Why do jannitors hate board culture so much?
Why do jannitors hate board culture so much?
reddit invaded but will swear it's a good thing
Because they’re from reddit. They don’t understand board culture or site culture at all. I don’t even know why the fuck they came here.
Who cares? If no one else has to follow the rules then you don't either
MTFs from Discord are taking over the site.
>board culture in 2019
I shit on your so called culture.
What is even the source of this webm? What is the guy trying to block?
they've been having to work extra due to all the training needed with this new round of hiring so they're getting angry
If it'a off-topic it's not board culture it's just cancerous shitposting.
I'm not a pedo but I find cunny culture amazing. Take this webm for example, very well made. These guys are very funny.
>unfunny reddit nigger video namefag
yeah man ur opinion really means a lot dude!
I actually agree with this
Yeah OK kid. I hope you're 17th birthday is nice.
High in the Halls of the posts that are gone
Janny would dance with his trolls
The self worth he has lost and hot pockets he has made
The posts that upset him the most
The healthy weight thats been gone for so very long
He couldn't remember his face
They spun him around on the damp blue board
Spun away all his money and days
And he always does it for free
Always does it for free
He always does it for free
Always does it for free
You know when you ride a rollercoaster you can buy your picture? Some Chad decided to just take a picture of the monitor with his phone and the incel cashier flipped out.
It was a attendant who tried to block people from photographing their rollercoaster reaction pics after the ride.
it's all so tiresome
Based mods
What did you post?
I would be really mad if a mod called me an idiot.
The ban and 404 pics are heart warming.
And sad.
Wow some minwage wagie REALLY cared about nothing
Reminder that only redwood gives out these type of bans
I once got myself banned on purpose to look at them
most likely he said an illegal opinion since it neither links the post or points to the supposed rule being broken
Its saying: It has all come to this, the end.
They only hate/pol/, as they should
Don't talk to tripfags.
shut up resetera
>Got b& for saying nigger
Because they're not part of it.
hilarious and well made edit
love Yea Forums's hate
damn janny
yeah it was greggs
Nothing good will ever come from you looking at those pictures or posting them here.
Because they are balls of hate. That is all they know is hate. It takes a hateful person to want to be a janny.
Think about the pond scum that try to get moderator positions not just on reddit or discord, but everywhere online. It's the same people trying to do it here.
whats your name
Not Important Esq.
it's Not Important
>Because they’re from reddit
that was true, most of them are discord trannies now.
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts...absolutely
do they actually believe they can stop the power of the cuncun?
That webm of the girl talking about jannies had me roaring with laughter
>deleting Robert threads.
Why? They're harmless.
Why do all the horrible people come from Discord, Twitch, Reddit, and Tumblr?
Nunya Smith
Someone has to report them for them to even get the attention of the moderation team. Which means someone actually reports Robert threads. Let that sink in.
You were supposed to reply
>yeah it was in greggs
Well what was the answer?
the same reason they delete most threads. control
This. I dont support em but they obviously have a hand in making quality oc here
these cucks still don't understand the endgame