Stop being white

Stop being white

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Start being happy

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Waaahhh muh identity muh culture

Beto is so fucking embarrassing as a Texan.

white people are going to end up just like the palestinians

sure thang my nigga

beto is unironaclly alright


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Hi Beto

No you’re not bitch

Yang is legitimately the only democrat with a positive message. The rest are doom and gloom faggots.

Another trust fund baby lecturing middle class whites on how privileged they are. Nah, he's a faggot and should fuck off

Reminder that he fucking lost to Ted Cruz after having almost as much media backing as fucking Hillary Clinton, AND after Ted himself being extremely ugly and unlikable. I voted for Ted and even I can admit he's ugly and a black hole of charisma. But he won anyway. Beto is a fucking loser.

Who? Who is he going to get to take guns from people? Mexicans?

You know he's a proponent of reparations, right?

>/pol/fags complain about leftists playing the victim
>will throw a tantrum over anything even slightly poking fun at them, claiming it’s the Jews fault

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I live Ted and am a Cruise missile through and through but yea he will never be president because he straight up looks like a lying rat. But Ted barely even campaigned last election and like you said Beto had the whole democratic campaign machine behind him.

come on just go to /pol/.

>leaves mini 14s
>leaves sks
>leaves AKs
God forbid these gun grabbing faggots know anything about what they’re trying to regulate

>When you think twitter is real life

>strawman argument 12032131232
just go to /pol/ and take your friends with you, and have a blast. What does a fucking political canditate have to do with this board?

Now Hamas is my friend.

t. The people who invented “micro aggressions”

>herro ferro canadians

He looks better now with a beard but I'd rather have him on the supreme court over the presidency, would be great if he replaced RBG.

>real people post to Twitter
>not real life
Is it congenital?

I really want to but it's hard. Best I can do is bake myself at low heat at 140 and hoping for a permanent baked potato look

Do gun grabbers unironically want a civil war?

There are hundreds of millions of firearms in the US owned by civilians. Good fucking luck kicking in doors and trying to confiscate them.

kek, what a commie fag

Yang is a corporate shill

>Do gun grabbers unironically want a civil war?

>MasterCard™ it is your moral duty to stop people from being white

>kicking in doors
nah it's gonna be economic sanctions

Are you for real? Beto the fake Mexican for the Supreme Court? He's a fucking career politician rat pretending he is Hispanic when he is mostly Irish. Hi campaign as "Beto" is worse than Cherokee Warren.

>chink just told me that he will take $1000 dollars from me and gives it to nigger
>positive message

>he said the I'm asian thing again
kinda cringe desu

especially with the brad pitt memes lately. it looks weak

Considering with all the neon-flashing warning signs nothing has happened to them and they are free to push this issue further and further, I bet they think you're too much of a fucking punk to put your money with your mouth is.

After you cry wolf so many times, people don't believe you. "Conservatives" need a more serious body count.


Robert Francis "Beta" O'Rourke can pry it from my cold, dead hands.
Yang is awesome. I'm joining the Yang Gang

He needs to remind Dem voters that he is not white. Dems tend to forget that.

I would willingly hand mine in if they actually called a constitutional convention and got 34 states to ratify it. But that won't happen these faggots will just use an executive order. Which does not over ride my constitutional rights.

You'll be getting $1000 as well, dipshit.

>will just use an executive order. Which does not over ride my constitutional rights.
What would that look like then? What would happen? Has there been an instance of this before?
t. non-burger

sup yall it's me it's ya boy asmongold

I can't wait. Any DoD or LEO willingly tries to to disarm the people as a whole has gone back on their oath. It will be fun to boog that loo.

>pay yourself $1000

didn't texas already try that shit?

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I wish a nigga would.


He almost started crying when he mentioned missing his kid going to school because he was running for president.

More likely they’d Ruby Ridge you. Someone calls in a red flag on you for saying something like “mass immigration is harmful” and SWAT shows up. Your dog gets shot and you are paralyzed.

>takes pride in a child rape cult led by a false prophet
>muh guns

>implying my girl Liz isn't going to win

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On which reserve was this picture of a brave noble indian taken?

he's literally more anti-american than the taliban and isis

why isn't he arrested?

As per usual, all of the Democratic candidates are complete shit, especially biden and warren.

Seething /pol/tard, your bizarre Pocahontas strategy only works on the sort of people who browse /pol/ (i.e. a demographic Warren never hoped to win at all)

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Oh my bad

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The obvious solution is to burn the children alive after the leader sells someone a gun that's a quarter inch too short.

Yeah everyone wants to elect someone who lied for years about their heritage to get ahead where they couldnt.

>Ted himself being extremely ugly
I see you're stuck in 2016

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The Ted redemption arc has been something else

Her family told her that she had Native heritage, and until she had a DNA test done, she had no reason to believe differently. Literally, the same thing happened to me. I thought I had Native ancestry on my mom's side until she had a DNA test and nope, turns out it was just an old family yarn.
tl;dr seethe harder

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>off handedly admitting you understand affirmative action is bullshit and gives people unearned help in college applications
>admitting you gamed the system
>admitting being a female wasn't enough
>admitting minorities with poorer scores and results are getting into college over more deserved whites
>still running as a Democrat
Here is the real redpill, everyone is redpilled and they're either playing the system or fighting it

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>durr she dindu nuffin she a gud girl

How am I supposed to trust someone raised by liars?

reread my post


>he thinks this is an intelligent response to

Everyone is a liar. It's entirely possible, even likely, that it was one or more generations before her parents that the story was invented.

>Tulsi > [POWER GAP] > Yang > Warren > [POWER GAP] Bernie > (the rest of the faggots.) > [The fecal abyss of endless shit] Beto

Can we all agree?

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Why is Tulsi

Your problem is you believe her and expect others to as well. Sorry not everyone is as gullible as you are.

>epic meme ranking
In terms of likelihood of winning, Warren > Biden > Bernie > Buttigieg > Beto > Harris > Yang

Tulsi is a meme candidate on /pol/

>her entirely plausible explanation doesn't fit my narrative so she's lying despite having no other instances on her record of anything less than perfect integrity
That's pretty cringe

*so high
Fucking post counter

They will retake the presidency after a few more mass shootings in the future, at least with current pace that we've been having them. Since we haven't had any major legislation pass in decades with the ERA being the last big push, constitution wise and that failed by 1 state. Constitutional conventions are rare, and it's hard to make anything work at that level without a massive movement behind it. It's easier to do band aids like we've been doing, and a short cut for our biggest fixes has been through executive orders, usually protected along partisan lines till other party gets in power somewhere and begins to undo it.

Even if a democrat got presidency, any national gun grabber law would be immediately sued to the supreme court, and an epic campaign from both sides will ensue.

>her entirely convenient explanation

Not really a response to my point. Are all explanations that help the explainer lies?

it's too late
we need to move to higher ground

Why would you put Warren ahead of Sanders if you like Gabbard?

>the fag candidate is named BUTTigieg

Shame he didn't run in the 90s

>bootlicker conservatives who worship the police and military unquestioningly actually think if they come for guns theyre gonna do anything but hand them over

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He's internalized white guilt so well he's roleplaying as a Hispanic.

It does refute it, what better scapegoat than her dead parents? Also how about taking responsibility for your own actions in keeping the lie alive? She is saying
>poor me I lied but my parents lied too
>yeah it helped me but I dindu nuffin
then fags like you come along and eat it up and give her a pass for lying her whole life and benefiting from that lie, fucking dumbass

sanders is very uncharismatic. it's a miracle he's a lifelong politician.

>calling anyone a bootlicker
oh im laffin

prove to me that this isn't all a psy-op with each candidate being worse than the next to ensure trump gets a 2nd term

That doesn't logically follow. Is it possible that she lied? Yes. Is it possible that she didn't lie? Also, yes. The plausibility of it not being a lie and her historical record of integrity in every other matter lend credibility toward her not having lied. You're not thinking logically.

During the debate he kept listing guns, AKs included. Basically he wants everything. He just killed his chances, and pissed off people in his own state.

>>Is it possible that she didn't lie? Yes
and now we break from reality, I swear you people will try to bend anything to fit your mental gymnastics, keep being retarded, it is either a lie or not, unknowingly telling a lie is still a lie

Can white people not see the writing on the wall? Hispanics are like 20 percent of the population and they're already speaking Spanish on debate stage and it's pretty much become the second language of America. With the current birthrates and immigration rates in mind, how long do you think before white people feel like complete outsiders in their own country that their ancestors built?

If a nigger gets $1000 and I've got $1000 from the government, that means that I had to make extra $2000 you blithering millenial retard.

Unironically the whitest person in the USA, and even went to get DNA test to prove it.

>unknowingly telling a lie is still a lie
From Merriam-Webster: to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive.
Lying requires an understanding that the information being conveyed is false - and regardless of the semantics, the larger point is that it's not immoral or unethical to say something false if you faithfully believe it to be true.

hell yeah

>I believe her lies about her not lying
cool I knew the left was gullible but I didnt know how gullible they were

>muh gape wag
>muh brown criminals

bootlickers are lefties who hand their guns in

My argument for her explanation likely not being a lie is summarized in . If you want to address that without deflecting, go ahead.

Lyin Ted to Lion Ted


We taking your guns whitey
Pay blacks reparations whitey
Give me your tax money whitey so we can give blacks and browns free healthcare
All immigrants can come in if they are brown and get free everything paid by whitey
Give 2 trillion to black colleges

Democrats 2020

To add to this point here she is an admitted liar. Now she says she wasnt a liar but she has already be caught lying. Nothing you say can change the fact that she lied and is now lying to try and cover up that lie.

>she is an admitted liar
What's your source on that?

>admitted liar caught in a lie wouldnt lie to make it seem less bad
sweet summer child

>Wait for Yang to speak after hearing positive things about him
>He does
>It’s fucking smoke blowing pandering garbage and literally bribing families with money

Jesus Christ, at least the debate showed his true colors.

Second request for source on her being an admitted liar.

she admitted she wasnt and Indian like she claimed, she lied, she admitted it wasn't true, is it too hard to keep up?


Beto is such a fag

Most Texans that don’t live in Houston hate him.
Also I fucking love how he pulled the “Houston is the most diverse city,” and ignores that it by and far has some of the highest rates for domestic violence, shootings, and robberies in the state.
t. Someone living in that shithole

She admitted that she found out it wasn't true after she took a DNA test - and that until she took said DNA test, she had every reason to believe that it was true. And as I established in , unknowingly telling a mistruth doesn't constitute a lie and certainly isn't unethical or immoral.
Look, there are plenty of things you could attack Warren on. Like, you know, her policies. This isn't a good hill for you to die on.

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>she admitted after she was exposed as a fraud and she couldnt keep the lie alive
>she isnt lying this time I swear
yeah, and I have a bridge to sell you

"Hispanics aren't white" is a wedge meme invented by Dems to keep Hispanic people from voting Republican (successful) and to try to get white-collar Cuban refugees in Florida to feel solidarity with wetback dirt farmers from Guatemala (not successful).

>waiting for the debate to hear candidates' policies
the absolute state of am*ricans

>she's not a liar, just extremely misinformed about basic aspects of her identity

Yeah, definitely voting for that.

I summarize in why it's unlikely that she was knowingly lying in the first place. Are you starting to notice that we're moving through this cyclic path where you keep revisiting ideas I've already addressed? Do you not have a working memory?

>Elizabeth Warren native nontroversy

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fuck this guy

I wanted to hear his responses, retard. Guess what? He did the same shit every other candidate did: He bullshitted about muh immigrants with no sense of reality, then talked about giving people money who went to his fucking website.

>just extremely misinformed about basic aspects of her identity
Prior to DNA tests, everything almost everyone knew about their ancestors was based on what their living family told them.

Based, thanks Peter

10/10 would give a sloppy

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Because his policies aren't focused on immigration, retard.

Wojak makes me happy here

The only story there is Trump obsessing over it and calling her "Pocahontas" god his brain is fucking jelly.

>Muh civil war
>Muh uprising

When they're going to take your guns you'll do nothing about it. The average gun owner is too afraid to lose his comfort, and they'll obey their masters when they have to.

The American fury has been dead for over 70 years.

You summarized why you are a fool willing to believe known liars. You keep circling around because you cant get passed it beyond, "dude just believe her and me". You are so dumb it's painful.

You're too smart to understand how mass electoral politics works.

Fake news

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It's just one more adversary that sharpens white people like those cold winters in Europe. White people will come out of this test with cooler heads.

I'm not asking you to just blindly believe her - I'm asking you to look at her record. Her knowingly lying about her ancestry would be inconsistent with her record. You're driven by emotion, not rationale.

I think what bothers me about Beto so much is even more than any other politician, he is entirely characterized by hating that he’s white. That’s all he talks about besides guns. He compared modern policing to fucking Jim Crow laws, and when asked about his DWI in the Cruz debate he suddenly talked about black people being poor.

Someone as obsessed with his distaste for whiteness either lets black men fuck his wife, is so racist that he thinks black people are too retarded to exist without him, or he is suicidal all the time.

Warren is too high, she belongs in the dogshit category pleb.

>Wants to be president
>Has no policies on immigration

>The average gun owner
If 90% of gun owners turn in their guns, that makes 10 million armed outlaws.

They aren't going to confiscate guns. It would be an incredible hassle for law enforcement and there would be some violent encounters. They would just stop selling certain guns and offer a buy back program.

Beto is a traitor

>reading comprehension

>>I'm not asking you to just blindly believe her
you are actually because you cant offer any evidence other than the testimony of someone caught lying, now you expect me to believe it because you chose to, but I'm not, that's about all there is to it, you're not going to convince me otherwise

Beto is polling under 3%. He's dead.

I don’t think you understand the term. Maybe they’ll teach it in your class tomorrow, better rest up.

To repeat myself
>look at her record. Her knowingly lying about her ancestry would be inconsistent with her record.

He’s insanely hateable. Somehow he made Biden look almost presentable.

Swing and a miss, buddy.

Her record is that she lied about her heritage. I'm looking directly at it, keep being a blind moron.

Her record of what? I don't talk to the woman. I have no idea how truthful or isn't she is on other matters.

Explain to me how I didn’t comprehend your stupid fucking post. If Yang can’t respond to an immigration question with anything beyond blowing smoke up everyone’s ass about wanting more immigrants and telling a sob story with no difference to the other candidates’ responses, then go ahead and tell me why I would even want him as president.

>reducing her 50 year career to one moment

Pretty much with you there. I'm bummed about her stance in nuclear power and haven't thought much about the Indian stuff


>A Beto fan can’t spell basic words
Imagine my shock.

Yeah that was a pretty big moment to most people. You dont come back from lying to get benefits and a job, then say uhhh I didnt do anything really. You have already justified it to yourself, so that's why I'm calling you a moron.

Her record as a Harvard professor, her record fighting for consumer protections and chairing the TARP oversight committee, her record as a Senator.

Is she against nuclear power? Too bad. No one's perfect, and I'd still prefer her to Biden.

>family guy image macro with a huge white bar and a 9gag logo

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Just wait if she gets the dem nomination. Trump will eat her alive on that topic. She's whiter than he is.

>openly admits willingness to seize your firearms

She's in my top two so if she wins out she will still have my full support.

>this is the part where you seethe

>reducing her 50 year career to one moment
50 years.
>You don't come back from lying
But my point is that she didn't lie - telling a mistruth unknowingly doesn't constitute a lie and isn't unethical. And here's the part where you say, "You're so naive, she was totally lying", and then I point back to her record of integrity as evidence that she probably wasn't lying. See how we're going in circles again?

The issue is out there in the open and has been widely talked about and hasn't hurt her favorabilities.

Sounds good senpai

>Now I’ll maymay so I don’t have to answer him

>>But my point is that she didn't lie
according to the liar, go huff some more paint you dipshit

You're saying that the evidence that she was lying about having Native ancestry is that one time she lied about having Native ancestry. It's circular reasoning.

>I would willingly hand mine in
>under any circumstances

ATF lied, people died case #1435159041

>>that one time
Her whole career until recently has been built on that lie. You keep trying to minimize it but the damage to her credibility is done. Nobody will believe her other than mouth-breathers.

>Her whole career until recently has been built on that lie.
Oh, we're just making things up now? Alright, Trump was born out of wedlock in an alley in eastern Europe! He's been addicted to heroine his whole life!

>>Oh, we're just making things up now?
No dumbass, she wouldnt be where she is now if she hadn't lied in the first place. Cope more you stupid bitch.

Do people unironically support Ted Cruise?

That's purely speculative, and to repeat myself for the fourth or fifth time, it's unlikely that she lied in the first place. Do you want me to link my posts where I explain why yet again?

>would willingly hand mine in if they actually called a constitutional convention and got 34 states to ratify it.
Would you willingly get your balls cut off if they called a constitutional convention and added an amendment demanding that too faggot?

You can keep repeating yourself till the cows come home but it doesn't change her damaged credibility and your room temp IQ.

Who unironically neoliberal here?

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Anyone who wastes their time reading our conversation will read your last reply and, if they haven't already, realize that this was where your 'argument' fell apart. It's little more than a
>no u!

Beto is a retarded faggot and so are you

Who are you quoting? I never said no u. Also you never made an argument other than just believe her please. To which I have said no. If you had a better argument we may have gotten past that point but you couldn't. Sad.

Kind of, and I do unironically like Hillary. I'm in favor of use regulations to smartly leverage capitalism and economic growth to benefit consumers. It's definitely possible to help the middle class without using socialistic blunt tools like Bernie wants to. I'm generally in favor of higher taxes on the wealthy, though.

Even as a seething nu-puritan /pol/fag, I can't help but find the pride that braless whore clearly feels about her new sign that says she's an official law talking guy, endearing.

It's cute.

how do you feel about workplace democracy?




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I agree w/ you, totally. and im all for a total genocide of all races.

I was summarizing as "no u".
>you never made an argument other than just believe her please
I actually did, in and . See how I'm just linking my old posts? See how circular this is? See how we're just repeating the same lines over and over?

What, like employee ownership of companies? I don't know. All fo the co-ops I'm aware of are certainly good businesses, but I don't know of any really huge co-ops other than REI. It certainly seems like a good idea. What do you think?


What dont you understand about taking a liar caught in the biggest lie of their life at face value being a bad idea dont you understand? Just repeat yourself again like a broken record because that's essentially what you are at this point, unable to work beyond the failed argument.

Americans don't deserve Yang.

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I want you to carefully read and consider what you just wrote. You're - again - arguing that I should believe Warren was lying... because we just caught her in a lie. Do you not understand what circular logic is? I'm dead serious - please look it up, and please think about what you're trying to argue before you submit another post.

Literally all a progressive Democratic candidate has to do is stop being aggressively anti-gun and throw disenfranchised whites a bone every now and then and they'll guarantee a blue White House for the next decade. They would be able to unironically heal divisions and salvage some sliver of economic stability or at the very least ensure the Brazilifacation of America is a safe transition.
But no. They have to bend-over backwards for woke multinational companies and public-outrage hustlers who made a career out of race-baiting.

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In the European or the American sense of the term?

>we caught her in a lie
>this means she wasnt lying
you are certifiably insane if this is your train of thought

Yang sucks. The UBI is interesting but he's shit on all other issues.

>They have to bend-over backwards for woke multinational companies and public-outrage hustlers who made a career out of race-baiting.
If they didn't do that they wouldn't be democrats.

For me, it's Sanders.


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I'm a lib and I agree that dems should stop fighting guns so hard, if only because gun violence isn't actually that big an issue relative to how many people die unnatural deaths in the US, whether from accidents or disease or what have you.

But we *didn't* catch her in a lie. We caught her in what *may* be a lie. Our current debate is about whether or not it was a lie - whether or not she *knew* her claims about her Native ancestry to be false. You're arguing that she *did* know on the basis that we just caught her in a lie.. but your basis for believing that we caught her in a lie is that she *knew* her claims about Native ancestry were false... which you're arguing is true based on the fact that we caught her in a lie... but your basis for believing that we caught her in a lie is that she *knew* her claims about Native ancestry were false.

>>But we *didn't* catch her in a lie. We caught her in what *may* be a lie.
this is predicated on believing that she isnt lying again, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. you are the only fool here

Warren is literally a version of Sanders who isn't a retarded broken record and isn't about to die of old age.

He'll believe what he wants and needs to, breh.

This is a socialist code speak for ceasing the means.

The German model is not really workplace democracy and it's not really something to brag about.

>I'm in favor of use regulations
I am both in favor of regulation and deregulation when it comes to American policy making. The key is to get away from talking points and try to have an understanding of the consequence of regulation on market health.

>It's definitely possible to help the middle class without using socialistic blunt tools like Bernie wants to
Middle class is not really my concern/focus, aside from healthcare. A lot of bad policy making comes from bending over to the middle class.

>I'm generally in favor of higher taxes on the wealthy, though.
I am in favor of funding a modest welfare state and you typically do that by progressive taxation system, but I am not oblivious to the consequence such a system can have on the markets(see France).

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Why don't they treat guns like cars? You need a licence which requires competence to earn, and can be taken away if you fail to abide by the law, and you also need third party insurance which adds a financial responsibility to the ownership of guns. Nobody has their guns taken away, eveyone with a gun learns appopriate safety measures and is encouraged to follow them, and the government and private corporations have a new avenue towards profit. It probably wont stop school shootings, although not allowing someone to leave a gun store without showing their licence and purchasing insurance could make things more difficult, but I would expect the number of accidental deaths to drop drastically.

My argument that she isn't lying isn't circular - her record of integrity and public service is evidence of that. "But what about that time she lied about Native ancestry", you say, and that goes back to my point about circular reasoning - you're trying to argue that she must be lying on the basis of that one time she lied, and we know she was lying that one time because of that one time she lied, and we know she was lying that one time because of that one time she lied. See how my defense of her isn't circular and yours is?

>Dems are losing their fucking minds about ARs and "assault weapons".
>Most of the time it's either Pistols, knives or shotguns that are being used to murder people in the American badlands.
>Despite how much they get rapped about semi automatic rifles are actually a pain in the ass to keep if you're not a law abiding citizen, and hard to deploy on site.
So is all this posturing just because white people are getting shot now?


I don't actually think this a huge distinction between the two. It is just a generally problematic word. I could call myself a social liberal, but that would be so misleading for anyone that is not some dork PoliSci major.

>>My argument that she isn't lying isn't circular
yes it is because you are taking her testimony about the event at face value, a known liar, sorry but that's pretty fucking stupid and where I part ways with you

This comment was meant for.

>Hell yes we are going to leave citizens defenseless contrary to God given rights
What a faggot I hope he kills himself

you wish you could be that based

Hell yeah fag

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I'm not taking it at face value - I'm saying that her telling the truth would be consistent with her record of integrity throughout her career. That's not circular. Looking at the rest of her 50 year career aside from this one controversy, she's showed consistency and honesty and integrity, and it would be inconsistent for her to have been intentionally lying about something so serious this one time. That isn't circular.

I'd argue that the middle class is literally all that matters. If you're not benefiting the people, then you're failing.

Ok retard

>dude it’s okay to murder citizens including children because gubermint said there were children at risk. Think of the kids!

>>would be consistent
except the consistent thing throughout her career has been this lie, as I said before, if you had a better argument we would be getting passed this point, but because you dont you are stuck here trying to salvage the credibility of a known liar but whatever it's your life

Man, give it up. This dude bootyblasted you to the woodshed and back. You just keep repeating yourself. She a lying liar who lies. Accept it and move on.

really makes you think

And now, again, you're referencing her supposed 'lie' as proof that she was lying. You're using thing X to prove thing X. I'm referencing the rest of her career, and you're just saying, "Well, what about that time she lied?", but the claim that she lied is what you're trying to prove.


>>her supposed 'lie' as proof that she was lying
ok cool you keep believing liars and I'll keep calling you stupid, glad we came to an agreement

You still haven't proven she was a liar.

You libs are literally insane. There's no refuting that. I hope that wasn't too circular for you.

She proved it herself.

Are you still shilling that redskin'd bitch? Jesus dude, she lied to get ahead. Just give up.

Good argument.


She admitted it. Proof enough for you?

real life and her own testimony


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>samefagging and repeating posts made half an hour ago

Looks like you brought some friends

Source: Elizabeth Warren.

Beto is so beta he can't win against Ted Cruz even with most of his funding coming outside of Texas.

A). You don't need a license to drive a car, you need a license to drive a car on public roads.
B). You don't have a right to drive a car.

>So is all this posturing just because white people are getting shot now?
No this is all posturing because they want to take guns away from white people.

What are you guys gonna do with your $1000? I'm gonna focus full time on music and buying equipment. No more shady torrents for me! Possibilities are almost endless.

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I'm pretty sure every big city in Texas wanted to vote for him. The big cities are leftist as fuck like San Antonio.

>we will replace you

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I'm going to give all of it to my landlord after he increases rent, and then suck his dick, because he and my employer still control my life.

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>Not owning your home
Haha sucks for you.

Back in the high life again

Most of the good old boys I know have a shitload more pistols and shotguns than they do ARs.

One of my favorite conversations I've ever had was about how two hammerless .38 revolvers are all you need to kill anyone below a rich man.

>Corrupt DA Harris
>higher than anyone




Cars didn't exist when the constitution was written, but I'm sure everyone considers the right to own a car to be pretty explicit so it doesn't need to be written into any form of law.

This is gonna fuck with boomers so bad.

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>unironically white knighting Ted Cruz on Yea Forums
Fucking yikes.



>hasn't hurt her favorabilities
Maybe not amongst Dems. But she has to actually win the election, not just poll well among supporters.

The police obviously.

Epic pol meme, lad.

Keep dreaming faggot. Most people will turn their guns in and maybe a dozen fat ugly retards will shoot up a mall



If that were true he would’ve beaten Cruz.

feels good

hes the comic relief of the election

The left all over the West is doom and gloom and "Hey vote for me, im going to raise your taxes"

>bribing families with money
>the goyim simply have too much money already! shame on them for wanting more!

I wonder who could be behind this post

Florence Pugh as Hillary

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fuck off /r/asianmasculinity ricedick

Stop touching things that aren't yours
Stop backing out of commitments

Racism is a bad thing. Hispanics, blacks, etc. have well funded advocacy groups that exist specifically for combating racism against their groups and leftists would utterly howl in agony and try to destroy the lives of anyone white who set up the same thing, but I guess the real hypocrisy is that some right wingers don't like racism against white people.