Will he make the leap to mainstream movies?

Will he make the leap to mainstream movies?

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hopefully he makes the leap out of his window... hehe

lollllllll bro im dyin

who is it?

He'll fade into obscurity.

His fanbase is getting older. Filthy Frank was a think for me in high school and that was 6 years ago.

Joji is busy making horrible music, Max is getting her operation, and he's doing the exact same crap.


>Max is getting her operation
Redpill me on this storyline

>eceleb youtuber
>the epitome of zoomer sòydom
nah he's not gonna make it

maybe not surgery (yet), but TRT and the whole biz.

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edups browses this site, he references the coomer meme in his latest video.

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I think doing the guerilla Louis Theroux thing is a great fit for him

wojack variants are hardly only on Yea Forums

I've only ever seen coomer on Yea Forums, that being said I hardly browse anywhere else. Feel free to prove me wrong but I think he's most likely to have learned it from here.

I will always love edupes for this video. There is nothing you can say to change my mind

Is that the hair Pie guy? He's a tranny now?

fpbp based and made me laugh

>you will never get paid to open pokemon cards and fuck around with shitty blind bag toys while having a cute gf and a shiba

I'm surprised Ian's fans haven't revolted yet since he's gone about 18 months without a making Content Cop, his most normie videos.

Idubbbz has been irrelevant since 2017

Made me chuckle

hey that's pretty good

Max is not a tranny now, stop lying

>everyone in this thread is pretending ian hasn't made content in years and fullforce didn't just happened

Not to mention ethans moved on to doing his shitty podcast. Ian has nothing and is directionless

For real, you got a source on this? Because I always though Max made for a pretty cute trap.

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his ass