What went wrong

What went wrong

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Other urls found in this thread:


world had enough of sneering clowns who rebel against society by dyeing their hair green and shaving off their eyebrows and sneering some more

Heath Ledger was a hard act to follow. Jared Leto took edgy and ran with it.

Excess of expectations.

Script, casting, acting, makeup and clothing.
All were shit.

the tattoos were a disaster

Nobody wants a wigger yolo zoomer joker.

makeup got an Oscar

Doesn't make it good.

Corporate meddling fucked everything up in post with reshoots. Completely fucked the pacing and cut out alot of the actual good movie leaving only shit behind

This is now a Joker thread

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not enough society

The Oscars are meaningless shit.
It has devolved into a political award for niggers and women.


He's the fortnite of jokers
Plus they made him out to be a chad for normies to buy in to the daddy crap with Harley and make whores buy costumes


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For some reason mailing people condoms didn't make Leto a better actor

I mean this guy looked great, also the latino fire guy.

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Wigger yolo zoomer joker is fine as a concept Jared Leto just couldn't carry the role.

They lied about his role in the film even to Jared, as well as to the audience, so the performance didn't align with what the director and the audience really expected.
Jared did nothing wrong.

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I liked it. Only thing I didn't like was the marketing, also the Damaged tattoo was dumb.

My neighbors 12 year old son and his friends love Letos joker, it was actually surreal when I saw the kid wearing him on a T-shirt. He told me the boys in his class thought he was cool and that he thought Heaths joker was weird. This kid also just spent the last two years doing fortnite dances on his driveway while playing basketball.

the face looked great, the body looked like shit


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No, it's a dumb as hell concept, and even though I'm no fan of of Leto no one could do it. It's ridiculous.

I don't get what you're insinuating.

Zoomers don't get that we live in a society and that there's more to it than meets the eye.
The relationship and wealth focus in Suicide Squad was a lot more relatable for them, I imagine.

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The Joker is ridiculous.
Literally a criminal that wears a big purple "ARREST ME" anti-disguise, all the time. The polar opposite of the grey-man concept.

The aesthetic of the modern criminal is hip-hop derived. Why wouldn't the look of a modern organic Joker crime-lord reflect that, rather than anachronistic 1920s gangster movies?

IMO it's a good thing that he failed because autists lost the ability to be critical of casting choices and assume every hire will just work out and this brought them back to reality

Stop calling actors by their first name, you don’t know them personally. They’re not your fucking friends, retard.

stfu faggot

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I honestly think people who hate it are just overreacting to it not being Heath Ledger's yet not having a squeaky voice and upbeat personality like the toons.


You call them by their first name when it's a better or more fitting identifier of who they are.
You're lame if you rather call him Phoenix than Joaquin, or DiCaprio instead of Leo.


this was good bait

I wish we saw more of him
I unironically like this design.

>Halo 3
>Gears of War
>Fallout 3
Change it to Halo 1, original CoD, and a few others and this meme might make sense. Maybe even throw in some shit like Goldeneye.

bad acting, bad dialogue, bad plot

id say bad costume design, but it could work if the aforementioned didn't suck

Should have added Cesar Romero and listed like ps2 era games

Bogdanoff...he fell for it

I saw the titles and should have read the bottom text of the meme. You're right. I feel for it.

>angry birds is old school

>bad acting, bad dialogue
Jared Leto specifically.

He unironically had sex, making him unrelatable to capeshit connoisseurs.

Laying it on a bit thick here don't you think?
and that "laugh"....

Me? I'm Conrad Veidt.

Those first 40 seconds weren't bad. His lines weren't out-there and his mannerism was just of a guy who has a chronic migraine, which is within the realm of the character.
The laugh was no Mark Hamill but like I said with the migraine, it strikes me as pained, and definitely subdued, which is how this Joker was set up to be.
1:50 onward I don't see the problem. I think it's good.

jared isnt a good actor to be quite honest senpai

>literally falling for the gamers rise up meme
Holy shit not even redditors are this new

Did you really expect that Suicide Squad would have been created just to take care of the Joker? His role in the film was fine

Because Leto is an awful actor. The only thing more robotic than his acting is his appearance.

>no talking during the test
>me and my mates begin to whisper

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I just saw the titles. I didn't read the rest of the text.

The design had everyone against it from the start. Get rid of those shit tats, teeth and get him in a suit and he would have had a very accurate look. He should have been the villain of the movie as well

The movie sucked for various reasons and then they tried to jam him in when he wasn't fucking needed at all.

That was for the stuff they did with Croc

his joker was super boring, a really soulless incarnation of the character

i really wish we could see more of the goofy hysterical joker instead of these super serious and edgy versions

>Did you really expect that Suicide Squad would have been created just to take care of the Joker?
Jared Leto definitely thought he would have more involvement than he was actually given.
So your post is gay.

leto was a horrible casting choice since the start

No the Squad should have been formed as a black ops team and the Joker comes along and crashes the party. So really all they had to do was make the threat of the film smaller and expand on Joker's role

he didnt looked like croc at all, it looked like a nig with leprosy

>super boring
*not wacky woohoo
>really soulless
*distinctly restrained
>i really wish we could see more of the goofy hysterical joker instead of these super serious and edgy versions
That's your opinion.
He was in the video games.

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I really fucking hate zoomers.


the arkham games version of the joker is the most accurate depiction in recent years, should have been like that in movies too

>leto was a horrible casting choice since the start
And Heath Ledger gets a pass why? Joker isn't supposed to have a box face and long hair, on top of the quiet voice and subdued expressions.

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>here comes our honka honka bull
>so you want me to fuck this guy while you watch
>and then I want to eat his creampie afterwards and when I have all his jizz in my mouth I want to kiss you and share it with you
>honka honka

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>the arkham games
that's not the only ones I'm talking about pleb
>should have been like that in movies too
You're basically just complaining that it wasn't cartoon Joker.

>And Heath Ledger gets a pass why?
Because he pulled it off. Ledger was given a LOT of shit for being cast BEFORE the film came out because his last big role was Brokeback Mountain. Leto was given shit AFTER his movie, rightfully so

ledger was kind of a middle ground to me, that made it acceptable but still kinda far from the original joker

and at least it didnt tried so hard to look edgy, he just didnt gave a fuck and thats what people liked

honka honka

>literally has "damaged" tattooed on his forehead
that's how you know he's disturbed!

god what a fucking zoomer

>that's how you know he's shit

I think the reasoning behind that tattoo was that Batman punched him repeatedly in the face and crushed his teeth so he tattooed DAMAGED on his face because his pretty face was ruined.

>Because he pulled it off.
That's kind of an inconsistent stance. Your bias is showing.
>Leto was given shit AFTER his movie
That's not even true faglord. He got shit the moment of reveal.
>rightfully so
Again, bias. You happened to like Heath Ledger's so you give him a pass even though it's a slightly different kind of the same deviation from the source material. You probably just hate grills and tattoos.

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You shouldn't have to state the fucking obvious to portray a role. The actor itself should be able to do that without having to have the word "crazy" or "bad guy" written on their fucking forehead.


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How about we go with the general and critical consensus for whether Ledger and Leto pulled off the Joker, instead of the nitpicking Leto dickrider

do not keep discussing with this fag, he is a zoomer that likes edgelords and buttplugs

just point at him and call him a zoomer

More joker in this music video than the entire movie

Joker is classy as fuck, this guy is not

>How about we go with the general and critical consensus
How 'bout no and you come up with your own reasonable, defensible opinions instead of deferring to the group, normalfaggot

Also Leto's laugh was absolute garbage.


He looks like a heroin addicted white nigger who likes to pretend to be tough but is really just a bitch.

Here, I know you're dying to post this. Everything we say will just be dismissed as personal opinions because there's no empirical way we could establish which Joker was best because financial success, critical claim, being used as a template for all future portrayals of the role, and awards will just be dismissed as "sheeple groupthink" to someone with superior intellect such as yourself.

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its what most people say here, but you keep going full contrarian

good job you successfully translated my sarcasm

lol what?

I really don't understand how people can really think this was Joker being a cuck and not just setting that guy up to fail.

>Here, I know you're dying to post this.
Nah, I don't even have it saved you pseud fedora-tipper.
>Everything we say will just be dismissed as personal opinions because there's no empirical way we could establish which Joker was best
No, everything you said has been dismissed because it's obvious that you just want Mark Hamill Joker and only tolerated Heath Ledger's because it was new and he was written to spout some philosophy along with the other lines.
>financial success, critical claim, being used as a template for all future portrayals of the role, and awards will just be dismissed as "sheeple groupthink"
As it should. Avengers movies selling millions of dollars doesn't make them good, and poor-selling films don't make them bad. And same with anything in those films, including particular performances.
>to someone with superior intellect such as yourself.
You sound like such a fucking butthurt redditor holy shit

Shut the fuck up, faggot. I'll call whoever whatever I want. Don't post on my board again or I'll give you a wedgie


seethe cope tranny

He didn't really get a fair chance to shine. He was in the movie a total of what, five minutes? Less?

Not that I'd be holding my breath, but he might have been able to do a good job with it if he was a main character.


Have Joker from the 80s to be ancient and not even mention any famous games from the 80s.

He wanted a black bull (a honka honka in Joker and Harley's secret language - explained in the art book) to fuck Harley in front of him, have her take the load in her mouth and snowball it with the joker.
The honka honka didn't want to do it, so Joker has him killed.



he looks like a tweaker.

>And Heath Ledger gets a pass why?
HE DIED, user. He died because his crazy intense depiction of the Joker was too much for his fragile sensitive mind and he OD'd on sleeping pills or some shit.

he was murdered by the one of the olsen twin goblins

Whenever a celebrity gets suicided or tragic accidented you should be more suspicious of the official story.

jared leto is a turd

you should spray the kid with the hose when he comes outside dressing like a dork

There was a lot of doubt towards Ledger when his casting was originally announced. It's just often forgotten because of how well his role was received in the the end. It would have been well received even if he had not died.

we never got an anthology style sequel done by quentin tarrantino.

its clear t anyone that paid attention that he isnt the real joker. he's jason todd.

I don't give a fuck if the official autopsy reports makes note of a wound in the back of Heath Ledger's head that just so happens to perfectly circumference and depth of Harvey Weinsteins cock. It doesn't change the fact that the reason everyone was kissing his ass for that lackluster performance is because it was the last major movie he did before he died.

The song is not good and the video is cringe on various levels.


Guess I must be pre-historic since I still play Doom.

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hes look like fanboy of the joker, rather than real one

But... this is what he is. He's not a mutant. He's a nigger with a skin disease.

>unironically liking UNO FARTO

I think the film was lackluster more than his performance.

meant for

I would agree with the whole movie being lackluster as well.

Aside from the tattooes and the teeth caps, he's one of my favorite Jokers tbqhwy. He's more of a gangster than a clown prince. He does autistic shit like carefully place knives in concentric circles on the floor and just lays in the middle of them. But he has his goons under control and he plans his crimes well. He's more intimidating to me than most other Jokers too.

And he also a cuck

>He's more intimidating
Heath was more of an (anti)christ-like Joker, the dying-so-you-sin type

Easy the movie was shit, his Joker was going to be Robin who was taken by the real Joker, this makes his portrayal of the character very good as he is doing his best to push the envelope never reaching the heights of the actual Joker.

The movie should have been Joker has taken over Arkham Asylum, Batfleck is coming in one end and the Suicide Squad the other, both working their way through the rogue's gallery of villains.

Also Gotham's "Joker" was insanely good...except his final plan

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He was too thuggish for me. I don't like his sense of style. Also, it's hard to take him seriously, since he seems so self-indulgent.

He was playing Jason Todd.

I think his outfit is awful. The concept could have worked if the delivery was toned down. I think, like another user said, those tattoos really take a lot out of him. Also, why does he have a grill? Did he buy it after becoming a criminal?

I don't know who he's trying to look cool for, but assuming they're a part of some joke, we'll let it pass. It's possible Leto's Joker wanted to be a rapper instead of a comedian, but it doesn't mesh well with his name, his premise, or anything really. In general, he seems like a gang banger in the Suicide Squad verse and it's like, "How?"

his laugh sounds like a grandpa

thats the joke . reddit

I wish Common would have killed him in their first scene; such a blemish on the Joker legacy.

Nothing with him, he was perfect. Will Smith’s blackwashing that role was absolutely shit.

>Guess I must be pre-historic since I still play Doom.

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Literally everything. Suicide Squad is probably one of the worst capes hit movies of this Era and that's saying something.

He had sex.

It's because he is crazy!
He do it because Joker wants you to say "You're crazy"

At least he isn't an effeminate incel virgin loser

Leto >> Pheonix

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Zack Snyder wanted this Joker to be Dick Grayson so he could become the Dark Knight Strike Again's Joker Grayson.
But WB wanted him to be the real Joker so they could go safe.
Literally this Joker (and all the DC movies) suffered from being not made by Zack Snyder

based and JokerLetopilled!

Incels live in your head

i think the giveaway for this bait is that no zoomer would even know about the jack nicholson joker to make the comparison

What's going on in this thread?

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The movie didn't make any fucking sense and was hours of mindless, dull CGI action scenes. Anyone who even considered the idea of Leto's joker topping Ledger (even with le dead prestige) should unironically be eugenically euthanized.


>movie was poorly written so Leto's performance was very bad

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No, the giveaway is that it calls 7th gen games ancient. If you don't get that, you probably shouldn't be here.

Old School

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That make him more crazy!

The actor trying to develop a character and build his backstory cause he's a serious thespian when all he had to do was read some funnybooks.

Leto was shit
Ledger was good
Fucking deal with it

*lick lips*
*lips smacking*
*Kubrick Stares you*

Joker killed the guy because he called harley a 'bad bitch'. The whole point of the scene was to show that Harley was Jokers property and if anyone else saw her as their plaything, they are as good as dead.

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He killed him because he refused to sleep with Joker's GF while Joker watched and afterward would swap the cum with his GF.
Refusing meant he didn't want to be their honka honka (their code for black bull according to the art book) and he couldn't trust him.

he is played more as a henchman than a mob boss, which is what the Joker is.
Also all the pathetic pandering and edgyness to try to copy Ledger's methodacting. Like cringey headlines and stories of how Leto sent a dead rat to every cast member or whatever.
Also the fucking Zoomer design on him to try to appeal to kids, grills, cringey in your face tattoos, shaved eyebrow. Again, he appears as more of a henchman or fanboy, rather than the actual Joker, which I feel most of the previous actors have managed to pull off as well as Joaquin Phoenix.
And never forget this cringefest, like they thought it would be cool to put the Joker together with rappers, like the actual Joker would do that. youtu.be/ZkqyIoYAXV8

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>And never forget this cringefest, like they thought it would be cool to put the Joker together with rappers, like the actual Joker would do that.
They needed really murky, savage, twisted drill.
Skrillex is a sell out and Rick Ross is a fatass wannabe rich n*gger
I think an actual fitting rap beat and lyricist would have suited better.

more than a few people after that post prominently complained exactly about the tattoo and grill, and little else

>their code for black bull according to the art book
Not true. In fact the script says otherwise.
>He killed him because he refused to sleep with Joker's GF
You completely missed the point of the scene, then. The whole idea was to show that everyone should know Harley is with Joker and there should be no admiring of her by anyone except him.

He wanted the honka honka (which says in the art book is Joker and Harley's secret word for black bull) to come inside Harley so he could slurp out the sperm and share it with Harley.

They didn't lie to him, they changed the entire movie after filming everything. The main reason it's shit is becaude DC thought
>Wow, we aren't getting very high ratings in our early pre screenings... Let's change everything last minute! We'll get some trailer house to edit it!
There's a whole bunch in the official trailer that's unused footage, lots of Jared Joker as well.
I'm not even a fan of Leto's joker, but I can admit they didn't really give him an opportunity to shine.

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They didn't cast a girl.

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Is that Brie Larson?
Because she looks prettier if she is Brie

She's been dressing up like a scene girl on instagram for some reason.
Maybe a nostalgia attack.

He really does look like a wiggered Macaulay culkin

>Fallout 3

The most obvious answer is he had about 5 minutes of screenntime

>noooo joker should have a pointy face it’s ruuuuuined

yeah I do. riff raff is fun.

>take finished movie
>let executives cut it in post
>re shoot movie
>let another set of executives re cut it in post
>test screen it
>gather up all the footage you just cut and reshot and get some interns to recut it a 3rd time

Gee i just cannot fathom why DC movies are dogshit...it must just be Disney shills and hit pieces.

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The post is mocking that type of POV...

Terribly written character that strayed too far from what the actual character was to work, terrible aesthetic that you'd expect to see in a Marilyn Manson video, and Leto was a terrible choice for the part. Leto is terrible for most parts, actually, and when you watch his performances closely it's pretty evident that he can't act particularly well and is cast for his face and not his ability. People like to assert how good of an actor he is based on extreme roles he chooses but regardless of the extremity and the, in some cases, quite apparent dedication to the role (Dallas Buyer's Club I'm looking at you) there's very little substance to his performances and I don't think I've ever seen him deliver a believable line.

too self aware

That whole movie was terrible even by capeshit standards. I don't understand why it did so well at the box office. Some weird anomaly.

what would Phoenix's games be? and Romero's?

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he tried too hard and MOMS GONNA FREAK memes gave me bad preconceptions that only further tainted my viewiing

>What went wrong
Are you looking at the picture?

>what would Phoenix's games be?
They don't exist yet. Nothing came out this year.

all that shit he did, all that pr about that shit he did, all his retarded 'method' acting and he had like 5mins of screen time in a complete garbage flick.
Literally comedy gold

Pretty sure the makeup team won an oscar award for best makeup

Is this maximum autism?

underated post

school shooter tier

There no faster way to invalidate your opinion than to say you like that show.

He thought doing dumb shit like this would be needed to out do Keith Fletcher and win him an Oscar


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Man don't you just love Seth's work?

I don't like it because it's obvious they had only a surface level understanding of what makes joker work.
>he laughs a lot? Give him a bunch of hahaha tattoos and make him write that on walls!
>he's edgy and dangerous? Make him spend hours arranging knives into circles so that he can laugh theatrically and spook his henchmen!
Leto joker was what some 16 year old redditor would think is cool. It was tryhard and doesn't work in the setting. It's not believable.

This honestly. Did we even really see Leto perform as joker? He had maybe 15 minutes total.

You're conflating the cut with the performance with the writing

what did he mean by this?

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Who is that?

Jared "Trigger Trannies" Leto


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Whatever happened to Dunn Hier?


Normies liked it, my sister did at least


>old school
>bioshock infinite
that got me

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>muh superhero movies HAVE to be exactly as the comics meme
Retards. Nolan's films made several subtle changes to characters. Ra's Al Ghul wasn't an immortal sand nigger in the comics. Rachel Dawes literally didn't exist. The Joker didn't fall into a chemical thing, didn't even have a name, appearance changed. Harvey Dent wasn't burned in the comics. Movie Bane didn't use drugs to make him super strong. Same with Catwoman. Most of their backstories were changed

And you know what? Despite what any contrarian fedora on a filipino image forum says, the Nolan films were fucking amazing, critically and commercially succesful and they are still super enjoyable and pander to a larger audience than any MCU or DCEU movie ever.

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and redpilled

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>ledger joker was lackluster

You people will say literally anything just to be a contrarian. Its mentally exhausting.

His look and behaviour (with some modifications would have worked in the early 2000s, but not for a modern audience. The only way I can describe him is "innaproriate".


Jared Leto is a bad actor. He's always the worst part of everything he's in.

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Listen Mr. user. You don't know who I do, and who I don't have a personal relationship with. Though everyone does know your mother personally.

Buncha faggots

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>Implying the Oscars are still an indicator for Quality, or ever where.

Wasn't there a scene where he beat Harley and pissed on her ? I remember seeing leaked non audio Footage on YT where both where standing in front of a Lambo and he smacked her and from behind it pretty much looked like he whipped his dick out

Him not being in the movie long enough and you. Yes you idiot haters.

Haha, did he really do this ? I remember reading somewhere that he sended Margot Robbie a Pigs Head or some shit and thought that's pretty cringy but that would top everything

Because that wouldn't make him stand out at all in todays culture and crime world as there are millions of meth heads who dress and look exactly like this. As stale as it might be at this point, a joker with a cartoonish 1920s era suit and a slick haircut and hat would've fit ten times better in the DCEU.

There's no such thing as an unbiased Discussion

paul allen was peak jared leto


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Ledgers Performance wasn't lackluster at all, Mister Contrarian.

>lackluster performance

his joker performance literally elevated the three movies making people think christopher nolan is a genius.

What about RuneScape?


How did i never realize he doesn't have eyebrows?

Currently watching it
It's so fucking bad, they tried way too hard with the 80/90 music montage, this shit only worked in Guardians of the Galaxy because at least Quill was from that period.
Also Will Smith is phoning it in

is this your secret code word why do you keep posting this

>do all that retarded shit
>get 5min screentime
is what went wrong

heh, very personally i'd say heh

you would kill yourself if you saw how many times joker has done both of those in other conitinuities

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The Joker would've begun with something like
>I can *Tellllll* yaa meant that...!!!
elongating the vowels and setting us up for what comes next. He would appear questioning at first before he extends his hand and then queerly relieved, but basically it would all be a gestural accompaniment to his rhetorick.

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