What went wrong? The first one was kino

What went wrong? The first one was kino.

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No Del Toro.

When you put the dollar signs first and the inspiration second.

Producer and Male Lead John Boyega

no momentum, all the yaegers were just flying around everywhere. the fights and movement needed to be somewhat grounded to feel impactful

A lot less returning cast and crew.

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>bring young nignog
>no del taco
>"dude its gonna be successful just like transformers! kids love robots right xdxd"
>kills the main characters from the first film off screen

gee i wonder what went wrong?


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>Neither of them were in the sequel
>Sequel sucked ass

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Kazinsky was so handsome in Pacific Rim, YO LITTLE DONNIE was also pretty good.

Just to name a few:
Retconning the objective of the Kaiju from the first film, Not enabling the Precurors to just create another rift and instead have a convulted double-cross plot just to use the one semi-talented actor that's alive through most of the film, focusing on the kids and not the illegal Jaeger technology and despots using it to conquer other territories away from the Pacific.

Instead of exploring how the world recovers with the new technology to destroy actual monsters or having the precursors use established methods and not some Machiavellian shit to attack, we're left with someone trying to bring in as much Evangelion and Gundam allusions and try to design "cool robots" that aren't caricatures the regions they come from.

The kids could have been a good focal point, but it jumps around too much and doesn't have a challenge for any of the protagonists to overcome.

"I'm a great pilot, but I don't want to be like my dad"
"I'm smart and build impossible stuff because the movie tells me to, but I just need to believe in myself to be a good pilot, too."

I like some aspects of the movie, but it's a fucking mess outside of the Obsidian Fury arc.

First film had awful pacing, this one fixed it, it is objectively better.

All action films these days try and make it about the characters and how they interact with each other and the action itself is just an elaborate hook (for the trailer) and backdrop for the YA "soap opera" taking place.
is like this these days.
Transformers brought it to focus but I think Spielberg is the reason why it exists due to the first Jurassic Park.

In the first movie the robots were lumbering and cumbersome, but in the sequel they jump around doing flips and shit.


Boyega. Boyega went wrong. He's not a terrible actor, but he fundamentally misunderstood what made Pacific Rim unique and in so doing reduced it to a generic Transformers rip-off. He helped rob the Jaegers of their weight both visually as well as metaphorically.

>take a movie that was only good because of the director who has a genuine passion for mecha and kaiju stuff
>give the sequel to some literal who tv director and add some terrible creative input from the retarded lead actor

But that's a good thing.

>All action films these days try and make it about the characters and how they interact with each other and the action itself is just an elaborate hook (for the trailer) and backdrop
That's how you make good movies. The best scene in First Blood is the scene where Rambo talks about how his 'nam friend couldn't feel his leg.

>wants more yammering
soapie fangay faggot

>John Boyega
>China numba 1
>Shit cast (Except Burn/Charlie/Rinko)
>Completely missed the point of the first film

It had a few good ideas but it reeks of heavy Chinese influence.

>Completely missed the point of the first film
You Pacific Rimfags are insufferable, what was the point of the first movie? Monsters vs robots, period. Why do you pretend that fucking movie had a complex/deep plot or anything?

No one claimed it had a complex/deep plot.
They missed the point of the robots. There's no sense of scale or weight in the sequel, they're constantly doing flips and jumping off of buildings and other retarded shit. In the original they actual felt like giant lumbering mechs.

- Most battles took place in day light, making the CGI look worse.
- Boring and stupid characters. Nearly everyone were fucking teens.
- The Jaegers movements and attack have less weight and impact.
- John Boyega as a main.
- Trying to appeal to Chinese audience by adding a Chinese character.
- Trying to appeal to Chinese audience and at the same time having a black male lead is a bad combination.
- Stupid story. Even more so than the first one.
- Using rap music in the trailers.

Dunno. Never saw the sequel. I knew it'd be lousy when it was first announced and del Toro flat out said he had no ideas. Then when del Toro dropped out, I knew it'd gone from bad to worse. Then when Boyega joined the project, I knew it'd gone from worse to irredeemable garbage.

>and del Toro flat out said he had no ideas
Huh? I remember him saying he had a load of ideas for prequels and sequels and he wrote a screenplay for the sequel. Then he left and they came up with something completely different.




I fucking hate that big lipped nigger boyega so much. Fuck this soulless husk of a sequel.

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>lost almost all the mech including Avenger
>this time we're coming for you
Is he a retard or what

Well in Uprising the fact that Jaeger production had stopped because it was practically bankrupting nations was completely ignored and they just built a load more anyway despite the kaiju seemingly being defeated, so I'm sure they can just make some new ones appear out of thin air in the sequel that will never be made.

the fact that only thing I remember for this movies is his character constantly talking how he is good looking . . .

And he was literally standing next to Scott Eastwood. Fuck that nigger.

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Let's not get crazy here. The premise and worldbuilding of the first one is interesting, and the effects are pretty neat, but the movie itself is just kind of ok. The climax of the movie is in Hong Kong, but then it goes on for like another 30 minutes, then you get that boring and confusing final battle at the bottom of the ocean.

Studio got greedy and decided to just pump out the sequel without waiting for Del Taco (who only left because he suddenly got the greenlight for Shape of Water and really wanted to make that). They thought Boyega would bring Star Wars money and the idiots let him call the shots too, it was him who said he didn't like the robots being "too slow" in the original and asked for them to be faster like ballerinas

It was bankrupting nations in the first one because Kaiju were destroying them faster than they could build them

Also stopping production of them was shown to be a catastrophic mistake

>no Del Taco

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The first was not a very good movie and the second is no worse than it was

The depth, grandeur and off-kilter humour of the original was sacrificed in favour of lightweight action and shallow characters.

>the action itself is just an elaborate hook (for the trailer)
spot on
I came to watch sea beasts duke it out with robots, not the life story of some lame character whose name I kept forgetting
PC2 gave me Emmerich flashbacks

Don't forget trying to appeal to the Chinese audience by killing the Japanese woman

>Chinah best
>Soul-less mecha designs
>everything that made pacific rims mechs different from other mecha shit was gone
>No Del Toro
>Retard teen shit

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I absolutely adored Pacific Rim. I shittposted on Yea Forums through most of its theatrical run. I checked into box office mojo every day cheering to get the movie a sequel. I made half of the cancelling the apocalypse thread.

Now I’m a regular racist, but when the robots took off and trolololo song started playing I went full 1488 spookyega killing mode.

>to appeal to the Chinese audience by killing the Japanese woman
Not to mention that Japanese woman was the only character anyone cared about from the movie.

>What went wrong? The first one was kino.

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and this

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