God father

>god father
>good husband

And yet /pol/ will still call this guy the N word

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>Yea Forums

>she chooses the names of our children
What a nigger cuck.

Look at how content that guy looks.

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He seems to have a pretty comfy life ngl

tribal life is the superior way of living

/pol/ has a collective IQ of 85, Even though their ''right'' about 80% of what they say they just can't present it without using slurs and being generally obtuse

He’s fine as long as he stays in his own country

>>god father
Was this when Michael was in Sicily? I thought Apollonia was jihaded

why are his teeth yellow?

I am happy for him and wish this man happiness in his life.

That nigger looks pretty healthy why don't the starving ones go out hunting shit like their ancestors did?

>hang out with bros
>play Far Cry Primal, but irl
>catch a boar: celebrate and dance a while
>go home to wife who's fully committed
>relax at nice tropical beach while she cooks the boar
>have giant feast and chill with kids until next week when it's new time to go boar hunting

Can we go back? How do we go back?

Yep. Olden days people had it figured out. Imagine being like a medieval farmer

>rewarding physical labour that makes you strong and aesthetic
>loyal farm girl peasant wife who loves you and takes care of the home
>work less than modern day wage slaves with plenty of feast days and religous holidays
>close knit group of peasant bros you've known from boyhood


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>That nigger looks pretty healthy why don't the starving ones go out hunting shit like their ancestors did?
They live in the part of the continent that's had a drought for the last 25 years and don't have cars to drive to the lush parts.

> you will never have an Apollonia

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If my girlfriend was still alive I'd probably let her name the kids. It would have made her happy.

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>medieval farmer
better than today for sure, but pre-Roman Europe was probably better

most niggers are actually just sitting in superslums in the capitals

>lord calls you up to fight
nah not good

Based and goodhusbandpilled.

>Lord calls you up to fight
>don't die
>become hero of the land
life is what you make of it

pretty unlikely really, war were much smaller scale back then

just looking at this guy makes me literally nauseous
he looks like he's fucking fake, not even real

>their "right"
Kek dumbass dipshit

Then why are you here?

You're a good guy user.

post your face

>you will never live a simple, quiet life
It hurts more than you can possibly imagine.

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Why don't I go fight? Because my homeland isn't under attack.

>lord call you up to fight
>go to battle
>nobles negotiate
>no fight happens
>go home
9 times out of 10. Now, if you're house and wife are still there when you get back and haven't been torched by marauding brigands who knew the men left for war is a different story.

Well, technically, he is still a nigger. But there is nothing wrong with that as long as he is in his own country doing his own thing.

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if you have access to the internet and running water i can ASSURE you that your country is under attack

that guys hand is clearly deformed, he probably just can't open anything

day of the rope when mosleybro

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That is the most revisionist, ass covering thing you'll see a fascist say- Hitler said the same thing in the mid 30s even when he was planning the ethnic clearing of the east

>far worse standard of living
>sky high infant mortality
>rampant disease
>live at the mercy of nature, can be starved to death by famine through just one bad harvest
>terrible nutrition
>no education
>shit tier medicine that's more likely to kill you then save you
stop romanticizing the past dumb zoomers, serfs and peasants lived hard unforgiving lives. be grateful for what you have.

In a very subversive sense yes, its a different form of attack these days. It's not something that can be solved in the form of physically attacking the invader. If we take a look at the NZ shooter he really did not achieve much, the public was turned against him, he made people less receptive to his ideas and the invaders will just reproduce in larger numbers.

But there was no people to even clear out of England in the 30s

99% of medieval battles went like this
>two armies are just nearish to each other, not even within sight distance, sending scouts as they try to maneuver around each other for position
>skirmish a bit as most of the armies are just shuffling around responding to where it looks like the enemy is trying to shuffle to
>eventually somebody gets to a hill or some other good position and the other army goes 'welp' and leaves

You have a collective IQ of 85.

>muh Generalplan Ost

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You should cover your ass, you tranny faggot.

what do you think the Nazis were planning on doing with the Slavs in the East? Why do you think they sent Germanic colonizers as a part of the Lebensraum program? To coexist peacefully with Slavs? lmao

No jews in London in the 30s? No sikhs and Hindus from the Raj? Or gypsies from Ireland? Read a book

did he strike a nerve there?


>Believing communist propaganda.

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>you need a car in order to migrate somewhere

>history is a whitewash

>Why do you think they sent Germanic colonizers as a part of the Lebensraum program? To coexist peacefully with Slavs?
That's something Germans have done for hundreds of years.

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yeah, just ride your elephant

That sounds horrifying. You know what sounds awesome? Hunter gatherer groups

>your chick picks berries and shit
>have kids, whole community pitches in
>what is stress, being overweight, 9-5 jobs, anxiety, depression

Seems awesome. Except no way to get your wisdom teeth out.

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He literally said they were running a multiracial empire and racialist policies were wrong

Or the whole when you can't find food part. You ever wonder why civilization progressed the way it did?

not a nigger but unironically a speakchucker

We all know that people are the same wherever you go. There is good and bad in everyone.

JIDF shill

Hunter gatherers tend to have good nutrition, far better than most humans did under agriculture, which also has the possibility of famine.

By definition what you described is not a battle, it is a skirmish.
Words have a set and defined meaning, use them

Read "Things fall apart" if you want to understand what that life is really about.

kek do any of you faggots actually read Mein Kampf?
>During the last century it was lamentable for those who had to witness it, to notice how in these circles I have just mentioned the word 'Germanize' was frivolously played with, though the practice was often well intended. I well remember how in the days of my youth this very term used to give rise to notions which were false to an incredible degree. Even in Pan-German circles one heard the opinion expressed that the Austrian Germans might very well succeed in Germanizing the Austrian Slavs, if only the Government would be ready to co-operate. Those people did not understand that a policy of Germanization can be carried out only as regards human beings.
Volume 2 chapter 2 found here

The Austrian and Russian Slavs were looked down at in particular Germanic supremacy was the key goal of Nazis at the expense of neighboring white nations.

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Do you genuinely believe in the item you just posted? Does it help you sleep better having a fantasy world?

Certain north american Indians survived that way for hundreds of years right? Couldn't have been all bad, nor unsuccessful. I really think it was something. You always had food provided you moved and never settled.

Only the women can't find food. Agriculture were created by cucks who couldn't hunt

It's the soiboi meme but 30000 years ago


He's literally a nigger, though.

Too bad whites are ruining his land and are going to force his tribe into cities. They're already fighting back and killing trespassers that come, but it's only a matter of time until he's next door to you ready to murder you for a dollar.

Read on. Context is important.

>Too bad whites are ruining his land and are going to force his tribe into cities.

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>What they mostly meant by Germanization was a process of forcing other people to speak the German language. But it is almost inconceivable how such a mistake could be made as to think that a Nigger or a Chinaman will become a German because he has learned the German language and is willing to speak German for the future, and even to cast his vote for a German political party. Our bourgeois nationalists could never clearly see that such a process of Germanization is in reality de-Germanization; for even if all the outstanding and visible differences between the various peoples could be bridged over and finally wiped out by the use of a common language, that would produce a process of bastardization which in this case would not signify Germanization but the annihilation of the German element
None of that contradicts the point made in the quote listed here or the pic attached, Hitler viewed Eastern Slavs as an inferior racial element.

>context is all about the wife
>some how the husband is the good one
how does it feel to be stupider than /pol/

Kek; you clearly haven't read it and wanted to say something you thought would work as a response for others to read.

He goes on to talk about eventually getting rid of all the negro blood in Alsace Lorraine as well but you probs missed that.

Use their feet like their ancestors who left Africa did?

>blacks walked to America

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don't know, tell us

>Hitler viewed Eastern Slavs as an inferior racial element.
Inferior in terms of having less of the Germanic element. But they were still considered Aryan according to NSDAP official policy, as I already showed. Prove they were going to genocide the Slavs.

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He has a nice smile and would probably give you food even though he hardly has enough for himself

I'm fairly certain I've got some sort of motor neuron disease. Should I be grateful for that?

yeah, and then eat me afterwards

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This upstanding black gentleman and his kin should stay in their countries then.
The fucking NGOs should stop smuggling them in my country.


based /pol/

But this is Yea Forums

I remember reading a story about a pilot who crashed in the desert and was taken care of by a nearby tribe who laughed at his big uncut penis.
He fell in love with a tribeswoman, and one day decided instead of being rescued, to go and live with the tribe.
On his way back to the tribe they were preparing a circumcision ceremony, unbeknownst.

Can't find it though.

>He goes on to talk about eventually getting rid of all the negro blood in Alsace Lorraine

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If she's dead how is she still making kids