Films where the fame goes to the hero's head and he becomes the villain?
Russian language is so ugly, jesus christ. Now I know why Hitler hated that snow monkeys.
I dont speak commie
>before the interview
>back to being a normal healthy woman
>after being berated by jealous roasites
>suicidal victim again
I think peds might be right about the whole trauma thing being forced by older women
She is gorgeous.
The Cyrillic characters are cool imo.
Yes but it sounds like a retarded trying to talk while eating shit.
A face in the Crowd is a great movie that does that. It stars Andy Griffith as a radio show host that gets too big of an ego and becomes an asshole
Russian language is based.
>have specific suffixes for male and female
>no xe/xir in language
>family names consist of "son of/daughter of"
Someone post a fucking MEGA or upload some .webms
she looks better now than in her kino days imo
is that her real hair color?
post some links bros
It's entry level stuff. If they can't find it on their own, they don't deserve it.
high iq response
fags need to lurk moar
I actually like how it sounds I even recently started learning it.
i've never seen this girl before in my entire life, officer.
He event sent them chocolates to show how sorry he is.
I know, why do they hate these threads so much?
also the most boring
Lol. She even used defend Sergei, and she repeatedly would say that her torment came from bullies at school and even teachers.
someone give me a quick rundown on this woman, this video and this thread
Am I supposed to know this roastie?
Whoring of underage people because their parents were drunkards.
Chronicle, pretty shit movie tho
She was never whored by her parents. She snuck around them and whored herself because she enjoyed it.
I guess people like to eat. She was literally starving and abandoned by her "parents".
Everyone has their tastes, I like siberian mouse, paradise birds and the short lived striped socks girl the most.
She never starved and her family had enough money. She even said herself that she would use the money on dumb shit like magazines.
seriously? black dildos? It still baffles me
N-no, officer. I don't know who this is or what any of these names mean.
black dildos?
>that footage
what the fuck?
did police give the show producers actual seepee?
are people that shoot this stuff suicidal?
wtf they put real footage and pictures in national tv
>no subs
kys OP
>it was some cops job to edit child porn for tv