niggers rush in to break it again.
>personal responsibility
lol, shiggydiggy
Welcome back to sodom
So you mean by war of law breaking junkies? And?
Any more bolshevik mental hoops?
Roman society lasted almost 2000 years. At what point are you going to blame muh trannies for ruining it?
What are you trying to imply?
The 1,999th year.
it's a mystical belief.
do you have a "personal responsibility"-ometer? can you measure it?
Then it's not real and has no place in a discussion about sociology, which is a science.
your analysis is not materialist and is therefore mystical nonsense based on feels.
Male breast feeding is a thing, but I honestly don't know what gender is doing it in the OP, so I guess we're at an impasse, lol.
>sociology phd
>muh mass incarceration
>muh fatherless homes
>muh school-to-prison pipeline
>muh slavery
>muh Jim Crow
>muh segregation
>muh racism
>muh discrimination
>muh systematic oppression
>muh white supremacy
>muh white privilidge
>muh stereotype threat
Just call 'em niggers
The dream: capeshitters, /pol/cels and trannies incarcerated for life
How would america survive WWIII when half of its people are trannies?
When did Yea Forums become such a christian conservative boomer board?
>Male breast feeding is a thing
oh yeah and fuck pigs
You need to find and eradicate the (((root)))
>Then it's not real and has no place in a discussion about sociology, which is a science.
Oh I am laffin
Imagine being this big of a reddit faggot
>mystical nonsense based on feels
Sounds a lot like that real science of sociology, kek.
>sociology, which is a science
>your analysis is not materialist and is therefore mystical nonsense based on feels
You sound like a queer Ben Shapiro doing the facts>feelings bit
Hey look everybody user's being an ayn rand wannabe
I literally don’t know what you’re talking about but what I do know is if there were no police or prisons we’d be living in a Mad Max world like the Middle East, so, keep incarcerating any and all sceeves and junkies. More of those assholes away the better, hopefully forever. A shame about their children they should have thought of them before wanting to slit someone’s throat for the 5 dollar bill in their pocket for their next 2-minute bump. Obviously not talking race here. Imprison/kill all sceeves/junkies.
Can anyone actually name 2 or 3 instances where society collapsed because of degenerate shit like this? You know, like sexual revolution, moral relativism, anti family, pro tranny etc.
Weimar Republic
legit chuckled, thanks man.
The tranny obsession of the right is really something.
Don't be antisemitic! Israel is exceptional period. kys bigot
When society statted having a nigger history month, castrated abused kids aka LGBTQ month and when every rich leftshit with a microphone started to screech about huate males
it's not a bit when science actually agrees with you. Shapiro is a grifter. I'm just pointing out places in your thinking that aren't as logical as you might have thought previously.
That wasn’t a collapse, that was a coup.
Someone make a sweating button guy meme as a liberal struggling to choose between the Israel is good button and Monolithic societies are bad button or whatever.
Imagine saying after the LGBTQ month shilled by every leftshit activist group and every corporation.
before the reddit invasion traps were posted 24/7 on Yea Forums
Ah yes, chemically castrating yourselves is better for reproduction than ethnic nationalism.
>Shapiro is a grifter
He is not a leftist in any way.
Only when the good people start publicly executing these sick bastards and even then, there can be no half measures. You can't hem and haw and say, "Well this person isn't that bad..." No! All or nothing.
fun fact: police and prisons were not created to solve a crime problem, and they do not actually reduce crime very much.
Read more Foucault. The reason people don't shoplift for instance is not because they think "I might get caught and have to contend with the police" - nope - it's because it never occurs to them to do it. Modernity is self-regulated through the processes of normalization, and power is exercised not through direct application but through surveillance and self-regulation.
The real purpose of the police is to protect the capital of the rich.
While well-intentioned, your false king will be put in his place.
yeah, and traps were considered whackos. now they’re considered braver than actual war heroes getting pats on the back for cutting their cock off
it’s all just anti-breeding propaganda none of these “liberal” elitists care about this stuff, it’s all about swaying votes away from “white people” and giving more votes to browns and by votes I mean twitter accounts
Right. He's a grifter. He lies for money.
Civil War
>having a rainbow flag in your twitter handle for a month
>spend your free time reeeeeeeeeing about trannies 24/7/365
Nice try you dumb commie. If you had your way it would be mandatory law to have some Indian guy fucking your wife at all times.
It will fix itself when the west is overthrown
Based logicandreasonposter dropping the true redpills on braindead conservatards.
Collapse is inevitable
Good goy. Diversity/Multiculturalism is a Jew's perfectly stealth mutual assured destruction weapon against whites.
Am I supposed to be outraged over that?
You can't prove personal responsibility is real. There are not a greater number of personal responsibility particles in the brains of whites than in blacks. The science does not support your hypothesis.
Based, I'm building a nice portfolio of Social Points myself. I'll have beautiful Chinese children in a couple of years max.
>implying modern millennial liberals don't think Israel a shit
Try again.
Disgusting racist old fuck. I wish Christ would come down and cull these filthy hypocrites.
I don't think liberals give a shit about Israel and leftists fucking hate Israel.
>how do we fix people sterilizing themselves???
Uh... wait?
>implying that jew isn't white
You people have the most retarded scapegoats.
>naive, dumb as fuck goy
They don’t? I literally didn’t know that I thought Israel was beloved and absolutely taboo to speak out against. As a matter of fact, it is. No idea what you’re talking about.
Except that post made no sense. A murderer chooses to murder. What the fuck else do you want? Black people are innocent victims regardless of the situation and white people should fucking pay for the “actions” of their ancestors? That’s contradictory, dumb ass.
I triggered some libtards today.
Since when do leftists hate Israel? What bizarro timeline did I just shift into? I think you’re living under a rock.
Black people have no agency. I agree.
based kid
Friendly reminder to read The Crisis of the Modern World by Rene Guenon and follow the path of initiation.
Everyone knows niggers have a propensity for criminality above and beyond the average white person. You don't need an electron microscope to prove the existence of niggerons at the atomic level to make that statement
>amazing history
>no tran trans
>great values
>united and strong
The (((West)))
>widespread hate
>trannies and incels
I rest my case
BDS is a leftist movement. Leftists are extremely pro-palestine and anti-israel. You will get "cancelled" from leftists spaces if you say anything pro-Israel. Israel is an apartheid ethnostate engaging in colonialist expansion, backed by capital. There is literally nothing for leftists to like about it.
You're right. I was agreeing with you.
Leftists are the Free Palestine crowd where have you been?
personal responsibility is a meme and only white men are obligated to have any
I know right.
/pol/acks coping after spending years complaining about the jews and then go on to shill for and elect the most pro-Israel president ever.
Can't make this shit up.
The west has never been weaker, a takeover is coming
While you're arguing about genders, China is expanding and Islam is multiplying
I didn’t think leftists cared about any actual issues I thought they were just obsessed with Jews and take everything they do and say as law because it’s an automatic faux paux to say anything negative about anything Jewish.
but based trump triggers and owns the libs
China has a shit tier history, whenever there is even a little bit of social upheaval they start acting worse than niggers
Wait for Chinese or Russian aggression. Reality hits hard, the war will shape things up.
>As a matter of fact, it is. No idea what you’re talking about.
Do you not watch any news at all? There were WEEKS when people from both sides of the aisle were seething about freshman democratic congressmen shitting on Israel. Not to mention the boycott and divest movement or whatever it's called. It's still a golden calf for older politicians, but the young ones are at least taking Israel to task for its humanitarian bullshit and warmongering.
Leftists hate DWS lol
wait you don't think liberals and leftists are the same thing, do you?
we get rid of all the leftists
>brown jew says they aren't white
So what? I don’t feel like having to get a permit and pay fees and live behind barbed wire once a whacko like Hillary gets in there. What do you even mean? Do you understand bureaucracy? Dems do nothing but pass random weird laws and restrictions and red tape. Fuck that big brother nanny state shit and fuck you. I’d elect a thousand jokers like Trump before that murderer Killary.
Start by putting all young males who play video games/addicted to internet in reeducation work camps like based China
>the tranny with the communist cake
so what you're saying is, you know absolutely nothing about the left that you didn't learn from /pol/ memes.
Ever think maybe you're in a bit of an echo chamber and don't understand what it is you're supposedly opposed to?
Both are Ashkenazi retard.
The picture? No, it's just amusing to see a strong, woke feminist sitting quietly like an obedient piece of meat in the designated menstruating section of a building for a religion that treats women as property.
If I punch you in the dick and you fall over like the bitch you are, I don't need to plot the movements of every particle in your body to explain why me punching you in the dick causes you to fall over like a bitch.
I don't actually need to know WHY punching you in the dick causes you to fall over like a bitch. I just need to know that it does.
And if I wanna get real fancy, I can define you falling over like a bitch from being punched in the dick as you being a bitch, from which I can derive all sorts of inferences about you by comparing you to other bitches. All without needing to actually know how or why any of it works at all. I just need to be able to connect the dots.
>authoritarian ethnically homogeneous country doesn't tolerate differences
Try not to get re-educated.
I for one welcome our Chinese overlords. Based Xi is a wise leader and I'm sure he will lead us to a brighter future
>what is Ashkenazi
you retard
>I don’t feel like having to get a permit and pay fees and live behind barbed wire once a whacko like Hillary gets in there.
But all trump supporters are boomers who live in walled off communities like The Villages where its illegal to have your lawn cut 1 inch too short, nice try
It’s honestly kind of comforting that people are calling out Israel for their shit, assuming they are I’m just taking what you’re saying at face value.
No I’ve just never heard a single leftist say anything logical in my entire life. Post something a well-known leftist has said recently that wasn’t batshit insane.
cool so you admit your politics are based on feels, good.
Except you just made that up? What the fuck are you talking about there’s no lawn law anywhere in the US. Maybe if it’s overgrown neighbors will complain, but, no, dems = nanny state. That’s not up for debate that’s their slogan.
And? Are you one of those purist dipshits trying to redefine what color white is because somebody has an Asian ancestor 6 generations back?
>Leftists hate DWS lol
really? when?
>liberals and leftists are the same thing, do you?
Tell me more.
fuck off cringebertarian
It's just basic statistics my man. Can see why you wouldn't be able to recognize such an esoteric concept though. It would pretty much look like magic to someone like yourself.
Leftists have been against israel for 40 years moron, its the right wing in america that has been doing everything it can through catering to evangelicals to strengthen israel
you people are the definition of useful idiots
Feminism is a nation-destroying psyop
This woman is white.
Yes. Blacks commit more crimes than whites. They do so in every western country. And Asians are less criminal than whites.
>there is no lawn law
You are underage or a trailer dwelling hick if you have never dealt with a city council bylaw lmao
>read this bourgeois white upper class academia cocksucker
How about nah. The reason why police exists isnto protect wankers like Focault from me carving a bloody path through them. But since there is a threat of criminal repercussions, I don't even have a ticket to my name.
She declares that she is a jew. See Also, she has a very JEWISH name.
But I don’t get it, how do they love all this jew multiculturalism shit if it’s all based on absolute lies and they know it?
Tywin pls go
>assuming they are
It's one of the biggest schisms in liberal circles right now. Bill Maher gets on his soapbox regularly about how the youngerns don't know "the real history of Israel" and that every Palestinian is a terrorist covered in human shields.
No one seems to be "suffering" under feminism except sexless incels, weird that.
So I should be outraged over that as well?
Jesus you're fucking stupid. Many North East Asians have skin colors just as pale as Europeans, but that doesn't make them "white", does it? Race isn't just about skin color.
I own a 500k house in the suburbs and no there’s no lawn law at all. You just made that up.
>She declares that she is a jew
How does that change her skin color? What color is "Jewish"?
And what the fuck is it about exactly and as scientifically as possible?
No you don't
Actualy men have it better these days
Women are the ones feminism hurt the most
>how do they love all this jew multiculturalism shit if it’s all based on absolute lies and they know it?
You just went full retard. It's almost as if multiculturalism is a natural function of an increasingly global society and not a Jewish mind control plot to destroy all white people.
I thought there was only caucasoids, mongoloids and negroids (aboriginals perhaps being a fourth thing) so... Jews are certainly caucasoids do they hate Europeans so much that they want to change the definition of science just to distance themselves? Psycho racist fucking whack-jobs.
every feminist nation has to transfuse an endless stream of blood from non-feminist nations just to keep its head above the water
You need to google "Ashkenazi" and 13th tribes. you retard
Kill all millennials.
>Race isn't just about skin color.
So it's a totally arbitrary construct based on nothing more than a genetic lottery and where you fell out of your mom, got it.
>Except you just made that up?
Imagine posting this after posting a post with nothing but strawman.
>Post something a well-known leftist has said recently that wasn’t batshit insane.
here's an anarchist criticizing virtue signalling using leftist language, which makes it 10x more insightful than any criticism of virtue signalling on the right, because she connects it back to material conditions that cause the phenomenon rather than just "SJWs are bad because they're bad REEE" which is all the right can do.
Similar video by Peter Coffin criticizing hysteria over "cultural appropriation" from a leftist perspective.
I literally do. I co-own with my sister and brother in MA.
By whining about it on an anime messageboard, that'll do the trick
well done, sounds comfy
All the right can do? SJWs are bad because they spread the hate that they claim to be against. Bam, I just unwound SJWs in one statement.
liberalism explained from a leftist perspective:
Israel is full to the brim with arabs
why on a board dedicated to television and film of all places?
I just gave you an example as to why race isn't just about skin color.
There's nothing arbitrary about what genetic ancestry a person has inherited due to what populations their ancestors come from. And it's not a matter of a "genetic lottery" as to why people are born to their parents, and their parents theirs, etc.
>men have it better
>nigh impossible to approach a woman in public and women have thousands of men lined up she can choose from
Alright I just looked it up and there is no lawn law other than you have to actually maintain your lawn and if it looks like an abandoned lot you can be fined because it depreciates the value of your neighbor’s properties. That’s it. You just made a bunch of shit up. The fucking length of the grass doesn’t matter as long as it’s not 3-foot Sarangehti grass
How can you watch and enjoy television and film when there are leftist SJW libtards on twitter and tumblr that are trannies??
>which makes it 10x more insightful than any criticism of virtue signalling on the right, because she connects it back to material conditions
The exact thing leftists have done for everything else since fucking forever. Incredibly insightful.
Ever since Israel told them to fuck off with their meme ideology. Israel was supposed to be another Soviet satelite, Czechoslovaks even armed them and trained their combat pilots.
I wouldn’t care what trannies do if they didn’t blame their psychosis on me because I am of the “wrong” race or sexuality.
How fucking dumb are you?
So I can shit on Israel in public now? Sweet.
As depressing as this is, that only counts for a minority of men
Most men these days are drowning in prime pussy
Don't use words you don't know what means.
Not an argument.
Actually good post.
No I used that word’s dictionary definition to a t
>most men
>t. never seen a psychotic person in his life
if you're functioning well enough to make distinctions between genders, you're not in psychosis
Well enlighten us than faggot
Can you redpill me about this?
But trannies can’t identify differences in genders that’s why they made up 75 extra ones.
They're suing google for being demonitized arguing that's against free speach
Then I am Liberal cuz a fact is a fact. I wonder if how many of those leftists realize that liberalism is not right for them? lmao. I guess (((they))) tricked the leftists.
Please do.
Ahahahaha, holy shit.
And here I was thibking that leftshits were calling it 'Freeze peach' nowadays.
check out the comments.
Thank you Occam.
>The reason people don't shoplift for instance is not because they think "I might get caught and have to contend with the police" - nope - it's because it never occurs to them to do it.
It's precisely why I don't shoplift, murder or rape. Only because my time is too precious to waste it behind bars. Don't kid yourself, 90% of society thinks the same