HoH: Nicole
Noms: TBD
Veto: TBD
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HoH: Nicole
Noms: TBD
Veto: TBD
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welcome to my kitchen, bro. what can I whip up for ya?
For real?
She's really going to do it, bros. The most autistic person to have any chance hell of winning is finally going to do it.
Dan Gheesling is my bitch.
I miss Kemi, bros
>outplays christie and cliff
Grab your shinebox kid.
imagine wanting to go to final 4 with a showmance lmao
based Holly who hasn't played a semblance of the game at all yet is so overly concerned with her image and how America is perceiving her that she throws the comp in order to demonstrate she's faithful and a keeper of her word, only ultimately for this act of altruism to set the dominoes in place for her and her showmance evicted. super based. we stan a game-changing queen.
as does the rest of america, which is why she's winning favorite HG
>newfag didn't watch ianb owl
I won't polish your shoes, but I can fix up some gnarly polish hot dogs, bro.
one designated shitting street special, please and thank you!
look at this pretty girl!!!!
Now there's a tummy
I want to fuck Kemi like the rest of ya'll, but there's no way she's winning AFP. Maybe America's (Most) Fapped Person
>moron cliff takes jackson to f3
>jackson handily wins f3 hoh, sends nicole packing to take home the cash
>tommy has poisoned the jury against jackson
>cliff wins
it's just that easy. student of the game.
tommy will champion jackson if he is sitting f2. very wrong post
> Her and her showmance
Nah I'm thinking just her
absolutely wrong lmao
>"Superfan" votes against the better player
It's BB20 all over again
Great post
Yo, bro...you know how many oxy you can get with $500K?
We can make you a millionaire in two weeks!
Ovi unironically looks good in that apron. He needs to grow his hair out a bit and buy some clothes that fit.
Jackson is going to be Paul all over again after fucking Tommy in the ass sideways.
Nice quads bro, also
checked and kek'd for the one and only, anal.
Cody was a retard who put someone in his own alliance OTB, had he atleast told them before hand it might have been less of a disaster, I do respect how brazen the move was to go after Paul week 1 tho. Monte definitely got fucked tho.
reminder anal was running the season until grodner paid jackson to evict her
/ourgirl/ can sit back and relax this week
Christie was the hottest and most desirable bitch in the house this season. Don't at me.
Jackson's social game since the six broke up has been really underrated. Even the people who would have wanted to put him up (Mistie, Jess) didn't dislike the guy.
fat boy suckin in that gut
After Cliff boots Holly next week, Jackson is going to introduce Quarky to the shower stool.
>forced to banished 4 people
>fucks the secret duo
>survives being target #1
>lives in the hoh with his girl
>saves his showmance to final 4
>outplays cliff and christie
toptier player right here
Honestly it's more about slimming the waist and accentuating the shoulders, giving him the appearance of a more masculine body shape.
quarky keeps tugging at her shirt trying to make it not cling to her giant bosom
me as the watermelon
awww look at that sweet, caring, beautiful girl
his social game was always good
he could have had david team up with him
which of the three watermelons?
all she is is a pair of tits
with a loving heart
WOW look at that fucking pretty girl!!!!! :)))))))
>It's another "start resume building on day 80+ and win against the unlikable guy" season
boomer sucking up to snackson, praising his mental abilities
this is why jackson needs to win
Just posting that Jackson is fucking awesome and I feel bad for Jackson haters
look at this pretty girl
she was looking super good tonight
as was kaitlyn
ofc the white/black combo i spoke to wasn't them but brent and aman
tommy going for an oscar
nicole looks like she regrets her decision
yep lol
I can't believe we missed this. Fuck Grodner.
last shitpost, lol at the fella who said i wouldn't be able to watch the live feed comp
>Cliff telling Nicole that if he wins POV he will keep Jackson but if she wins they will decide what to do together
>3/4 chance of staying
I like those odds.
apparently holly said she was going to throw veto as well? is this bitch really this honor bound?
cliff confirmed throwing
better chance for jackson lads
she was lying
punished cliff
a man with no plan
based jackson pretending to feel remorse for voting out tommy to manipulate the fans
he got fat in the house
he's relatable
cant wait for cliff and nicole to throw the veto
holly pissed she "had" to throw the comp
reverse survivord
Was Jackson's attack on Tommy as close to anything we have had to a gigantic game shenanigan since Dan's Funeral like the show hyped it up to be?
Is Jackson actually tearing up? Wow
all strategy
now THIS, tommy, is acting
damn jackson crying
>hes such a good guy
>i didnt want to hurt him
>i loved that dude
Jackson crying like a little faggot hahahahaha cry boy cry
wahhhhh wahhh wahhhh
jackson also knows tommy will be dead in a few years from the AIDS
Nobody knows. They cut the feeds as soon as Nicole held the house meeting
>wheres mama
tack on another $25k for AFP to that first place check
feel bad for tommy he is passionate about bb a true student of the game
>wheres mama
>wheres mama when i need her
holly going full mommy mode
Hot take, this is probably the best season since 14
Uhhh, does Jackson know that you can't win both AFP and the 500k?
Jackson has had his ass kissed the whole summer
based sneaky steve
god damn holly get your man his melon
>wheres mama when i need her
Lol jacksons going to have to put himself together
>wheres mama
okay jackson is based
Nicole is a manchild
She is a fugly blonde.
look at that pretty girl
holly is going to be one bitter old betty this week
Quarky looks a bit porky
is hogg regretting his decision now?
need more bog pics, bros
guys i want jackson to win, does he need to win this veto?
Cliff wants to keep him for some reason, so as long as Quarky doesn't win veto Jackson should be safe.
Haha that was my post. I'm happy it could be apart of your quads.
I find it amusing that kemi was kissing jacksons ass on rhap even after he targeted blacks early in the game
ew her whole head
based jackson crying again
he acquired mass, big difference
so will you when I’m done with you
cute pupper and qute quarky
you’re gonna make the yearbook too.
its honestly insane how christie and tommy got evicted back to back
best final four in how many season?? based nicole
>day 86: i've nearly been discovered but i remained calm. i blended back into the background. finale night is within striking distance. victory will be mine
wow look at that pretty blonde girl!
also, happy beddy boopski
bog is going to seethe and seethe about throwing this HOH as the week goes on. jackson trying to convince her it was the best thing for both of their games.
when did nicole start doing the autism voice?
excited to see it desu
night /bb/
>hayley's costanza face
>shiggidy diggidy my niggerdry
wowwwww wowww w-w-wow
gooble gobble, gooble gobble, one of us, one of us
yikes! bangs are her friend
The Red Woman without her necklace.
Hahaha. All these people in comments feeling bad for the gays overacting
Does Cliff ever shut the fuck up about wanting to fuck his fat ugly wife?
kino is back on the menu
Miss me yet?
nicolefags are fucking gay lol
Don’t worry, she’s winning AFP
Only if Holly gets evicted and f3 is actually balanced
imagine throwing final 4 hoh
When you think about it, evicting Tommy wasn’t that bad a move.
Holly sucks at comps, so regardless of the scenario, Jackson is the main competition in veto. And if Tommy got to F2, he’d be guaranteed the win.
Is this the coolest HG ever cast?
I actually think boss hogg is going to win AFP. Twitter is going to be dumb N-bombs as usual and split their votes between shitcole and Kemi like retards. Nicole might come out on top if she has good support from showfags, but I think hogg is the king there.
VERY cool dude
haha that cameraman is like
>you left this here
>and kicked out this
>this fucking season
rewatching that...
was tommy trying to immitate christie's one-note move?
>aww fuck. back against the wall
>Holly wins veto
>takes herself off
>thinks about what Tommy said about being her own person
>evicts Jackson
I like Michie, but this would be kino
>this delusion
And now what's actually going to happen
>Jackson wins veto
>Takes himself off
>evicts Hogg
>wins final HoH
>Kicks Quarky to the curb
>loses a bitter jury vote sitting next to a sentient blow up doll
this is false. every time he came up she had to mention how much she doesn't like him
Say what you will, I bet he's a great guy in real life.
Black Twitter is not America, sorry.
What is it about Twitter and Vine that attracted them like flies? They never had this kind of presence during any of the other online social trends. MMO's, the 00s blogging craze, myspace/facebook bullshit.
They're both incredibly short-form content, so minimal effort to both post and consume
So, just like Yea Forums
this place is filled with
Boss Hogg is tanking in popularity as of late, even with the moronic Facebook casuals. he's spent too much time pandering about Orwell and 9/11 all while undermining Quarky. He had a good chance for AFP last week but after this week, he's not getting it
If Quarky wins POV, Cliff picks who is evicted.
i dont get it lol
so jackson made a deal with cliff? how did that help them want to keep holly? why was this deal made?
holly made a deal to throw the hoh
right but i think cliff and jackson have some kind of thing, jackson will take cliff to the end, and cliff is planning on keeping jackson safe this week. i want to know why that deal came about and why nicole is okay with that and still went with evicting holly after a deal like that which doesn't help her
so jackson is guaranteed f3 because cliff is retarded
jackson said he would cut holly at f4. cliff and nicole are retarded and believe it.
I believe that Bog included throwing the POV as well.
BB22: Power Couples
Nicole and Victor
Paulie and Natalie
Tyler and Angela
Swaggy and Bayleigh
Jackson and Holly
Cliff and Nicole
Shelli and Vanessa
Paul and Josh
That would be OTT sweetie...
>No Christie and Nick kino
BBOTT was peak BB. BB proper is now BB Canada tier with all the unnecessary feeds blackouts.
>BBOTT was peak BB
100% in terms of what we got to see and the live feed experience.
And yeah I mean usually it's been fine but yesterday is pretty unforgivable, really frustrating
without a doubt
damn, bb20 was horrible compared to this season.
>ohhh me so solly nicore-sama
only because Paul lost
I hope all the normies get pissed off and cancel their CBSAA accounts and go with VB or BMX next year.
>implying Cliff isn’t just trying to convince him to throw veto
Evel Professor Dr. Cliff “Boogie” Gheesling-Levasseur is a student of the game. He’s got this
good tactics.
he's trying to convince jackson by telling that shit to nicole
Why does Peridiam have such a hard on for female players? It’s like he always roots for them no matter what.
I have no idea who you're talking about and wish you would stop
>chess piece avatar
We're a backgammon group here.
Cliff has been running this house and playing everyone the whole time
can you take your faggot fuck shit back to twitter and fucking stay there
>lesbian haircut
those twitter comments are beautiful. it's a game. michie's doing what it takes to win.
you're giving them too much credit they're playing go fish
I honestly think he's playing the weakest game right now and his only chance in f2 in holly which is why it's ended up this way. maybe I'm giving him too much credit
I miss her
I've become quite attracted to her.
God it hurts knowing my thicc jawed waifu is gone
she could chew water with that popeyesc coke jaw
honestly hope holly goes home this week. walks into round table and tells everyone she threw the F4 HOH and they all laugh at her
baaed bitter queen. shitcole is getting 0 votes if she makes it to the end.
is big brother 24/7 streaming nowdays? if not why
lol at Shitcole throwing a tantrum so she could get to final 3. What a insecure egomaniac.
Lets see
>nicole puts up hol and michi
>if one wins veto chlif goes home
>50/50 shot of michi or chlif going home
If chlif goes home
>nicole is fucked unless she wins hoh. She will take holly. If holly or michi win then nicole is dead
If michi goes home
>2/3 chance nicole or chlif wins. If holly wins she takes nicole. Anybody else holly goes home.
Final 2
>is michi is in final 2 he wins no matter what. most of the jury loves him.
>holly has worst chance of winning no matter what. Holly would only have michi's vote. Only reason she would win if chlif takes her over nicole.
>nicole wins over holly and maybe chlif.
>chlif wins over holly and maybe nicole. It all depends on speeches.
>michi 75% chance of.winning to loosing
>holly 10% chance of winning
>chlif 50% chance
>nicole 50% chance
Right now just on how things are now
>michi 45%
>chlif 25%
>nicole 25%
>holly 5%.
Holly only wins if someone else fucks up.
>no Brett and Rockstar
fucking dropped
It doesn't matter who Nicole puts up, General Autismo
Remember that final HoH happens quickly, so it's likely to be a memory comp. Michie is better at them than most people give him credit for, but Nikolai is pretty solid at them too. Holly is a joke at them
Christie fat lmao
she hopes someone what, rapes him?
>I hope someone fucks him
It's a bird; it's a plane. ...it's __________
the winner of BB21
I don't think cliff can beat anyone in f2 at this point. Even holly put in more work than him. I think the only person that's going to be bitter in jury is kat and everyone else is going to go with who played the game better, even jess. Michie beats everyone, cliff loses to everyone, and I think whoever wins final HoH is the pick between holly and nicole. I could be wrong on this though since everyone in this house is a farce of a player and it's like I'm watching the tick or something.
you say that like its a bad thing
awful reads
who cares what a random account says
thank you for this. i miss my queen :(.
the two ugliest f4s of all time
you now remember Tommy Bracco
how pissed is hogg going to be when jackson cuts him this week?
Watch this video of BB Canada to see why BBUSA eliminates all of its minorities ASAP:
fuck off
Reminder that a “man” made this post
>no amanda & mccrae
>BB21 is the only season where all minorities are voted out early
>half the fights in your video are full of only white men
Holy shit. We all know poltards are fucking braindead but I didn’t know it was this bad. How incredibly embarassing.
seething niggers
you clicked a link to bbcancelled. you failed the test that means you're gay
I’m a seething intellectual, stupidity hurts me, I admit it
Fuck, true
blessings to teh camera man for trying to zoom in on those lezzie tatas
LOL look at the HG ratings on Jokers, all of the stupid Kemi-fags are giving him bad ratings. What a bunch of sissies. Get over it, your girl fucking sucked at the game, she came off bitchy to most houseguests, if you can't fail to see that then you just hate white people
imagine being human and rooting for nicole
The feeds have been down for a decently long time, what's going on? Do they get a smaller table or? Nominations wouldn't take this long
its perplexing, isn't it? even jacksons cumrag is more likeable than shitcole.
have sex incel neets
i bet christie and nick have fucked no less than 3 times already.
what does that even mean?
she's literally championed by incels. no one else would want to spend a second with her.
that makes no sense
Cliff and Nicole are clowns. I just hate those kind of people who can't decide what's the best for themselves and have to defer to other people every time. Who the fuck would believe that Jackson would cut Holly, this is beyond stupid. What kind of planet is Cliff living in?
When Cliff goes to Jury and says "Jackson broke his promise to keep me and vote out Holly" they're going to laugh in his face
please...have sex
I like that he shit on holly during that clip. she was speechless and sat there like an idiot
Imagine the smell
a feat that could be accomplished in less than 5 minutes
the part when he screams "Holly" and then she looks up over to Jackson for him to protect her and extricate her from the fight is so good. that one second defines her status as a non-entity in the Big Brother household.
yeah bog is a dumb bitch, she knows that jackson is running her game and she can't even own up to it, she's going to be so fucking embarassed when she gets out and see's the show and the clips people made, she'll probably get plastic surgery to make herself look totally different so no one notices her
>you'll never have jury feeds and watch christie, nick and tommy have a 3some while jack watches
Jesus Christ, Tommy is second now
hahaha, yeah, what a dumbass, it would've been so much better for her to get voted out yesterday.
>oh no, i'm getting totally btfo'es and can't do anything about it? let's just cry and change the subject
why are these faggots still obsessed with someone as unmemorable as kemi
snackman would for sure get rid of her if it benefited his game. it just so happens that it doesn't
so this is the power of this 'fandom' huh?
i'm glad i stopped watching this shit
>jackson down 25% for pulling off the best move of the season, but btfo'ng a dramatic fag
it’s already pretty much done, just waiting to see if anything big happens
twitter made it so everyone thinks people give a shit what they think about everything; when in reality the exact opposite is true.
>you'll never watch Ian destroy cliff and jackson at backgammon
stopped reading after seeing these
"If you make enough noise..."
kemi sucked, was bad at the game and gave zero input into the rhap live show last night other than "I want nicole to win, i love her"
1. Blame production for casting her, not everyone is meant for this game
2. Blame Rob for inviting her, not everyone is meant to podcast
At least she didn't sign up for a fan vote contest to become a regular on the podcast and then win it purely because soi boys want to fap to her. Like somebody else.
wished they actually got someone like david who was 100% ready to make a move
she lost to thrift store aquamanlet
a desperate incel made this post
and the getting completely btfo by Big Jess
Jackson could still win this. If him or Holly after being put up on the block only him or Holly needs to win veto, and either of them remain as the one vote to send Cliff out.
Not to be mean but I think everyone pretty much realizes this
Yeah though, for sure rooting for one of them to win veto
as of now Cliff is keeping him if he wins the veto
Cliff for win his game has been so subtle the mongs itt don't see it
lol im from Jokers and here we larping as a bitter jury who can't appreciate actually incredible gameplay
>first clip is a black girl actually twerking
>next clip is a black girl literally doing the worst thing ever done in BB history by shredding peoples letters
>third clip is a Muslim getting mad some mixed girl made fun of his religion
>next clip is a black woman going inside the pantry and starting shit
Kiss my ass bitch *twerks* and go back to your Black Twitter safe space.
they have hard ons for the big douchebag and ugly sperg girl
It wouldn't make sense that Jackson would let Holly get voted out. Jackson wants him, and Holly as final 2.
you speak good
>jackson wins veto. BTFO cliff
>jackson wins P1
>quarky wins P2
>quarky wins P3
>murders the true winner of BB21 and takes holly
>Quarky is now winner of BB21
how mad are are you right now?
i'm pleased
wow look at that pretty girl!!!
Not directed necessarily at you, but has anyone here had sex? Jackson will cut old buzzard loose quick to ensure F2 AND have an active jury campaigner
>Nicole wins by everybody feeling sorry for her being a terrible player
Wouldn't be mad, but disappointed. Brats that do close to nothing wins! So sick of wimps winning.
Bye Jackson.
I can't believe I ever rooted for him. this is pathetic.
only bad outcome is Bog winning (so it's what probably is gonna happen)
I am not a virgin, and strongly dislike Nicole's floater style game play. Dispise weaklings. She has risked hardly anything most of the game. She's clumsy, and lucky.
The only reason she got HOH is because Jackson couldn't compete.
basically. for subcontracting her game to Jackson
yeah but that's Cliff's game at work
remember cliff dragged nicole to a final 4
I wanted a Jackson/Cliff f2. Is there any way this can happen now?
Are you kidding? It's based.
I love my BB characters to have a full range of emotions.
holly has to be evicted and jackson has to win in the final 3
its possible
Doubtful. Cliff loves Nicole like a daughter. Cliff might even sacrifice himself before Nicole.
yeah, Nicole/Cliff POV -> Jackson Final HOH
He was ashamed of hurting Tommy's feelings. That's still a reasonable reaction.
well he ant getting any milk from this dry old cow
I don’t care what a verified account thinks either
I have ascended my humanity
nicole is eternal
whos a better compbeast
christmas or nicole?
christmas, she won a race with a broken leg