Season 4 when
Season 4 when
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When you call for help
they already made s4?
how could someone with ADHD sit through five minutes of twin peaks?
am I being trolled?
Never. Now for an actual question; since Laura was supposed to be some special gift from god or whatever that scene was from S3, would that imply anything special about Maddy?
the adhd is in reference to anons who hated Dougie and kept crying WHEN'S COOP COMING BACK?!?
Dougie was based.
No need. We don't want more episodes of a retarded Dale Cooper.
>I will never again watch The Return for the first time weekly with a bunch of faggots on Yea Forums
Why even go on living?
Only Laura was special since her archetype was created by the Fireman to counter BOB.
Let's talk about Judy.
So you can cherish your memories of it. Watching season 3 with Yea Forums was an amazing summer and everything about it was great.
The Fireman stuffed Laura's soul to the gills with primo, grade-A, supercharged 'life-force' (golden 'corn') for BOB to gradually taint and corrupt over a 5-6 year period until it fermented into an especially potent and deadly form of garmonbozia (blackened/diseased 'corn'). BOB successfully taking possession of Laura's body/soul would have undoubtedly destroyed both of them, effectively putting out the raging 'fire' that was BOB.
But then this little shit had to ruin everything by tossing that goddamned ring into the train car.
I'm confused how the fuck was Cooper able to see Laura from the black lodge months after she died?
The Arm jsut wanted all that sweet, sweet garmonbozia for itself. It might've also been tasked by greater Black Lodge powers to interfere.
Time travel Lodge magic.
What exactly is MIKE's motivation?
In the original series he's formerly evil, but helps Coop defeat BOB.
In the movie he accosts BOB and warns Laura about Leland, tries to give Laura the Ring (which The Arm wanted to do to?) but then at the end is somehow commanding BOB to give him the garmonbozia he gained from killing Laura.
Then in the 3rd season he never enters the real world just helps out Cooper for no reason.
I don't get it.
Hopefully never. The ending of Season 3 was the perfect ending to the series.
He saw the face of God/the Giant/the Fireman, tore off his own arm, and turned away from Evil. Pretty much the entire franchise involves him trying to redeem himself for his own evil back when he was a proper Black Lodge entity. He even recreates Doggie in Season 3, despite literally having no reason whatsoever to do so.
He's firmly on the side of good now.
Was Laura asking for it?
Why is FWWM so comfy bros? I've never seen a film with such comfy visual style. The warmth of the film stock is just amazing. The soundtrack is superb and all the weird shit is better than anything on the show. But I can't get over how the film LOOKS.
Lynch and half the remaining cast will die before it can happen.
The golden ball sent by the Fireman wasn't meant for Bob, it was meant for Judy. The green glove was enough to dispense with Bob, whereas the Garmonbozia bomb was powerful enough that it had to be contained in the pocket dimension (or timeline/loop whatver) that Coop and Diane lured Judy into and then destroyed with themselves in it.
No. Not at all.
We don't really know what was going on there. Or if Judy was ever really inconvenienced by anything they did. The ending certainly didn't imply they'd succeeded at much of anything.
How mad do you think Mark Frost was watching S3 come out with all its crazy bullshit?
He revealed in interviews he wasn't allowed into the editing process at all, and that the script for Episode 8 was 4 pages.
More importantly how pissed off do you think Showtime Execs were?
Sarah/Judy angrily stabbing Laura's photo and failing to tear it showed that she was pretty fucking inconvenienced to me.
Showtime execs confirmed that the show exceeded sub expectations and have given Lynch an open invitation to work with him again. I doubt Frost gives a shit. He knew who he was working with.
Mark Frosts ideas are basically are all in s3 , I don't see why he would be mad.
It's difficult to say just how much the various agents and proxies like Sarah or the Experiment represent Judy as a whole. But yeah, Sarah was pretty fucking pissed off.
It's been awhile, who's judy again? God? Evil god? Something?
>tfw in the first draft of FWWM Cooper visits Laura in her home and they fug
What did Lynch and Engels mean by this?
All of the above.
I'll always subscribe to the notion that the entire series is a dream. Judy would represent the nightmare corrupting that dream.
It's just "something" that was brought into our world when we were testing nuclear bombs. I don't think there's a definitive answer, but from the generals I was in when S3 was airing, there were a few anons that had a pretty good grasp of what the more occult stuff in TP was based on, so maybe they might have an answer.
I dont think Judy was "brought" into reality, so much as it had always been there, and the nuclear tests just weakened the fabric enough that it could start doing more blatant shit.
My personal understanding of the 'cage universe/Laura bomb' theory was that the only reason Judy even entered the material plane at all was due to DoppleCoop/BOB's machinations with the glass box, and that the Fireman was forced to act because Judy was 'in [their] house now', posing a serious threat to the entire cosmos.
Putting out BOB's 'fire' in 1989 by sacrificing Laura seems like it would have effectively ended the entire conflict then and there.
They've always made it a point that time works differently in the Lodge. I can't remember for sure, but in S2 Briggs gets trapped in the Lodge for a few days, and when he comes back he looks and feels like he's been gone for weeks, and the same thing happened to Bowie's character over the span of months. In S1 we were getting scenes with Coop in the Black Lodge that chronologically took place during S3. That time displacement is why we got Mr. Jackpots and why Bowie was speaking out of order.
Was Cooper the evil one in the Philly office in FWWM or did Jefferies know he was to be evil at some point and didn't know which one he was pointing at? ("who do you think this is there?" line)
Considering there were multiple other manifestations of Judy functioning around the same general 'time' (Frogbug/Jumping Man, the Experiment, Pale Horse, etc), it seems like the Experiment manifesting was jsut the start of things.
>Pseuds pretending to understand the never-ending dull as fuck fever dream that was S3
This ruins the Twin Peaks legacy
/tpg/ was the only good thing about my life during those months. Things have been looking up since but it has a place in my heart.
That was normal Coop, but Jeffries was referring to DoppleCoop.
Same here fåm. I was in a super dark place but TP and /tpg/ were keeping me going.
>bunches of Lyunchfags watch The Return with baited breath, all 18 episodes to see if their dumbfuck questions are finally answered
>literally 17 episodes of Lunchian exhibition and wackyshmacky storytelling, focusing on tons of new characters that add nothing at all to anything anyone cares about from the previous show
>finally episode 18 "IT'S FINALLY GONNA BE EXPLAINED GUISE!!!"
>"D-D-D-D-D-DALE COOPER FBI BACK ON THE SCENE AND READY TO we live inside a dreamdreamdreamdreamdreamdreamdream meme mame meme memm mumm"
>"pUT The GuNS IN tHE oiL"
Nah, nigga. If you love TP S1 and hate S2 and maybe kinda like 3 or any variation of that rating then you just don't enjoy things. All three were fun and great, especially while they were airing.
Exactly, and it was kino.
It was THE kino.
>started watching twin peaks like 3 months after S3 aired because I thought it would be about all this sort of mystical illuminati shit (black lodge = masonic lodge), plus surrealism
>alright, the old series was pretty good, lets see what comes next
>mfw S3
literally all I could ever wish for
Tha lt was like the best summer of television ever for my house on Sunday nights. I think at separate points TP, GoT, Veep, and Vice Principals were all airing the same night.
MIKE and The Arm are two separate halves of the same entity (call him 'MIKE Prime'). Instead of coming to terms with his own inherent darkness and becoming a fully-integrated entity, MIKE Prime made the terrible mistake of 'exorcising' the evil in his own soul. This resulted in the creation of two independent yet inexorably linked entities: call them 'Good Mike' and 'Evil MIKE/The Arm'. Both have different goals and methods of achieving them, but they are still essentially the same entity, just like Good Coop and DoppleCoop. As they are both the same entity (an 'inhabiting spirit'), both 'halves' can assume control of their chosen host (Philip Gerard), but presumably only one half can inhabit or remain dominant within the host at any given time.
In FWWM and presumably the rest of series, MIKE is literally of 'two minds'. Good MIKE merely wants to stop BOB, while Bad MIKE wants the garmonbozia that is owed to him as well as to claim Laura's soul for the Black Lodge (presumably for nourishment or as a trophy... or something). MIKE/Philip Gerard's behavior and motivation in any given scene all depends on which 'half' is in control.
MIKE = The Arm + Good MIKE
Good MIKE = 'fuck BOB he needs to be stopped'
The Arm = 'fuck BOB that filthy nigga owes me money'
One of the better summaries I've seen. Thanks, user.
No worries, honestly took me a while to fully figure out myself.
>>bunches of Lyunchfags watch The Return with baited breath, all 18 episodes to see if their dumbfuck questions are finally answered
>>literally 17 episodes of Lunchian exhibition and wackyshmacky storytelling, focusing on tons of new characters that add nothing at all to anything anyone cares about from the previous show
Jesus christ, how can one person be this far off. Lynchfags don't want answers, we might see it as a bonus, but we know it's not about that at all. Anyone who have even the surface level knowledge of TP or Lynch understands this. And seeing the next generation was ultimate kino.
user, you're replying to someone who suffered maximum over-Lynching. It's not worth it.
But they made 8 seasons that finished in 2012?????
It seems like you've been stuck in the Black Lodge for a bit, frenlo.
Where's that in Fairview???
Check that place at Judy's. Hear it's to die for,
I think the frogbug being Judy is more likely than not, meaning she has been in Sarah for a long time. The "our house" line is certainly important, although I would think the Fireman would mean the white lodge, not the normal world. Not sure on this point.
The reason I think the Laura bomb theory is so likely is the "Richard and Linda, two birds one stone" line from the giant. Clearly the events of ep 18 were going somewhat according to plan. And in the final frames, the lights all flash on, and then go black, "putting out" Judy, as I saw it.
Sheryl Lee
>mfw people are openly discussing Judy in /tpg/
>Lynch and half the remaining cast will die before it can happen.
Well, the previous timeline / dimension is - if not gone - currently out of their reach, and even if Coop and Laura return to said first dimension, they don't necessarily have to see everyone. Lynch can write whole new story branches in new dimensions with new variations on the characters (and a lot of totally new characters too). He's proven to be full of new ideas.
I thought the frogbug was just some kind of freaky 'beacon' for Judy's spirit to home in on once DoppleBOB brought her into the material plane with his magical box thing - so she'd have a willing and vulnerable host conveniently prepared for her eventual coming.
As for 'our house', I think it could refer to both the physical plane AND the White Lodge, as Judy (American Girl's 'Mother') had to pass through the latter (the 'citadel on the purple ocean' at the very least) in order to reach the former.
>tfw Season 3 actually talked about Judy
I know, it's great. What really bothers me, though, is how different the different releases look. If you look up the Hap's Diner scene on YouTube, which must've been taken off DVD, the colors and light look radically different than the BluRays, which also differ among themselves
lynch said "never say never" and that carrie page's story was calling to him, but he also said it was "too soon" and would take the same amount of time the return took to make so it'd be about 4 years from an announcement
>to see if their dumbfuck questions are finally answered
stopped reading there
Jeffries must've blown his gasket
but everyone will be dead by then
this, I don't give a shit what the plot is, I just want a lynch tvseries, if it's with mclachlan that's just a bonus
>how could someone with ADHD sit through five minutes of twin peaks
It either resonates with you or doesn't.