>looks like he would be mean
>is actually nice
Are there any other characters like this?
>looks like he would be mean
>is actually nice
Are there any other characters like this?
>my reddit redditemia
haha le sick meme Yea Forumsrother xD you got those plebbits good! Yea Forums for life!
Read the manga, it's kino.
I kinda meant other tv or movie characters that look mean but are actually nice.
reddit: the anime
>Read the manga, it's kino.
Yea Forums here, no its not
only redditor would write something like this
go back
>looks like a faggy edgelord
>turns out to be the least edgy character, but still a fag
cant think of any
Truth is most characters are designed to look like their personalities.
Even "bad" protagonists you're supposed to sympathize with still have humanizing features.
Makes sense.
Reason I ask is cause I, though handsome, have a nefarious aesthetic. People assume I'm out to cause trouble but I am the last one that wants trouble with anybody.
Yea Forums here, yes it is
>other tv or movie characters that look mean but are actually nice.
Marcus Pullo from Rome.
>Marcus Pullo
Fuck meant Titus
Is this show even any good?
It looks like Naruto: Zoomer edition
Based hunterchad poster
Based Kirishima has the best girl
Starts ok then they give the main character seven super powers instead of just one. It's like when you're a kid playing super hero and that one faggot in the group keeps giving himself more and more.
you mean Bakugo?
>OP posts movie related question
>everyone posts Japnigger cartoons instead
OP is a fucking retard for not finding a movie related character for his bullshit thread in the first place
>Japnigger cartoons
>looks mean
>is nice
A lecturer once told me I have an evil face and she asked me to stop staring at her.
what is up with that weird mask?
It's like the paper is just shitting on my eyes.
>tranny character not treated as the bizarre headcase they are
dropped before even picking up lol
>tfw no bro friendship like tetsutetsu and kirishima
feels bad man
He wears it to make himself look less intimidating, his real mouth is horrific.
you do realize he's making fun of killia, right? I thought hunterwhisperers were supposed to be smart
He’s the traitor.
I bet she thinks you're gonna be a school shooter too
Never thought they would make something worse than Shitruto for zoomers but this garbage takes the cake